Daily British Whig (1850), 27 Nov 1926, p. 5

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"EVERY WOMAN SHOULD READ | - HOW "FRUIT-A TIVES" GAVE HER NEW LIFE MRS. J. F. RUTKOWSKA, or severzl years 1 suffered with severe on Sud nas 4 sirius Wieck. I great pain in my such EEE] 1 had no appetite, could scarcely Fe 1 bad taken entirely well. 1 sin. 'Fruit-a-tives' saved my life." Rutkowska, Tolstoi, Mani. poisons to "Fruit-a-tives" liver brings about a condition of delightful health, Buy a box of "Fruit-a-tives", to- day. Enjoy Jife again, 25c and 50c, 543 Wr ---- DR. RUPERT P. MILLAN DENTIST £1 Princess Street. "Phene 1530 Gas for Painless Extraction OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTHMRNST George Clark Wright Civil Engineer and Contractor. ! Office 81 Brock St, cor. Wellington THE DAILY BRITISH "WHIG Ce eo | Keep Liver and THE CANADIAN HOMEMAKER A Series 9 weekly ariices covering Ze PLANNING . BUILDING . FI NANGING ph SA Pr DECORATING . FURN SHING . GARDENING 3 , Cop, opyrght 1326. } | Bowels Regular - With "Cascarets" No more Headache, Bed. lds, | . sour stomach E stomach au The Modern Kitchen By W. 8. Limbery. There have been more ohdnges and greater advances in the pian- ning end equipment of the kitchen 'n this generation, than in any other room in the house, with the excep. ticm, perhaps, of the bathroom. The busy housewife--mnow that tha servant girl problem is so acute, and she herself has to do most of the kitchen work---hes reached the de clston that her health, time and labor | are too valuable to be wasted by the shorteoming of a badly planned and equipped kitchen. The frst demand them of our modern kitchen is, that #t must be « healthy room to work in. Two windows must be provided #0 as to insure cross ventilation and a fair degree of coolness in summer. One of these windows should have the sash double hung, so that the upper sash can be lowered 10 allow a vent near the osdling. A hood should be bulit over the range, connected to the kitchen flue, not only to assist dn carrying off cooking odours, but also the fumes from any escaping gas, should that be the means used for cooking. It is necessary to instal an electric exhaust fen, especially # there is but one window; it can be attached to a bracket on the wall about seven feet from the floor. Healthy floors mean floors easy to keep clean, and easy to work on. Inlaid Hmoleum of a good quality will answer both of these require ments, and #t has the additional ad vantage of hajng inexpensive. A dull, ugly kitchen cannot be Li healthy. We afl know the effects of eavironment; a simple, pleasant color scheme should be devised The walls and celling can be of Might putty gray. woodwork slightly dark- or and relieved by a naprow band of delft blue around the door panels and casings. Hang window sash cur- tains of plain light tan scrim with a blue' stencil line border, and lay tiopr linoleum of blue dnd gray squares. To save time and 'labor in the kit- chem work, is our secoond requisite It is necessary that the various amticles of equipment wo can afford to dnetal, should be placed ia pro- per relatiof to each other. Saved steps ie saved time. There are two "pivotal points" in every kitchen---the range amd the sink, --and near to each of these should be suitable cupboards, con- taining the various equipment used in efther case.' The pot amd utensil cupboard should be near the range; the china cupboards and cutlery drawers near the sink; the work table, on which food is prepared, should be within a step or two of both the range and the sink. ~ The kitchen cabinet of metal), subdivided to store the various commodities necessary for cooking and fc* the table use, ani which also has beparate compart ments for brooms and vacuum clean- er, and for the heavy kitchen dish- as, can be placed as a separate unit. The work table, size about 32 in x 36 in., should have a couple of drawers for the odds and ends sn» necessary for kitchen work. A com ( prefirably Get 8 10-cent box now. No odds how bad your liver, stom- | ach or bowels; how much your head | aches, how