Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Oct 1916, p. 11

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Pay Your OUTofTOWN * a, ACCOUNTS by, DOMINION EXPRESS "MONEY ORDERS. cents cents cents cents where If lost or delayed your money will be refunded. J. H. Seels, cor. Princess and Wellington Streets OUR STOCK THAT WE WERE EXPECT- ING HAS ARRIVED . CS -- And we are now prepared to show intending purchasers a fine selection of Scotch Granite Monuments to choose from. . McCALLUM GRANITE CO. 397 Princess St. :: Children Cry for Fletcher's CASTORIA 4 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 yeais, has borne the signature of and has been made under his pere Tr sonal supervision' since its infancy. A ¢ Alicw no one to deceive you'in this, All Counterfeits, Imitations and *¢ Just-as-good ** are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experiment, What is CASTORIA Castoria 1s a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paree goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. Ig contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. (ts age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipati Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles pre Diarrhea, It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALways Bears the Signature of o In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THRE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, "Germany Gets None of Belgian Relief Conditions of Agreement with Neutral Relief Commission respected by Germany When the Belgian Relief Commission was organized, Britain insisted that Germany guarantee not to-touch a particle of the food imported by the Come ion for the Belgians, This guarantee, men who are the executive heads of the Commission, has been respected -- probably because its violation would be reported at once and wonld rouse tile whole neutral world. So each contributor to the Belgian Relief Fund may feel perfectly sure that every pound of food which his money has helped to purchase, has gone directly to the Belgians. ¢ No Dollars in Bhe world are needed more--will be handled better--or will do more vital good --than the dollars which it is your privilege to give to the Belgian Relief Fund. ys Whatever you feel you can one lump sum, given to the American business give Eend your subscription week! to Local or Provincial Oommitteen Tor 7 i=" Belgian Relief Fund- 69 St. Pyter St., Montreal monthly, or in 'can you undertake fo Teed till the war _isover? 23 Frontenac DONALDSON J Sept, 29th. --Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bledke and little daughter, Snow Road, were recent guests at G. Blake's. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sproule and children spent Sunday last at John McKenzie's. A. Larock, Ompah, has come to work for H. Ryder. CANONTO. Sept. 26.--A number from here at- tended thé fair in Renfrew on Thurs- day. The dance at Adam McGone- gal's on Tuesday night was well at- tended. Corn cutting and silo filling is the order of the day. William Davy, Cataraqui, motored here last week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Payea, a son. Mrs. Doyle, Perth, was a recent guest of Mrs. Joseph Kelford. SLEY. b Sept. 26.--Mr. Chown, Kingston, who has been making his regular autumn trip, stopped here on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown visit- ed in Vennachar last Friday. Miss Ethel Grant, Kingston, was caller at John Brown's on Saturday, Hugo Brown and son, Golden, spent Satur- day and Sunday in Plevna and Beech Corners. A fifth form- was started in the school on Monday in charge of R. E. Wagar. Reeve P. J. Wensley left on Monday for Kingston to at- tend a meeting of the county pro- perty committee, Miss Gretta Brown is onthe sick list... ' MYER'S CAVE. Sept. 26.--The farmers are start- ing to dig potatoes, which-dre a poor crop this year. The threshing ma- chine is in this vicinity. Thomas Delyea made a business trip to Northbrook Saturday last. Pte. Harvey Spencer spent a few days last week at Charles MacGregor's. Mrs. Kate Meeks and daughter, Sarah, 'spent Sunday at Mrs. T. D. Perry's. M. Jones, Toronto, is spending a few days here. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rintoul and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Perry spent Sunday at Mrs. Charles MacGre- gor's. Mrs. A. Marshall, Arden, was a week-end visitor at her mother's. Miss Maggie Curtis has returned to Toronto after visiting her parents here. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elias Wood, a son. LELAND. Sept. 28.