Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Nov 1926, p. 13

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ass ? . THE DAILY ES EET G To ---- TERE BRITISH WHI 280 Priocess Street | rere are ahead © Mar Bagram: fie: BIRTHS. Wolfe Island, Nov. 24th, 1336, to Mr Lioyd I. Hough (nee E Henderson), & daughter, Mabel). ---- pr ------ HOUGH-- At a ---- DEATHS, STORMS In Sydenham on(Nov. 1%, 1836. Rhoda Ann Nichols, reliot of jate Sydney W. Storms, in her Sist year Funeral from her late residence, Syd- enham, on December 1st. a: 1.30 oe glock Interment at Sydenham samalary. Friends and acqualniances respectfully invited to attend. IN MEMORIAM. In loving memory of my 4 Ralph Jamieson, who Was aec shar in Montyeal Nov. 30th, om anf SOU, wentally 1923 i CUT FLOWERS WEDDING BOUQUETS ARTISTIC FLORAL DESIGNS KIRKPATRICK'S ART AND FLOWER STORE 'Phones 452 and 1218-J. Bh KIWANIS CLUB WILL HELP THE BOY SCOUTS | w. KENT MACNEE i riting All Kinds of Insurance. Will Support | Brock and Wetlington Sts. New Headquarters at the 'Phone 2051 Old Rideau School. Seadquarters for the | N THE MARKET FOR His loving face we'll never forget, Thougii years may Dass away, he of him we sadly feel AN us that five: aay . No length of time, no lapse of years, | Can dln our loved orie's past For treasured memories hold him dear And will while memory lasts -- Sadly missed by his mother and sister, Muriel 59 Quebec street Lost and wound AUTOMOBILE CRANK Bagot street. Owner may at the Whig Office. BLACK AND Found on have same T WHITE and tan female fox hound, Jost near Buckshot Lake. Owner please inform or return do to Edward 8. Landon, Oniare New. ro. BOBBED HAIR COMB--Found on Prin coss Street on Saturday afternoon. Owner may have same phoning 1100 r 1-1. by | EVERSHARP PENCIL---Found near the ner of Earl and ner may have same at 211 Diviston « Street after six o'clock Streets LADIES WRIST WATCH. Found on Ear! Street Thursday morning. Owner may have same at 158 University Ave. CANE WITH BLACK HORN HANDLE Jost: valued as & keepsake Reward for return to Whig Office IF THE PERSON--Who stole & sum of money from & lady's purse in a board- "wih vo suovored bv | FURNITURE and STOVES Turk's Store the Board of Bduce-| PHONE 106 turn it over to the = -- ts immedintely. A spe Primitive has been working for | almost entirely on nuts. Many pro- of Scouting in Kings- |minent dioticlans now claim that ton for some time ad this is the one {puts ate the most complete vegetable EE TT man is sadd to have Mved com the betterment tng house last night, does not ret the money to the Whig Office, or to the proper owner, a police prosecution will follow. * PAIR-Of gentleman's Brown Gloves, found Wednesday morning Owner may have same at §83 Division Street. -------------- TWO HOUNUS-- Lost from Schooner Lake, male black and white and tan with black dots: female, black and tan. Both with "M" ofi left shoulder. big move which they have made. It {food we have. fs emphatic that they are pot only | quarters as a good | y Scouts' Association | she Kingston troops, but as pant | work In furthering and education. | was brought up at a club Monday night by | Mr. Hero Davis, who is chairman | 'comtiittes, looking after this the work. They have supported this sudevoe since spring and having now r hn building, recommended that the club provide it as permanent Seadquarcers for Boy Scouts in| The club, in discussing the Boy | Scott situation in Kingston, acknow- | the great value which this | straining bas for boys and that it | support. They suggested an | wment of $2,000 belog provided for their work and the interest to be | used as & support tor the Boy Scout work. s - HINTS FOR THE 4 Rubber Buffers At bi Ld motorcars, engineers realize that the produced Ly any less Intensity, isolate from the rest of the car any