Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1926, p. 13

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG | Joh British Whig SIFIED ADVERTASING CLASSIFIED ' All aca sie restricted to a Proper « snd Ww Tegular ally Whig style of type Chabily LBL HATES: Dally rate y: DE ttions: Minimum charge, 36 ceuis Daily teier por Une ® GRIS «co stesas srseness 3 GAYS L.evva Toiepbone 248; ask for & want 84 taker. Charge Cash i gE) The First President Of 'Russian Republic * DEATHS. x ANLS--AL the Kin sapital' Nov. 4 n a 2 pm Interment at Cataragul Cemetery The Old Firm of Undertakers Lost and wound TH 1 BLACK EARRING=Found on Jobneo | Street on Sunda Owner may have same at Widg Office. BUTTON--One red and brown button found Owner may have same at ihe Whig Office BROWN WATER SPANIEL-Lost, Mar , Thurs. Nov. Isth. K sotify R. Wolsey, R. R. 3, Harrow. smith. 4 RADIATOR CAP---Found. on Well ton street Owaer may have same Whig Office. from inaly CUT FLOWERS WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS ATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE "Phones 452 and 1318-J. Alexander Kerensky in Paris. Novel Competition. The Court-of-Homor of the 1st Kingston troop Boy Scouts met Tuesday night at the troop head- quarters and arranged a novel com- petition between the Scoutmaster and the Patrol leaders, (whieh is to start at the Monday night meeting of the troop. The leaders will each endeavor to show that their indivi dual system of management is the best and the result is certain to nrove interesting. LIST OF THE CASES FOR SUPREME COURT Sessions Will Open 6n Monday Next With Justice Kelly Presiding. The following is the docket of the Supreme ourt of Ontama, which opens on Monday next. Hom. ' Mr, Just Kelly will preside. James C. Hopkinson we. Hyman Rosen. Plaintiff's ceim 4 for specific performance of an agree- ment. Conningham and Smth for the plaintiff, and Herrington, Warn- or and Grange, for the defendant. Frederick Charles Gray, vs. Thomas Jolm Defr, Wikiam Deir, { Jr., and WHind Deir. W. B. Mundie | for the plaintiff, and Rigney and Hickey for the defemdant. { Samuel Thompson vs. Pear] { Thompson, and the Bank of To- {ponte Plaintiff's claim is for an in- | junctiom. C. R. Webster for the | plaintiff and Rigney and Hickey for | the defendant. | Joba Angrove vs. Willlam Casey. { Plaintiff's claim is for damages. { Cunningham and Smith' for the | plaimtitt, and Rigney and Hickey for the defendant. | Weber Chimney Company vs. | Queen's University and Kingston | General Hospital. Balance due om an agreement. Cunningham and | Smith for plaintiff end King and Smythe for Queen's University ; and | Nickie and Farrell for the | Gendrali Hospital. | Motion asking to construe the las: will and testament of the late Abram Vanorder, of the Township of Kingston. To Have "Movies." The Commerce Club at Queen's | University have arranged to show i two moving pictures at the regular | elud meeting on Thursday. The first, dealing with packing goods for export, is suppiied through the courtesy of Mr. W. Mel. Clarke, Director of Commercial Intelli- gence for the Canadian Department how Capadian manufacturers sho { put up their products which are to be shipped to Canada's foreign mare kets, : The second picture is prepared by ia large paint manufacturing con- { corn, and shows the administrative side of the paint and varnish busi. ness. These pictures will also be shown at the meeting of the Rotary Club on Thfirsday. Hl -------- Death of Mrs. Stillwell. the death of Mme. Rupert R. Btill- well, wife