x lau inh il palaces 0 ad SHI te 5 " THE DAILY B (2 i 3. RITISH Ww SS -- Hig 0 NEWS AND VIEWS FOR WOMEN READERS . O _LIFE'S SOCIAL SIDE | : i "Woman's Page Editor Phone 2018 d sate Phone S357w. - . . Mrs. A, G. Mody, Barris street, left for Toronto to-day. i - * «® Mr. H. H. Horsey, Ottawa, was in today on his way to Cressey. . . » » ( Queen's Badminton Club will send m-to-Bedewille on Thursday. » \S - Ld Mw. F. W. Hil, Gore street, bridge club hostess this after . n * . _ Mrs. BR. 8. Waldron, King street, i} leave for Toronto om Wednes- ta Mise Agnes Belnouse, University mue, Is visiting Mrs. McGregor in ton, ; CI Miss Macleod, who was the gue Miss Betts, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hall, Alfred | , their sons and Miss Helen motored to Toronto for the - Mrs. M. Buck, Sydenham, who es been visiting Mrs. leighton Guess, Brook street, has returned home. : . . . = Mr. Jamies Cummins, Queen's Uni Yeraity, "pent the week end with his mother, Mrs. E. Cummins, Belle- ville. * * Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Lockett, Kensington avenue, will leave for 'orontd on. Thursday to spend sev- oral weeks. » * * Miss Mary Macgillivray, Albert f Street, is entertaining at bridge this Mfternoon for Miss Mary Bickford, E Buffalo, N.Y. ' 3 - - . Mrs. L. Batiste, Montreal, is visit- ng In Kingston and is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, William Lomax, 119 Patrick strest. aaa . eo = Mr. Neil P. Polson, Sr, will ac: | gompany Dr. Stuart Polson and the! i Misses Polson, who leave on Wed-| nesday for California ie - * . Mr. 8. Winter, Yarker, and Mr. B 'Drinkwater, Timmermsn, Montreal, the guests this week of Dr and H. E. Day, Alfred street. » - . . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barte, Belle motored to town during the pk-etd and were. the guests of) , and Mrs. A. H. Fair, West f : 2 . Ld * Mr. Clarence Steen and Mr. Regi- d Little, who spent the week-end Mr. and- Mrs. BE. S. Steen, 245 oh &treet, have returned to fhe. -. * Mr. and Mrs. John Nicolls, Barrie poet, leave this week for Hamilton will be the guests of Dr. and Noble Armstrong until they @ for California, ~ ee ® . MajorGeneral and Mrs. J H aeBrien, Ottawa, who have been) for several weeks, are pas-| on the Metagama, due In St. | in this week-e 3 Bros," _ A luncheon in conmection with St. Andrew's Day meeting of the ory of Frontenac was given In James' Parish HaM today by the bers of the city W. A, . + . oom. Col. and Mrs. W. D. Gordon and i Col. and Mrs, H. E. Bosak have ar | rived in Halifax from England. Col and Mrs. Gordon will go to Ottawa to visit Col. and Mre. Victor Ander son and Col. and ' Mrs. Boak will | come to Kingston shortly. . » . i A splendidly conducted sae sad supper wes held at the House of Providence, Monday afternoon. The | Rev, Mother Superior and her as-| Sstants received WIth Miss Agnes: Doolan, Mrs. M. Bohan, Mrs. T. F. | Burke, Mrs. W. Robertsom, Mrs. M. Kennegy, Mrs. J. A. Hughes and Mrs. E. Thompson. Tables were in the reception room with all sorts of | attractive wares for sale. At the bomemade table Mrs. W. G. Bailey, Mme. A. Carey, Mrs. J. Tougher, Mrs H. A. Cooper, Mm. E. O'Netl and Mrs. M. Carey were in charge. Where the fancy work Was for eale Mrs W. Malden, Mrs. D. PFitsgibbon, Mme. T. J. Mur phy and Mrs. W. Staw' were the saleswomen and the novelties wer: sold by Miss B. and Miss F. Kan | and Miss C. Decker. The Christmas gift table was presided over by Miss Anita Walsh and Miss Bessie Kane A candy table with blue and white boxss was in another room and was in charge of Miss Walsh, Miss F¢ Sullivan, Miss J. Browne, M Cicolari, Miss Swan, Miss Madden and Miss Branigan. Cigarettes and tobacco were sold by Ms. W. D Sughrue, Mrs. W. J. Logue, Miss Mary Cross and Miss Gladys Milne Downstairs were the supper tables arranged in & room gay with flags and red and green streamers The tables were decorated with echrysanthemums and were under the direction of Mrs. C..J. Corrigan who had a large committee. The | ladies who directed those at the twélve tables were Mrs. J. Kehoe Mrs. W. James, Mrs. BE. J" Metcail Mrs. T. A. Keenan, Mrs. George Sullivan, Mre. J. F. Sowanrds, Mm. C A. Hanley, Mre. A. Shea, Mrs. F. J O'Connor, Mrs. E. J. Coysins, Atrs. F Tacker and Mrs. Macnamee, Mrs Hart, Mrs. Donahue. The Ro- tarians and Kiwanlans came in to the supper and greatly emjoyed the duinties prepared for them by the ladles. Missa I. Shaw and Miss J. Finn were in charge of the check [ | WOMEN'S INSTITUTE i ATHENS. , The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held on the last Saturday of November, the 27th inst. In the absence of the pre- sident, Mrs. E. J. Purcell, a former président, Mrs. B. Judson, occupied the chair, in her usual efficient