such disturbances would not be tran parts. The is capable of spreading to the car as a {s the most effective maler angine vibration and. noise, to which they are attached. CYLINDER WATER-LEAK ©. A. C. writes: wrist-pin coming loose, the third y cylinder of my engine Ras been so badly scored that a few Sxops of water leak Into the crank: case each day. Ia there anything that can be put into this score tol fll it up and stop the leak? Will} the small amount of water, mixing | with the oil, have serious effects upon the engine? i Atiswer: It seems extraordinary | that a score could be deep enough | 4° cause a water leak, considering! that the cylinder-wail is nearly %i inch thick, but possibly there was | 'a blowhole in the cylinder casting. | where the score took place. There are special alloys, which are fused into scores and ground to surface, which make successful repairs. Al- most any welding concern can! handle this operation, Are you absolutely sure that this water [The TORO ONE | vo acoRE0! | | \ \ 3 | { i Because of a} MARINE All of the vessels which wero an- a the harbor durtog the ., dleared Monday the wind dropped. McKee, Artington, tom, Gehm apd Ghem- were held over Lere westward, Salvage Prince and the Up--Nov. 39. --Hant, 1.30 pm. Metoaite, 5 p.m.; Brulin, 7.15 p.m. Celgarian, 11 p.m; Nisbet, 11.30 po. A 29. ---- Winnipes, 2.15 pm. O'Hagan, 6.30 pm.; Le- Digh, 6.30 p.m.; Beaverton, § p.m. . the score in the cylinder wall? It seems incredible Doesn't the wiier come from a leaky cylinder-head gasket and run' own the bore. collecting in notice. able amounts at the scored place? | Even a little water in the oli may | sause slight rusting of the bores However, It will collect at the bot- | Questions of comes through of | il 5 I ¢f £5 Mr ! ik IN THEIR ATTEMPTS to reduce | air-intake? Reward for return to Miller Party, Battersea. em --~ ALBERT L.CLOUGH Resilient Engine Mountings Engine Supports the vibration and noite made by car structure--composed as It is of sonorous metal parts rigidly bolted. or riveted together---possesses in a high degree the power of transmitting such vibrations and that those part of the mechanigm are "telephoned," with more or to all other parts of the vehicle. if it were possible to part which is setting up vibration, smitted to and reinforced by uiber most obvious manner of accomplishing this is to interpose between the svurce of vibration and its supports a body of material which absorbing these vibrations and thus preventing them from whole, but particuiarly to the body. Rubber ial for this purpose and in order to dampen it te beginning to be used as "vibration insulation" between the supporting arms of the engine and the frame tom of the ofl-pan and by drawing off a little liquid each day or two, fiom the oli-drain hole, you can eliminate most of it. -------- DOES THIS CARBURETOR FLOOD? P. J. R, writes: On long grades my engine starts sputtering at the carburetor, misses for a short time, and then, with a little coaxing, can he made to go on Examination shows that the carbu. retor is flooded at these times What causes this trouble? Answer: It seems strange that the carburetor is Ggoded at times when there are back explosions through the intake. These gen- erally occur when there ia insuf- ficlent gasoling in the carburetor, thus making the mixture weak Md you open the carburetor drain- cock to see If it was fuli or empty or 414 you conclude It was flooding trom seeing gasoline drip from the intake drip is not & scnclusive evidence of carburetor flooding, for intake explosions may plow back gasoline that has col- lected in the manifold, even when the level in the float 'chamber I+ very low it I» not clear what should make your carburetor 9004, under the conditions you specify We should sooner think that fuel wps low