of Rev. Mr. Stillwell, who was stationed on Cajaraqui circuit four years. Mr. and Mrs. Stillwell have been living at Uxbridge, where the burial took place on Monday. of Trade and Commerce, It Shas {girls' whistling championship and Word was received in the city of maybe a lot of hearts too, at the! "nm \Kanses National Livestock Show, | Wichita. The winning melody from her pursed wife's cooking threo times a day will LIGHT LEATHER GIOVES With black trimming, found at Outer Sta- tion. Owner méy BSve same st 33 Johngom Street. LADY'S WRIST WATCH--Lost at the Stadium Saturday, v. 18th, Finder kindly retura to Whig Office PART OF LEAD PIFE--Found between Bank of Montreal and Whig Office. Owner may have same at Whig Office. MM AND TIRE---Found, near Inverary. Owner may have same at Donald Sal- det"s, Inverary, Ont. SEVERAL FOUND--In the Stadium and grandstands fellowilng the game last turday. Apply te the Athletic Board of Control at Queen's University. TWO SILK SCARFS---One lady's and one tieman's scarf, left at Bion oh . Owner may have same at 108 Pine Street JEAGER SCARF--- And pair of white gloves, lost Tuesday evening, on high- way between Princess Street and Cate araqul. Finder please phone 3035-m. TR a 5 to $8 daily whea qualified Brickissing, Barber ns AWait- Act quick. Chartered EARN 6 auto mechanic, ing. Beauty Culture; pos me: earn while learning or write Hemphill School, Toronto. ' MAKE MONEY AT HOME--You oan earn $1.00 to $2.00 an Dour in your Spire time writing showcards. No oka- vassing or soliciting; we Instruct you and supply you with work. . Write to- day. he Menhenritt Company, Limit- od, 31 inton Bulldiug. Toronto. BN--Wanted by the Morntreal| Company, experience not essential; we train you. Good sal- ary and commission to the man that wii produce fair results. Correspon- dence treated striotly confidential Ap- ly by letter to {6 Albert Street, Remon Oat OUT OUR WAY. Js a Public Forum and a True Market Place BY WILLIAMS. SALESMAN---~Wanted to cover Easlern Section of Ontario for one of Canaga'a) largest advertising Specialty Iouses, with complete line, over 200 items | Man Weth experience in our line, or! advertising preferred, but only one with sales ability and undoubted Im- tegrity need apply. Must bave local cunneodon. Write fully to F. J. Tag- t, District Manager, 19 Eighth Ave, nto. Classified Dispiay W. KENT MACNEE! Writing All Kinds of Insurance. Brock and Wernington Sts. 'Phone 2051 - IN THE MARKET FOR FURNITURE aad STOVES Turk's Store PHONE 705. sHE'S ROGUISH Miss Helen Steele stole away the Hips was "The Glow Worm." The man who growls about his date 1859. They were made of nickel Help Wanted Female Help Wanted 8 CAPABLE MAID For general house- work. Apply $3 Barrie Streel CAPABLE WOMAN «= To wmke full] charge of household: good home to & good woman. Apply Service, Chrence Street. { family; quiet, comfortable nome. Ref-| erences required. Apply Mra-Marshaill, Elmtree House, corner Union Street and Alwington Avenue. HOUSE MAID--Wanted for institution; us be acoustomed to children Ap- ply With references to Superintendent, | Orphans' Home, Union Street. LADIES WANTED--Te do plain anaj light sewing at home, whole or ia | time; good pay; work sent any dis- tance, charges id. Send stamp for rticulars. National Sompany, Montreal. Agents Wanted Bal Ooh NV OHA travel and point agents. Yearly guarantee (being $31 weekly Average), 3 penses. Experience unnecessary. For particulars write Winston Co., Toronto. REAL LIVE AGENT--To sell Radios in full or part time. Experience unneces- sary. Apply