: 2 SH $ 3 A do Ci CX ; Ronee we Ppt vy ~ : ARG : "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG ' DECEMBER 2nd and 3rd illivary, (Continued from Page 10) shallow soil, the stipposed difficulty |vensom, redve, William MeGillivary " 2 {ing of the first mill In 1786, al- |in obtaining drinking water, and the [deputy reeve, William Miller, John | ANNUAL . TURKEY though It has been suggested that it |steep climb that was necessary in. or- |T. Grange, §. McDetlor, M. T. Rog- AUTOMOBILE BAR was 'the site of Ganneious, one of [der to gain the summit; yet Mr. ers, John Gibbard, John! Herring, | a the out posts of the Kente mission [David Roblin, In his day one of the and H. T. Rorvward, Se a i ost influential men im the coup-; * July 18th, 1855, at a public] We are pleaséd to announce that our An- J prariid - Se | ou 353). Tuwte I. es ue a Hite pe his house. i ed for the purpose of | 1924 Overland Sedan --.«-«--cccoonee $300.00 down nual Turkey Days are to be held on was ren miles op the Napanee "There was something {ncongru- | considering the propriety of bulid- | 1923 Overland Coupe CN as $200.00 down December 2nd and 3rd. River, and there appears to be no lous in the village of Napanee haggps | ing a market house and town hall, al 41922 Overland Tour --.....covvenns $160.00 down and that Jhat Tull Avangonieis pros hen made by the Chamber, 28 particular reason why It ehould | been proclaimed a county town, and | series of resolutions were carried | 1928 Dodge Deluxe Sedan ---- «+ $550.00 down inception RS oat in. Buyers from all over the country have been so located as the river |the only remedy Wase to have the favoring the projéct. The question | 4923 Ford Sedan -.----..-..... con. $190.00 down wil present to pay the highest market prices for all kinds of was not recognised a8 a link of any |corporation raised one etep higher | of purchasing a fire engine was also | 1921 Ford Tour ---«--- «ov... Poussin $100.00 down Yow keeping with our custom, on this occasion, we ay ag of the great trade routes across the |in the municipal scale. "Yt had pass {discussed sod a Resolution Yesams- | 1923-485 Molaughlin Tour -..... $300.00 ona. We Swe ever led lit eis were 1g At line, country. ed from a hamlet to a police viliags, | mending the council to take imme- | down $4.75 1 part of the land, upon which the |of the Legislature Council and As- ted a by-law for raising $1,200 upon | Ladies' Hats, regularly up to $4.70, wi ze i { t 3 a Ccar-| We are giving : om 25 0 0 pe cen "The inhabitants of Napanee were | from police village to an incorporat- | diate steps to secure one was WILLYS-OV 5 w il or r § -} d ' ff 1 @ fr : d fo 5 es' Outs a long time in determining what |ed village, on June 20th 1864 an act ried. The council prompuy submit- | | 1scount oir a ies an 188 o ER] A ND i ARA( E Napanee. town is now built, should become |sembly of Canada received the Roy- | the debentures of the village, 31.940) Phone 198. Dundas Street. be sold at $2.98. the business centre of the place and | a1 Assent, whereby ithe Village Ye Jt We mathe Bouse wn Yue oy ° - We trivite you to this great demonstration. where you will what should eventually be set apart | came aa . jucorporated t aE fou ve ie Sagi Be bre on wit gu Ye Bihan yeibe fue Jour Foul a X : as the choloest dential quarters,' | December 1st of the same year t | ried, the engine : i Roblin's Hill was not considered} thio ensuing election B. C. Davy was | contract let for the building now | 'PHONE 180, Turkey Days' Specials at MacGillivray 3 suitable for dwellings, owing to the | elected the first mayor, Johu Ste- !standing in the market square." | FRANK H PERR Oppusice Ropul Rael on the 2nd Floor. i | . AP; eee ------ . gn >. The uarters of Santa Claus, now showing the most wonderful of Dolls and Toys ever staged in Napanee. New Pork Barrels, Fresh Fich and Salted Fish. LOCK OVER THIS LIST Apples (Fall and Winter) Bushel or Barrel. Pure Aluminum Roasters, Fry Pans, Preserving Kettles, { Molasses by the of Wheat, Corn Meal, Flaked olasses by the pound, quart, Clover Lepf Cupbung-Saacers ...........