t IASHING Daily Wy LL 1 ONT, BRITISH wa LIMI FED, KINGSTO BE vesdesnshriianee te the Editor are same the actasi of the tion of The Brith Whis The etreula SS anisendcused By the Audit Hureas oF 'WHERE ARE THE DISREPUT. » ABLE MEN TO GET THEIR LIQUOR? ries The more one tries to follow Mr. Howard Ferguson's changing views _ om so-called government control, the | more confused one becomes. One | d@8y he is talking about not wanting £8 be Premier if the O.T.A. is to re | ain on' the statute book of Ontario and the next he blandly assures the public that the changes he proposes ae by way of amendments to the OTA. : ] The mos. naive observation so E far, however, is that to the effect ~ fhat the new government control [ Seheme will do away with the boot- | | Jogger. Experience has taught that government control in other pro- Minces has not done away with boot. fogging, but despite this Mr. Fergu- still persists in telling the ejec- that his method will eliminate evil, 'Mr, Ferguson states that only 're- Putable people will be given licen-| #88 to purchase liquor. Where, then, the disreputable .people to get r Hquor? lage is to be taken out of the cate r -- p---------- cin harbor these two absolutely con- | Times that 627 miles of the Swiss tradiciory ideas withoui percéiving |Féderal railways havé been alectris the contiler sir Fr re SOR RE a ' The sale'of intoxicants as & bever- | a oS a Being unmarried is the way to die | #6try of crime, and made legitimate ; Guickest, statistics show. Evidently and respeciable. It is to become one Delng married is « more lingering of the government services, Hike the (and painfu] method, comments the | delivery of the malls, Then the On- Brocksilie Recorder-Times. tario Fovernment as party of another pr -- service is to educate the youth of Hon. Robert Forke is planning a the land against the evils of the stuff | ¥isit to Britain and the Continent thus suppiled by the government it-|€ariy seit summer im comnection self. { with a scheme, on which he is now The teacher will have a hard task. lengaged, to bring more and better He or she telis the class that alco- | Potties to Canada. .v hol Is a very dangerous thing, hav-! \ 3 -- {ng certain bad effects on body and | Statistics that in Montreal mind, and in excess likely to cause fully twenty-three per cent of the moral weakness and crime. A pupil children placed' In institutions are very naturally asks, "Then why deserted Ly their fathers. In .forty- does the government sell it? Why five per cent the mother was left will the government give me a per- | destitute. A tragic showing mit to buy it when I am 21 years of | age?" No answer can be framed that | would satisfy a boy or girl whose mind is not confused by political exigencies. show Miss Macphail thinks that mar riage should not end a woman's career. There are a lot of old fash- toned peopie who still think, says | the Ottawa Journal, that it is the { beginning of her real career. WHAT GOVERNMENT CONTROL; MEANS. The Washington Post hears that ithe treaty betweem Canada and the That vastly more liquor will be | United States may be qualified to sold--4liree or four or perhaps ten | permit the United States Govern- times as much. ment 0 have a fleet of destroyers That there will be more drunken- jand rym chasers'sn the Great Lakes. ness. { The paper thinks the change might That the small bootlegger will | lead to serious trouble, for armed find an easy source of supply. | vessels in the hands of ° indiscreet That crime, poverty, and domestic | officials may easily embrodl friemdly unhappiness, and all the accompani- nations, ments of the legalized liquor traffic will return. That the brewers and distillers will make more millions. i That the clock of temperance re- | form will be turned back for twemty{ . _ = a roses Iraported invasion of Amariea by eh That the ground lost will take ry of Scottish immigrants. 4 years of effort. i "According to a Glasgow newspa- iper, there are at the present time 140,000 Socotsmen ready to leave Scot- land for America. Is this not an ex- jtraordinary number ? Only 6,000, 'At the meeting of sewing groups powaver, may enter the United in London, Ont, Ladies' Aid the States this year under the quota | women discussed the likely prospect law. Is Canada in a position to ab- {of greater distress of the kind they |eorb this veritable army of settlers are trying to relieve if the easy buy- who desire to come to this continent? ing of liquor methods displaces the {It &s hardly probaple. x For the oe O.T. A } mt the people of Scotland seem : : Ito prefer to seek asylum with Uncle Mr. Ferguson evidently foresaw |g. m rather than in Canada, But this -effort of his proposed policy |Sentoh immigration is very desirable | when he conceived the idea of a Scotsmen are vigorous, economic and Wives' Complaint Committees. He they make good farmers. But can says in effect that when a wile We place them on our land under knows that her husband is spending jeomdutiond erent 3 grog vie Tr them, siiter in } Cities Or home-neoded money ou drink or that ih the rutal districts, ail the. worl when she foresees the destruction of they witl require ? Unless the Gov- her home or the wreck of domestio | 0 ane give more Protection to our happiness through the grip of the |pjg industries there is small chance drink appetite she may make a com- [that business will become active en- plaint to a police officer or some ough' to cope with intensive immi- | gration." | Quebec Viewpoint TO SMASH THE O. T. A. | such official who will forward it to Toronto to his Complaint Committee who will look into it and maybe do ------------------ _THE DA weeeesed | To have a voloe of such exquisite | swoniness and power as tam of] Gathorine Wright and t0 be able to use ¥ to Sheth end co charm Is - a God-given hiesiang. This young! Kingston gird, who Las come back | w us from New York, Das been beard with pleasure wmway dimes | shee ber return to her home, and on Wednesday evening she gave a recital on Cofivoestio= Hall which drow both oid and new friends who love music. The, recital was under the auspices of Queen's Ams andi Lecture committes, which bas other offerings in etore for se this season Fresh and ghiish is Ostherme Wright's voloe for aM the beauty of technique shown jo Ms manipulation Her chest tones are rich and full, but abe does not stress thelr beauty unduly as so meay oontralios do, but lets the pure tones of her middie and higher register have Tull play She has temperament too. and ons feels that in a few years sho wil be one of our great singers. fer first group was 'compossd of OCerman songs, "Zuelnung"' (Stranss), Die Lotos Blume" (Sohumasun) "Der Tod and das Madchen,' (Schubert) and "Standchen," (Brahrs). She was given a double encore and sang a love song and & Brahms number with a splendid accompaniment by Mrs. A. R. B. Willlamson whose work during the evenihg was fine. A modern Russian group began with a song of the steppes' by Gret- chaninoff and her two follo numbers were "Lilacs" and At | Night" by Rachmaninoff, both very beautiful songs, beautifully sung. | i ILY BRITISH WHIG FARM FOR SALE" A first class farm of one hun- dred acres, within one mile of the highway and village: ia a good neighborhood; splendid dulldings: over ninety acres of excellent geil under cultivation; raised thirty. five hundred bushels of grais on | forty-eight acres; tile drainage; small orchard; this farm 1B double width. well watered: pice $7.300 We have many other cholce farms to select from. alse some oud bargains in city profienty. Money to lofn on MmOrigagee. Relinble Fire lasasramee Com panies ~ BIBBY'S THREE OUTSTANDING VALUES IN BLUE OVERCOATS 250 Metal Weather Strips See the models in our wins dow, showing the proper way to equip different kinds of doors and windows, J. R.C. DOBBS & C0 171 Wellington St. "Phone 819. GENUINE ENGLISH CHINCHILLAS, BEDFORDS AND VI. QUNAS--ALL BEAUTIFULLY TAILORED IN THREE STUN- NING MODELS. WE THINK WE CAN SAVE YOU $5.00 TO $10.00 ON YOUR NEW COAT. BIBB Y'S Limited New Goods + Sr Co RA nies mr There are few modern recital pro grammes without an aria from the | old Italdan operas that demands such flexibility of volos and such techal- cal 'skill. The ote chosen by Mies Wright was "Vooe di donaod' angelo from La Glaconda" (Pondhielli). The encore to this was another Ital- ian song. But after all the general public likes English songs best and the last group of modern Bnglsh songs gave very great pleasure to the audience, "The Green River" with the words by Lond Alfred Douglas and the music by Carpenter New Table Raisins New Brazil Nuts New Shelled Pecans New Sweet Cider Jas. REDDEN & CO. PHONES 20 and 990, CHROMINE The only satisfactory. f reozi - A jonra bazing and odorless Radla " @et our special winter prioss on all repairs to any make ALL WORK GUARANTEED. TEEPLE & HALL Shop Phone 166. 473 Pri st. House Phone 2767. was 4 charming song. "The Feast of lanterns' showing a Japanese scene by an Eng¥Msh somg writer, tock, "Do Not Go My-Love," (Hage: man) and what many people consid- ered the gem of the evening '"'"Hills™ by La Forge, a double encore was given here too and Miss Wright sang by request a delightful song "The Water Boy." Her béautifully placed voice afd the perfect ease of her singing as well as her clear enunocia tion was commented upon by many of the audience. AT THE BOARD OF WORKS. Routine Matters Were Dealt With at ------ TOO LATE! Afternoon Bowling [=o et Tui days ago to make repairs to an elec. Ladies and @Qentiemen, Attention ! | tric motor, but the call came too late, | The bearings were wom out, the § From this date, Afternoon Bowling of five pins will [| "nding burned to a crisp, and the be at the rate of ten cents astring on all afternoons with the exception of Saturdaysand Holidays. Venetian Gardens Bowling Academy Your motto should be: "I will have my motors inspected at regular per- Harrison Building . 