Wednesday, November 24, 1926. ¢ Gowns; all English makes. to $30.00. 213 Princess Street. Dressing' Coats and House Gowns We are ready for the Winter and Christmas trade, with a choice assortment of the newest in Dressing Coats and House DRESSING: GOWNS patterns. Priced $12. HOUSE COATS from $7.50 to $12.50. SILK DRESSING GOWNS $20.00 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY ! George Van Horne CANMAOQLE COAL ARRIVES TN LONDON pointed to an Eastern Parish. , Gemsnogque, Nov. 24--W. T.| Sampson has received a cable from bis sister in London stating that the "Maple Leaf" coal arrived and is now safely stored in her cellar. Wiliam Davidson. Brock street, ss returned home after eeversl weeks visit with friends in Kingston, Watertown end Colebrook. | Mrs. Harriet Potter is undergo- ing treatment im Hotel Dieu, King- ston. | Parishoners on Howe Island and {in Lansdowne have been busy for the past couple of days delivering heaps of chickens for the supper in {the Lyceum to-day. { It &s rumored that Rev. Father will shortly leave Gananoque be appointed to an BEautern ah The réverend gentleman has all shades and 00 to $18.00. Lo "Phone 362-w. i |B ------ HANLEY'S | (Established 1871) Steamship passages booked to all parts of the world. Pass- ports arranged. Througn tickets sued over all] Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pscifie, Alaska, Bsrmuda. West Indies, Mediternen h Round the World Steamship | Propaid passages arranged for It ~= | always been very popular in Gao- anogque, not only among the cou- gregation of St. John's but also with all other creeds. | The Boy Scouts are studying dili {gently for a play which will be ] < futare in the N inexpensive trip to | given in the near Scout Hall Albert Cole has returned home af- | ter several weeks in Western Can- | ada, and very much pleased with his trip. Chief Chevis has come into pos- «session of a fine McLaughlin Sedan during the past few days. {| Mr. Hugh Davis 'has returned | from his week-end visit with friends { in Syracuse. Rev. Father Ryan May Be Ap-| during the glorious Fall season--on one of the luxurious CABIN CLASS Shi you desire bring relatives or | friends Tron For full particulars apply to ot} write J. P. Hanley, C.P. & TA, CN | Riys, Office, Canadian National Rlys. Station, corner Johnson and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ont. Oper day and night. "Phones 99 or 2837 1,000 miles of ine Plano Tuning, Repairing and WEATHER DRAWBACK | TO THE FARMERS 'a Number Have Been Unable to Do Fall Plough= ing. Stella, Nov, 24.--The oontinued wet weather is keeping a great many of the farmers from finishing their fall ploughing. The Perry tedephone Player Plano Adjusting. Normans Convenient direst service to ireland--ne transfers staff, who have been working on the H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. ¥nes here since spring, left on Fri- 'PHONE 184. Dr. Vincent A. Martin DENTIST Bventags by sppeivment. 272 Princess Street. "Phone 108 "Summer sailing list now available" Apply local agent. J. E. PARKER General Agent Ocean Traffic C.P.R. Building, Toronte PAPER HANGING, PAINT- ING AND GRAINING Walnut and Mahogany Gralning YOUNG, RED wi ED. YO! FEREET in pk ry day for their home im Napanee. .It is expected that they will finish the work pext season. Residents of Amherst Island re- grat to learn of the death in King- ston on Thursday night, of a for mer resident fn the person of David Hinton. The late Mr. Hinton resided in Stella for a number of | years before removing to the city. He followed his trade of shoemaker, | being located in what is mow the | telephone exchange building, end {| was respected by all, who knew him | He 1s survived by his wife and one | daughter, Mrs. H. K. Flison, George J atreat. imeston, The cheese factories located at Stella and Emerald have closed their Gas, biliousness, heartburn, dyspepsia, and | similiar lils will not trouble you if you take | Seigel's Syrup. Any drug store. doors after a very successful season | Many who have a surplus of cream | ere shipping to the Kingston Cream- REAL ESTATE For Sale or Rent--116 Barrie St. Lots, all in best jocations. Oak Park Farm, 133 seres, well jdogs. * Out of the 932 Kondon poncemen| accidentally injured while on duty | during the year, 115 were bitten by | ture, stoves, etc. | eries Ltd. W. H. Preston, well: known auctionegg conducted a very successful sale of household furni- for Frederick | Addis on Thursday last. Mr. amd | Mrs. Addis are leaving in a few days equipped, B niles west of" King. sion. Lake fro Insurance in ai its branches. KINGSTON AGENCIES. LTD. . 708. 