Daily British Whig (1850), 5 Oct 1916, p. 6

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PAGE BIX _ . THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1916. 2 ER ---------- WHO IS RESPONSIBLE for the health of the family? The mother, of course! She' is natur- ally particular to give her children only the purest of internal medi- eines, but she may hot always know that a remedy applied to the skin enters the' child's system, by absorption, just as, surely as a medicine that is swallowed. This fs a fact, and the mother should. \therefore, use only the purest oint ment obtainable. Selentific analysis has proved Zam-Buk to, be absolutely pure. The great English Chemist, Mr. W. Lascelles Seco't, says: "1 have made an exhaustive analysis of Zam-Buk and have no hesitation in certifying its purity and its in- estimable value for skin ailments and injuries" Although the healing powers of Zam-Buk are beyond those of othér ointaents, it at same time #o refined that it agrees with the most sensitive akin--even thelekin of a baby. Mothers who have once used it say they cannot do without Zaw-Buk. It is best skin diseases, poison, scalp ulcers, boils pimples, piles scalds, cuts, ete. All druggists or Zam-Buk Co, Toronto, Joc. box, 3 for $1.25. is the and all blood Y for eczema ringworm, sores burns, Coal ¥ The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell, SCRANTON COAL Is good Coal and we guarantee prompt delivery. { b | BOOTH& CO. Foot of West St. J AA AA THE LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually) enables traders throughout the world to communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS In each class of goods, Besides be- ing a complete commercial guide to London and its suburbs the Direc- tory contains lists of EXPORT, MERCHANTS with the 8s they ship, and the Colonial ald Foreign Markets they supply; j STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under the Ports to which they sail, and indicating the approxi- mate sailings; PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES of leading Manufacturers, Merchants, ete, in the principal provincial towns and industrial centres of the United gdom. A copy of the current edition will be forwarded freignt paid, on re- ceipt of Postal Order for $5. Dealers seeking agencies can ad-| vertise their trade cards for $3 or lar- ger advertisements from $135. The LONDON DIRECTORY (0., Ltd. 26. Abchurch Lane, '.ondon, E.C. "Ranks with the Strongest"' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Head Office, Raval Insurance Bldg. MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Gntario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. Aer ceo ono Eliminate the Use of "Influence." Ottawa, Oct. § The government, it is believed, Intends iaking action within the next. few days to discour- age, by means of jail penaitiés, the sale of "influence" in conne mn with contracts let on behalf of either the Imperial or Canadiaf Govern- ments, This will cover contracts let by the Imperial Munitions Board. A document captured by the Bri- tish shows that the Germans is short of guns and ammunition, but not of food. The County authorities injend to roik the gravel around the Kirk- patrick Memorial Fountain. R. H. Toye has returned from Montreal, where he was on a busi- ness trip, : NEWS FRON HE DISRC CLIPPED FROM THE WHIG'S MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES. tary College Killed in | Action. In Brief ¥oim the Events In The Country Abdut Kingston Are Told --Full of Interest to Many. | Miss Frinces-A. Edwards, Carleton Place, ft last Thursday -for New York, to enter the Presbyterian Hos- pital there as a nurse-in-training. Miss Lena McGregor, Carleton|on September 30th. | Place, who learned the art of tele- The young officer was one of three graphy in the C.P.R. office, left last Peterboro boys who graduated from week for Toronto, where she has re-. the Royal Military College, Kingston, ceived a position. | in the spring of last year, and whe Between one and two o'clock on| were granted commissions. Wednesday morning fire broke out, Morris went overseas with a Westrrn foundry and machine shop of! artillery brigade in company Renfrew, and Ljisut. Harold Smith, Peterboro, and he mbeen at the front for some time. HIS FINE YOUNG LIFE GIVEN TO GREAT CAUSE Peterboro, Oct. §.