All the Newest R: Are Now On Sale. Remember Columbia Records are worth a trial. Then you may be our regular customer as we are| gaining new customers every day. It does not make any difference what machine you have. Our Rec- ords will play you better music than any other. Give Us A Trial We have Grafonolas from $20.00 to $475.00. You will be delighted with a Columbia the same as some of eur best families. Small machines $12.00 and $15.00. = Comei in and lat us play your favorite music for| you. Treadgold Sporting ¢ Eoods G0. "Save the 'Babies FOR THE EMPIRE'S SAKE USE ONLY PASTEURIZED MILK Our Milk is Thoroughly Pasteurized and sold in Sealed Bottles. . y | Phone 845 Price's www ow Motor Boat and Automobile ~~ Supplies Halliday's Electric Shop, Phone 94 :: :: 1: 345 King Street Just Off Main Arthur . ov RING WAR PERIOD---IN BEST INTERESTS OF ALL Former Football President, Now at Front, Says Yes--It is Good for the Potential Soldier. In a recent letter to Craig Camp- bell, of Toronto, Sergt. Fred A. Bart- | er, first president of the Dominion Football' Association, writing" from Frans, says:--""As far as the sup- ply of papers has permiited, I have been Tollowing the story of the inter- national game, Canada v. United States, and am much interested in your efforts to pick a representative team. I cannot see that your me- thods can be improved on in the pre- valling circumstances. May the best of luck attend the efforts of yourself and the executive, and may this game prove to be the first of a series that | will last for all time and bring about |a cementing of the sporting interests of the States and Canada, "Remember the criticisms levelied a t the first' 'Montreal v. Toronto' | game, and let them be your incentive | to persevere with your present pro- ject. The results of the inter-eity games have more than justified their u | inception and to them the success of {the D F.A. is largely attributable. Keep the Game Going. "You ask my opinion on the cons TI | tinvation of sport in Canada while the war is on. Now, this a big | question, and my idea on the subject cannot be given in the course of a | letter such as this, but briefly, I am {in favor of keeping the games going as far as is consistent with the real interests of the country. For in- stance, I believe that if sport is in- terfering with reeruiting (and T am { not in a position to determine this), | then sport should be stopped, but viewed in the sense of the good that it does to the potential soldier, I am | sure that it is in the best interest of all that sport should continue, I can-' not believe that men are making their duty to thir King and country subservient to their love of sport. That is not compatible with the ethics | of sport, and I would hesitate to pass MADE IN CANADA Wants You To Watch This Space Next Friday nual judgment on a body of men without having some information as to their private views and reasons." WILL HAMILTON BE IN INTERNATIONAL? Said That There Is a Chance For the Ambitious City- There is more truth than fiction in the annual story to the effect that Hamilton is to be represented in the International League, says the Ham- ilton Herald. It is a fact that Presi- dent Edward Barrow is casting longing eyes this way, and that he is seeking information about the Ambitious City with a view to in- cluding it in the circuit A Hamil- tonian, well known to Barrow, was in New York for a few days, and was quite surprised when the league charge-de affaires shot several ques- tions at him regarding this city. He wanted to know the exact population and the nearby towns from which it] could help swell. its attemdance figures. He stated to the 1 man that it is the intention to forget there is such a city as Montreal, because every club in the league has lost money there, and that Hamilton is the city he wants to land. Syracuse wants to get in again, but Barrow favors Hamilton because of the fact that with Montreal out, Toronto will be the only Canadian city represent- ed in a league that is supposed to bear an international. flavor. The an- meeting of the International League will be held in November, and it will be interesting to watch developments. BARRY MAY PLAY IN BIG SERIES The Boston "Red Sox Captain Is Now Rounding Into Shape. "Reservations in thé world series games to be played in Boston if the Red Sox retain their league leader-| ship will be allotted on a basis of superior mail applications, acknow- ledgements of which will'be forward- ed by mail. Not more than four tickets will be allowed to one appli- cant, Heine Wagner and Jack Barry, a who, with Manager Carrigan, hav formed the team's "board of stra?) tegy," have been assigned to observe the Brooklyn Nationals in coming games with a view to learning the styles of play of the possible rival contenders. Barry is understood to be ready to leave his home in Wor- cester,. where he has been under treatment for a broken hand. Splints have been removed, and the hand is healing well, but the question whether he can take his place at second base in the world's series is still an open ome. Be Su Sure and | and Read His ntere Interesting Article on Greater Value | sure of self-preservation.y and these | measures of self-nreservation will un- FOR Re -- TO KEEP THE TRACK SPORT FROM BEING KILLED, By the TariGise of Race Tracks-- | The