Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Nov 1926, p. 11

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® v : *®l ¥ vember 30, 1926. __ yin THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG en -es : ISTTINE|(| AMUSEMENTS- UFINE- MATERIAL JN. Je------------------------ Tok || ame--| ueews assauif| ELECTORS. OF PORTSMOUTH: --- ---- : - | GRAND) THEATRE. Splendid Show Put on by the | - , ° "The New Originals" Stronger and | Students--Findls To- Beuter Than Ever. : t © night. Every season the theeiregoars of | . Kingston look forward to the return | phe essauit-at-arme held last lof Canada's brilliant entertainers , ee eae fe. io -- » ; ardwo e _ An excellent stock of §" Oak, Maple anc at Grant Hall by candidates of! | Birch to choose from. : |The New Originals," as the S0W- Queen's University for the Intercel- Pa {pany is now called, are coming back legiate team, was one of the finest : apes os - wre re . ; {this season bigger, stronger and in gpows of its kind that has been put m-------- : | Insist on Seaman Kent Flooring. jevery way better than ever, with on at tiie focal university in the last {pretty and talented girls doing all .wo years. The boxers and wrestlers . [the fethale Toles The company has qi tinguished themselves by their | . ® | dispemded entirely with female im- lsnlondid work and those who were | | personators this season and DATO: | regent ast night will be sure to-be . . - ~ 5 | th tr Phone 1042. Victoria Street {duced indies into the show with tre- | oo hand for the finals, which are be-| e { mendous success. Crowded houses i... held to-night It is expected \ 7 and highly enthusiastic audiences that there will be a very large at- * oo " os ' i" pati ------ . SEED Eg ED ___Rlbave greeted the company In VETS iepdance as the contestants are the 9 ® , iE ¥ 5 a = and city they bave already SP" pent "In thé UBTVErsity and forthe. ; Temptress |" herons Cote ia the Sipely thie Te Pen ary Hpoutieaced up iY - At 8 O'clock. With ANTONRRMORENG 170 Lh aeons SoWemii present (°° 2 HOW __ ¥ ; HEAR N Here is fhe colorful tale of an [at the Grand Theatre on Saturday. | Boxing. i . : : Re oN and Portsmouths a an DG. RE EO a Teo iby Dirt, Ys MURDOCK McKINNON, ; Vote to El Wednesday Night | ™%.. nd ATE te wast SlsciisELt] 23¢ Sune BYane Ye. Woh, We (Lately of British Columbia) | Eg Vor ect FOX and His Sorenaders | ©. ne dances, singing. Bat Bil y3sibe--poer ve. Malcom. Wo | CHARLOTTE WHITTON, OTTAW T. A . ® ® " . RETURNS | tront line of singing companies, A021} © 347 jhe Willams vs. Ingersoll. | W. F. NICKLE : . E By Wire {all kinds of unique comedy siga- won by Ingersoll. - | ¢ || ¢tons that keep the audienece it Rad Ute, Wi | . . . - : x ee -- uns that keel Hn, toe J b ve. Jolie. Wen) Full discussion Provincial Problems. " : ; { i how. Lot -- v { 'on | ? GRAND -- SAT. DEC. 4] °° smal much of the good yy Murray vs. Morin. Won Everybody, Men and Women all welcome. : O terial ,used In the production has THE {been especially written by members Wrestling. | . lot the company such as BOrLFAM | yyq jpsWalbridge ve. Ashworth | Langley, Jerry Braytord and others. iw,, py Walbridge | | whien proves that the New Original | © 13g, Grosse ve. Dorland. Won HE en {certainly have a resourceful ErOuPe hy Doriand. { « - Sar ta | iof people in the organization. Be¥-{ 147 he Lovelace vs. Grosse {IF YOU HAVE A DOG Miss Doh pase erty's Telegram 1 exceeding! beautiful musical | o, Bg ; [seings are offered 1 -- BE SURE AND GET TAG | To Hon. W. F. Nickle! {settings are offered in "Across Can-| 150 jbé----Kindie vs. Murchison. | : : oo 4 | 3 ada" that make people always Walliy., py Murchison i wh o - L . Eu to come back and see them 8gaid.