Wednesday, November 24; 1926. THE | [TopaY and THURSDAY 1 ~ AMUSEMENTS iT oe the Press Agents 8 fay -- » AT THE CAPITAL. Constance Talmadge, 'Queen of Com | ody, Is Coming. }+ Constance Talmadge is coming | to town in the picture that thrill ot | even blase Hollywood. It I¥ "The Duchess of Buffalo." a ! gay story of Russia, in which el i {| Talmadge has the role of an Amer! ! = ONIGHT WARD MEETINGS NICKLE CAMPAIGN ROOMS '™ (334 King Street) i) VICTORIA AND PORTSMOUTH Every Man and Woman Welcome. -------------- (By Ie) SID FOX AND HIS SEF FOR SALE Highway Service and Supply Company, 677 PRINCESS STREET HARD AND SOFT SLABWOOD AND BODY HARDWOOD, Also HARD AND SOFT BRICK. (Any quantity). 4 'Phone 2706. _ We deliver. CHECKER Taxicabs Phone 800 Any piace in city DAY OR NIGHT Ne | t the RE EN ER ae to hear from the jean girl who wins stage fame | 1} abroad and plays havoc: with the hearts of handsome young officers oH Land wealthy noblemen. The picture | opens at the Capitol Theatre today With Boy Scouts. { Creating a sensation in a daring Only three boys were absent from | daxbée before a brilliant audience, the meeting of the Third Kingston [the girl attracts the attentipn of a troop of Boy Scouts at thelr ball | grand duke. who showers her with Fucaday night, and as these were all | jewels. But the dancer Is in love ! exe usable, it was considered a good | with a dashing lieutenant, and when | attendance. As the Scoutmaster is the grand duke hears of the affair {lea¥ing at the end of this month, Yt! he has the young officer imprisoned { has been found necessary to find an-| Masquerading as a grand duch- other man to take over the chxfge. ! ess and leading officials to beliexe The assistant Scoutmaster of the] { that her sweetheart is her'adjutant, | First Kingston troop has decided tothe dancer is lavishly entertained | take over the troop. { All goes swimmingly until the grand i . pe ee | duke suddenly appears on the scene 4 in the midst of a banquet--but in- : stead of demouncing the girl as an {ing eng.neer, is to report oR the deep | (0 cter he seizes the opportunity plans for the Cipadian |, vp, 0 pis unwelcome attentions upon her and them the fun starts i It is truly Connie's best. N ADERS : } Frederick Palmer, British coneult- | Wary { Government | We sell "Eatmor" Cranberries, the beaut variety, at Carnovsky's. | i i INFORMATION WANTED Information is invited by the fam- | ily of James Hamilton, farmer, | Joyceville, from persons who saw | Mr. Hamilton on the evening of the |, re an' enthusiastic audience which | fire "Which destroyed his home last]... 404 the Brant Theatre here last { Saturday, November 20th, and since |; oh: 10 the doors, William E. N | ] a. i which time he has been missing and | | Sinclair, K.C., Liberal Leader, drew i | { : ------------_---- SINCLAIR ABLE T0 FORM GOVERNMENT Should the Ferguson Cabinet! Cease to Function, Liberal Leader Says, | Natalie | taste Brantford, Nov. 24--Spesking be- THIEVES AT WORK IN UPPER PART OF CITY Unknown Parties Have Been Ransacking Houses in This District. lis supposed to have met death in the | vociferous applause "when reiterat- {flames. They would especially like |ing his policy that the will of the i motor car driver | People should prevail in regard to who is said to have assisted him from | {the O. T. A. the house. Please apply to Walkem | Disposing of idle statements that & Walkem, solicitors, Clarence street, | If the Ferguson Government was de- Kingston. | teated at the election the Liberal | party would not be able to carry on, | Mr. Sinclair gaid: "I can assure {you that if in the judgment of the] people the Ferguson Government should cease to function there will | be no trouble whatever in my form- 'ing a Government to the credit of the Province and to the satisfaction I DEAFNESS CATARRH HEAD NOISES A simple home treatment, which gtve permanent rellef, gindly ex- plalued free to any sullerer whe cares te write te H. THOMAS Deal, Kent, England At the annual Board of Gove meeting as of the King ston General pital held on Tuesday even Mr. H. C. Nicki was again el Bou} of Management. membays of the board Harold Davis of ha the The other "Feraside," are Mr vice-chairman, Mr. J : -- of the people." (Applause.) pifiissocad | TAXI cas Phone 400 Res, MISS LOUISE Beauty Parlor it Elllott's Barber Shop Sse Princess Street. 