Don't deliberately throw away money by buying your fall suit or overcoat elsewhere, Live wire sits and overcoats for young men. Suits of English model, with narrow shoulder; form fit- ting coats, high cut vests and smaller trousers, priced mod- erately, $15.00, $18.00 to $22.00. We have an overcoat to meet every man's taste and. every man's special requirements... Prices $15.00 up to $22.00. Livingston's, A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk. HE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, 0 (Bee also Page 9.) rms] Lieut.«Col. "W, Farrell, formerly second in command of the 136th Port Hope Battalion, was' in camp on | Saturday morning reporting at head- | quarters, He was unable to accom- pany the battalion overseas owing to | the decreased strength after medical examination, ° H. A. Carson and E. D. Mallett, 240th Battalion, have completed { their course at the Infantry School | and returned om Saturday to their | unit, Lient.<Col. M. K. Adams, com- manding 154th Battalion, received a cable on Saturday from his son, | Lleut., E, A. Adams, that he had ar- | rived safely in England. It was chilly at the camp on Sat- | urday morning 'but the kind of wea- ther that gives the boys an inspira- { tion for more work. In the after- | noon the sun came out beautifully, Capt. T. Dodds, chaplain 155th | Battalion, conducted the camp divine service on Sunday morning. The results of Saturday's athletic events at the camp were: Q.F.A. defeated 155th in football by 8 to 0; 154th defeated 156th in football by 2 to 0; Engineers defaulted to Q.F.A. in baseball. Michael Tomie, bandsman, 156th Battalion, left on Saturday for Pres- cott, "Jack" Fleming, Queen's, has kindly consented to act as referee in the big assault-at-arms scheduled for to-night in the Armouries. Brig.-Gen. T. D. R. Hemming will be present, Majors Allen, McFee and Cook, 156th Battalion returned on Satur- day from Belleville where recruiting meetings were held, Dr. Ryan received a cable from his son, Lieut. Edward Patrick Ryan, R.F.A., announcing his safe arrival in England, He reports to the War Office, DEATH OF HOTEL DIEU NURSE. The Late Miss Agnes Toppings--Ill Only Three Hours. On Saturday afternoon death claimed Miss Agnes Toppings, one of the most charming of the nursing staff of the Hotel Dieu. who had been in perfect health three hours previous to her demise. It is needless to say this sad occurrence has cast a gloom over the entire institution. Miss Toppings was born in Deser- onto, and lived there the greater part of her short life. She has been two years a pupil in the training school in connection with the Hotel Dieu, and was looking forward with eagerness to the happy date of her At the Grand. An exceptionally strong bill of photoplays and vaudeville has been booked for the Grand for to-night and to-morrow, matinee and night, with Harold Lockwood and May Allisond featuring the bill in "The Come- Back." In this film the two stars make their Metro debut. There will also be a two reel Universal photoplay, a one reel rib-tickler and the ewer popular Pathe news, featuring recent events at home and abroad. Two good vaudeville aets will be offered: Billy | Brown, a singing comedian and the Burns girls in a refined piano, violin and vocal act. "Twin Beds." Do you want to laugh? Do you want two hours of clean, wholesome fund? Do you want to get rid olthe cares and anxieties of life in an even- ing of enjoyale mirth? ~ Then go and see "win Beds," side-splitting com- edy, when it comes to the Grand on Wednesday, Oct. 4th, matinee and night. .If there is any misanthropic or cadoverous looking individual who} does not leave it changed into jolly, generous, healthy person we want«to|}i see him. "Twin Beds" is said to be a sure cure for all the ills that flesh is| |i} heir to and to be as breezy and jolly | [i {an entertainment as has ever been |i} seen here. "Twin Beds' ran for one|} solid year in New York, where it played to the largest gross receipts ever known in this history of the Am- erican theatre. Dorothy Gish at Strand For the first three days of. this week the management of the Strand are offering a particularly strong and attractive bill. The feature photo play is a Triangle masterpiece in five parts, "The Little Schoolma'am," in which dainty Dorothy Gish is seen in the leading role. Don't niiss seeing this picture, for it brings back the spirit of youth. A two-reel Keystone comedy, 'His First False Step," a Mutual Weekly of latest current events, and other good photo plays will also be shown. On the vaude- ville end of the bill will be seen Vera Lawlor and Joe Levitt in a singing and talking comedy novelty act that is sure to please. At Griffin's. "The Selfish Woman' has been se- lected as the title for the production in which the clever photo-dramatic stars, Wallace Reid and Cleo Ridg- 'ley, will be seen at the Griffin Theatre on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. This gripping drama was written especially for these} clever artists by Hector Turnbull and | {§}l produced ufder 'the direction of the Jesse 1. Lasky Company for the Paramount programme. In addition to the above wonderful drama, there is an exceptional vaudeville bill con- sisting of the Moskoff Duo and Baby Irene in high class singing and Rus- sian Cossack-dancing. This is one of the most entertaining acts to be seen Serviceable Autumn Suits Moderately Priced Prices are certainly most moderate. But that is not altogether the point. The quality is there, and this means good material, fine