manner. Following the regular ron- tine of business, the entire member-| ship of eighty-six was divided into] four groups, for the purpose of de-| vising some schemes for raising mo-| ney for Institute purposes, and com-| munity work. The main feature of the afternoon was the report of the Eastern Ont- ario Women's Institute convention, held In the Chateau Laurier, Otfawa! on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th of Novem- | ber, The delegate, Mrs. 8. L. Snow-| den, had certainly dome her best to bring a full yet concjse actount of | the proceedings, andl the many points regarding activities in various! centres throughout this part of the province ought to result in the assi- milation of new ideas to work out in our own town, during the months to! come. A hearty vote of thanks was| accorded. Mrs. Snowden, the words { i i i i prepared to act promptly when colds and chills threaten. Buy a package of TR A Baton to check imtas medica t to winter ts -- that warms and comforts in Ld \ ¢ " g a - - Ca ul at Aad ~ ad hd of .appreciation being tle voice of all present. "Current Events" were dealt with} briefly by Mra. Beach, who had care-| fully scanned the press during the interval since the last meeting, and | had culled the most timely and im- portant items. We fihd this a most | interesting department in our work in this branch, for it tends to keep) us abreast<of the times and on the| look-out for notes of interest to womeh in general A wee girlie, Miss Mildred Fergu- son, contributed a plano solo, and demonstrated that our work can make good use of the young, as well | 55 those of more mature-years. In view of the pear proximity of | Christmas-time, when so many gifts are made, an exhibit of aprons, fancy and useful, was most seasonabdle There was also an exchange of pat- terns, for mutual benefit. As the last Saturday of next month, (our regular meeting day) falls upon the Christmas Day, it was decided to hold the December meet- ing om the 29th of December Anti- | cipating the programme somewhat, | it may be mentioned that a paper on | "Community Activities" is %xpected | from Mrs. Etta Eaton, who has/ charge of that department for Eas- | tern Ontario, "Hot Supper Dishes" | will be in charge of Mrs. 8S. C. A Lamb, while Mrs. G. W. Beach, is to be responsible for: two musical | numbers. Thus should the iast meet-| ing of the calendar year prove quite | as Interesting as any of the others which have preceded fit. Earrings Are "In Earrings have passed the experi-| mental stage. While they are no| longer featured In such bizarre shapes and designs, they arg devel-| oped in diamonds and fore. NICKLE Stands four-square for the, 0.T.A., because he believes it iis In the best Interests of the to-morrow. A Christmas Seal Poem. Here comes the little Christmas Seal, To make it's yearly strong appeal For help to fight the dread T. B., And set it's captive pris'ners free. The cheery little Christmas Seal, That changes woefulness to weal, And brings to homes of dread and fear The joyful news of hope and cheer. a wonder-working Christmas Seal, raises funds the sick to heal, To pay the doctor and the nurse And rid the land of the T. B. Curse The educating Christmas Seal, That touches. heaith with earnest zeal, That rest, fresh air, and food that's right, Are winning factors in the fight. precious | Und sr the Cfoss the Christmas Seal ! make them brilliantly hued sweaters j stones, more elegantly than ever be-| Lifts 'gainst disease {it's glance steel, of | "Health for Al" is it's slogan bright, | More Natural Shades. The newest powders and rouges are less contradictory to nature than they have been, and there is an evi-| dent return to less yellow reds and to lighter shades of powder. -- Onyx And Diamonds. Jewelled powder boxes become very elaborate affairs. Probably the most elegant are of onyx and dia- monds, i « Black and White, The French combine furs very at- tractively this season, outlining gray or black furs with a narrow line of ermine. Spangles Are Back. Spangles have. retumed to the mode but they are small and made of a substance that reflects all the tints of the rainbow. Youthful Frocks. Gauze ribbons in delicate shades are used on the party frocks of the extremely young. Furred Pockets. Pockets made of huge patches of far are seen on the smart new coats. Often this is the only touch of fur All for Health" is it's rule or fight Only a penny Christmas Seal, {1 gives to eacll a chance to feel He in the great work has a share Though 'tis bul pennies he can spare To YOU, dear friend, the Christmas Seal, We bring to suff'rers joy that's real, To hear these words our joy may be "For ye have done it unto Me." --Mrs. George Waller. Expensive, Too. A dinner ring that is all the most exacting woman could ask for has a huge black and white péarl ar- ranged in a diagonai line, and square diamonds fillihg in the spaces - be- tween. A Sure' Sign. "] think there's company down- stairs.