Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Nov 1926, p. 8

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: { : THE DAILY BR * | Ld ITISH WHIG NEWS care ~ AND \ LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE Womag's Page Editor Phone 2618 { wili spend the week-and with Mrs. |B H. Youhg, Gore street. Mra. James Pligrim, Sydeabam, Puvate Phono S5Tw. ® Ld . Dr. Galloway, who has been | town, retarns Db New York today. {Anti is spending a couple of ; | Weeks. vis Miss Louise Barnes, Toronto, is and rv Diss ia Turagte visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. Evans in * os : : | His Honor the Lisutenant-Gov- i ernor 'of Ontario and Mrs. Cock- shutt and their daughters, leave Miss Caroline Mitchell, . Wiliam tao imine ot bridge this Toronto on Dec. 3rd for Ottawa, to { be the guests of Their Excellencies 2 sn. {the Governor-General and the Vis. Miss Harriet Gardiner, "The countess Willingdon at Rideau Hall Chestawts," will spend the week-end | ' ... #a Toronto. { Hon. Narcisse Perodean, Lisuten- Y . 8 8 | ant-Governor of the Province of Mrs. B. H. Young, Gore street, en-| Quebec, and his daughter, Mrs. d her mah jongg club on Frank McKenna, accompanied by day afternoon. ¢ > se | tawa next week-end, the guest of Miss Dorothy Chapman, Toronto! Their Excellencies the Governor is the guest of Dr. and Mrs. G. W.| General and Viscountess Willingdo. - Mylks, in Kensington. | at Rideau Hall ; - » - ! . "A tournament for the Young cup| The Girls' Fellowship Club of the 48 going on at the Garrison Badwin-| YYW.C.A. gave a splendid sale on fon Club this afternoon. | Tuesday evening in the parlors of -. er . | the "Y." These business girls never Mos. . 0» Joseph forget those less fortunate than { Col. D. B. Papineau, will be in Ot-! : 1 fe £1: {i the rest of the toilette | whim. The effect is produced with COral, { varnish, 't say things about himself. Finger nails to harmonize with is another | black green, blue or ivory | which is applied to the | nails with a tiny brush. The half ! moons are left untouched. The new | finger nail sets, consist of half a dosen tiny bottles, each containing | 7 Many a man's reputation for truth- fulpess goes lame when he begins to GALLAGHER'S TAXI mow seRVICE 960 25¢ ANYWHERE IN arTXx DAY OR NIGHT ALL 7 PASSENGER SEDANS | sufficient varnish for two applica-| | tions. Then there is a large bottle of | | fluld which is guaranteed to remove | | all traces of the coloring when des-| at ten on Tuesday afia--| themse'ves and yearly work to | make pretty anticles for the sale! | they give to make money to send Brats, King swoot. | for ber guest, Miss Joan Glen, | % 8 Sw this week. eptortained at the tea hour on Tues. ems, Montreal. i Mrs. Hunter Ogilvie, Toronto, en- ~ Queen's Varsity game. & . 0 ; dance at the Venetian Gardens to- "night; tor which the patronesses will | | baskets of good cheer to those for Miss Katie Bermingham, ter-| whom Christmas would be a sad burn," who has been in Winnipeg | time indeed if it were not for kind and Mismeapolls, is expected home | people who remember others On | Tuesday evening the visitors were . | pacaived by Miss Georgina Bttinger Mrs. Fergus O'Connor, Earl street, | Wes Mytrle Stagg, the president ot | the club and Miss Myrtle King. Miss i day for her guest, Mrs. Frank Stev- |: | and the fancy work table { OMve Drury was convener with busy corps of assistants. The pretty aprons were in charge of a com- mittens convened by Miss E. Shan- | non and Miss BE. King was convener | of the homemade table. Refresh- ments were served in the office at a prettily decorated table presided over by Mrs. I, H. Breck, Miss Hagel MoCune being the convener, A moet enjoyable programme Was given. Miss Rentou gave a plano number, Mies Pear! Nesbitt, Miss B. Ettinger also played, Miss Eleanor Alea, Miss Kathleen Eliott, Miss Logtie Sanders and Miss Hyrtle Stagg sang The proceeds were very satisfactory. - . . St. George's Hall was the soane of a hrthday party on Tuesday even- ing. The AY.PA had sent out tasolnatitig Metle bags of silk. imto whieh the visitors were t0 put as many cents as they had birthdays and bring them with them to the panty. They were received by, Rev. C Grey Eakins, Mr. Ted Pafme, the president, Miss Jean Matthews the secretary and Miss Eleanor Lyons, a past-president, Yon did not get rid of your bag at once. You bad to tind the table that hore the name of the month you were born in end then deposit the - bag. The tables | wore each decorated suitably. Jan. wary with snow was in charge of De Suptived to Snow Mat! Miss G. Tavener; February, of Mie : . w Hida Kershaw; March, of Miss « Sach is a roibedy which Is sands pre Metthows: April, of Payne Brothers: at bome in just a few moments.