MONDAY, OCTOBER 2 1916. e Can Gainsay the Fasci ~ By Maude Hall Coats for winter are so fascinat- ing that no one can gaihsay their charm, In making preparations against frosty days the woman who can afford but one coat would do well to select the design combining the smartest air with the greatest possible service. The fabric world has been' concen- trating its energies towasrd perfec- tion, so that women of fashion are offered some exceedingly smart and lovely materials for the development of topcoats. Among the most ex- quisite of these are mouquette, a wool velvet of unusual wearing guali- ties, duvetyn, panecla, a chiffon- weight velvet, velours de laine, peau de mamotte and velvet brocade. RAILWAY RUNK ARERR Ome way, second class colonist tic- kets will be on sale daily, Sept. 24th to Oct, 8th, inclusive, at following faves: 2 ~ €aay Vancouver, and Nelson, B.C. Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Wash., Tacoma, Wash., Spokane, Wash., Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco, Calif, For full particulars apply to J. P. Hanley, C.P. & T.A., Corner doh These fabrics are trimmed principally with fur. In fact fur seems to be the beginning, middle and end .of all things decorative in coats. Combina- tions are still in good demand, plush and satin and duvetyn and velvet be- ing unerringly smart, Cloaks for practical wear are fash- ionped in whipcord, broad cloth, serge, cheviot, gabardine and the Marengo suitings, which show an Oxford background with almost in- visible stripes and plaids. Models in these materials do not begin to cost as much as the richer velvets, éte., but excellence of workmanship, authoritative ¢style and a peculiar quality of indiyiduality make them distinctive, Broad bands of fur or fur cloths and cape collarettes will be seen on many bf the winter coats. There are, however, designs made entirely in one material, depending upon their In), 1and 2 pound cans. Whole -- ground -- -- 173 . . ad 6900 line and finish for ultra-modish. ef- fect. Particularly handsome are the tweeds and English mixtures made upgwithout the aid of contrasting fabric. One of the French coats re- cently "over" has the fulness at the waist held in by a band evidently fastening on the inside of the coat, for only gathers are visible on the outside. The cape is topped by a wide turndown collar and the width of the cuffs is a compromise bétween that of cape and collar. Foremost among the comparatively straight coats are the Raglans, which offer a tremendous field for creative work. Satin cords, pipings and bind- ings of various sorts are introduced in the treatment of the sleeves, The new Raglans are faithful to the lines of the figure only to the shoulders; below that point fhey begin to widen until they flare at the lower edge with utter abandon. Occasionally a |THE WORLD'S NEWS IN BRIEF FORM. Tidings From All Ovef Told In a'Pithy and Pointed : Way. Manitoba's contributions to the Patriotic Fund this year totalled $1,- 000,000. The Bank of Hamilton, at Caron, Sask., was robbed of $9,000 by four burglars, who held up the watchman and had cut all the wires to town. Capt. and Mrs. Laurie, of the Sal- vation Army, Halifax, N. 8., are wisit- ing the latter's parefits, Mr. and Mrk. Joseph Round, Oak street. Three German aeroplanes brought down in two minutes and thirty sec- onds by a stop watch is the latest ex- ploit of Second Lieut. Georges Guy- nemer of France, Incidentally Lieut. Guynemed, who is known as "King of the Air," fell 10,000 feet but es- caped unhurt. TORIES WIN IN EIGHT, Have Hopes That Soldier Vote Will . Give Them More. Vancouver, B.C., Sept. 30.--Pre- receiving delegations and deputations and. discussing the formation of his Cabinet. Brewster himself is men Honed ' for the Jihance portfolio, and mier-elect Brewster is busy each day | _ -- G8G8 very high waistline enters into the scheme of a handsome coat, but more often the model widens gradually from-the shoulders without girdling, or takes on a loosely girdled Russian air. Of the latter type is a model in iron gray duvetyn, with very high colar, rather wide belt--adjusted be- low the normal waistline--and deep cuffs trimmed with buttons of self material. Collars, belts and cuffs are the triple alliance of topcoat di- plomacy and work in unfailing con- cert for the success or failure of a design. Blue and gray are so fashionable in combination on frocks that they are repeated in some of the newest coats. Blue corded velveteen trim- med with grey cloth is most effective in a coat for dressy wear. A wide band at the lower edge of the coat, the girdle, collar and cuffs RAISED CAMPAIGN FUND Road Sup sor Says It Was Done By ¥ Pay List. Winnipeg, Sept. 30.