Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Nov 1926, p. 7

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# . Bs : Sw eh = i 4 ; & 3 ty Ney ¥ . TR ___. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG es amounting to $49,000/and due RIT Kingston's Biggest Home Fomi - his good work these had simost been " gathered in. The rate of 27 mills} township taxpayers had enjoyed for | years. . ! | The speaker stated. that bpd the re- | | ports which had been circulated re- ' The Canadian Pocket Diaries, 'Daily | garding his honesty been true, he) {Municipal Nomination Meeting | would certainfy not be poesent ap-| Journals, Calendar Pads, Everyday Desk {| Held--Warden Graham An- |pealing for support. When he took | Tas ; rot Calendars. # ternoon was one of the livelfest sw 8 Criticisms. over the reins of office in Kingston | ' events on record. The township, there was not & township | } Deputy Reeve Defends His Stand. { i speaking W. R. Aylesworth said that al-! 3 { i {though it was his first year in the] istarted at one o'clock and lasted for ; { y i tri do his | | three hours, during wi time . county council he had tried to { oo | 2A) € Has always stood by Kings- The nomination meeting for the Kingston stand by township of Kingston held in the » ! | township hall, Cataraqui, Monday af- | i i | hi statpg. i | the candidates. he had refused to do certain road | . he did | Reeve C. J. Graham who announce work during the rig a . ! ed that he would be a candidate for | or oor at guch A 194) enw : | ture was wecessary. He aiso stated | | m the province In as bad financial tan. Let ! y tad that | {very "hot stuff" was handed out by best. The deputy reeve statad ( Steam ship passages booked to all parts of the world. Pass id POSILION OT deputy Teeps, ADPSEr-| , "}. had voted with the reeve for | $50 Ih& yearly pay fn going around {ed to be the target at which some the revalustion of the county. . He the township. i hie spessory directed their line of |, .0q by saying that if the electors] Councillor A. E, Weller announc- 4 targument. ; X chose to elect him on Monday next ed that he would not run for deputy | s ib ~ ' : - | RC. Hawkey, one of the counetl-| yo" IE CIC 0 Tl. hoa ho had. |resve, but he would be in the feid| A Fairyland of Christmas Suggestions for Old = lors, who has decided to be a candi 'Tor councillor. © He was willing to " : : J laste for the deputy resveship wid WE Con nt Tur the demuty between | and Young arranged in our Gift Department. You | will be Mr. Graham's opponent in the uC y | Hawkey and Graham. tan : . . iS |858e, said & few things that raider], .Corduken opened his dppeal by e ira will be able to select pleasing and lasting gifts. : i h | Arthur Keyes, who was gominated | {annoyed Reeve Graham. stating that he defled any person to EN I DT ti AL. rah show that aay influence was brought | for councilior, did ant say that he| hat Mr. Graham 1 a -/would not be in the fleld, sv it Is] ae Siving a report of his steward- to keep him from making out his pa The Store With the Christmas Spirit "Phone 147. Opposite Sydenham Gruen Precision The name Gruen on a watch is in iteelf a i Bed ho tion. when i atk ia added, you have the assurance that the watch is the finest fully expected that he will : {ship ¢f the past year, he said that it Bete sgt Dem: he said. hat be | Hn Coulter in declining to being spent on road building ma- (Tun sald that he was satisfied more] chinery &nd thought that the town- money would have to be spent on the ship of Pittsburg followed the right roads. i course in havig the work done by 6 Percy {had been stated in different parts of 3 {the township that he had been kick- . {ed out of the Salvation Army. He ; ut {stated that when he had heard these a. remarks he decided to write the Sal- Wright said that he had no | Station, corner nson and Gruen tender. Mr. Cordukes said that he desire to run. "I think that the| : Ontario streets, Jonnsm Oper or Rion, Ae on ia vation Army Headquarters at Toron-| yu, .14 venture to say that the deficit grader is O. K. but the roller does . . day and night. 