- 7 for $1.00 - | uu Cinraannes 79¢. each { 7 . Saucepans, etc., all one price ......... o st assortment of { Purity Flour, Whole Wheat) cots, Peaches, Peel. Barbadoes BXIRA SPECIAL! Pure Aluminum Saucepans, 20c. eac h. l Flour, Buck wlieat Flour, Cream Don't miss this White © and Saucers ..... cave 8 for $1.00 . | Heavy Wi ups | Wheat, Ground Corn, Ground | gallon Hancery Congoleum and Linoleum Rugs. Floor Coverings of every ' : ° : Oats, Middiings, Shorts, Bran, | Baw Sugar. oo TE wo Xmas Gifts ever shown || Sim" mea ene Ho Jour Christmas shopping at MacGillivray s, the Gift oan Choose. TT BR * MacGREGOR'S 2,000 Ibs. Table Turnips 1% ¢ ib Dates Prunes, Raisins, Apri-| Good Tea and Coffee at 30¢, Ib, TWO POUNDS OF SHORTENING for . ir e, now on || rm Poon eoiore | in Napanee, A ey » Te, display at | PAPPAS 4 / : ' ICE_CREAM AND CANDY SHOP 10 % Wallace's Drug Store | 4 Cha ' ; . , J Napanee Marble Works - i rr a Discount . " 1! In Memoriam PRICES QUALITY What sweeter words, wha O Suits, ! Lowest DOMINION STORES HIGHEST finer tribute from the ---- Overcoats : ¢ i to the dead! Inscribe them Bough bre "Foul LIMITED | ---- - ays = . | sign and construct for you. = | Let it stand for the years to 200 Overcoats || CANADA'S LARGEST RETAIL GROCERS i *% res . 4 : i = W. M. HOWITT I | : Suits At) 0 : STOCK UP FOR THE WINTER | : # Come and pick out that Sujt or Overcoat you have bean ne This Branch will be full of big specials on Turkey Days, includ- 3 : i at a a. ae : Yon ing Sugar, Flour, Shortening, Raisins, Currants, Dates, Peels, etc. K | N G - R A D I O Rygtlasty priced) from $13.00 1 863.5% Our Frits are all new and on display for your inspection. Buy || : a POULTRY DAYS, 10% REDUCTION ox AXY SIT OR h nd save mone : MOST RADIO PER DOLLAR OVERCOAT YO _ ere a y. N J hy Marshall. M ' ; Model 30--5 tube 3 dial control -- «-....... $120 TIMELY SUGGESTIONS IN MEN'S WEAR AT panes Byanch, pio : ge |] Model 10-K--5 tube Neutrodyne $148 SOME SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICES. a id i Model 61--86 tube 3 dial control ..--«cocoan... $1850 ~ » / Model 62---6 tube single dial --.-. coc oinninn $200 w-- i i tube Consol odel, regular $235. Speci : Covering SK RY FLANNEL. SHIRTS TH ' aor Poulter Week n eu + S . 3 vee poe al .$190 io - t in mew [Caretully from extra guality, | Above and in a : in News Fle n pneedeiarty Peron] weight Colon Plan i. { ou TTS ies ictus =o pens a to Vw ig Drop us a line and we will send you literature, A the compiete KING line ¥ showing x arranged in gift boxes. li... yoyie with full yoke. Sines 14-17. : ' POULTRY DAYS POULTRY DAYS : : 2 for N00 Each 8c. . "KING RADIO SHOP" =m=| POULTRY FAIR | oer] land buttoned cull on sieeve. Sines POULTRY DAYS \ DON'T FORGET TO TAKE HOME WITH YOU Each $2.29 ra DECEMBER 2nd AND 3rd, 1926. : ' A PACKAGE OF - LEATHER LABEL OVERALLS | "The oldest and largest Poultry | purchase Dressed Chickens, "L. E M M ON l A" IO ia Yama Right up In " Fair in Ontario. Geese, Turkeys and Ducks. he high-grade class Is this gore 8 nent. Get your now, 2 Sell your Poultry on an estab- TO MAKE THOSE LEMMON COOKIES "JUST LIKE |. Re I Someone | wel Hl sera, John Wilson || CHAMBER OF COMMERCE || DoucLAs &co. | pa OPPOSITE ROYAL HOTEL. 1 9 3 : ; Be : qt. -- | ata