Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1926, p. 2

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SNE PN SF FURS A Ie RE v vx JOHN KAY FUR COATS OF ALL KINDS 2 = x Y SRE IA Raa i NG r Fe EF XPE LIMITED THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG The OTA. And Government Control By Fdwin H. Burgess. ARTICLE NO. 1. Is the O.T.A. eny good ? 2204, speakiag at Kemptviite, Pre- {mer Ferguson said: ey [tor 2 4 Premiér Ferguson that has | platform, mot Mr. Nickle. We have 80 many men in our legisiative Malls mr Bp BARGAINS-HERE.L- On Oct. lad a revolt against the real pasty | "No one will argue for a mo- phat crush down all convietions and | ment that the Ontario Temperance | Act has wot dome great good. We | know what it bas done in this litle lcommunpity. 1 know what & bas {done ia many other places. I has removed distress from many & home land taken from the hotel doorstep {fhe fushriate and hanger-on. who was [WAMPOLE'S TASTELESS | ~ EXTRACT OF COD LIVER Pleasant to Take--Use ful In Checking Colds. Branigan's s Drug Phone 18 flontreal Mother Finds Health in Tanlac/™:'.2 menos, Appetite and Weight, OCouldn't Sleep, Suffered Terribly from Digestive Troubles. Famous Remedy Relieves and Rebulids Her as It Has Thousands of Others. If you feel your health slipping from you; if indigestion, nervous- sleeplessness, loss of weight and appetite and falling strength are sapping your vitality and mak- dug you miserable, profit by the re- markable experience of Mme. Emery Brassard business woman and mo- ther of eight children, whose address is St. Andre and Beaubien, Montreal. Bhe says: "For the past The odor Jt food sickened me. 'would frequently have such pains in my side as though a knife were going through me. "I couldn't sleep and lost weight strength, while my complexion sallow. Reading how Tanlac After faking seven bottles, I feel as fit as | ate effective remedy, twelve : | had relieved others, I tried it. 1 ever did. pounds. I have gained "1 cannot express how grateful I 'am to Tanlac, and gladly recommend | Tanlac-- two rs I had been a nervous wreck. was unable to attend to my busi ness and household duties properly. 1 i to anyone who needs a tonic as 1 id." Thousahds of fortunate men and women are now enjoying good health nd strengtB-through Tanlac, made from harks, roots and herbs. Don't wait until good health leaves you, to try! this Iasicing. Ask your druggist for day ! RADIO! RADIO! RADIO! See our window for Special Prices on Radio Sets. Your chance to buy your set at a bargain ! Come Quick and Avoid Disappointment. The Saunders Electric Co. 167 PRINCESS STREET. TELEPRONE 441. For home or office here's a light. That you will find will serve you We have a variety of adjustable jamps from which to choose. And we will show you electric fixtures that will meet with your ideas of good taste and utility. You'll be surprised how economical electri- pity will help you to enjoy dife hh you will but give it the opportun- Christmas Fruits Now Ready Island Roll Butter, 1b... a Cleaned Currants, 1 1b. pkg 18¢ Choice, new Sultanas, 1b. 25¢, New Broken Walnuts, Ib. . 55¢c. LIVERY, BUS AND TAXI te On xtept Monday and rp pos pom. ores "Sreaiad rates 40% motes Tae QuEEN yrueer A ttt | Everything Must Be Sold! All of our CUT GLASS has been MARK. ED DOWN TO LESS THANFACTORY | the | {in to the wholesale dealers, increased { But he also says it bas ' of business." Hitries. A very competent authority, res efficiency and general output of {industry. Raliways and other large | business organizations have stringent rules against the use of alcohol. No {one wii deny these things." | What 8s the ploture?! First, we {have & man who has become a slave fof drink. The kind father, the affec- |etonate husband, has become brutal- { tment. His wife and chiddren dread his coming home. They tremble when hear bis footsteps at the door. uently they aré subjected to in- end abuse. The wife discourag- . heant-broken. The children ne- id. Much of his earnings, that for the necessities of life, drink. Then the shame A drunkard's ad for disgrace of #& all A drunkard's ohild beats hanging around places where Mquor is sod. No desire for work, Light Shines on Scene. But in that picture, as in the Rembrandt paintings, a light shines from above. The Ontario Temtper- ance Act comes on the scene. ' Speak ing of this Yet, Mr. Ferguson says it has 'taken {from the hotel door letep the dnebriate and hanger-on who was a nuisance as well as 2 menace to soclety." If his words mean anything they mean thal through the O.T.A. these poor dere- licts have been rescued From the slavery of drink. H#® tells us that the Ontario Temperance Act has re {moved the distress, caused by drink | trom many a home. The drinker has once more become a sober man, an affectionate husband, a kind father a good provider. And a little money {is being laid by for a rainy day or towands the purchase of a home of their own. Is not the law that does that a great thing, a blessed thing ? Should we not hesitate before we do away with it ? Benefits Industry. But the Premier also says: "It haa undoubtedly increased the efficiency and general output of industry.' What do we eee here? Men have jopped drinking, and money that went to enrich the liquor deal- ors is now going to provide grocer jes, meat, furniture, clothing, and #0 on. 1 see increased orders going orders to the factories. Some who once were drunkards are now HRid- ing homes of their own, and that helps the dumber merchants, the hardware merchants. And # all means incfeased employment for our workingmen. As our pecple throw off the curse of drink the home mar- ket is enlarged; the wheels of in- dustry are increased on all sides. The Premier is right when he says that the O.T.A. has increased ihe general output of industry. 'undoubt- edly increased the efficiency" . . It is the ploture of the sober, olearheaded workman doing | more and better work than when he was befuddled by drink. It is = re mot only of a large home ket but of a greatly increased export trade, because our manufac- torers are in a better position to compete with those of other cbun- Fisher, professor of econo- mics in Yale University, tells us that at the lowest estimate prohibition, with all its shortcomings, has added | 000,000,000). The great majority | of Canadian manufacturers are loud | in the praises of the O.T.A. Ani Mr. Ferguson says "it has undoub:- edly increased the efficiency and gn- ort output of industry." il if $80 i T j 1 ST | 3 i : i i 3 i i blindly follow their leader, whether | right or wrong. Therefore, we can! of his convictions, who cannot be! bought nor sold, who holds up ht { bead amidst all opposition, and! proves himself! a man. "AlN bopor to wen who are. willing to sink fresdom to think, And when they have thought, be thelr cause strong or weak, freadom to speak." - Let us not forget that what these brewers and distillers want is not the sobtiety of our people, but big divi. Ly, decency and the general pros- the degradation of children and the loss of souls, In my next article T shall deal deal with the reasons given by Pre mier Ferguson for seeking to scrap the O.T.A. in favor of government control. - PICTON TN -- -- Tilley of Ottawa, who collapsed on Saturday night while attenamg a postical meeting, §s the eider som of Mr and Mrs. Charles 'rulley, Blisabeth etrest, Picton, end hl: many old schoolmates and friends here wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Arthur Cook of North Bay spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H In. adey. At the Board of Trade Olah uncheon on Friday evening dast at he Globe Hotel, Mr. E. M. Young gave an interesting address on his 'Travels through Panama ana Cali fornia," last winter. Professor Weld mi had charge of the community 'aging aud the evening was thor- ughly enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Emest Wright and family were recent visitors in King- ston where they were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Mabee. Wiliam Haylock is abie to be out again after a cpofinement to the house of several weeks owing ww a'severe fall from a rool. Drs. Whiteman, Publow, Light hall, Walmsley and Heaslip attend. "THE HAT STORE" Half Price Sale of Ladies' Hats! Beautiful winter creations on sale in our Millinery De- partment at half their regular price. The chance for a bar- gain in Ladies' Win- ter Hats is now offer- ed. At regular prices our styles and values are always hard to beat and our showing includes an immense variety, including Trimmed and Talloved Hats for all occasions, And now prives are cut in half or to less than half, which means _ Beautiful Hats $1.95 to $6.00 This includes almost our en- tire showing---it includes all Hats, regular up \to $12.00, Our Famous Felts $1.95 and $2.95 Thé popularity of the Feit for Half their present repute for the! Who will sink the other half for the | dends, even at the expense of sobrie- | J perity of our country, associated with | the tears of broken-hearted wives, | Picton, Nov. 23.--Controdler C. J | appreciate one who has the courage | Men's § Shirts 1:29 Clearing a group of Men's Fine AT 39. mask Table Cloths. ro TRIMMED HATS Regular $5.00-88.00 Clearing at $2.98 Parisian Shop 322 BROCK STREET :2 dozen hemmed, Cotton Da- 40 inches. Some slightly stained. Thursday ......... 