1 Phones 200, 2820 ---- pect ods by JAMES BOYD ('Phone 3504) and he will advise me if better pro. tective devices are required for my motors." After a long fliness the death oc Thero is only one answer. From o_o; about it. It ts well Bootlegger, of course. : . | known that in the years preceding BL Mr. Ferguson knows Guile well| ing adoption of the O. T. A, sensitive 'that people who an uggs will wothen died of a broken heart rath- it somehow, If t Ny od Be than seek protection through the bo iy; Whey on = sho similar and simpler Indian-listing of h ht w ss a | th ar ones. ~ Should the Province of Ontario - A of Ontario would be unfortunate enough jo hae 1 only just pause and consider for a legalized sale of quot ore - { few minutes the significance of Mr. 'After the manner Propo Y MI. perguson"s own proposed | Wives ENCOURAGING REPORT ON THE HYDRO POWER T. G. Bishop, President of the Board of Trade, Very Opti- mistic on the Matter. That a solution of the power ques {tion in Bastera Ontarfo would soon Meeting on Wednesday' Afternoon. Business of a routine nature Oc- coupled the attention of the Board of Works on Wednesday afternoon, and the session was a very brief one. The chairman, Ald. Price, presided, and also present were Alls. Boyd and Sarment. «A claim received for damages from Mr. Silas Grimshaw, on behalf of his wife, who fell on a walk end had an arm idfyred, was referred to the City Solicitor and the City BEa- curred Sunday night of Mies Cather. ine Ryan, sister of M. J. Ryan and Mrs. Thomas O'Brien, Brockville. The deceased is survived by another sister, Mre. A. R. Hudson, Provost, AMa, and by a brother, Ryan, Cleveland. Visit the Sweater Booth at the Cufling Club Basaar. Daatet' Catherine Humble and a elwteen year old pi who attempted to en. cape from Chatham jail were alow ol to go, the former om ocotidition that she joins her husband in Te. ronbo. Harry Cater was re-elocied Mayor of Brandon for a tenth term. His majority over Dr. H. D. MeDiarmic was 500 votes. Wn James Boyd Phone 2504. 308 Brock St. a li, Sharpe Polish, Hamiton, and Hotry Ward, from near Cayuga, are held as suspects in the latter villagn - n conmection wiih the robberies at Hagersville and Jarvis, Noa Ferguson, it will undoubtedly in- 'grease bootlegging rather than de- "rease it. ------------------------ CONFLICTING POLICIES, ~The Ottawa Citizen calls atten- fon to the fact that all Hon. Mr. Ferguson's theorising will not do Away with the solid fact' that his law would increase thé sale Bf intoxicants and the number of eonsumers of intoxicants. Brewers and distillers are well aware of this fact. They are putting forward the 'possibility of the new law coming force as sn inducement to buy stock. Whejj the referendum 'Was taken in Quebec the price of cer: ; brewery shares advanced from 0 to $200. A Tordnto company is to expand its operations when new modified liquor legislation In British Columbia a brew )8 company selling stock described inducements in this way: Do You Know that a well-known fish Columbia brewery paid its mreho ; $00 per cent. on their t Do You Know that the annual re- rt of a Quebec.brewery last year & surplus of over $3,000,000 pd paid a profit for year Ing to over 33250.000, soll- be solved, and that Kingston would or d pray that he may never come into her owa, was the encour work and pray y aging statement Mr. T. G. Bishop, have the opportunity to form it. Mr. president of the AL of . Trade. Ferguson ays that he Wishes a de- {gave to the members of the Board of claive verdiet and no doubt he does Trade at a meeting held on Wed wish it for his own sake and that of (day night. the liquor interests, but let the wo-{ Mr. Bishop recently returned from men remember that on {hia previous [attending the annual meeting of the day he had declared that he would | Associated Boards of Trade of On- tario, and also the annual meeting of smash the O.T.A. if he had one of A the Eastern Ontario Hydro Union, as majority in parijament even if there a representative of the local Board were a majority against him in the of Trade province. Ww Mr. Bishop stated that the power question was well on the way to a shiisfactory settlement, and