67 Clarence Street. J. 0. RUTTON, 'Mgr. AGL can rely on SHILOH... (LY A) HOUSE WIRING AND REPAIRING ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Satisfaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices. "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. 'Phone 04. BUCKWHEAT NO. 1 OR SPLIT PEA For Spencer and Newport Furnaces, $9 per ton delivered. Pea Coal, $12.50 per ton delivered. All Sales for Cash. SOWARDS COAL Co. TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: MeGALL'S CIGAR STORE. -- 'Phone §11. SPECIALISTS Featuring . HUDSON SEAL "W.F. GOURDIER 78:80 BROCK STREET i =x to consider are: Will the O >| of a few weeks, have returned | for Rochester, N.Y. Quite a num- ber of our radio fans tuned in on the McGiki-Varsity rugby match held in Montreal on Saturday. R. P. Saund- ers purchased a horse in Toronto | fast week. It came by CNR to King- {stom and the steamer Brockville to | the Isfand. i Considerable interest §s manifest | on the Island over the forthcoming election. Two candidates ave jm the field, A. M. Rankin, Oonsetvative, and Dr. Edward Ming, Liberal, O. T.A. The chief questions for the i! T. A. be maintained; or wil On- tario come under the government | control system, which is Ja vogue in ll | some of the western provinces. All | eyes are foeused on the old Lime | stone City since the Hom. W. F that constituency. December 1m will tell the tale. Mr. ema Mrs mma Alen Instant, the bride and groom to Kingston after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Instant Mr. Instant" is & member of the crew of the C.S.L. steamer ' Maple- ton, Irwin Tugwell, contractor, Is constructing a breakwater for the Nedflson Company. Mrs. D. Caughey, Jr, is spending a few days In the City with her brother, who is iil. Allen McGuinness expects to leave in a few days for New York Oity where he has accepted a position. | MARRIED AT ADOLPHUSTOWN. A Couple Formerly of Bath Were at the Altar. Bath, Nov. 22.--Rev. W. G. and | Mrs. Swayne spent a few days this | week visiting friends at Smith's | Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smith {and family, Kingston, have moved into part of the Toplit! property on Main st: and have opened a meat market. Charles Haselton, Cobourg, was married on Tuesday, to Miss Hazel Hawley at St. Alban's rettory, Adol- phustown. Both are former resi- dents of this village and the best wishes of their many friends are ex- tended to them. Miss Mary Davy, Kingston, spent the week-end at home. McGuin, Kingston, spent a recently with his parents, 4 Nrs. William McGuln. Faber Covert who underwent am operstion oa his fool, in the Hotel Dieu Hospital, Kingston, last week, is progressing favorably. Mrs. Covert Is spending several days in Kingston with him. The dathce Bell In the Mason! | Nickie has entered the contest in} THE _DAILY BRI er AT MAPLE GROVE. eld - at the Church Last Week. Maple Grove, Nov. 22.--<Thes tea meetizg held in the Maple Grove church, on Wednesday, and Thurs day evenifgs was a decided success 1 The supper was up to the usux { mark and the Programme put on by {the Kingston talent was appreciated by everyone. Those who contribut- od were Mr. McVitty, Miss Elliott, Miss Pringle, Mr. Dixon, the pasto charge, and home talent, Elmer Hamiiténa and Donald Abrams, also {an orchestra from Gananoque added much to the musical part. All are glad to see C. Bell home again after spending several months fu the West. Mr. and Mrs. Hum- phry Todd returned home on Sun- day after spending a week in Beile- ville with their daughter, Mrs. Jos- eph Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. George Melard, Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Clad, Gananoque, spent Sunday at W. BE. Clad's. William Hamilton received the said news on Saturday evening of the old home at Joyce- ville being burned father missing. Mr. and Mrs. Jane Bell spent Sunday at Harry Me Cain's, Front Road. Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Kingston, spent the week-end at Osbornd Abram's. W. BE. Turner is| confined to his home {il of rhenma- tism. after his recent illness. Ford Bel spent Sunday with friends at King ston Mills, Tea Abrams, HELD A GIFT SHOWER. For Miss Rawlinson About to Be Married. Silisville, Nov. 22.