THE DAILY Te BRITISH WHIG YOUTH OF NAPANEE Mass Meeting in the Armouries i ~Two Shop Breakers Are Sentenced. AIC Nepanee, Nov. 30.--Ome of SLI eAy MAKING IF A Ril (G {dhe armouries took phe on Mom- SITE, PA ; ERT IY: Ta day evening when the young people - 4 . {of the surroundag district of Nep- : i janee gathered to hear the views ex- = | 1 | T 3 BD) | | pressed by prominent young people : | jof Ontario on the vital question dr N11 | which comfronts the electors on | Wednesday. W. T. _ MacKenzie, | president of the Young People of St. Ra ------ | Andrew's Church, acted as { plemented | logi.te orchestra amd others' provid- Jed excellent music while the crowd | was assembling. Mr. Roy Rickard of | Aubert College, Belleville, led In | community sioging for a few min- | nates at the opening of the meet POLE'S TASTELESS ~~ EXTRACT OF COD LIVER ae | | largest mass meetings ever hedd in! chair- | iman. St. Andrew's orchestra sup-| by the Napaoee Col-| -- a pe. ow | picroy Picton, Nov. 30.---Perry Usark al recovering in Prince Bdward| County bospital, from an operation | | tor appendicitis. = 1 | © Alfred N. Foster bas sold his | {farm to Mr. Walter Taylor, Chesry | Valey. : i | The young people of Picton end | surronding county held a cemon- | | stration last night at the Armouries las a protest against the utterances of Premier Ferguson Te the bip| | flamk at young people's parties. i Miss Ethel Hodges has return- | ed to her home, Ontario street, af-| ter. a Soliday with friends in To | ronto abd attending the Royal Wim- | {ter Fair. : { A mbeting of the hockey en-| thusiasts was beid in the public Kb- | rary on Priday evening and' plans | | discussed and arrangements made | for the coming seasom. : ! Roy McLean is holidaying at the | home of Irs mother, Mrs. FP. 8 Mc-| Lean, Main street. Roy is engaged in circulation work for the Stone & Cox publishing Co., in the western | Ey ------ This year's showing of lovely Scarfs reveals a new high standard in value and beauty! Never before have we been able to offer a range that is so complete in all details.- Charming creations that will win you immediately are here in so many dainty, colored effects that a perfect match for the costume is assured. Priced so reasonably, tool Sk Knitted Searls in gvery conceivable shade, at ......$1.00. orgeous Crepe de Chenes and rgettes, priced y $4.50, Ideal for immediate wear or as Cres gifts. oes ED SRR = SJR SILK AND WOOL HOSE In pisin colors or available in a wide range of the newer Checks. All sises are here, from 835 to 10. Priced at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 LADIES' KID GLOVES In the newest shades, with fancy cuffs --so dif ferent! In all sizes and priced specially at $2.50 pair eer | dng. { J. L. Murray of the Napanee Col- legiate staff was the first speaker { wiso put pefore the audience two | questions: "Has the Ontario Tem- | perance. Act falled?" and "Is the | proposed" legislation of the province | of Ontario going to Denefit the | people of to-day? These questions | Mr. Murray dealt with fairly through : i | Ba own experiences and left a very - . | favorable impression on the audi- Your Home Should Come First bemoo as to which legislation was the Medley's. . SPECIAL SALE |= === | Kenneth Stubbine, of Trimity Col point. leg, and Boy Mayor of Toronto gave | At the annual meeting of the On- o ; J | | proposed legia'ation, he said, wheye | where horses are bred for making | | tiquor would be sold by the glass! violin bows from their hair. i | would only increase drunkeness and| Tornadoes seldom occur outside | A | decrease bootlegging. the United States, and chiefly in the Tv | his vihws on the questions at #ssue |... Associated Board of Trade and | and drow the attention of the YOURS | commerce, Mayor, Newman was re- Miss Marmion Wales, B.A, of To-! yigsiasippi Valley, 3 piece outfit, complete--2"" Walnut bed, well-filled 3" fillers, Simmons Pleasant to Take--Useful in Checking Colds. Sox Du B 'o 4 Son Mrs. Annte McKibbom, Mary | rani an ©" D street, has been spending several | yr days with her daughter d hus-| 2 ' band, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Vincent. | a The Prince Edward County Board | of Trade has iseued am attractive fodder advertising the county. In ad- dition to some spendid views of the county the folder contains much information as to the resources and | attractdoms from 'an agricultural, fruifi growing and tourist stand DAINTY SILK UNDIES! SILK VESTS, SILK BLOOMERS, Pretty Sag of, Whits. Pink | Ex So retty shades o ite, Pink, | Extra good quality off i Peach and Orchid; in sizes 36 «0 | host oF tt = My iored 02." v 40. Priced-- $1.00 and $1.39 Special $2.00 pair SILK KNIT SLIPS In a dozen pretty shades and all sizes"... ....... LIMITED 268 Princess Phone 18 .. $2.95 and $3.25 BUY BETTER AT D. A. SHAW. Limited Kingston's Carpet Warehouse. w---- ston Cleeve's Egg and Cream Toffee, ~ The Always Busy Store. fo -- a LLY FOR DR. MING WAS HELD AT BATH, --_---- - ---- --WE MAKE HATS. ~--WE TRIM HATS. ~--WE SELL HATS, te 8 eB res seen Simmons Beauty Rest Mattresses. Ostermoor are the best Mattresses anywhere. Fully 25% superior to anything made. Councillors, School Trustees and Water Commissioners Also Re-elected. ---- Gananoque, Nov. 30.