that It depended on the efforts put forth by Kingston as to just how this city would fare The speaker predicted that inside of twenty years the progress of hydro in Eastern Ontario would be just as great as it had been in West- ern Ontario in the last twenty years. Complaint Committee they would EDITORIAL NOTES. Now is the time for all good men to come to the protection of their best interests. Indifference of the business men of Vancouver i charged as the réa- son that the city 48 vated fourth class . Cut { Cl for fire insurende. pur 4 Everybody welcome, Curling Clud Basdar. Admission free. Wendell: McL. Clarke, Canadian Trade Commissioner in Europe, is appointed secretary of the Federal Board of Trade. "You don't. mind if I step in here shied of you, do you?!" is Hon. Mr. Nek. time gineer. Permission was given to A. E. Donnelly, King street. for the re moval of a gosoline tank. J. BE. Singleton is making a olaim for damages t0 bis car on Sept. 18th. He claims that the driver of a civic wagon was responsilfe for the dem- sige, when the fender of his auto was damaged. The Ofty Solicitor and Oky Engineer will be asked to) report én the claim, Permission was granted the Shell Company for the transfer of a gas Hne pump on Bagot etreet. . Canadian Business Grows. Ottawa Citizen The fects as . to ratiway traffic are convincing in thelr tearing on trade, sace they are barometric. The railways cand not and do not create traffic. The upe and downs of their car-loadings are always and necessarily the dai- rect result of the fluctuations of national commerce. Therefore, it is a jogical assumption that when the { raliways are hauling more rtoaded | cars, and earning more money than they di last year, such a condition | moans increased production and im- creased business, 's suggestion to his old- , Ald. T. A. Kidd. The fssue és: Shatl #66 O. T. A. be retained and improved, or shall Ontario go back to pre-war condi. tons? QUEER, QUIRKS The Story Three Pairs of Feet Tell. By Arthur N. Pack. Hore are three rather distinet types of bind feet. The crows foot first of all is a perching foot. Three toes in Trout Plenty of green in the house has a soothing effect, says an interior decorator. This is particularly true of Che long greem, quoths the Kit- chener Record. -- There 1s a shortage of deer in the Adirondacks. Many belleve that if the season were closed fof a year or twa or even shortened, the balance would be restored. A Hm A-- "Premior Ferguson's dquor policy seoms to shrink a Bittle Ma the wash ™ | is the mi'd way In which the "wet" ATURE winged hawk, or to reach a roosting branch out of reach of prowling fox, it would be independent of wings, so well do those serviceable fost, backe" by & pair of strong les, carry the. {owner about his dally round of foods for reaniae or walking, rether than hopping. Tie hind toe, used only as a prop Is relatively fosignificant; the spur is often present ESTABLISHED 15807 R. C. MacKNIGHT, C. R. SOMERVILLE, LLD., President. General Manager, BUSINESS IN FORCE 30 MILLIONS The Northern Life | on omen, Agurance Company London, Ontario, Canada. of Canada it Is the proud boast of the Canadian Life Insurance Companies, © (established on the level premium plan) that no policy~holder has ever lost any part of the "Face" Value of his insur- ance policy by the failure of a life insurance company licensed in the Dominion. KINGSTON OFFICE: Welibrock Bullding. JAMES T. UPTON, Dist. Manager. « The above is a statement of fact in so far as "Face Values are concerned when the policy matures, or al death of the Assured. The "Northern Life" also guarantte annual dividends in con- nection with their "Coupon Savings" policies. The "Coupons" are attached to the policy, in the same manner as "Victory Bond" dividend coupons, bul with thiz important differ. ence, "Northern" dividend coupons increase every year and if not cashed at due date earn interest. $100.00 Northern Investment Bonds $125.00 at Issue. 5 SuMantctd " These Bonds are issued to mature atl 10, 15 and 20 vears from date of bond, at ages from date of birth to 85. ~ Eash bond is redeem- able at end of term for $125.00. In the event of death before maturity, the "Face" Value, $100.00, is paid. : The bonds are delivered on payment of the first deposit. By investing your annual dividend from each $100.00 Victory Bond, you immediately double your estate. ? : The total number of bonds issued to any one person i y d by the insurability of the interested party. Pifaon 1a governs * These bonds will ide, at educational purposes. pro "Simplicity" is the "Key-word" of Northern "Inves n «nl Northern "Coupon Savings" Policies, Nesiment Ponds uy stated periods! necessary funds for