Premier Electric, Lon- den, Ontario. Manufacturiog | 4 1081 ex- RELIABLE SALFS AGENTS---Wanted now for every unrepresented distriet; largest and complete stock. six hundred acres. Nursery established forty years. Our agency is valuable. Write OW aod secure territory. Pelham Nursery Co. Toreato. = Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats vi ! BRIGHT AND SUNNY APARTMENT -- nicely furnished; ali conveniences Ap-| ply 382 Alfred Street ' A Farms and Lands 8a ------------------------------ - 1290 ACRES-.Of good land, 3 miles north west of Camden East Land well watered and fenced. Buildings in good repair. % mile from school. close to R. R. cenire. ' leaving on account of Apply to Garnet Jeffrey, Houses ° BOUSE--8ix roomed, brick; 187 Clergy Street East; ecleciric, gas, I po bath. Possession December ist. Rent $22.00 advance; includes water rate. Also small house, 47 James Street, electri, Dec. 1st. Rent $14. SIX ROOMED FRAME HOUSE Elec- tric Nght, cellar, garden, driveway. $16 per month. 438 Division Street. Ap- ply 99 Charlies Street. SEVEN ROOMED-.Cement Block House , all improvements, on Sixth rated. $3500 F. Norman, § Pat- rick Street OOMED HOUSE -- Corner Colborne and Sydenham. Six roomed house, 58 Rideau Street, all improvements. Five roo house, 48 Concession Street Apely at 185 Queen Street or 'phobe -W, The int Indian pennies bear the th i Il ] 'rr Takes A THIEF #1} T™ CATCH A THIEF. JR ul 0 ER SR »£ Spee Fuel, feed 3 FURNISHED Or unfurnished heated, for light housekeeping. on bathroom flat; electricity and gaa for] cooking. Apply 478 Princess Street. Employment! yw BRIGHT ROOMS «-- Comfortably] Coiling Pe jutnisheq; suitable for light house | Tar HARDWOOD $4 0 HN I Ea y | COOR-GENERAL -- Middle-aged, 2 in| sonable. ; all convenleances. Price red- 354 Nelson Street. 'Phone 2508-m. ! TWO ROOMS--Newly decorated, light) housekeeping, every convenience; married couple preferred. 357 Bagot Street. SPLENDID SOLID BRICK HOUSE = | rooms | ANTHRACITE COAL--Stove, Chestaut The nul And stove at delivered. Car of pea coal arrived. UN the vars $11.50. Or- ders taken. Apply C. W. Neville, SWoud Sireel. Teiephous J3si-a and pea coal $15.25 from car, joad. softwood siabs, $4.06 Hard coke, stove size $10.50 won. ton. Peat §id®0 $3.50 a load a Bruton, 18% Wel Mixed © re 2440-w glon Street rd Wood, Ww. C 'Phone 2830 i LUMBER--KCugD and "dressed, also shingles and lath, saiin finisa hard wood fooring, all kinds, stovewood Resawing ana planing. J. Peters & Sou, corner Brock and Streets. Phone 2h. Johnson Street; convenient to school | coliege and cars Immediate ston. Apply to Dr. E. J. Lake, 2388 Bagot Street or 353 Alfred Su i i Real Estate For Sale | Farms and Land 13 185 ACRES - Good land, % mile rom | Sydenham. Lots of wood goed build- ings, well watered. Apply on prem-| osses-| GO TO TALBOTS PARKER'S WOOD ARD-- 660 Johnso oud aa LUMBER YARD. Concession sireet, for used lumber at $35 per thousand, new lumber and shingles, lowesi price possivie, hard and mired wood, soll and mix slaba Phone for prices. Fhone 3784]. Street, 'phone i438-J. For try Parker's. Best dry hardwood $1.75 bet load, mixed hardwood, $5.00; siabe 35.78. sca _James Scott, Sydéinam. | Houses 14 { $1,400 Bunghiow; 4 rooms; fe! ments, terme = $8,700--sirick, 7 rooms, mbdern, south. T'Wwe Farms--near city, would exchange insurance. Money to loan, Houses to lel. T. UQUNNU 1 361 Princess Street Phone 1188-J. | AMCs FOr Dale Miscellaneous 18 ANDIRONS ~~ Fenders, fire goresnss- everything for fireplaces. Partridge Wire and iron Wor ver, nickel, eto, King SL. Phone 388. BEATIN BARN EQUIPMENT.Now isl the time to INEtAl & manure carrier for the winter; also water bugkets and| stauohions. Churns, Washers, Pulmps, | De Laval Separators, Harness, Blaok- ets apd Robes. J. F. Cramer, 31 Brock Street. 