39¢c. each ed a banquet of the Bay of Quint: Medical Association at the Obert House, Trenton, Met week. Dr. Besain of Montreal and Dr. Austin of Kingston gave papers. Mrs. Frank Wager is visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCaw wens host and hostess on Nov. 10th et a dinner party given im homor of Mr. McCaw's mother, Mre. Ellsabeth MoCaWw, #t being the occasion of her ninety-third birthday. Only mem. bers of the family were present, in- cluding * MeCaw's grandohi#l- dren and grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Ciifford Cooper and little Dona spent a fecant week- end dn Napanee, guests of Mr. and Mm. Walter Hyatt Mrs. Mills of Toronto has been a guest with her daughter, Mrs. J. de C. Hepburn and Mr. Hepburn, Main Mrs. Frank Stanton and children of Detroit are spending some time in town with Mme Stanton, BHia- beth street. 5 E. A. Pearce spent fast week in Toronto and Hamilton on a business trip. Nr. and Mrs. J. S. Earle eft on Monday morning to spend the winter with their son, Charlies Earle, In Victoria, B.C. A ROTARY CLUB IS FORMED IN NAPANEE George Gibbard Is President-- Olub Formed by the Kinge- Doolan. club, Howard McKim, president of fhe Smith's Falls dud, Roy Ward jit i 5 1 by Hil H English Percale and Broadcloth Shirts at a remarkable price! These . have Double-Wear Cuffs and some have Collars to match. The colors are guaranteed fast," and. the size range is complete from 14 to 161. Your choice paetty stripes, in qual formerly priced u An absolute bargain in more! ®, of a fine display of ity materials, to $2.00 and ~ something that is most suitable for %., the Christmas gift season. 10 dozen in the group, to clear at the one price ...... THURSDAY $1.29 Size 40 x Speakers put particular stress on living up ¢o the Rotary principles in every day life. Rotarians "Sandy" Burrows of Belleville, "Jack" Eider end "Duff" Evans of Kingston, the Believille Rotary choir and J. G. Daly of Napanes, provided the eam- tertain ment. The directors of the Napanee club in addition to the executive officers are Wilfrid Wilson, Willam Grange and J. Laughland. Others members of the cluh4noiude: W. G. Cowle, A L. Defoe, G..W. Gibbard, M. P. Gra- ham, W. A. Grange, J. Laughland BE. J. Miller, J. G. Daly, J. F. Rod #ia, J. E. Robinson, W. R. Tanton, Cyril Waite, W. 8. Willson, W. M Wilson, J. B. Wilioughby and C. W. Walters, PLENTY OF GAME Was the Fortunate Luck of the Kep- ler Hunters. Kepler, Nov. 223--Arthur Smith and his brother, Thomas, have re: turned from their 'hunting trip and report plenty of game. George Lee has also returned from the north country. Albert Tolls finished up threshing in this neighborhood Mr. Prentice, Glenburnle, is mov- ing on Mrs. Jane Lindsay's farm here. A number of the members of the W.M.S. attended the Woman's Hi Missionary rally Thursday last. at Cataraqui om Kepler was also well represented at the Eilginburg tea meeting, Wednesday night. O. V. Hansen, wife and daughter motored to Millbrook, on Wednes- day, to visit friends. Mrs. A. Orser is visiting her daughter, Mrs. G. W. Keyes, Wolfe Island. John Wartman wife and daughter, Newburgh, were recent visitors at H. E. Johnston's. James Lindsay accompanied them home. Wellington Orser and family spent a day with Mrs. Mary Young, Sy- denham, recently. Ross Wartman AT 49c. 100 large size, fancy Jacquard Turkish Towels, with Po bor- ders in Rose, Blue, Mauve, Gold. On Sale ............ 49¢c. each "SHOP WHERE YOUR MONEY GOES FARTHER™ D. A. SHAW, Limited Kingston's Carpet Warehouse. The Always Busy Store. | Rented to May 1st, with hard- | wood floors throughout. Six rooms, furnace, electric, 8 plece bath. At $3,700, $4,300 and $5,800. Good locations. Drop up and see me and I | will tell you all about them. BUTLDING LOT Albert Street, 83 $400, 8 SnD Ny 98 Sor ---- Houses for remt. \ . EW. Mulin Real Estate and Insurance Cor, Johnson and Di Sts, New 'phone numbers 588 5885 and 540, For all kinds of Insurance SEE OUR J. B. SAMPSON tn rt rata and family, with H. Wartman and wife, motored to Newburgh this week. English is being taught over fhe radio fn Japan. Recently the in. structor, in a lecture on politeness, sald the best way to learn suoh ex- pressions was to bump inte Baglish# speaking persons in the street, then bow smilingly and remark "I ¥ your pardon." sie BESTS AMERICA'S BEST Secretary of the Navy Curtis D. Wilbur felicitating Major Mario de Bernardi, Italian airman, after he set a-new se aplane speed record of 246 miles an hour im defeating the Na foremost pilots in the Schneider Cup Race at Hampton oa Va. By de Bernardi's vietory, lialy gained permanent pos sion of one of avialion's most cherished trophies. In the Teele other the winning plane is shown banking around the home pylon #

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