™ x "How d'ya know?" "I just heard mamma laugh papa's joke.---Answers, London, d Debs Like Them. Little Jetraight silver tame cloth fined with brillant colored velvet are very much Mked by slender debutantes. YOUNGEST HOSTESS OF DIPLOMATIC SET The' youngest hostess in Washington's diplomatic sel is Mlle. Jean Grelziano, beautiful daughter of the new Ruma- inian minister to the Unifed States, M. George Gretziano. She only recently passed her eighteenth birthday. » b | at | coats of gold or! |_ 7he Editor Hears | | That Miss G. C. M. White, at one | time & member of the staff of the British Whig, who is known to the | Women's Institutes of Canada as "Bride Broder," of the Ontario Far- {mer, is the editor of a new page | that will shortly appear on the Mail and Empire. It will be known {a8 "Successful Housekeeping" and | wi feature the work of the | Women's Institutes, Canada's larg- est women's organisation. : That' Kingston has over seventy.) five women's organizations. We can almost hear the horrified ac- cents of our readers when they see| this and exclaim about all the over- lapping. But after all is thers so| much? A certain amount of It no | doubt, but the alms of these socie- ties are different and they all are useful. While we have not a regular | sysiem of federated charities in Kingston we have the Local Coancil of Women with thirty-eight affiliat- ed societies of the city and county with 4 total membership of over two thousand women. This is a very| large local council for the popula-| tion of Kingston, Toronto council! only numbering seventy-five attita- | ted eocleties, i That every now and then the news {come from the fount of information {that tells us what men are to wear, {saying that bright colors are going {to appear on the streets in the gar | ments worn by business men So {far we haven't noticed it in King- | ston. But now Christmas is coming | perhaps sisters, wives and sweet- { hearts who read these pronounce- {ments on "Men's Fashion's will afd vests with scarfs to match and before the New Year we will be | cheered by the gay colores. The tail {ors will have to fall in line and once j the movement is thoroughly launch- ed will have lists appearing in the | paper, Mr --------- wearing a suit fof orchid cloth with buttons of a | darker shade and a hat to match". {The men on the staff of the papers | will then understand some of the ters. That et & recent sale "taffy ap- ples" were a very popular sweet at a candy table. These are roasted ap- ples dipped in taffy in which a stick | has been: placed. They look like a {large brown "AU Day Sucker." 'Harold S. Packer A.T.CM. Teacher of Piano and Theory Pupils prepared for examinations. ST¥DIO: 840 Johnson Street. 'Phone 2000-m. i All colds shouid be treated with vapors, for vapors alone can carry | passages and lungs i | Vicks is a "vapor" treatment in {salve form. For deep chest colds you {first apply hot wet towels over throat {and chest to open the pores, then mas- sage briskly with Vicks for § -min- utes, spread on thickly and cover with a flannel cloth. | Vicks not only penetrates like a poultice or plaster, but the ingredi- | ents, vaporized by the body heat,| are inhaled all night long | This double action usually checks the most stubborn cold overnight. fl QAR RNN LANL Delig htfully fragrant--steel cut, there- fore chaffless--¥acuum sealed to hold Rideau Hall THE FRANK ROBES BEAUTY PARLOR | The New Nestle Permanent || Hair Waving $15.00 Full Head Lanolil 'Circuline 185 WELLINGTON Street, L Phone 65 difficulties ¢hat face the women wri-|| en For Deep Chest || | the medication DIRECTLY to the air | |i SMS ZO CLA EACH RONGS I! A fe0ecensenctecncetsens rd | WoolBlankets Canddian Pure Wool Blankets, Pink or Blue borders, $8.00 pair. Special Wool Blankets, 64 x 84, at $9.00 pair. 72 x 84, at $10.00 pair. "Lammermoor" Scotch Blankets in 5 sizes--plain White, Pink or Blue borders: This is the best Scotch Blanket made -- $11.00 to $17.00 pair. Fancy Check Blankets, Blue, Rose, Gold, Mauve and Tan Checks at $5.50 each. Grey, Tan and Red Blankets at $8.Q0, $9.50, $12.00 and $15.00 a pair. - You will find very special prices on these Blankets, as we buy in large quantities, di- rect from the mills. W. N. Linton & Co. THE IRISH LINEN STORE o : f THE NEW ~ "CONCERT" MODEL. $175 The same Sonora cabinetry, finely finished, exquisite stile and a work at art. An improvement over the heretofore unapproachs able Sohora tone. Let us demonstrate it to you. Sold on reasonable eany terms. " Hii HLL ann TE he ---- 131 PRINCESS STREET, KINGSTON we # =