--Farmers have finished cutting corn, and some have started to dig their early potatoes, which are a very light crop. School has been closed, owing to the teacher's illness. Grippe is going the rounds, and many are suffering from its effects. Mrs. T. Young paid Perth Road friends a visit on Monday. J. R. Buck, a former resident, was calling on friends recently. Daniel Ferguson had the misfortune to lose a valuable cow last week, she having got her leg broken while in the pasture. Mrs. D. Amo has gone to Brockville for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. D. Fergu- son visited friends at Cataraqui last week. A number from here attend- ed the Kingston fair this week. Mrs. P. Kennedy, Kingston, spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs. L. Randles. Misses Maggie and Ada Stokes are at H. Kellar's. PLEVNA. Sept. 22---8chool has reopened and all are pleased to have Mr. Redmond back as teacher. D. Godkin is threshing in this vicinity, Mr. and Mrs. F. Hill have returned home af- ter a three weeks' visit with friends in New York state.. Mrs. R. Bebee has purchased.a fine house and lot in the village and has moved into it. Mrs. A. Card is home after spending a couple of weeks visiting friends in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. McCrim- mon of Little Creek, N.Y., and also Miss M. McCrimmon and brothers John and Samuel, of Mountain Grove visited friends in this vicinity rec- ently. Mrs. J. F. Card, who has been visiting friends in Smith's Falls and Delta for a few weeks, has returned home. Mrs. C. McNeil, who has been on the sick list is improving. Mrs. John White and daughters, Miss Alice and Annie, spent a few days [recently with Mr, and Mrs. D. White. Miss Myrtle Gregg has returned to Kingston after a couple of weeks visit with her sister, Mrs. C. McNeil. W. Davy motored from Kingston on Tuesday and is renewing acquain- tances in the vicinity. What might have resulted in a more serious ac- cident occurred on Monday morning to John F. Card, as he was going to his work. The board on which he was sitting, on the waggon, broke as they were going down a steep hill. He tried to jump but a wheel caught him. His leg below the knee and his ankle were badly jammed, but fortunately no bones were broken. Dr. Parsons d the wound and Mr. Card Is getting along as well as can be expected. -* | hundreds of spectators were on th | fair ground to inspect the exhibits which were beautiful. Parents and| children, trustees and teachers all enjoyed the day. Sports of all kinds | were indulged in. The children from all sections catried off scores .of| prizes, SAND BAY | Sept. 25.--The threshing machine is expected in this yicinity this week. } A heavy rain will needed before4 the farmers will be able to start ploughing. CC. Goff is ill of measles. Miss Greene will continue teaching | the remainder of the year. The | Misses Vera and Marcella McDonald | and brother Ray, and Miss Judge | of Toledo spent Sunday in Melcombe. Miss Annie Patience, Dulcemaine, and Mr. Logan, Kingston Mills, spent Sunday at Joseph Lappan's. Misses Sadie' and Mamie McDonald visited | relatives in Seeley's Bay on Saturday | and Sundey. LONG POINT. . 28, --A number from here at- the Delta and Lansdowne] fairs. Miss Hazel Townsend has re- turned from Schenectady, N.Y. | where she visited her sister for some | months. T. V. Scanlon, Westport, | has been engaged as teacher here for the term. Miss Lenna Bryan, teach- ing at Sweet's Corners, spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs, John McKinley, Seeley's Bay, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Single- | ton spent Sunday with friends at| Dulcemaine. . Miss Eliza Doolan, | Athens, is a guest of her sister, Mrs. | W. Bryan. Mrs. George K. Wight is! in Kingston this week with her aunt, | Mrs. Dobbs, who is a patient in the| General Hospital, having undergone a critical operation, iss Laureta Senecal, R.N., Rockport, is a guest | of Miss Madeline O'Conpior. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Bryan and|T. B. Bryan| motored to Addison on/ Monday. A| large number from her attended the| camp meetings at Outlet and Elgin| on Sunday, Joseph Bevens is engag- ed at carpenter ork for A. Seal, | Gananoque. Visitors the past week: | Mr. and Mrs. H. Tye, Charlston, at G.| K. Wight's; T. Wood, Short Point, at J. Bevens'; Mr. J. Ripley and Mrs. | Hunkins, Sand Bay, at P. Kelsey's; | Mrs. A. Dillon, Mrs. J, Sykes, Kempt-{ ville, Miss L. Bryan, Sweet's Corn-| ers, Stewart Singleton, Soperton, A.| G. Donnelly. Seeley's Bay, W. Harris, | Elgin, at Charles O'Connor's; Mr. and Mrs. John MeKinley, Seeley's Bay, at J. Singleton's; L. Botsford, Athens, at J. Bryan's. Sept tended | | ATHENS. Sept. 27.--Gegrge family are tdking possession of Theodore Foley's house, Victoria street. Ormond Green and family, | Oak Leaf, are moving to their Main street property. Born, Sept. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vallick, a daughter. Born, Sept. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sheffield, a daugh- ter. Reeve W. B. Holmes was at Kemptville on Friday giving an ad- dress on "Foul Brood Among Bees." Mrs. T. Vickery held her first re- ception on Friday last. Rev. T. Aus- tin Smith, Oxford .Mills, conducted services in Christ church last Sab- bath, when a Thanksgiving offering for missions was received. ish - Empire social was held in the Epworth League Monday evening, when Rev. William Usher, pastor)of St. Paul's Presbyterian church, gdve an appropriate address. test, "British Empire Query," wis one"of the features of the programme, The annual school fair is being held at Plum Hollow to-day. To-day the funeral services of the late Sheldon Brown are to be conducted here in the Methodist church by Rev. C. D. Baldwin, Addison, of which vicinity deceased was a resident. Being in failing health, Mr. Brown came some time ago to the home of his (brother-in-law, William Hillis, Elgin street, for, treatment, but pass- ed away on Monday last. He leaves 2 widow but no family. A shower. is being planned for Saturday evening at the home of Miss Hazel Latimer, in honor of the bride of Oct. 4th. Rev. W. H. Wright, Smith's Falls, is to conduct anniversary services in the Baptist church here next Sun-| day. Next Sunday the Methodist Sunday school Rally Day is to be! observed. Rev. T. Vickery and Mr. | [-Halpenny are to be the. speakers. Next Sabbath evening Bishop Bid- weel, Kingston, is to conduct con- fimation services in Christ church. Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church are planning an afternoon of work for the Réd Cross on Oct. 12th, followed by a tea. Lennox and Addington) VENNACHAR b Sept, 26.--Owing ta the recent frosts some of the farmers in the surround- Flood and] | Mrs, | fair. A Brit-| Prince Bivard _ ] | SALEM. Sept. 28. --Farmers are ing their silos. tephe wife, accompanied by t and family, motor fair in their new ca C. Wannamaker 1 of last week did no harm except t some corn on low-lying ground. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Parliament attended | Picton fair with Mr. and Mrs. C. Carnvike in their auto, also Mr. and | Mrs. Simonds, with Mr. and M Al Blakely, in their car. Ex n | Wannamaker and MN C. Wanna- | maker and son, an 1, also at-| tended Picton Tair, visiting' Mr¢ and | C. G. Fox. All report a good | The attendance was so large! that the traffic on the street had to} be regulated by the police, quite an| unusual thing for the quiet town of | Picton. Mrs. Charles Smith, Ban- | oft, is spending a few daysewith her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Spence Mr. and Mrs. Myron Hawley, Corbey-! ville, were recent visitors at A. J.| Parliament's. Two dogs while coon hunting in Malahide are reported to have crawl- ed two miles through a fourteen-inch drain, but got stuck in one of twelve- inch diameter and were finally re- leased, apparently unharmed, by a farmer who heard a noise under his vay ITE Headache The liver gets sluggish, the bowels constipated and then comes the bilious spell with headache and stomach trou- bles. Dr. Chase's Kid- ney -Liver Pills re- ljeve this econdi- tion most prompt- ly and thoroughly by reason of their combined action on liver, kidneys and bowels. TTT TC One pill a dose, 25 ets. a box, all ers. ll | Jacques Cartier, the famous discoverer, used the crude essences - of on! and herbs to cure a skin disease which broke out amongst his crew. { his descendant, Mr. J. Cartier of 2912 Clarke Street, Montreal, has been cured of eczema b instead o 'These, however, essences of roots and herbs. , being crude as used by his ancestor, were prepared for modern use and put up in the form of Zam-Buk. Mr.Cartier, who is Justice of the Peace and Assistant Clerk of the Court of Montreal, says there is nothing that can compare with Zam - Buk" for thetreatment of skin diseases. Circuit He goes on : "Allow me to express to you my gratitude for the benefit 1 derived from the use of Zam-Buk. It isthe best remedy obtainable for eczema. 1always kee7 it in the house as our family doctor; its healing and curative power is immense. 1 have no objection to your publishing my lettér, as 1 wish everyone to know the high quality of Zam-Buk."" Zam-Buk is best, not only for eczema, but also for ring. worm, ulcers, abscesses, run- ning sqres, old wounds, blood- poisoning, boils, piles, burns, scalds, cuts and all skin in. juries. All druggists or Zam. Buk Co., Toronto, 58c. box, 3 for $1.25. Send this coupon, FREE name of paperand lc, stamp (for return postage) to Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, and free trial box:will be sent you. EERE RSTO Young Girls' School Shoes § = 3 We have a small ship. "271° ment just arrived in 'Gizlé' School Shoes. But- toned calf, gun metal top, low heel. Exceptionally good value, that we can sell for $2.00. Younger Men have mote originality in fashion, fabric and finish than any clothes in America. See them and you'll agree. :

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