'Phone S81.w ar PS Pn COAL To make room we are offering ah 100 tons of POCAHONTAS QOAL to sell at $10.00 unscreened. $11.00 screened. A snap while it lasts. Carload Pea Coal, Good size to sell, at . 5 tom lots ..... AYLESWORTH BROS. Or "Phone U. RB. KNIGHT 1705-w. | OF DEC. 1st on M Campbell, Mr. A. Lingham, Mr John McKay, Dr. Frederick Bther ington and Dr. W. E. McNeill. FREIGHT DELIVERY i For Sake of Youth. MOTOR TRUCKS { Palmerston, Nov. 24--Premlier FOR BEST SERVICE TRY | Ferguson told two large apdiences of Northeast Wellingion electors J. W. LANE | here last night that in the -présent|.r Management the 23 York Street. 'Phone 2723, | el lection they faced the alternative of | .n¢ 2 | either letting their boys be stung by EN -- FLORENCE HUDON PRIVATE SCHOOL Of Musical Comedy, Acrobatic, Toe, Ballet, etc., and modern Ball- room Dancing. Taught in class or private lessons by appointment. the meeting wisted by th superintend the Ladies' Af the Nunses the the Alumnae, the bootlegging adders that move in| pursing and | the night or of supporting the Gov-| gealt | ernment's policy that would mean | | "no sale" of liquor legally to min- {of and which, he claimed, would | put the only adequate check om the | | fteit traffickers, "For", said the of | Premier, "they're not going to boot-| leg in this Province if I know it. I' m going to enforce this law, and one o the chief reasoms why I'm going to © SU pe | enforce it is because there are a tot | od 3 at there ---- yp salaried trumpeters around the| in th Wr's operation of 80 UNION STREET W. country who are saying I don't in- | Th gross expenditures were he | tend to. Why shonldn't this Govern-| 065.30, while th SS T¥ a {| ment be as conscientiously interest- { amounted to $181 29. {ed in and comgerned with this great The pew X-ray department "FOR ELECTION | Sem foes pos | ovo 'mtn Sirs | are getting so much a day to hear] partment hydr rothera themselves talk? ¢ wards ArRbOTY and tuber menddoned in the repost, and ha said that theee items were of great value both to the hospital and the medical ! F a improve ments "in the tubere such as ihe addition of balc con templated that when the new maternity tion is opened early next that the hospi will have pacity of 279 patients in the and private wards and isolation hospital. aud gemerally Ww faotey n the LO these mn T & hosp al management very det mite In its pmalse_o work done by the Ladies' Nurses' Alumnae kindred | ganizations and endent' had been 3 réport show a net deficit pve venues pharamacy, publ | ph | The Advanced Poll will be deld at| Father W. A. Flotcher of Pall Riv- a jtendent's | 852 KING STREET, on THURSDAY, ler, Mass, and seven nuns survived | FRIDAY and SATU RDAY, November {7a'ds made by "gangs of pirates on | 25th, 26th, 27th, and will be open {the steamer Waipol in China. They from 3 to 5 in the AFTERNOON and |S Tobbed and locked in a sma {from 7 to 10 in the EVENING. This | ' pomce P. Chamberiain, one of the {poll is for RAILWAY and STEAM- organisers of the Imperial Oil Com- | SHIP EMPLOYEES and COMMER- = of Canada, dled in Buffalo, CIAL TRAVELLERS who expect esaday . {in the course of their employment to iN. \Y.; on Tw night, aged seven "De absent from the city on the day [iY JOUr years. | for helding the poll at the coming Tdinruteb. Scotiand, to-day wel- tection. comed the premiers who have been w | attending the Imperial Conference. An agalysis of the medical _ Leondd Krassin, Russian Soviet| vice for the fiscal year shows that | ge d'affaires in Loudon, died | there were 4283 patients admitted this morning of pernicious anaemia. and 4279 discharged. included in AM hope has boen abandoned of | the number discharged, 2092 8 nr fis are geo month i ca- bs KENT MACNEE, Returning Officer. rescuing the miners eptrapped in a) rated as recovered, ,_§45 as improv- mine near Lethbridge, Ada. . [ed 147 deaths. Queen Marie and her children left The situation with regard-do ward New York to-day for Europe. patients shows that after al grants Volunteers Those interested in secur- MUSCOVITE BEAUTY SIMLES GREETING A jury of leading artists and beauty connoisseurs adjudged Barrache the prettiest of all the Russiams. That their | cannot be criticized is evident in this photo showing Natalie arriving in New York, looking westward with expectant eyes toward the C alifornia movie lots, {examined by an official from {has © od chairman of the $834.07 } $182} J.eague having finished their sche-| lend commence the schedule for the | The report further sates i 465; Boutliliar, 401; Mellon, | Godin, 389. Total, 1,983, . "RB" Battery-----Lesage, 458; ser. i are DAILY: BRITISH WHIG "BAZAAR THE TIME, 7 P.M. 25th November, 1926 THE PLACE, CURLING RINK, (Clergy Street West) Admission Free. 