'Phones $88-) or 1317-L SHIVK=--Stock, pressed, Rug Rustlq wire cut, bulMing tile and drain tila A. Neal, $34 Johnson St "Phone 304). GERMAN POLICE DOG) months old Apply at Barver Shop, 515 Princesy St POLICE PUPPIES -- Cocker Spaniel Puppies Water Spaniels, Coliles, Fox Terriers and French Poodles = Apply Muller's Kennels, 371-373 King Street. 'Phone 1%§1-w PIANOS TO RENT---We will rent you a Plano for six doliars per month for a petiod of six months At the expira- tion of the six months we will allow ail montes paid as rental to apply on the purchase price of the plane. GW. , dad, 121 Princess Si FURNITURE. Antique and furniture sold and bought M. Cram- of, 387 Princess t. SuCcesmors to Lesses Antique Shop. M. Cramer Wishes to announce that his plant is mow ready for the werk of siivering Mir- mrs. He guarantees a first class job Al reasol e rates, and solicits a trial 'Phone 2610. moderna SWAIN'S WOOD YARD W. HH, TALBOT-Concession # 8, plating in si} 000 ~ POULTRY We are now open to buy all phone 3120. NR SR | BALDNESS--4s a matter of choice BRULEE PRACTITIONER - Lucy i | The wood-yard' operating thelr own b Phowe B616-w and save middien . profic Mixed and soit slabs aiways on hand. iy W. H. NORMAN Wishes to announce the opening of a new Coal and Wood Yard, 9 ontrecs Street. Reason. able prices Hardwood, per load, $3.50; hardwood siabs, per load, $3.35 Mixed Wood, per load, 34.00; Softwoud Slabs, §2 Deilvered. 'Fhone 1549-L treet, has best of hardwood, $3.60 quarter Also mixed wood and siabs of the cord All Kinds, & good Wlock of lumber and | best of hard Peahsylvania coal Ipenty hundred for a ton. Phone | 3 a zo ROR Wanted To Duy classes of live or dressed pouitry Highest chsh prices paid apd prompt returns. Write or phone for prices to The Froatenat Produoe Ce. fia 331 Wellington Street, Kingston, Unt. Teles sulty produced by the use of my pre. paration in Canada and U.S.A. during the last year have demonstrated its efficacy beyond aoubt The most skeptionl have been convinced Write for appolsitment. Jos. H. Winder, * O Box 23%, Kingston. Marcell cess Sirests. Chiropractic ments, electric treatments and b massage. X-ray Service tion free. Evenings b phon 833-J. tas intmeat. Office Registered Nur Birees. 'Phone #i-w. urs #1 1-5. §-7.30 Coasulistion 3 189 bry | Hard pea coke, $7.09! Torente | TRE | Sa ants _ {RADIO SERVICE , A} corner of Barrie and tne | flours 9-13 am, 1-§ pm eles | moe 'phones §67-J. i P. and Jeunle A. Chire-| 308 Bagot | Business Services i Barristers an Solicitors = 38h [CUNNINGHAM & SMITH -- Bartisters | And Solcitoas, 78 CO = son. ABO aT Or MM. Smith _ Ea A { Barristers and Solicitors 21h | DAY AND REV Solicitors, 5 Ciareace Sarest, and sion A E Day. AGH I Kung Morigages wrcanged 'Fhone 0 HERRINGTON--Barr i or and Netar eT | ton Street. 