workmanship, fit, finish, good style, every- thing about which we are so particular when we select suits for our customers. Pebble cloths, . serges, etc., with the fashionable knee length coats, comfortable sleeves, large, skirts finely tailored and of good width. SMART SUITS . . SMART SUITS . SMART SUITS .. SMART SUITS . andonupto . . .. . $15.00 . $16.50 . $20.00 . $25.00 . $37.50 = 2000 Pairs New Kid on any billv¢ There will also be shown one of those clever Frank Daniel's comedies and a Pathe Ani- mated Gazette, a photo play record of present day events. The above is one b oves for Autumn of the best bills ever placed before ¢ the public; : - friends. Wear ; Her funeral was conducted on |incident of the Secret of the Submar- {iy : Monday morning from the home of jhe 16 a swift Toying Sedation. One > her cousin, H. Spenser, Montreal nstant you are startle ya g sur-| i . ; : her cousin, _H. Spenser. Montreat |prise, then i a flash a hair-raising {i Ny We consider we have been most fortunate . a solemn requiem mass was celebrat- | feat of daring brings a stupendous |i} In securing these real French kid gloves, as "The Secret of the Submarine." Every moment, every scene, every |} ed for the repose of her soul by Rev. thrill. Follow this serial story every : : D. A. Casey, chaplain of the Hotel |Monday and Tuesday afternoon and they are now practically off the markgt and ° are not to be had in the regular way. be . Dieu. Her gister nurses attended the |evening, for fifteen weeks, at the funeral in a body and wore the uni- | King Edward Theatre. Usual ad- Women's Kid Gloves With dome fasteners, in tans, black, white, kt . . while the assortment is complete and the old prices prevail. graduation. A As a nurse Miss Toppings was a model of devotedness to duty and un- tiring solicitude for all under her charge. The numerous mass, spiritual and floral offerings prove, regardless of empty words, the high esteem in which she was held 'by her many brothers, Jerome and William, were alec present, accompanied by {yu RNR her three uncles, Michael and George, WANT SOLDIER BOY RETURNED. of Toronto, and James Toppings, of - | IAN Montreal, and her sunt, Miss Hast. {Industrial Home After Pte. 1. wll greys, fawns, at . ie L] ' i. EO i irovital ald Tey 8g. i The authorities of the pS uzial spect by being present at her ob- ome at Toronto ve been com- Women's Kid Gloves That combine the best in style and the best in quality, fresh selected skins, all wanted sequies. municated with in regard to the six-| i} The pallbearers were Miss H. Red- teen-year-old lad who deserted the shades'. .. .. ...... Vw ++. $1.50 ' . Women's Kid Gloves mond, Miss U. Buckley, Miss BE. Mc- ranks and who was before Justice of 4 - . In blacks, tans, white. Special at . . $1.00 form of the school. Her two survive mission. Gahey, Miss M. Doyle, assisted by the Peace George Hunter recently. Mrs. Hanley, O'Connor, Grant, Crow- The home guthorities want the boy |} ley, Kennedy and Brennon. returned, and it is likely that the After the services at St. Mary's | necessary steps will be taken to have cathedral the funeral cortege pro-|him returned to the home. He is ceeded to the C. P. R. station, and {BOW in jail on remand. the remains were taken to Godfrey for interment. The offierings included the tollow- STEAMER RIDEAU QUEEN SOLD. ing: | Vessel Used on Rideau Canal Many Spiritual Offerings--Rev. D, A. my Casey, Rev. Sisters of Hotel Dieu, Dr; Years Changed Hands. : E. J. Brennan, M. J. Kennedy, Jr., The steamer Rideau Queen, which \ Leonard Clark, Miss Evelyn Martin, { has been doing service on the Rideau Mrs, Simpson, Michael McCue, Miss [Canal for fifteen years, was on Sat- Mary McDougall, Patrick Purcell, |urday sold by the Rideau Lakes Navi- A Miss Marjorie Allan, Miss Brennan, | gation Company to the Trent Naviga- ® Miss Grace Storms, Miss Ursula [tion Company. The purchase price sa : 'Buckley, Miss Mabel Hogam, Miss" Was $5,450, with additional equip- Helen Redmond, George Toppings, L. ment, making the selling price $5.18 - v 4 ~ - We carry all the best makes and 'styles for men, women and child- ren. Vests, drawers and combina- tions, cotton, merino, fleece lined, union, silk and wool, and all the Cue, T. Sargent, Miss Corrigan, Miss different weights of pure wool in rene DE oT a Err aicy: | Terrie Climaxes. That Klectrity. | Jf : E SEE white and natural, sft, warm and pin. Miss Mary Hastings, Frank | [Each chapter of "The Secret Off ees . ' t h (Mr. the Sumbarine" is crammed with unshrinkable. Pearson, Miss Stella Whelan. Mr T. Welch, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Me- [8 - | Sanit Tu Yt MEY i Sle 3 AERA A ATO Mamie O'Keefe, Miss Alma Paquin, |5trugsles. the smashing of the ven WwW ? : D : : i Et Buin Mis Ale Dai i. bt Wolf Th so, omens bainty i ' Gertrud sinking of the submarine and deadly | The Largest Variety Fri Sn tenis Bn Rl i. es fe Be A me Boudoir Slipp : . : TS. Mr. 3 . ' A Car Load of Blue Grapes. i ers » 4 . . Tho Stfiuscr Batate. We are showing a very pretty of colors in dainty Letters of administration havell bedroom slippers in the following colors: Old rose, pink, mauve, yan, Miss Vivian Murphy, Miss ter one shows thrilling undersea peril of the occupants. At the King | i Mrs. Herbert Baskets, 22 %e at a r 25¢ ; yr 3 i ¢ at our door o \ Bs Lowest P ices | Hn delivered, Liberal discount to the ; i aC : i : i | I : trade at Carnovsky"s. o been issued in the matter of the es-{ . ' ; tate of John Switzer, hotelkeeper, blue, grey, chocolate and 4 pr 1 Campbell's Linen Thread for Fancy Work - -