miserable and uncomfort- i gestion, biliousness and sluggish bow- {ele--you always get the' desired re- | | sults with Cascarets. | Don't let your stomach, liver and | bowels make you miserable. Take | Cascarets to-night; put an end to the | headache, biliousness, dizziness, ner-| vousness, sick, sour, gassy stomach, | backache and all other | cleanse your inside organs of all the | bile, gases and which ig producing the misery. A 10-cent box means health, happi ness and a clear head for months. £7] - All druggists sell Cascarets. Don't] forget the children--their little in- sides negd a gentle cleansing, too. 9 pm.--Aleppo Drum Corps of Shriners' Band. 9.30 pm.--Spanish War Veterans' night. 10.30 p.m.--Continuation of Span- ish War Veterans' programme. | | WTAM (3889.4) Cleveland, Ohio. bination work stool amd ladder| p.m.--Lombardo's Royal Cana- should be provided and aiso, It room |dians permits, a small rocking chair, p.m.--Allen orchestra. The only plumbing required in} p.m. --Wildlard ooncert the kitchen is a sink or a combina | Sen nl and wash tab, This a | 9 pm.--A. & P. Gypsies of enamelled cast fron, with] Rn a : combination metal drain boards and i pm.--Wikard concert orches- high back, and with water supplies 11 p.m.--Gill and through a combination double sink |. or onchestra. faucet with swinging spout. Spend | , money on the design and quatity of | the sink and cut the extra expense | : off the living room if i has to be.! 4-30 See that the top of the sink is kept lot 2 p.m. 36 im. from the floor, and that it is |" at least 20 in. x 36 in. in size, 80 asi * to hold two dish pans { Instal two cedling Mghting; ome should be over the 2 : 1 : 3 * a ' 8.30 p.m.--Varied studio concert. | Sk wid ous 8 oe ace, | 9 Dm.--The Gold Button Melody | on #ts own switch. There should be | Weavers and the Silken Maid of the a wall plug put In for any neces (Orient. sary kitchen elecimic fittings, suc hd as the toaster, iromer, etc. Copy right 1826, Maclean Building Re- | ports, Limited, i | i orchos- his Bamboo WLW (422.8) Cincinnati, Ohi». pm. "Weekly Letter to bildren's programme. p.m.--Robert Vicontl's orches- | s { brides. outlets for p.m.--Programme for fall] WSAI (326) Cincinnati, Ohio. 7.30 p.m. -- "House of Myths." 10 p.m.--Grand opera. KYW (586) Chicago. 6 pm The bedtime story 6.30 p.m.--Congress dinner con- {cert he WOC (484) Daverport, Ia. 5.45 p.m.--Chinese dinner concert Should the footings go | floor or just] Question: below the basement. even with it? Set the footing so that the whole thickness of the basement floor slab | is abave iL. | Question: We can now pay off the first mortgage on our property. | What stops should be taken? Employ am sttormey. His chamgn will be smell and you will have as- surance that proper steps will be taken to protect your interests In WCCO (416.4) Minneapolis. 6.15 pm.--Long's St. Paul's chestra. 9% p.m. --Grand opera 10.10 p.m.--Dick Long's orches tra or- 11.30 pm Organ recital full, RADIO SUNDAY, NOV. 28 WGY (879.5) Schenectady, N.Y. 4.30-5.30 pm.~--Organ recital. WJZ (455) New York. 8.30 p.m. --Commodore concert or- chestra. 9.30 pm. --Godfrey Ludlow, vio- 3-4.30 p.m.--Musical programme. J Hoist. 10 pm. --Conrad Thibault, tone. 10.15 p.m.--Maxwell hour. bari- KDEA (309.1) 0.1) Piutsbiggh. A te 4 p.m.--Organ recital 6.30 p.p.-- Twilight hour of music. 10.15 p.m.--The Maxwell hour of music. WTAM (889.4) Cleveland, Ohio. 3. p.m.--Sunday afternoon musi- cale. 6 p.m.--Hollenden orchestra. 7 p.m.--Theatre orchestra. USE THE SAVING SIZES OF _ LACKAWANNA COAL We recommend for furnaces Egg d Buckwheat Coal -- to be kept parately. The smaller sizes will help burn the larger, and give much batted fire with a saving of Fuel. as PURE as LACKA- was A. Sold only by: W.'A. MITCHELL & <0. 33 ONTARIO STREWN) srmgrmg. IW years to safely relieve Soustipation Wind Colic moting Cheerfulness, Rest and To Sweeten Stomach mei Regulate Bowels Aids in the assimilation of Food, pro- 9 eYLY v4 NL MOTHER! Fletcher's Castoria isa pleasant, harmless substitute for Castor Pasa, are Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages.' It has been in use for more than 30 Natural Sleep without Opiates oS | To avoid imitations always look for the signature of Zuid Proven directions on cach package Physicians everywhere recommend i. rt Complete radlo programmes sold at Canada Radio Stores. 