in it, due to vacuum tank \asuMiclency or derangement or from a dirty screen In the carbu. retor fuel inlet. - 3 general interest to the motorist will be answered by Clough in this column, space permitting 1 desired. enclose self-addressed. stamped envelope. BIINGING UP FATHER an immediale answer ¥ Hotel, i Feet. | i Farms and Land |OUT OUR WAY: NO! CLICKED Oyr! wes TAPPING OUT i res a teu i "THE BEDTIME STORY. fied Page Is a Public-Forum and a True Market Plac {Ct ANINGHAM & {i and Solicitors, | Kingston. A | Cyrd M. Smith | BAY AND REV and | So Clarence | ston A EK Day, Ar | Morigages arranged. | SHBA-Ambrose, B.A. | Seliciior. Law OX hy | spd Brook, over Loy { to loan ° ~ hb W. NH. HERR STON Bartistat, Fi Public. 181 ¥ 1bAs-w, tor and Notar ton Street REYNOLDS, J. Co-Barrister and tor, §1 Brock Straat, te a m FULL HEA NO EXT i A. | 200 Princess direel. { {ALL FURST CLASS HAL WORK | MADE 10 VRUER Ladies Transfers | mations, bubbed curls, switches shams PUOIRE. sihgeing, curling, Ladies and Children s nalr cutting. Mra Cuss alngham, 8 Bireet. Kingston Teiephone 299%. * ---------- racial poalp Tresiment. attention given leo Mair Dieing. Switser, 381 yusen tireet. 1 we oi phone 2 iL _phivas 301 Auctionegry Me. ee ---------------------------------------- AUCTIONEERS Expert servios, modes rate charges. We oan sell any anywhere, &ay ime. 'Phone Murray's Auction Market Square | ERNIE D. SLITER-~Insurbhos Broker, all branches of insurance in of highest hw neial King Street Rast companies ing. 381 Jin ; | Real Estate For Sale | is | MAKE MONEY AT -HOME--You oan earn $1.00 to $2.00 an nour in your spare time writing shawocards. No can- | vassing or soliciting; we instruct you! and supply you with work Write The Menheniti Com ed, 31 Dominion Bullding = Female Help Wanted 3 | jvod land, 4 mile from| Lots of woud, good bulld- weil watered. Apply on prem-| James boutl, Sydenham. 188 ACRES oydennam gs, ses. LO | em---- snes 39 ACRE FARM Good land, house and puliamgs in good condition, well wat- ered APpiy Alex. Redd, R R. No. 3, SC ------ Hs, 8. > 14 | SOME ONE--To take care of 2 Houses old baby. Salary is arranged between both parties. Apply to 384 Me ntreal Street. GENERAL STORE~Uoing good, would exchange LAwWo lars, Lares miles from ivy houses lor sale aud to lel < None) w loan T. OCon- Princess Streel 'Phone -- | SIX ROOMED HOUSE-SS Rideau St; ali Improvemenis ADpiy 186 Queen! . Agents Wanted ---------------------- eS eo ------ RELIABLE SALES AGENTS Wanted | now for every unrepresented distriet; | largest and complete stock, alx hundred aor Nursery establiptied forty! yoArs. ur agency is valuable. Write | now and secure territory. Pelham | Nursery Co. Toreato. CP | seme mies. | 3 3 il J bree REAL LIVE AGENT--To sell Radios in| Nagy, Wa tpn i pr. r full or part time. Experience unneces-| au paid IP UF WEBLE QJUeen Meh. sary. Apply Premier Electric, Lon-; pew, (di Queen dreel West ravael don, Ontario. ont. | | IE o --1 Maen Gass, Toronto, = l= o { MAUMGIOE FOr waite | DAILY WORK--Cgoking or plain sew ing, also plain nursing; also furniture polished Good references. Apply ht Quee |. Street. | ANDIRONS Fenders, fire gereons-- | overytning for MRArepiaces. yaririd Wire anda iron WOrks, piaiibg in sus ver, nigsel, eto, King Si Pavag S80. | Positions p-- Miscellaneous 15 | YOUNG MAN--=Desires a position in ei-| ther & grocery or dry goods store. | arpy to Rankin Haystead, Aclhens, mi. | BEATTY BARN EQUIFMENT---Now is] . | the time to instal & manure carrier! | tur t iter; lsu water buckets and Esta on i t Churns, Washers, = tate For Re "n. { , Harness, a . Cramer, 31 Brock} Farms and Lands Phones 538-) or 1217-8 i i i | ss {| els and Hodes 82 Street 120 ACRES-.Of good land, 3 miles north SRIUK --Stock, pressed. Rug Rusiig} west of Camden East and well] wire cut, buliding