--John Probis- eauski, formerly supervisor of road building in Emerson constituency, giving evidence before Judge Patter- son, who is conducting the inquiry into road comstruction under the former government, said he went to the Minister of Public Works, the late Hon. Dr. Montague, about a campaign fund, and Montague said, "Go ahead and get it. You have got the chance." Witness said he raised about $600 through (fraud- ulent names on the pay list, and he identified twenty-ohe alleged fraud- ulent cheques which he cashed, He spent the money for whiskey among the foreigners of Emerson constitu- ency during the provincial election of 1914, : "The death occurred at Baltimore on Sept. 12th of William Stevenson, aged ninety-five years, after an ill- ness of about ten days. He was born in Prince Edward county, nation '| provides the best cez4 are of grey cloth, with a band of chinchilla added to the collar for a finish. A more luxurious type of garment it would be difficult to find than a coat of black velvet trimmed with unspitted ermine. This is the fur of quality for dressy models, black and white combinations continuing in favor despite the longevity of the fad. While a. number of very beauti- ful coats have come from Paris this season, it is doubtful if the French manteau makers have accomplished greater miracles along this line than have their American rivals, Seal plush in such a clever imita- tion of Hudson seal that the closest scrutiny is required to distinguish the difference is used to trim coats of all lengths in all materials. Col- lars, buttons and cuff trimmings are very effective in this imitation fur, which is employed even upon expen- WANT NATURALIZATION. Applications Made by Germans and Austrians. Ottawa, Sept, 30--Applications for naturalization are coming into the state department from numero Germans, who for many years id been residing in Canada, and conyid- ered themselves possessed of the full status of citizenship. Several Aus- trians have also applied for papers, but none is being granted at present. The German applicants are mainly residents of Western Ontario. Even the naturalization of aliens born in Allied countries is being done cau- tiously. French, Russians, Belgians, talians and Rumanians have to show first that they have fulfilled or been exempted from their milita obligations. o Veteran Resident, Tweed, Oct. 2.--Our esteemed townsman, W. W, Garrett, a resident for about forty-seven years, celebrat- ed the eighty-seventh anniversary of of the Ne 6804 sive models. Bright colors are fashionable for coats for young women, who have held rather tenaciously to white for the past season. Pastel, Nile, citron, blue and rose are the shades enjoy- ing elite preference. Cloaks of vel- vet -and--broadcloth in these colors flare to a marked degree and are charming over dainty frocks. button beginning at the neck, and are quite as long as the dress itself. The hat worn with these coats is a large beret (tam o'shanter) of black velvet. Many matrons affect coats of de- lours de laine and duvetyn in the deep punplle, soft grays and biege shadings. Handsome all-enveloping capes of self-material with hugh col- lars in fur are shown with the coats. Muffs are of reasonable size, It would mean bankruptey, even for women of generous means, if muffs 6892 They | ¥ or were of corresponding size as collars and capes with furs as costly as they are this season. Guide to Patterns. The fashions shown on this page are Pictorial Review designs, Num- bers and sizes are as follows: Coat No, 6883. Sizes 14 to 20 ears. ¢ Coat No. 6900. Sizes, 34 to 44 in- ches bust. Jacket No, 6868, inches bust. Sizes, 34 to 44 n- Coat No. 6824. Sizes, 34 to 44 in- Sizes, 34 to 44 ches bust. > Coat No. 6804. ches bust, Coat No, 6892, Sizes, 34 ches bust. Price of each coat or skirt number, 15 cents, unless otherwise stated. Pictorial Review patterns on sale by local agents, to 44 in- MRS. MAY'S LEFTER to WOMEN "More Proof that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound Relieves Suffering. IIL. -- "1 suffered from « bad case of female his birthday on Wednesday. A num- ber of his friends took advantage of the occasion to call and congratulate him. He is the second oldest citizen, Peter Couroyea, sr., being his senior to the extent of a decade, being in his nienty-eighth year. be a carrier of infantile paralysis germs, on the theory that his case ; available by adult that the disease is. my