| mug programme to-night Is as fol- Twenty Owners of Canines Be= | ""° following telegram, from n ; Y ® -. * £ hey Ns ~ i ' "The Cornish Floral Dance" and lows: fore Magistrate on Tues- | i Reten Dohe rty, who was pre- "Something Origntal and The | < da Mornin i ed by Duties from speaking at Tl Fairy Pipers," the latter number sung Boxing. y Qs | Ax a " Nickle's meeting on {by the brilliant new ladles guartette, 112 Ibs. --Granger vs. Campbell i - { Monday nigh 3 solf-eXpaAnAtoTy : {tollowed by a toe dance, are but a ¥ \ : ° There is trouble coming to a large | "OF '. F. Nickle, CAN ADA {few of the sparkling musical features 3 Joa Swing wa. Hard hy | aan of dog owners 'fn the city| Rr gatos, see eases y pn To The Electors of [ a wo Bi Cv inp + 5 " / » o het Iiconew fee)' Sorry inde ha 0 . - : | of "Across X anada ; 135 ibs Potter vs. Murray. who have not paid their license lee | ndeed that my Injuries i ; ; e City of Kingston: | There willebe a matinee Saturday | tl pS -------------- A ---- | for a tag. In the Police Court on| Prevent me frpm being »0th you | AEE , ri ud renty _ «To me this 8 a great pers 2 99 2 4 . " . 160-1bs --Joliffe vs. Petit. { Tuesday morning abou twenty of-jAe me rly' . nt peron Wl dis. ' fi ' Ladies and Gentlemen: 176 ibs.~-Nicol vs. Reynolds. | testers ei Aad Ma siento Far: | oy * Ne ardenuly Tui i 1 Having been solicited by " re or neglecting to "take out ai" e to De associated in the ie representative business men of w Hin license, and they were allowed to go | struggle which youth with Ws : the city, I have consented to r 8 ' with a warning, but there will be splendid imspiration has launched | 3 ; I run for the office of Mayor. 126 lbs. --Walbridge vs. Bérry hor 3 135 ibs Dorland ve. Craig oad trouble for the next batch that come 1 hoped ) LO ass + 2 women in ] t : 3 | During the poriod of four Po wer Demand "Midnight Sun" With Laura - ; Do eS : Ewe 1a Hig, ; 7 3 c {before the magistrate, as it = will their organisation efforts for they { : ; | years | served as an Alderman u Every A dancing girl, by the. char ol 147 Hhe.-Cirosse vi. King {mean a fine. The offenders before more than ever because of the pres | for St. Lawrence Ward, during | Se Y | ber beauty and the influence of two ha Ibe. --Murchison vs. SImpkin-{ "ou on Tuesday morning were | "8% * are demanding Eke youth | y | two ol Whi h Ewe chairs ven ears of Russia's Soni posaral men, has 15 i on va.' Sister |cailed upon to go and secure & oa in the affairs of gov | ; : | or a he al . a. wed hersell to 01 ti ' vo aT . ® rT. i | ernment. his oo-operation il | : g » ' e Lome. That Is & matter of record for INTE bailerina of the Imperial Catch--Ketiladse vs. Honsberger. Heense. make for your oo 4 ig and he ke 3 : y mittee. Canada and the United Staten. an Ballet Her sponsors, the -------- { trrumph of 1 he cause : | | : It is impossible for me to do bat. " oT true ' | ; 4 . Snips : The reasons Are clenr--popu- | Grand Duke and Kuemin, the bank- |MAYORALTY CANDIDATES |» ! Helen Doherty Cac wed think ve canvaming. but i lation increass, industrial ex- . i i 4 Pansion, growing use of ap- er, owk 10 obtain ber fr Ther SIT SIDE BY SIDE, St. Andrew's Da satisfactory, 1 would solicit » id but the girl gives her heart . y ; pliances which riguire electric aelven, . ; ba tive turste EN : your vote and influence to elect power. 3 to a young officer in the Duke's) Al turtle on whose shell was { 3 1 : me, and 1 promise as faithful As Result of Suggestion Made {found carved the date 1815 was & H . And that BE why securities of household. 990 i service in this office as in the e. to $1.5¢ 147 1bs.-- Ingersoll vs. White at 2.30. a | | WI YYYYVYVYYS vo raw carro | Jone tes rank next to Out of this situation and those at Olity Council Meet= The Thistle and the heather are | found recently in Connecticut. . ; past. 1am, h i { in be > > ARRE i ------ ------ -------------- vernment bonds that follow, comes the dramatic and being worn today by sons of the ; y . publie od ~ tepeely gripping story of "The Mid- Ing. ancient land of Scotland, @s a token | y A | | Faithfully yours, Quinte and Trent Valley | | plete Sun?' now showing at the ---- ito their patron saftit, St. Andrew. §[ES a EY . 1 \ ' C0. 