'Fhanes 99 of 2831 denote highest quality, greats to and in reply Ensign Falle, officer |, 10 first of the year would be{not do the service for the money! ~~ oo. est accuracy ol go Ea. iy shards of the local corps, had re | ¢3 300 instead of $753. He said that | placed in it," said he. The roller~was ve f¢/ i Pay a little more and get the sufved the following letter, which he county rate for 1925 amounting to used on work where no water was b= PAPER HANGING, PAINT - best. Gruen watches available ALL KINDS OF ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Satistaction guaranteed. Best work at reasonable prices. had decided that the township of Kingston was over-assessed and the that the township would not get all the Legislature to Queen's Univer-| the back taxes. He also said that the township would pay $549 to the) much talked off roller was only a re- the suburban rate. This means a|of being the man who instifuted the county assessment and $182 toward | built one. He accused Reeve Graham | sity to be used in extending Queen's | | medical schoo} facilities at the King- | ston General Hospital: $125,000 had been granted to establish a central . about $6,000 had not been paid as used and to Mr. Wright's thinking! y k in Precmon grades or ladies y q . vet. The speaker said thit be did! lhe money was not well expended ; ING AND GRAINING at $45--for men at $60. BRSIGN FALLE: t " . 1 Nelson McAdpo was not present and Walnut and Mshagany Graining Dear Ensign not agree with the council paying the | + p a Specialty, . & d Re Mr. Christie Graham county 8 per cent. rate of interest Mathew Shannon said that he would | : Virse ines work. Prices reasonable. Kinnear Esterre I have written to Toronto for in-| When money could be borrowed at ¢ Dot run. : ot RED YOUNG, JEWELLERS formation why Mr. Graham left the ber cent. Mr. Cordukes disapproved | Rupert Aylesworth was unable to| : COLBORN 168 PRINCESS ST. Salvation Army, and I am authorizea | Of the council engaging Mr. Miller be present, but it is almost certain | 14 Baas I Hmm ee to writs to . to audit the books of the township, | that he will be candidate for coun- - 3 IR 00 75} you that Mr. Christie » CXS) \Y/ ac Graham disassociated himself from | Which had already gone through the cillor. ~ | Dr. Vi J 1 a5 0 2 the Army of his own accord and with-| hands of the prcvincial auditors ag i N p out any reflection upon his in-| Well as Mr. Muir ! | . tegrity. | Mr. Cordukes criticized the county | . DENTIST yr ~ne| 1 trust that this will be satisfac-| Property committee in connection | GANANOQUE . mening V9 DENTIST tory to Mr. Graham and all concern-| With awarding the tender for the te . appointment. . : coal for last year. He then read a'l Princess Street. "Fhone 108 ed. r. » > | m ALEX. D. MacDONALD, statement to the effect that up until] . Gapanogue, Nov. 30.--Miss Ruth, : | Major, Divisiona! C a r a year ago it took 90 tons of coal to | Smigiey © ween's wi st of # jor, ommander. : | Srigiey of Quee as & gue Mr. Hawkey got the reeve to his| heat the orurt 'house and registry Miss Pearl Seal over the week-end. | z PIANO TUNING X-Ray. Eyenings by appointment. | feet when he statea that Mr. Graham office. Last year the contract was Both these young ladles took an} 'Phone 652.w. 258 Princess Street. | had not told his audience how much | awarded for 98 tous at $13.85, a active part in the Temperance rally | Plano Tuning, Repairing and he had received in counection with |total of $1,357.30, and then extra in Grace United Church on Sunday Player Plano Adjusting. Norman ye Flap , {the purchase of the ste roller. *1{coal 7 tons at $14.37 and 10 tops at | evening. = H. Butcher, 27 Pine Street. Mexico sow Tus 21 Weducieg of | ever received one a commis-| $16.00 had to be purchased, mak-{ A son was born to Mr. and Mrs "PHONE 184. wells, with a produe sion ahd I want to tell you that Gra-| ing an increase of cost over the pre-| Harold MtCamey on Monday mora- abot 7,400,000 barrels a month ! you orb '+ ham does things above board and] vious year of $324.59, | ng. . i QO y er _-- iif does not stoop to those things," said H. 8. Melvor, when announcing Ted Chapman and Fred Nelson | ' 2 ( Y | HE ELEC | ORS OF the reeve. Mr. Hawkey also insinu-|that he would not be a candidate for | motored down from Oshawa for the | J £ ated that Mr. Graham had asked the Moffice, stated that township was in week-end. : : . i Wer ces 00 : FRONTENAC-LENNOX |i ebb te Bf oi 3. J Forte tt et 2 a - rendered as warden, but to this came | POTt stated. tKemgston Tehsil CMD San 3% ve ; : . : an absolute denial from Mr. Graham. sre | Sunotun Sardenn wh Buturday Sve. Ready in Gift Boxes for Early Christmas 1 . : Replies Made. . | LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: $ i Miss 'Margaret Chapman speat| M. YH Distant Friends duly chosen as the Liberal-Conservative candidate for From Reeve Graham, in answer to Mr. | ts ailing to a _- Bt the convention in Odessa, | respectfully request your votes Two for Reeve. Cordulkies, stated that he had seen the | 12 Yeok-end with' {riends at Col-| a and ind he ihn, estulnture in dupptnt of the Ferguson GOv~ Although four were nominated for | Deputy Minister of Highways and had | "OTe, Bo route she pur lased a 3 Here is a Glass Desk