'Pi Whew, REYN 3 tor, Brook | ranged 'Phone 350 1 a i Ladies' Han rarior » i i $16.00 Neil A. 8. anGESBUNY, : | 309 Priscess biureet. Paous ad] Ak ast CLANS i Wmatioha bobbed curls, aw PUCIRE, SiLgOIng. Ouril Children's aair outts aingham, is Bay Telephone 2990 'FRENOH MAROEL WAVING Water Waviug, Round | Curilag, Hair Bobbing and | Facial ana Scalp Jreasment. attention given to Hair Dyeing. | ® ftaer, 381 Yueen Street. por aps olntmen. phone 2016 = wine BE ng. ag sireet, i Auctioneers Sha. AUCTIONEBERS--Expert service, rile charges We can sell any ny anywhere, aay lime. Fhone 891 Murray's Auction Rooms, Market Square om & Insurance | i i | i | =» i {ERNIE D. SLITER-<Insurancs Broker, | all branches of lusuranees in old i companies of highest np noial at . #1 King bireet Hast 'Phosss Res. 1121 | FIRE--Automobile and Casual | ance. BE. M. Crumley, 420 Ea: | 'Phone 1isd-M J. B, COUKE~=Life, Fire, Accident and Sickuesa, in r ble. companies, dis trio. manager perianal Life losuranos Phones: Office Svi-w. Hea 1731-m - 1nsurs Sireet compan represent . Strange, established in 1560 ioe: Clarence Street, opposite Post Dies 2 SR RRC ol { Decorators A. ANDERSON=-Falnier and Decora Shop and realdence 'phone 1966. fice #53 King btreel. GET YOLK PAINTING--ADd pAper done, mew. IFrices reasons | paper for sais Herton, 86 llag. | Woud Steet Fhoae 984-J. {INSURANOE-Only the most we'd SIGN PAINTING. 5 Robinson, rest "ih bagot St FRUATENAC LOAN AND INVER | MENT SOUIETY ~= loverporeted 1861. Presidest, A. I Cartwright vice-president J. M. Farrell Money loan on oily and farm properties; ia vesimeni. Bonds buught and sold de. posits received and interest ° m num rig lt, me 8 STOMA GE-=For furaiiure, clean, Alry rooms And pads, Four owa and key. dross OG Borage, 306 Quven BL Fhose 536. Mes Bie or 1833-J. d | uorws sTORAGE WARBAO US iio ! [Urniture or any meccost dies. ire proot bullding. 'Facne 10we or 1ATE | ASMES---Cioautd out of oceliars and 24 Russell sitet. Phone 3358 ------------------ « new Muosiconoly and loudspen ker its now, Canad table ay § we OO EL Levi Only sso Raglo $.0Tes. Expery. Plane Tuning, Player-Pikne AQ)Usting Phone 1844. CW. LiAusAY, LIMITED L UPHOL T MIN GAG general repalis ng. bemase wderg Si or drop & oan to 4. W. Harel, 04 Clergy Suresh PFaoue 1606 -J. = - Re- | KINGSTON ALTO TUF AND BODY OB Makers of Auto, Hug). Bom Tops and Cushions Commercial Sedaly Coupe bess, Calilornin T a = hoistering Awnings re a 37 King mreet. 'Phone 3946. Auto Wrecking Co. One ton Ferd Track. Also sil hinds of Second Hand Automobile Farts for ail makes of ". second Hand Tires. all sises «= price $4.00 to N00, KUSEN & POLLITT 'Prone TE-w. yards,' cua job done. A MaclUregon olan Qo Barrieer and Solith etl. Me 3 ah ty and farm | T PERMANENT WAVING AL WORN 4 ai Napoleon Heo#éise, In New Orleang, to which friends of the famous gen- eral "planned to take him after ef fecting his rescue from St. Helena, is offered for sale. Napoleon died be- fore the rescue could be accomplish- eat any old thing with relish whea he is camping owt for a week with a stag panty. . made of bronze. G Some experimenters of the near| The first municipal public con- uy 3 east are trying to transmute base! veyance was used in Nantes, France| wait, ineve CTY Sis in We" ou metals into gold by formulas found |in 1835. A few years later the om-| Ring boaiCa wee in ancient Arabic manuscripts. aibus was introduced in London. : » p-- a end this substance was used until 1864, Since them the cent bus been Auto Tops an Cushions 16a LG PA for sew or paired. Side risine, Slip Eoves Metal furniture manufactured hi : the United States is finding a ready Following recent floods on the market in tropical countries where Amason rives, greet herds of croode ft farnishes Detter resistance to dies infested the river banks, snd | nite ants «nd other insects than one man was reported devoured by t Iehre reptiles. ? the wooden Lype. 0 ie # su BY GEORGE m-- McMANUS i 8 YOU KNOW FER DO ASI

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