18 a power company | Oapitol theatre. This stupendous | Ald. H. F. Price and Ald. Harvey | The local branch .of the Sons of} = Hy H. F. PRICE which enjoys a strong finan- | | picture story of Wfe im Russia in| Milne, who are running for the|geotland have received greetings cial position and can look to |. | 1913, { Mayoralty, sit very close to each oth-| from ougside branches Some of earnings re tential | | Headéd by Laura La Plante, the | Cr around the "horse shoe" at the| these were from: New Glasgow, N n { d v4 margin for common stock divi. cast has been given a splendid quar: | meetings of the City Council -- in |8.; Winnipeg, Manitoba; ' Quebec € 'nds after meeting preferred tette of featured players. Miss La ! fact theres just one chair to divide| p.Q.; Milwaukee, Wis; " Wind # ock dividends and all prior Plante plays the dancing girl and | them. At Monday night's meeting of | char, - . Mills, Que.; Cornwall, Ont; ito, | i ' ; Hg ; ; s ".., proves herself an actress of the |the "city Fathers" this chair was| Opt; Ottawa, Ont.;: San Francisco, A ea We strongly recommend the highest dramatic ability. Pat O'-| vacant, so Ald. Boyd in a jocular! calif: State of New York; Hamil : ; . | » 3 "1 preferred stock as na secure Malloy 8 the Grand Duke and in| way, moved that the two Mayoralty | yon. Ont ; . ok \ PE : Montreal, P.Q.; Detroit, and profitable investment. this character O'Malley ves up to | candidates get together. Both Ald. | aich.: Albany, N.Y. Greetings were 1 $08.00 a share and nis already worchy reputation as a| Price and Ald. Milne took the sug-| gleo received from the Northern Bri-| dividend to yicid fim player of the front rank. gestion good naturedly. Ald. Milme.| tigh Soelety of Halifax. Hon. Robert | uN d The pleture is replete with stir | moved ovér to the chair beside Ald. | porke, Minister of Immigration of 1%. : cing situations with drama Of the | Price and then the two chatted and | the : Federal Government, was to Ey , JOHNS ON highest type predominating. the members of the Council por hcnd have addressed 'the Sons ot Scotland ; | To 45 og . I No greater screen struggle has|eq its approval with hearty applause. | gt their banquet tonight, but he is! ; - y ; At » been filmed than between » oe BEAR AND s a -- unable to attend, due to the fact that o ! A po 4 TO THE ELECTORS: Miss La Plante - an '. The Hunters Are Home. parliament opens shortly ! ) b whi'e the chase of the poe Florida, Nov. 23%--The hunters MN . i ; A | SR . 1 have served you as Alder- pa ng os omy a op have returned from the north coun- | i | ili. = 1 man for Rideau Ward during Montreal Steck Exchange Saind on sequence. Keane's | TY: bringing with them a deer each. | TO CONSIDER REPORT : i }. [anatiting wage © od the | MP. abd Mra. Kenneth Babcock and - BE ! : ; 3 Seated a he dancer and | children, Wilton, were recent visi-| Of the Engineers on Great Lakes VOT of : ability. If you think that my Neane before the Mring squad are | tore at Edward Martin's. Mr. and Washi Ship Canal o : Oo E a service merited Mrs, Charles Curl, . Yarker, were ashipgton, Nov. I on. Her- ] § > among the high spots ot We ple Sunday visitors at Baxter Redden's. bert Hoover, secretary of commerce, for another term, 1 solickt your ® } tute, . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harper and Iit-| & chairman of the United States Harve Milne 3 bo support and influence. ------------ : o o ' . = ~ Ask for Elders Nut C1 1ate: tle daughter, Godfrey. and Mr. and section of the International Com ii : ; i th reat ag ship can- Prince George reached Vietoria, | Mr: Silas Martin, Cole Lake, Thurs-| mission on the great lakes ship can v Bri ont reborn: 5 XR ar | ee hai ponies or] FOR MAYOR 1 5 Edward Anderson Archie Babcock, Harrowsmith at the section for December 10th, to g China. Byard Sniders'. Overton Redden, | OVeR the report of the engineers on EERE EERE Windsor. je vieRISE his father, Reu-| the St. Lawrence watetwoy «nen RIDEAU WARD le! al go ag. ben