Base with a tapered Parker I appeal te you with contdence and upon my record of 18 rs in the |the position of reeve, ft is almoet cer- | heen assured that the grant would | '. > ue woughired Popteran'an : Duofold fountain pen for the desk--a pen that Ee at aa a sirens advoente and OROrieL of set? estate GAR mel ees | that the Aight will be between | by given toward the new roller. He " $ vr Os as Killed | ¥ holds its own ink--henice does sway with inkwells. - nd ae - y A oD Spitz FO " i t -- signed he cause of tem, ce for which the Liberal-Comserva. | WW: R. Aylesworth, the present deputy | also stated that the council only had yap aon oy a ya wee ky ago | : . N tive party has siwazs steed, ar, 1 am csuvinoed chat We Seople of Outarie reeve, and W. E. Cordukes, who was | the spending of $9,000 of the total DY a unl Be en bios d age. Bote The point keeps moist with ink. And whether you have TVR » . re |) LL ered hy save to this its first real temperance iegisiation. ¥® |deputy two years ago, but was not|raised as the rest was handed over |. ended the dance at the Venetian lay the pen flat on the Desk base, out of the way, hon Rahat. Aronia lor MERwAYY Sad £004 roads. in 'whice J hr the council last year. according to statute. He said that| Gardens. Kingston, last evening or let it tilt, or stand upright, it's ready to write any aiays Vitally interested. and to obtain for enn Lennos fats | , UBless there are a number Ofihe had been instructed by the Good | Mrs. James Muiin, Brinston, who | insthnt. A point guaranteed 25 not only for add tn all Governmental matrers, while I will co.operate |ChADEes, and this is not considered | Roads Committee 1 call the county hpeturned home recently after a visit | . port years y y the Government in its dosire to improve the I, moral, educa-. | very likely, R. C. Hawkey and C. J. ; i ' des | mechanical perfection, but for wear! tional and condition of the people, down expenses and reduce |. ¥ council in July last. here with her aunt, Miss Annie taxntien. al the a oF Ah Graham will be the only ones aspir-| Deputy Reeve Aylesworth in an-| Shiels, was recalled on Sunday | Parker Desk Pens and Parker Pocket Pens have ae See en Oa my wh Sad (he Governments record 1 secordingty |08 for the deputy reeveship. it is|swer to Mr. Cordukes regarding the | night owing to Miss Shiels' fines interchangeable parts. Hence you can pick any A appesl to you for your support. thought that the names of Rupert coal, stated that he was sorry that he Mrs. Lena Hockstra has returned | inthedenl ] i he'll it ; ---- reas Staves of te, Riaiog sa hance th eiuanible ter me. to Aylesverts and A. E. Weller; who|could not control the wcather last! from visiting friemds in Syracuse, | Pa u y 3 & ing i raat appeal to you ros the olan of hp public press. mak- sat around the council board this| winter, "It was a very small thing | N.Y. | a Desk Pen in a twinkling. Go see these beautiful d year, will appear on the ballot. to bring up, sald Mr. Aylesworth. Thursday and Friday next are tho | effects today. | : | dates of the annual bazaar under ; AN IHONY M. RANKIN Reeve Graham's Address. | the auspioes of the ladies of dl Ready for Christmas mailing at all good dealers. Reeve Graham started his address R. C. Hawkey Spoke. | Anglican church. | THE PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN COMPANY, LLMITED ; : by praising the stand which he and| Mr. Hawkey in opening said that | ! YOREETD 3. SNTARID r : the deputy reeve of the township had | if the tax bills. for this year had been 'pf ROUSING NICKLE MEETING | 8 - taken in connection with the revalua-| out and the money in the township i Pe tion of the county of Frontenac. Ac-| would not be paying so much inter- (Continued from Page 1.) i { cording to Mr. Graham the valuators | est. He stated that he was satisfied | 4 .. two grants had been made by | : * "THE DOWN TOWN ELECTRIC STORE" HALLIDAY ELECTRIC CO. saving of about $700 to the town-| criminal proceedings against the p..iing plant for the pniversity, and ship. y= ptormer treasurer ¥ ( | only within the past few weeks he Mr. Graham claimed that for years| Councillor Hawkey told the gather- | had assisted the Kingston Health | the salary of the Road Superintendent | ing that the reeve had been pulling | Aggociation fn transferring the R. H. Fair, had been paid out of the |the wool over the people's eyes for| yowat Sanatorium to the Provincial county good road money instead of | years and there never was a meeting| Government so that $150,000 be- " {the suburban roads paying its share. of council where thers was not! ame available for use in Kingston | | He stated that the county good road trouble. {in