| May, was arranged by Mrs, E. Har cheap, Fly Joe Tetults Uoually Sny-| ington; Juve with its roses, by Mies i Eleanor Lyons; July, by Miss Gar. EE radian ah rigan; August by Mf. Ted Payne it is pure and and September, the wonderfully ! 4) ounces of Pinex in a 168-05. .javer table with a replica of the i m fill it up with plain i=: oo Industrial Exhibition sugar aprup, or clarified ney, Kingston ndustria > you make 16 ounces--a family grounds, with all the wwusements costi Bo more than a small and of a few more such as a fady Ds really | 1AKIDE a high dive into a tub of water, a Ferris wheel, etc, ofl Tun by electricity. This corner was the tertained for the Hon. Burke Roche of Victoria, and Mrs. Roche, sister of Mrs. Ogilvie. y » Mrs. Charles McKay and Mr. and Mrs. Lionel McKay, Wellingted street, will go to Toronto for (ie . The Newman Club is giving a bo Mrs. Fergus O'Connor, Mrs. Am-| Brose Shea and Mps. A. T. Hughes x » BW * Mr. R. H. Davidson, Clergy street, who fs in Toronto, will return home on Thursday, bringing his piece, | Miss Mary Bickford, a daughter of General Bickford, Buffalo, N.Y. wiih | L Mrs. Harold Drinkwater, Orillia, and her children, who are with Col. and Mrs. W. P. Wilgar, Mack street, You m spot ree centre of 'attraction and #he booth stops EE oat won the prize. October with the renin Wars; Novouter . charge of Mrs. F. Ward; Novem ad bronchial of Miss M. Clark and December of : tra pumpkins black oats, etc, was in coms the Parke brothers. A tish pond was | | Nellie Shortt took the entrance fee! Misa | a) i brown feit hat, and right is An apricot-colorea velvet evening coat, the necktand panel of gray fox and the sleeves embroidered with strass. | { | { 2 Lower left is a two-tomed one of the new velvet models. : ' lege, from Halifax to Victoria. Prince Bdward Island alone had no candidate, so its bursary was given to the : second candidate in: New Brunswick. Of the nine bursary- holders, four are boys, five are girls; their ages vary from 16 to 19; all of them are Canadian born and the children of Canadian born. All have been selected with great care by the various provincial committees of selection. ---- That ' already the price of eggs has gone up so high that people are asking for recipes for eggless ples and cakes. There arc many excel- lent dishes and dainties that can be made without eggs and we will try to secure some of them for our readers. That our Canadian holly is very beautiful this autumn and will make delightful decorationd for our homes, It lasts for some time and is lovely in a tall brown jar of a brass bowl. That fur hats are to be worn again this winter, The smooth furs are very becoming and are being much used. For teas the big hat is worn but for bridge and mah jongg parties the smaller shapes are more conven- fent. Four women and four big hats around a small table take a great deal of room. Successful Sand Hill Bazaar. A very successful bazaar was held at Sand HI Church on Friday after- soon apd evening, Nov. 19th. The tastefully decorated in lattice work of red and white, while streamers hung from the walls and ceflings and various tables. There were seven tables in lad, an apron and towel table, a | judges. A red and white candy booth | was in charge of Mrs. W. Morrison | and Mrs, F. Clenashan. The refresh- y Ont. : | monts were in charge of Miss DD) | Eleanor Lyons and were served from - {@ table decorated with hg g holding white amd Te or Coughs he, ae CER "sopch-and-take" table and a mis- lslonary table were along one side of the basement, and a home-made cooking table, a fapcywork table and an joe cream amd candy table along the other side. The tea table, in the centre, Jooked very pretty. A good crowd, who were received by the president, Mrs. Fred Scott, attended the sale of many beautiful and useful amticles in the afternoon, and after - lvisiting the tea table a number re- Ht! St. Pagl's and Sale, school room, Thursday, Nov. 36th, 3 to 6 p.m. 10 cents. iil Song recital, Catherine Wright, contralto, Convocation Hall on Wed- pesday, November 24th, at 8.30 p.m. "Tickets $1.00. Lg {dered by Kimgston and turned home, only to come back a couple of hours later to spend the evening. A much larger crowd was programme which was rem- Brewer's Mills talent. After the programme a Jarge number retutned to the base ment, where refreshments were served, before returning home. The ladies were very pleased with the bazaar, over $200 being realized. present in the evening to hear the} Pee - 1. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE i Institute Formed at Ernesttown. Prospects' indeed look very bright for the newly-formed 'Ermesttown branch of the Women's which was systematically organized | under the able management of Mrs. | James B. Miller, Napanee, district) president, and Mrs, A. P. Youmg,| Bath, district secretary sa we home | of Mrs. Frederick Hamm on Friday | afternoon, Nov. 19th. Forty taces | were to be seen "in friendships | circle bright." The afternoon opea-| ed by singing '0, Canada," and the repeating of the Lord's Prayer im| unison. Then Mrs. M#ler gave an] interesting and thorough address on | the "Institute under the following | heads: Origin, development, motto, | { work, and programme. Those pres- | { ent were in favor of organizing al { branch after hearing' the above! | mentioned paper, and hence the | | election of officers followed. The | exeoutive unanimously chosem com-| | sists of Mrs. Frederick Hamm,| | presittent; Mrs. Joel Kellar, 1st vice- | president; Mrs. Edward Smith, 2nd vice-president; Mrs. Herbert Laid-| | ley, secretary treasurer; Mrs. Wal. | ter Hagerman, pianist; Mrs. Gordoa! IL. Young, press reporter. The In-| | statute being duly organized, the of | | ticers took their respective chairs, | | and a short business meeting fol-| | lowed, after sing the National Ode. | { Membership fees were oollected,| | twenty-seven ladies enthusiastically | | joining. It was voted to hold the | | regular meetings the first Tuesday | of each month at 2 p.m, and Mra | Hamm is again kindly opening her| home for the first meeting on De-| cember Tth. Mrs. Miller gave 3 splendid paper on "An Institute Wo- man" The meeting closed in sing- ing "The National Athem." The lad- jes were socially entertained by our| hostess who served delicious re. freahiments. The afternoon Wag brought to « happy ending by a vote of thanks being tendered to the district representatives for thelr good work end to Mrs. Hamm, and the singing of "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" dn Mrs. Hamm's honor. i CHIC CHAPEAU £ rr Near the summit of Mount Institute. | jest, climbers have been > fall from sunsiroke, though the' was below freezing. 3 fred. | | Powdered Glass Beautifies. - | Powdered glass is being used ex-| tensively in beautifying ' the new | English evening gowns. It is applied brocade-wise to a shot broche of shimmering silver and blue or silver and green and produces an effect | much softer than beads. Women Secure way of solvi t hygienic problem - offers true protec tion; discards like tissue SHEER gowns and ill-timed so. cial or business demands hold no terror for the modern woman. The insecurity of the old-time "sanitary pad" has been ended "KOTEX," a new and remarkable way, is now used by 8 in 10 better class women. It's five times as absorbent as ordi- mary cotton pads! You dine, dance, motor for hours in sheerest frocks Without a sec ond's doubt or fear. It deodorizes, too. And thus stops ALL danger of offending. Discards as easily as a piece of tissue. No laundry. No embar- rassment. You ask for it at any drug or department store, without hesitancy, simply by saying "KOTEX." Do as millions are doing. End old, insecure ways. Enjoy life every. Package of twelve costs only a i THE FRANK ROBBS BEAUTY PARLOR The New Nestle Permanent Hair Waving $15.00 Full Head Lanoll Circuline 88 WELLINGTON 1 Street, Phone 578J. Sprin JOSEPH ABRANSKY SSONS LTD EEA TR Cuticura Talcum Unadulterated . Exquisitely Scented ENR -- We are Headquarters for all kinds of LINEN Linens for making up Christmas gifts, sheer'and cambric weights. | yard wide, at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and $2.25. { Round Thread Linen in 5 different qualities and all widths, 18, 36, 45, 54 and 72 inches, for 35¢c. to $3.00 a yard. Oyster and Italian Linens, 18, 36, 45 and 54 inches wide, at 35c., 50c. and $1.25 a yard. - Colored Linens, | yard wide, for 75c. a yard. Art linen in all widths. Fancy and plain Hucks in a wide variety of patterns, from 50c. to $1.19 a yard. W. N. Linton & Co. THE IRISH LINEN STORE a THE LINDSAY PLAYER PIANO ! h i sf i { ft i ' Complete with Bench and $10 worth of Music Rolls. ] os L¥ PUBILRLLGL pn lS Sb ma S85 8 séusees ) i531 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON L

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