--Mayor W. J. Wilson has been re-elected for another term by acclamation. AH the councillors, school trustees and water commissioners have also been re-aected by acclamation. Foliow- ing is a lst of those who bave been homored: Mayor--W. J. Wilson. Councifons -- Gordon Bighoyp, | | James Karr, J. Pullaw, A.. Hudson, Robert Sinclair, A. J. Feale. School trustees--Rev. C. E. Kidd, Dr. J. J. Davis, Dr. E. J. Bracken Water Commissionérs--J. Arthur Jackson, T. 1. Ellis, Aubrey Lott, C. C. Skinner. -------------- Ovelm~. Cream, Medley's. Under the euspices of the Inter. national Bible Students Association, | H. L. Stewart of Winnipeg lectured | in the Orange Hall, Sunday evening | on, the "Hope Beyond the Grave." | Ovelmo Tablets, Medley"s. The steamship Aquitansa burns 33,000 barrels of ofl a day on her | trans-Atlantic voyages. | In early days playing cards were | used more for fortune-teiling then | for games of skill. - | Damp Wash.-- Flat Work Ironed Furs Below Regular Prices Like all progressive concerns we are after more business. Our Godkins' Liv Saddle Herpes. Bus to Cemetery daily except Monday arday at 3 pan. rot Bogie JL parties to the country, 138% QUEEN STRERY PHONE 218 { people to the stogan, "Youth Re-| ,..ted to the Executive Council. { tuses to Retreat." The young peo- | | ple of to-day have sufficient tempta- | tons before them without adding | iquor store around the corner. The , roto University, daughter Of MI. | nnn. | {and Mm. R. 3. Wales, Napanee was : - | | the next speaker, who gave some Sore, Aching Corns | lasting thoughts on the 'situation of Drop Out In Hot Bath! | try and why lessen that beauty by | To take the sting out of corns and [RA | tng to improve our moral status and | them yuiekly the hot foot Jib enn | Wednesday's issue is mot a n | ployed wit >utnam's Painless Corn | - | thom ER ikicn but a moral i | Extractor is best of all. To use Stirring Addresses Were De-| -".» | Chanies McRao'ot Knox College, | Putnam's" is to end corns quickly.| jjyered In Support of the | arisian Shop {i = { Toronto, and ex-boy mayor, put the oe _- ig Yisapyeuss: be Thor or O0.T.A. {| Between Division and Barrie Sts. Hl : ) 11 1 11} {final touches to the mesting In al,wo and the corn goes away. Satis- -- i | ut our Coil Spring, Cotton Filled Mat- {brilliant and forceful speech, telling | raction is spsured to everyone. who| , _.4..4i4 rally Wn tbe interests | tonsc Lennox, who is supporting the i tress, for .aie pe ' . $23.00 ins that the young people of to-day | uses Putnam's Painless Corn Extract Fron. | OBiaro Temperance Act, was held | i |are going forward umtil victory is|or. 25 cents atall dealers. ¢ Dr. Ming, candidate for FYOR| hy jay night, at Bath, 4a the |i . " | theirs. he SES: Sas ------- 4 Bl town bali, and wes attended : 3 piece outfit --Cane-filled 2" posts, Shui, I. Gmebaun. president of} JSttended by | ur er- ' Simmons Coil Spring, Cotton Fill- {the Young Peoples of Trinity Church, | pt | of Battersea, was tho re oi y - iread the resolution which bespoke | { the meeting, and the speakers were | ° {the feeligs of the young. people in| | Rev. m7. Bugiena, of Kingston: Mr.} atio Simmons Spring Filled Mattresses. {ous statements being proclaimed bv | W. W. OChown, of Kingston. ns. and : | prominent politicians relative to the | Rev. Mr. England dealt with the || | moral tone of the young. people of 2. T. A. from a moral standpoint, | . {Ontario. Miss Margaret Wootton of | while Mr. MeGiliteuddy took up Mr. |i {the Napanee Collegiate staff, second- | | Ramey"s programme and also the | |i e airs {ed the motion. ; Mquor question. Mr. Chown dealt |] | The rally was oye ot the sureget i | with the O. il A. from a financial | Ca , {meetings ever held in Napanee In| { aspect, pom out the affect the : . the interests of the O.T.A., and an | sale of liquor would have on' busi- | reful attention gv- unenimious vote was taken to sus-| ness at the same time dealing with || ; tain the present legislation as re-| | the moral aspects of the question. en all orders, no mat- illows : gards the liquor question. { Pillo BABY ur $1.35 pair A silver coMection was taken at] | i ter how large or how : the meeting and a substantial sum | X A " AN ACCLAMATION FOR Springs and Ex. Couches ..e was realized to defray the expenses | > by pA small. * : of the meeting, wholly instigated and | . MAYOR OF GANANOQUE t : ! Napanee. | S-- Victor Amey and Kenneth Keller | . . . of Tamworth, who were before Po-| Leading in Funeral and Ambulance Service. 