treating tubercular patients. - { BUCKWHEAT NO. 1 OR SPLIT PEA system had been bled to death for! He then announced that he was irl Other things which he had been | For Spencer and Newport Furnaces, $9 per ton delivered. Pea Corner King and Princess ---------- years. He said one of the first things | the fight and would stay to the fin-| ghje to accomplish were legislation that the new council should do was ish. In closing he sald: "Graham providing cofipensation for miners| to see that this practice was not con-| did not tell you how he came to be | who contracted certain diseases be-| tinued. warden." | cause of thelr work underground; a| Coal, $12.50 peor ton delivered. "It is mot true that the township | board of regents who passed on the | All Sales for Cash. of Kingston is in debt," said the! Reeve Graham Explains, { qualifications of al] drugless practi- speaker, and he read the itemized! .When answering the statement of | tioners; the act which made both report of the financial standing, a! Mr. Hawkey, Reéve Graham sald that | parties to an accident liable for dam- copy of which was summarized In {he had been elected warden by a vote | ages; and the act which allowed a the Whig on Monday. The reeve|of eleven to six. He sald that he had | woman to obfain heavy damages; sald that when he took over office | never received ome cent for his ser- from anyone who slandered her| in 1924, there were outstanding tax- | "ices and he spent more than the | character although she might mot . have suffered any pecuniary loss because of the glander. |SOWARDS COAL Co, TELEPHONE 155 UPTOWN OFFICE: McGALL'S CIGAR STORE. 'Phone 811. hy A -------------- pa Girl Gains 7 Pounds, . FUR | ~ Makes Man. Happy === SPECIALISTS : tt ~ § "My daughter had constifation,] sick headache, ONE spoonful always | Jasin pe Ros sd Stiores Sees] gas on the stomach and a very poor brings relfet. ne on an ia. appetite. Since taking Adlerika,: Dect A poss . . the Hane - she has gained 7 pounds and her Praise Adlerika i I jon they required nied one re | x Featuring . Dr. H. L. Shoub, New York: "Ad- : : Not Indifferent to Kingston. It had deen said that because he moved his family to Toronto during} i PARKER PENS, PARKER PENCILS and § PARKER SETS at 1 .MAHOOD BROTHERS appetite is good."--H. F. Newman. | Hving in Toronto. ; Adlerika is a compound of the best | lerika. in addition to its intestinal | 15 comcluding Mr. Nickle again | saline intestinal cleanser with gly-| Cleansing, clicks the growth of 1n-| oiyrmed to the liquor legislation cerine, buckthorn, cascara and other | testinal bacteria ' fénd stated that with motor cars as gas-expelling - and detergent owed Dr. A. C. Curl: ""T prescribe Ad-) ,i5¢it] as they now are there] a ments, It is excellent for Intestinal | lerka with highly satisfactory re-| would be mo wet or dry spots in On-| m Stasis, a disease due to modern ways, suits. ' ET | tarfo if Government Control carried | of living and which is often the true! Dr. J. Weaver: "In my 50 years' t thal w Ii be wet. He Bad) cause of sour stomach, gas bloating. | practice. 1 have found nothing to| DU' the¥ oy a , i -- A complete stocksf - : ¥ PARKER PENS AND PENCILS = /] S nervous dyspepsia and sleep. | excel Adlerika." | searched Mr. Ferguson's policy very| KINNEAR & dES TERRE : 'ELECTRIC EAL Unitke most medicines, Adlerik J. E. Puckett: "Af i | closely and he had not seen men- H : ; A S acts upon SOTH upper and in terika, 1 a Bathar than he A in any place. w fmports- | 168 PRINCESS STREET. EW it JEWELLERS, bowel, giving the intestines a REAL! years. ' Awful impurities were ali | tion from a wet part to a dry part ® cleansing and bringing out old poi-| minated from my system." el -------- 3 So) + matter you never thought was! Dr. F M. FP. (n withheld b: J Rus i be gobibifed, Ho talted ou x : 3 vr! p 3 . fli} sonous oT yOu ni a8 | . F. M. FP. (name withheld bY | could be possible that the indus . F. GOURDIER amour arom. Bren i bowels move) refutes: +1 a. Beri. 15 oh commute: eo vores sod scone PARKER FOUNTAIN PENS |, 78-80 BROCK STREET A Iara len | Somers, Cates. Some fraquire only OBe | mists who bad testified do the bene-| jr "AT ; i al . . : i "he : . . : brings ou Which may Dave been, No matter what ybu have tried for | [its of the Ontario Temperance Amy od Ks on causing all your trouble. In slight! your stomach and Dowels, Adlerika could all be mistaken : DRUG 2% 5 : Sa disorders, like occasional coustipa-| will surprise you. T. H. Sargent's| The meeting closed with round af-| ; ; tion, GAS bloating, ¥ or] and other & : ter round of applause for Mr. Nickle. 1 ae i \ { : y v N . i * 3

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