Professional Promoters Must | Re Shut Out of Canada. The opposition to the new Devon- shire Park race course, which has de- | veloped in Ontario, coupled with the | agitation which has been apparent in | Montreal for some time against the | predominance of Americans emplov- | ed on Canadian racecourses, seems to | indicate, just as straws show which way the wind blows, that the time is fast approaching when more abso- luge control than at present exists over turf matters in Canada must come into force, or the sport must cease to exist. The action of the Ontario clubs in blacklisting the horses and the neople ronnected with the pronosed new track at Windsor, is largely a mea- auestionably he forced on existing clubs in the Province of 'Ouehec The solution of the difficulty seems to lie in the establishment of a Rac- ing Commission fox Canada commos- ad of Canadians and free as pnses- ihle from political influences. The establishment of a State Racing Qom- mission in Kentucky did mneh ta re- hahilitate the snort there. This com- mission takes full eharge of the rmn- ning of race meetings and insists among other things that emnlovment at race tracks under its fnrisdietion shall be given to none but Kentuck- fans. A similar nrovigsion in Canada would have the effart of shnttine ont manv of the professional nromnters tn whom and whose mnrojects ohjec- tion is now heing taken. THE WOR'IWR RFRIER : TO BEGIN OCT. 7 The Head of National Commis= sion Making Preparation For Series. The world's baseball series 'will open on Saturday, October 7, accord- ing to President B. B. Johnson, of the American League, who as a mem- ber of the National Commission is ready to begin preparations for the series. With the race as uncertain as it is, no final action has been taken yet by the National Commis- sion, Mr, Johnson said. "I am certain that the world's series will start on October 7," said Johnson. The contestants might be willing to begin October 6, but I hardly think so. The American League race closes one day earlier than the National, so I do not think that would be fair to the National League winner. It looks as if the opening game will be played a week from next Saturday." * GIANTS' FIRST BASEMAN Looks Like One of the Big Finds of the Season. Walter Holke, the blonde giant who has filled Fred Merkle's shoes on the McGraw club, looks like one of the big finds of the season. The stalwart first baseman is only twenty- two, and if he keeps on improving like he has for the last year or two he will certainly be one of the fin- est {rst sackers the game has ever had. It was with Davenport, in the Three-1, that Holke got his baseball stant in 1913. He swatted the leath- er .296 in the Iowa city, and in 1914 he hit. 315 for Spokane, in the North-western League, and stood se- cond in fielding among the first base- men of that fast circuit, MeGraw bought him from Spokane, but turned him over to Rochester for further seasoning, and he was batting .341 Teach Your Dollars. 0 Have More Cents hy Trading Here for the Hustlers up to the first of this month, when McGraw recalled him. h Military Team for NH A. It can bé stated upon the best of authority that at the dnnual meeting of the National Hockey Association of Canada to be held next Saturday a. representative of an Ontario sol- dier team will apply for a franchise The question of a president is still unsettled, so says a Montreal de- spatch. St. Davenport, of the Louis Browns, has figured in the pitching box in no less than fifty-six games. He is the general relief pitcher of the Browns. Walter Johnson has been used in the pitching box by Washington in | with a guarantee that mowhere else {can you obtain so much real smoke jor for so little money. If you judge a cigar by its price the Peel { cigar wil not appeal:to you. But if you judge by flavor, aroma, smooth- ness and 'mellowness, | then you'll mnt surely make the 'Sir Robert Peel, the cigar 'that made the Se famous | your favorite smoke after the first trial Kingston's - ELECTRIC Store Phone 441 Our Tungsten Lamps Are Durable and Effici- ent. a Let us advise you how to light your home at the minimum cost for elec- tricity. Everything Electrical. H. Ws Newman Electric Co. 79 Princess St. Buy Your Fall Suit and Overcoat Here prices. And save from $5.00 to $8.00. We have the best assortment of fall suits and coats that we have ever shown before at $12.50, $15.00 and $18.00. BOYS' NORFOLK SUITS In tweeds and worsteds, all patterns, greys, browns and mixtures, size 24 to 35, at $3.95, $4.50, $4.95, $5.50 and $6.00. BOOTS and SHOES Great assortment of men's, women's and children's boots and shoes, at very low Louis Abramson"s The Uptown Clothier - 336 Princess St. 45 games. He won 25 and lost 13. § Copy for the next Telephone closes on the above date! q Order your telephone mow, so thit your name will be in the new issue! § Report changes required to our Local Manager to-day. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. Directory N Room IT AND TNETLANDLADY BY Tes oer Seve A TALKING BY Two LEAVE TO ME, | Go Away, Lee A] BE RIGHT BACK WHAT'S AND START I Tear? AND SHE'LL DO A PHONOGRAPN. TE GOT HERE. WE'LL (LOWER THE . TRUNK OUT THE winDOw TALKING AND STL HERE SO SHE WONT INIESTIGATE RECORD ON THIS GOING THINK (TS US SAY, JEFF, ™E RENT 1S DUES 1S THAT So, MUTT? jwewL JUST GOT