-- We were glad to 'have our pastor, Rev. Mr. Stain ton, with us again on Sunday. He gave a very fine discoarse, his sub ject being "Temperance." Miss And it Can Be Served in Dozens of Different Ways \ WIR Ok Jell-O it is dessert different. canned , bes, raisins . fronts and 25c. Send me post paid your six jelly molds and a frees copy of your recipe book. down and his | have beén removed Wilfred Clark is out agaip | BUS closing their fishing for this | busy this easy to make perfect the eye and tempt the palate. More--Jell-O offers dozens of opportuni for variety. You can serve Jell-O'many -- always with the same Jell-O quality, yet each Jell-O comes in six flavors. Each of these flavors is delicious when served simply as a ciear jelly, or, when whipped to fluffy light- ness. But, that's only the beginning! Each of the flavors may be served in dozens of other ways. Combined with fruits, fresh or Pudding. . with berries . prunes, . . with whipped cream - with sauces. No feat of JID denen growing monotonous! And it's the same way TISH WHIG IF ToMACH 1s TROUBLING YOU Instantly! End Indigestion or Stomach Misery with "Pape's Diapepsin" . As soon as you eat a tabl& or two if "Pape's Diapepsin™ your indiges- tion is gone! Heavy pain, heartburn, flatulence, gases, palpitation, or any misery from -a sour, acid stomach ends. Correct your stomach and di- gestion for a few cents Each pack- 'ge guaranteed by druggist. Annabella Dickson is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ross VanDyck, Conway. Miss Dorothy Merritt was a recent week-end guest of Mrs. Holden Rob insoun. The Conway choir met at the home of Miss Hattie Rawlinson, whose marriage takes place this week and presented her with a gift shower. Mr. and Mr: Edwin Ma- gee spent Sunday eveWing with Mr and Mrs. James Bird. Mr. Argue, Deseronto, and Hugh Milling were callers through this locality this week. The government trap nets from the bay, season. Mrs. B. M. Charters and little danghter, Almeda, spent a few days in Ottawa recently William Hough entertained Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mellow, Sandhurst, on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs |" We are giad to! Kingston's he Home Furnishers Js TAS SIMMONS BEDDING WEEK Walnut or Oak wood finishes. perial edges. To Use Cathedral Basement. Quebec, Nov. -24.--The redemp- torists at St nots that some of cur earnest tem- | use the basement of the new cath- workers, have been week, working for {emperance cause. perance the | Absence cards accumu with Jell-O ts--desserts which always please Jell-O, So healthful, very | edral now bei RE construc { ligiou s services. It i no relics were is stated that lost in the recent fire e. Anne de Beaupre wi nn! ted for re- TTL Hor TIVE. 21a ld YI RIE 1: EL ald Fd LLB vir var Sh TAN A ob dl re FYIY EY LY Ll] iy Me I Rl aL CL ™ HLH (4 HET Pr HEE ¥ » | Elid - (4 (1 4 ie 1 J -- Simmons' Special Outfits All Set Up in Grand An ray on Our Spacious Floors. THREE PIEC ye FOR THE PRICE OF TWO-ONLY $35.00 SIMMONS' BEAUTIFUL ALL-STEEL 2" CONTINUOUS POSTS oo Your choice of ALL-STEEL NO. 80 SPIRAL SPRING or ALI-STEEL WOVs EN WIRE with heavy cable sides--soft SIMMONS' ALL-FELT MATTRESS n 1 resent, . 8 art ticeng, wa JAMES REID THE HOME OF PU "RE BEDDING Three Burned to Death. Gilldert Plains, Man., Nov. J.--= Mrs. Steve Latowski and her two fmall children were burned to death by a fire which destroyed thaiy home when an attempt was made to light a kitchen fire with gasoline. es the ploture post. * salads, meat and fish salads . tempting and appetizing when prepared with i Misery loves company. but not| A rousing time is likely to ooous iany more than happiness does just before breakfast pr JE LEO ALWAYS HN) Sa PNT Hit salads. Fruit salads, vegetable . all are more too. Jell-O requires very little digestive effort and contributes valuable energy and nourishment. flavors are: . §¢ . with nuts, dates, We are Hall, on Thursday evening. in aid of the Public Library, was a decided sateess. The pupils of the High School held a dance In the Masonic Hall on Friny evenidig. ¥ trawberry, Cherry, Vanilla, Pineapple, and Chocolate Jell-O which makes wonderful kitchens at Bridgeburg, Ont. near Bridgeburg, come and see Jell-O made. You will be very welcome. Buy several packages of your favorite flavors of Jell-O from your grocer. The famous Jell-O Lemon, Orange, spberry, 0 Jell-O is always the some high quality. Dampness or other climatic conditions never affect Jell-O. The seamless, water proof, air- tight inner carton protects the flavor indefinitely. -proud of the beautiful Jell-O If ever you are These Molds Add Extra Beauty to Jell-O Jell-O is always beautiful and tempting. But these Jell-O molds add exceptional attractiveness because they were de signed by experts in table decoration. They are specially made of durable sluminum. Send six fronts from Jell-O packages and 25c. for a set of six Indl vidual molds. We will include free, the famous Jell-O Book of Recipes. Use the coupon, ~s