tile and drain tile watered and fenced. Buildings a good | A. Neal, $34 John Phone S041. | repair. % mile from schoel, close Rf ------------------ a Ain > i R.. R. cenure. leaving on &ccoun bad health. Apply to Garnet Jeffrey, Camden E * ! gee the BTiAsH WHE S assorunent be-i fore DuyIng eisewnere. Prices from $2 $45 per duosen. : { 9 | <1ANO-- Square, medium size. Apply] » 312 King street { BRICK VENEBR--- Water, electric light, EE adr fur e, lenAnt moving y Fe Wil vent you a town. Particulars apply » RY er Mt Herrington, Phone 2848-w Houses * Pane Wi period of six mon AL the expira- tion of the six moun.hs. we Wi alow all monies pald as rental to ly on} the purchase price of Loe pia W. | Linasay, 14d. 131 Princess SEVEN ROOMED--emenl Block House furnace, all improvements, on Sixth Street. Newly decorated $35 00 per MORLL Avy H. F. Norman, 63 Pat*| ywo HORSES-- Apply Cansdian Ns- r tional Expreag Co. i Rooms 10 Furniture TWO DOUBLE BEDROOMS ~ With board: also single room. Apply 212 King Street or 'phone 2287 FURNITURE-= Antique and moderna furniture sold aud boughi M. Cram-~ or, B07 Princess dlreel, successors to Lassea Antique Shop. M. Cramer wishes to announce that his piaat is wow | ready for the work of silvering Mir- gurs, He guarantees a Nrsl Class job Al reasonkbie rates, and solicits a ial Phone 2810. ~ ONE LARGE BEDROOM-Sultable for student or busimess man, In priva'e home with every convenience and use of phone Apply 83 York Street or 'phone 371-w amt EEE QUEEN MARIE ARRIVES. ed Auto Tops -------------------------------- 1. 6G. PAUL--dpecialigt for new or re- paired, Side Curtains, Slip Covers Be- upholstering and decking, wind- and body glass put in wht'e you lincoln ead edging for rum- ming boards, Waler, roof truck tarpaa- Ins and awnings made to order. 383 Frifcoss Street. Phone L6de-F. But. Rough Seas Prevents Her From | Landing. ! Cherbourg, Francs, Nov. 30. | Queen Marie of Rumania, with Prin- oy Ileana and Prince Nicholas and it makes it easier Tor readers to aa- ee et A A {DRY HARDWOOL--§400 load Ory | PARKER'S WOODYARD 660 Jd oh t of | FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CARD NEEDS | 8 | POULTRY---We are Low her suite, arrived here this momm- ing on board the steamer Beren- garia from New York. Rough seas prevented the Queen. from landing A lighter with the Rumanian court| marshal, General Angelesco, aboard was unable to approach the liner safely and had to put back to the dock after waiting two hours. swer your classified ada. if it contains path your teléphone number ana your street address You are missing the vest opportuni. ties if you miss reading the Whig Classified Page. i Where there's & Will there's a Way. | tHience read Classified Ads fur "the way." For bargains In housenold goods and) terniture refer to the Classified Bee. won. fH. on & 8 FH 3 'pose a Res. M3 ile and Casunlk umiey, 439 Bar Nw insure Sireet == FAR KA utomob ance. M. U Poone 1i83-M ---------- " ee -------------------------------- ANTHRACITE COAL--s Chestfat | 3. B. COOK E--Lifg Fire, Accident aad and pea cual Le { and stove al kness, in reMs ym ton, disse $15.35 from oar, od. Lar of pea sanager Mmperial Lite Ley ranos. coal Arrived. ONO the cars §i1l.80. UF hones: OU pod-w, Res 1531-m ders taken. Appar \ v. Neville pg ¢ ---------- Collingwood Stivel. Celepboue 3363-m INSURANCE-=Only the most reliable " companies represen Strange, estabilshed in 1868 Clarence Street, opposite Fost Be 1 eliver bs $3.00 pie Hard coke, §7 Miavu SU Wn = is w Street. - LUMBER--IlOURL shingles and iain satin woud fouring, sil Kinds HResawling anu pianiig J Bon, Corner Broce and Streets. Phone 33. pea softwood ala real -- = ne Decorators Lond i al. - A ANDEMSON--Talnter and Shoup apd residence 'phone Dasgratts: mee fice 354 King Street GET YOUR PAINTING--ADd