10.15 p.m --Anstin chestra. Wylia's or- After a young man has made his first ringing speech he should buy the ring. WHAP (481) New York. 7.15 p.m.~--Concert _of usic. sacred | able you are from constipation; indi- 1 distress; | | constipated matter || | No ' Hi more days of gloom and distress if you | i will take a Cascaret now and then. _FIR TIMBER Any size up to 40 feet long for prompt delivery. This is the strongest and most durable Timber now procurable in quanti- ties. S. ANGLIN CO, LIMITED COAL, LUMBER AND WOODWORK. BAY AND WELLINGTON STREETS, KINGSTON, ONTARIO. Private Branch Exchange "Phone 1571. + "SEE OUR BROGUES ! Black or Tanat ....... . $4.95 'JOHNSTON'S SHOE STORE : '70 BROCK STREST. REPAIRS 'PHONE 331J, : BEAUTY'S NO EXCUSE TO HER i In "beauty is ils own excuse for being," Mile. Vizemann places little reliance. She has won fame throughout France not only by her looks but as the virtuosa pianist at the Salle Gaveau, Paris 7.45 p.m.--S8eloction from the Bi- ble and Science. 8.45 p.m.--Organ recital. WBZ (383.1) Springfield," Mass. 7 p.m. --Quartotte. 7.30 p.m.--Vitali Podolsky,: olin- ist; Leopold Podder, trumpeter; Betty Podolsky, accompanist. WLW (422.8) Cincinnati, Ohio, 3 p.m.-- Organ recital. 4 pm.--Choir of St, Church. 8.50 p.m.--Crossley chestra. Stephen's concert or- KYW (536) Chicago. 4.30 p.m.---Stadio concert 7 p.m.--Chicago Sunday Evening Club : 9.30 pm. cert. Edison classical com: i WOC (484) Davemport, Ia. 8.158 p.m.--Musical programme. "The Atwater Keat Radio Artists MONDAY, NOV. 20. WJZ (455) New York. 7 p.m.~--Commodore concert or- | chestra. 8 'p.m.--Markie's tra. £.30 pm.-- Willys Overland pro- In dance orches- Food by quoting their 2.30 p.m.-- Musical programme. 10.30 p.m. --Waldor? Astoria grill orchestra. WHAP (431) New York. 7 pm.--Sacred programme. 7.15 am. --Marion C. Kener, prano; Steel Jamison, temor. 7.50 p.m.--Darl Bethmann, bari- tone. § p.m.--"Air Questionaire." $.20 p.m.----Dorothy Hoyle, violin- iat. . 0.15 p.m. --Sylvan String trio. S0- WLWL (288.3) New York. 8 pam.--Venetian Ensemble. ' 8.15 pm.~ Comments on "Current Events." 8.30 p.m.-- McEvoy concert. 9.15 p.m.--Warrep Lavelle, violin- fot. N 9.30 p.m. --Roger Peters, baritone. 18,05 p.m.----Blizabeth Gibbs, con- traito. 10.30 p.m. --Ninore Instrumental iki i i WGY (870.5) Schenusctady, N.Y. 6.30 pm Van Crier dinner music. WBZ (388.1) Springfield, Mass, 8.30 p.m.--WBE trio. Read the Secret of i NI Nel AAA ealth These Letters VERY woman is interested in another woman's letters, and we shall give the women a chance to present their experience with Dr. Chase' s Nerve letters. There is scarcely a town, village or hamlet in this great cruntry but can produce splendid evidence as to the restorative, upbuilding influence of this well-known treatment for the blood and nerves. Especially for Women as a wife and mother I find that the majority of users of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food are through the change of life; next by young mothers to regain strength after passing by mothers for their young daughters entering their womanhood While it is good for . I am sure it is especially so for women, as they seem to be troubled most by nervous 23 Gerald Street, tetown, PEL Middle Life Mrs. M. E. McCarthy, CGurdner's Creek, St. Joha Co., NB, writes: --" In my estimation t is no 'that will so quickly build onefup sad restore the nervous system as Dr. Nerve Food. ps "ard wae 3 began to get behind as regards general health, It seemed' as though each day some new ailment cropped up and before I realized it I was just about "down and out." I turned to Dr. rs Ay Food for help and was not di nerves are a vey a4] cid th then ee od 1 am having no trouble at all in passing t the Six a Six han. Sow' woh Nerve Food

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