'Everybody Welcome. Orchestra. Dancing 10 p.m. * 1 from counties, the city of Kingston, | and other municipalities are con-| sidered, there is stil an estimated | loss on this service of over ¥20, | 000, This loss has to be made up, from donations from private ia.' dividuals and the interest earnings) on bequests, Kingston General Hospital was] the | Amemican College of Surgeons and put on the approved Hat | Wear. Hotel Dieu is also! among the approved hospitals, which | conform with the standards of the | American Colege of Surgeons, i for this | SPORT There was a good attendance ar | and =sports were sub-| chairman of the Board! Dividing the Receipts. MeGill, Queen's and University of} Toronto will each receive-34,049.31 from the match played at Montreal' last Saturday. The total receipts for the game amounted to $13,954 53. | Rugby Team Here The rugby squad of the Western | ur niversity which met at RM.C. team | is afternoon, arrived in the city | on the early train, this morning and | are staying at a local hotel. They! Il leave on the midnight train for | { London. i FOR WHIG TROPHY. The teams in the City Soccer dule las{ Saturday, will this week-| Whig "Trophy. The games for the! Whig Trophy are played separately from the regmiar league schedule. ee -------------------- -------- { BOWLING i Bowling games at the Venetian (Gardens yesterday resulted as fol-| OWS: { R.C.HA. -- Pugh, 408; White,| 320; Mil McKeyan;: 2,445. ler, 504; 442; Dodgson, 511; McIntosh, 530. Total, William Swaine, piano tuner | 'Orders received at 100 Clergy rem west, 'phone §64w. Keep your eyes on the humble! man. Perhaps be is lying low for the purpose of humbling you Consistency is a jewel Tien = dificult to counterfeit. ing the election of W. F. Nickle and willing to volun- teer the use of motors to carry volers to the polls on election day please commu- nicate with the Campaign Secretaries, Odd Fellows' Building, by letter or "Phone 3232 or 3231, stating type and capacity of car, Prompt atlention will in- crease the value of the kind- Be on hand at 7.30 cach evening to secure 'Bargain: oo TRIBUTE TO AMERICA'S As 108 natich paused on Foe a . emissaries of FROM ENGLAND 'S DOUGHBOY Arinistice. Day to honor those who died to make the world safe the British Government placed a floral wreath on the tomb of | the Unknown Soldier at Artingéon, Va. Left to right Seerelary Hopkinson, of the British Em- bussy; G Sorpt. Tizard, Capt. Faptond, the British naval attache, and an American infantryman olies always stop us.--Pele Mele, L HEAR Rt Hon. Sir George E. Foster AND Isabel McCorkindale OF BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA CITY HALL Friday Eve., Nov. 26 at 8.00 o'clock W. F. NICKLE WILL ALSO SPEAK. Enlightening discussion of great Provincial Problems. All Welcome Come YOUTH R Everyone Is Interested In The Weather WE ARE ALMOST SOLD OUT! # So fast have the sales and orders for these reliable little Weather Prophets come that you will have to get yours pretty quickly if you want one--and every home should have one. They cost only 69c Made in Canada--guaranteed A quaint hand-made Swiss Cottage Hygrometer that will warn you to take an umbrella, or when not to hang out wash This Oou food for a WEATHER $ r A rr 69Yc¢ PROPHET MAIL ORDERS 10c. EXTRA When the weather is fine the two children will be out, and when stormy weather is approaching, the witch will come out from 8 to 24 hours ahead of the rain or snow. An excellent gift. MAHOOD'S DRUG STORE COR. PRINCESS AND BAGOT STREETS TELEPHONE 519% KINGSTON" USES T0 RETREAT YOUNG PEOPLE'S 59 MEETING NON-POLITIOAL AND INTERDENOMINATIONAL 70 HEAR A DISCUSSION OF THE GREAT MORAL QUESTION NOW BEFORE THE PROVINCE Memorial Hall, City Buildings 'Thurs., Nov. 25th at 8:00 p.m. Charles Krug, Toronto University] Miss Beth Hitz, B.A, Toronto; J. Alex: Edmison, Queen's University. Admission by ticket until 7.50 p.m. Re m---- a Them. ia can't you two set-| a at of Sun! gp Poe We've tried to, but the v= Make It Wet. Customer: Give mo a bottle ot thi a amanions, Loadou, @ /