'Phone 577, {lice Magistrate Ruttan a week ago , \ . {tor shop breaking, baving entered | P. J. Hopkins' hardware store, Tam-| so ee ow | worth, were sentenced on Saturday | 3 last. Keller was sentenced to three | stock and factory equipment and facilities for handling Furs in a : years in the industrial school, Mimi-| big way are such that we can render Fur service to even far more BUY ADVERTISED GOODS | [5 ws amr otrs yao cae | won n Kineton #0 21080 (00 : tay. 4 the. Outatie refommitery, Nearly 50 Y Making and Selling Furs New Ideas For Your Comfort [| Guelph. | carly ears ¥ : | Rverett Pybus was arrested et] We have had a wonderful Fur trade so far this season, but we Brighton last week, charged with the | want to make December a banner month in our long pats ois Josephine Leamy on Sept. 5th last | ff * old weather will also keep. He was remanded for seven days for x . J sentence. 1 Do Not Wait--Buy Now it Mr. end Mrs. Chard of Lindsay ll . We are this season going to rid sonfe folks of a wrong idea and | or our | spent the week-end with friends in| make it inadvisable and unnecessary to wait until after Christmas to y iii Napanee. { buy, because we are going to sell Furs below regular prices starting ; . Ml!" James A. Garratt returned to Van-|f§ to-morrow. es, /7 Christmas Cake §/==2c. "x, dete on Truth In Advertising Pays {spending two weeks with his eon, H. i We always stand true to our advertisements and we are not go- 4 Fancy Seeded Raisins, 1s. 17c. fff © Gamat. ing to sell below cost, but we are going to share the value'of big bysi- ADJUSTARLE Rig le Fancy Seedless Raisins, 1s. 13c. -- . ¢ ness with those who buy here in December. lel et Fancy Seedless (loose) TEMPERANCE. : . : : . 2 pounds ose il! ee Christmas Sale Prices In Plain Figures Fancy Currants (pkgs) 1s, 15c. [ii Author of all divine Puicember prices for Pur garments cannot Mikety be repeated -- English cut Mixed Peel, 1b. 20¢. fii} Oifts, lofty, pure and free, : they wi ower than market because bought righ Orange Pech (new), Ih... 0c. [Il Temperance and truth in song cul he right time. Every coat will carry a ticket showing the Chirist- 3 a * Hi blime i mas Sale Price in plain figures. Lemon Peel (new), Ib... .28c . Citron Peel (new), Ib. .58c. An offering bring to Thee ! the temptation of the governmen { to-day. We have a beautiful ocoun- | improper legislation. We are striv-|fo be sure you are going to be-rid of ed Mattress .................$25,00 | gis a {thie district as regards the slander- MeGiifouddy, of Toronto, »* carried on by the Young People of -- : | Campbell Bros. theft of an automobile from Miss] have the stock to produce such results, and we feel Broken Walnuts (new), Ib. 55c. Few Larger Fur Stocks in Canada new FREIGHT DELIVERY MOTOR TRUCKS FOR BEST SERVICE TRY J. W. LANE 35 York Street. "Phone 2738, That you will find will serve you We have a variety of adjuptdble lamps from which to choose. And we will show you electric fixtures 1 meet with your ideas of and utility. You'll be And she---last at the cross, : First at the tomb, who waits Woman--will watoh to cleanse from! Work for our glorious cause ! And be your waiting hearts elate, Since temperance makes your Jam. -~Mary Baker Eddy. Extract from, "Dedication of a Temperance Jl, Lynn, Mass, | Aug. ith, 1866. { | g : Jodk! Soap and Oin TE TVS BUR WARY 6p [2 ING YOUR PAPER o | you had better come to me for a thorough examina- Ladies' Fur Coats They will be the biggest December attraction and the values, the styles and the reduced prices Just What We Do: will interest buyers ju King ud all Wire We call for your work. . We wash it. Coats In All Furs iron al) ted aud $40 to $535 We return your wearing apparel damp ready to % iron. : The popular Pur Coats that' we show this season Sc. per Ib. include Beaver, Grey Squirrel, Hudson Seal, Persian Lamb, Raccoon, Caracal, Leopard, Muskrat, French Minimum $0c. Seal, Beaverine and others. Come and make your choice edrly and share with us the benefits of newly The Kingston- established records for big seiling of Furs. We ex. I oo. 11 "L ] EORGE MILLS & COJ | ies