Redden, who continues. quite|W88 made public last week. It Is like- | a 11, Ross and Clinton Martin, Syra- ly thst the United States section] re ma { ~ A gn ra FinalWard ouse."N.Y., bave come to spend some | Wil have 8 report to make upon the | TO THE ELECTORS: time with their parents here. engineers" findings. The chief pent | After being your reprg¥entative for 1 of importance Mr. Hoover said tb |tWD Yeags, I solicit your vote and in- ) Young Lady Robbed of $45 day, is in the fact that comparison | figence to elect me for another term, ee % between. costs and advantages of ail will give the dhties my faithful at- |} | In Brock St. Boarding House | constructing ship way into our tention 1B o . . : Great Lakes via St. Lawrence, or) i At Nickle Campaign A young lady in a Brock street through New York state entirely on | C. H, REID Rooms, boarding douse is mourning the loes | the United States side, will soon be | pega of $45, as the result of a visit of \ A ELI Ww OE --t athe acuns how available JE Y OW Sale ' 334 King tree Monday as in a i "BN ! NO othe hall, The thief pur. Junior Hockey Teams CAB . All ward workers kindly [toined the money and left the purse. Will Meet on Monday ' ~~." come in to-night for last Judgment for Plaintiff. Mr. Charles Hicks has called a Phone 400 - 5c we viol We want to clear out the balance of our in. In the of James H inson | meetin t junior hockey te of ? i ¢ thi arrangements an d mn vs. ean T0ees. which ead the pr - J Monday awit stock Ww eck. AL * : => structions. at the Supremé Court before Justice |The place of meeting will be an- . | ; Kelly yesterday, decision was given |nounced later. There has been an, ange vention * for the plaintiff. Mr. Hopkinson eoid | insistent demand for a get-together i ina rYocC ery a house at-the corner of Sixth and [of junior hockeyists to start the sea- Newboro, Ont. . | 9 9 OTICE. Rosen. After ison and apn effort. will be made to Frid 3 . Ra i Ss cn oe read win To emo 1% MAY COCs. Tommi £0 te toms wader way os soon us| Friday, Dee. 1060, 1926] Glassware sodine, & k wolution | maT as this date | will not be respons possible. 3 Pmimtumpretition Degree Work a, or jodine and giycerine wie. Mra. James Wi ; eG POT Beat, dressed Lodge, prises ' - : . . ~ 5 pan--=tn . THe i 1 set Bi SE wun) tions Ts ol) toe." Wound your belo and wil pay yuu ves of Iways an M. W. GM. and Fred Dane, Esq. f | : 3 x represantatives of the order of rail- I {Wand J { : well with real bargains. way conductors, and brotherhood of | (moon: via Brockville. One-half fare if railway trainmen will come together We fall single fhees or equivalent. 1 ; again to discuss situation arising : ------ 65 BROCK ST. ) : out of DANG Ye-wuich mel voied 1a r ~ NOVEMBER 6th-13th ett re roar sememse cr | STORAGEBATTERIES | || pq . 'Be on hand at 7.30 each | AE i Bre | The Robertson China' S Eo v8 i : | fates are not met. Meeting between : e | nl . ' PL two bodies concerned will be held i Be on at each evening to secure ph REPAIRED : the past year to the best of my your support wrt Bargain at 2.30 o'clock this afterncon in gen-. A Ey ian acini nan. |} Rucharged and Stored. way, Railways will be represented | Electrical Repairing, Sup=j} "-- by Sir Henry! W. Thornton, K. B. E.. | plies, etc. 1 Volley Ball a¢ YMCA. © | After diseensions chairman of Canadian National Rail! ' AF The Juntor Volley Ball Seague ot} character sof. the ad foreign | ways, and BW Beatty, X.C., pre LE® W OCHRANE the Y.M.C.A played two - games Signor Cremonexi, J U.S. army sident of Craadian' Pacif'c while 8. | '. . Monday sight which resuited in a] Rome; the vies-govop troops dur-| N. Berry, senior Fice president of 184 Ontario St., Kingston tor the Beebues over the Chics | men, have resigned {0 BC Sind bie olieagues will ro | wol 2042W. Res. 1570F "3 by 14-6, and Peewess over the | lini aceapted the preset the mea. . of . Besbees by th score of 12-4. - three fatalities

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