phpering done now. Prices reasons paper for sue. Horton, 46 wood Street. Phone ned. ee ---------------- SIGN PAINTIAG-=J. B Hoblnsen, reas +16 bagoL bireet - cased also ah hard- stovewood Peolers & Toronto nd <4 GO TO TALNOT'S LUMBER YARD Concession sireel, for used lumber at $46 per thvusand, new lumber nd shingies, lowwsl price possibile; hard And mixed Wood, soll Rid Mised Bias Phone flor prices. Pavae 3 ad. Fascia » FRONTENAC LOAN AND INV MEANT BOUARTY -- lover 1864. Presigent, A. wright, vice-president 4. M. Farrell Money to loan Gn City aud farm properties; wm Vestmeni bobdg Loughbl ahd G0 posits received and Miterest inimum moathiy balance a lWrigLt, manager, 51 CIRrenoe ee Swrage a treet, phone 1438-J. For goud woud try Parkers Beat dry hardwood $4.18 per load, mixed hardwood, §e.50, slabs! SWAIN'S WOOD YARD The only wood-yand operating their own bush 'Phone ibis-w And save s Mixed and sult slabs siways on middiemar no. | STORAGE==For furniture, clean, Airy rooms and spaces; your own wid Key ros. a Oly Boras, 06 Wuven BL Fhune 336. Mes. ew. or Lpsa-d. * ee ---------------------------------- HOYIYS STORAGE WARKBMOUSE--For furniture of Gay merchandise. Fi proot building. Poaene Teeter LTE. --a------ resin tama W. H. NORMAN Wishes to announo onl and W Mixed Wood, per « slabs, $2.75. Delivered W. H. TALBOT cession » | the Deal { hardwoo $580 quarter ixed wood and siabs of ; & good st ' ber and of hard hundred ASH Seeliehned Ou yaras, Ciean Job dens. 4 Kuseell Stieel , ensa---- Exper Plane Tuning. Piayer-ne Adjusting, Phone 16et C. W. Lianaal, LAMITED Twenty classes of live or dressed Highest cash prices pa and pr returns. Write or pi e for The Frontenac Froduce { Street, Kingston, vilj BEVEe Fou ow of wey WE UL your A patiery. oes Bow pu Shin, Lankan = ; = Businuss Services CC | Lrsusss CAN U--ADG EOOeIBL Tephifs card Bureet. 10g. Leave oidery 84 oF drop & Ww FW. hare, ANd Clergy Fuope i600 -J. wi a - t BALDNESS -- ss -- ERR i . R Auto "BoLossOres a BALDXESS---s, a ¥ Attes of choles. Ree £2 wr hn ---- | RINGSTON ALTO TOF AND BODY OO. Makers of Aulo, BUSEY. Bost and Cusilons Commercial, Coupe buddies. Profegsionar efficacy skeptical h for appoin Box 233%, K ORUGLEDS PRACTITIONER « W. A Marcells, corner of Harrie aud Prin. cess Streels. Chiropractic adjusts ments, eleciric treatments and bande massage. X-ray Service Consuita- tion free. Hours #-13 am, 1-6 pm Even.ngs yy appointment. Office tale phone 8§13-J. saidence "phon J: p-------- LUCY=Geo F. and Jeunle ractors, Registered Nurse, treet. Phone #61 1-6, 6-71.30 Consult ST RR Ope ron bord Trask, Ase sil kinds of Second Rand Antemobiie Farts for ail makes A. Chiro- 302 Bagot #13 o00. & POLLITT 1460 RIDEAU 81. KUDEN Paone 24TE-w, {ave you resd the number of poste a Appearing in the Classified Sop homes, leiepho a Want 3 (hat are upen for those Whe APS onve d locate a buyer quicks | mpoyed ly. Call 243, Whig ¢ iassified Ad. Dept {1 makes it eAsler for readers 0 AR Read the Ulnssilied page jor Los atid | wer yout cinssifind ads If it 00 Found articles. Perhaps what you are poth your telephones number and ¥ missing is advertised simong the found sirest sddrese 3 article 1f net { ua help you locale 3 nen YIU MEL 0 Lar or rent Bouses qperti an Md. AL once rekd the © it by Jue hig so ca m-- mm -- « 1 nu BY GEORGE McMANUS Someone Waits lo wi and pew is exactly the © While pevpie are BY GOLLY-1 DION T IN POLITICS MAKE UP = TO RUN FOR ~MAN' thi i. i ited: HAD TO THINK TO BE -~§ €AN MIND WHO ALOERMAN- 1 MUST GIT A COOD YES -MY HOS o dot 1S IN LIC iy ? MUST BE IM GOING To VOTE EOR ANY MAN MRC IEE PUTS I IVEJUST DECIDED THAT I M THE MAN THAT SHO ILD RUN FOR ALDE}, MAN! ee ----. A-------------------------- WALID BEMVILE = A Balkite trickle eeil-- Tops Sedan, ~

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