--Lieut. parents have received an in the I.. Imbleau & Sons, gutted the premi Sp pa of on Place, Oth to take of- and been 1ke charge of cated at the Grove school, the local Collegiate Institute, Trinity College School, Po I and the Royal Military Coll His scholastic ca cessful one, and he al himself as an athlete, especially long distance running, capturing Inter-Collegiate cross-country from a large field record time "Bill'" Morris, as on Monday was known to his. host of the age of was popular wherever he was known, The deceased and the news of his death will come was born in Ireland, and coming to great shock. Canada, settled near North Augusta, Later he moved to Brockville An interesting ceremony took place at Oddfellows' Hall, Brockville, when 4 meniory of Past Grand WwW. H., and Rdwin Abbott were unveiled bw-@fand Master Hadlks, of*Toronto On Tuesday after an illness three weeks' duration, Mrs. Agnes Fradette, whose home was on Wharf | street, Belleville, passed away. De-| by writes to the Canadian Patriotic ceased was in her sixtieth year and| Fund Committee of this city as fol- was born in England, being a daugh- | lows: "As I am leaving for the north ter of the late Thomas Wheeler. She|in a few days and will be aw has has e the r was a 60 f Alex scene the he v ed in the championship irn, was the , when their young- J. was united in X R. Moore, Carle mn | he The death friends, of Thomas eventy-four took Bobier at vey place as a SUBSTANTIAL GIFT TO PATRIOTIC FUND tablets tc Mastergfol Cole Hundred Dollars a Week * Until End of War. Belleville, Oct, 5.--Senator H. Cor- { : { of | ago. eighty fund, - - | war; The Late Mrs. L. Williams. | patriotic ; B= red- | twenty pl dlloriown, Ot. 5-08 Wei} Belleville Red Cross and St. Julien Hospital, Montream, Yay M. Edgley, | Chapters, I1.LO.D.E, one quarter eac h, beloved wife of Lionel J. Williams, | to assist the good work being done by passed peacefully away after a few |Our ladies of this city, which, I am days' illness. At her home, 1 Das-|Sure, we all as citizens appreciate. sart street, M&ntreal, on Sept. 18th, "It is expected that a campaign she was first taken sick, and as she | for funds for patriotic purposes will became worse, she was taken to the|be conducted in the near hv 4 to hospital for an operation. Her |Supplement the amount contriuted father was with her a few days be-| by the city, fore she died. She had lived in| -- Montreal during the past six years Earl Henderson, Trenton, while in and had worked in an office as steno-| the vicinity' of the C.N.R. yards was grapher until she was married. She struck on the arm by a falling tim- ber. The unfortunate man was taken also was at Lansdowne for several years previous to going to Montreal. | to the Belleville hospital, where every She leaves a husband, a little son of | means of saving his arm will be put six months, a father, John Edgley,| into execution, Mallorytown: two brothers, Messrs.| The Strathcona Hall, Brockville, William, Mallorytown, and Anson | one of the oldest licensed hotels in Edgley, Baldwinsville, N. Y. In re-| Eastern Ontario, has closed its doors. ligion deceased was a Methodist, and | This reduces the number of hotels in on Friday the funeral proceeded |operation here to five. from her father's home at Mallory-| Dr. Worley, Ashton, has purchased town to the Methodist church andthe practice of Dr. McFarlane, and J and the balance, A Graduate of the Royal Mili=| Frank | William Morris, son of W. R. Morris, | Steel Products Company, while op- chartered accountant, has laid down] erating a large shears in that factory his life for the cause of liberty: His| yesterday, had the misfortune to get official | 3 couple of fingers between the cut- message from Ottawa to the effect| ting edges, paring off about half an that' Lieut. Morris died of wounds| neh of each of them. { | morning by Mr. and Mrs. J. L. | M---------------------- | FOR THE COST OF COLLECTING | CITY GARBAGE. : } rere i | Their Tax Amounts to About Five Per Cent of the Total Cost=--Al But| One Church Have Paid Up. All the city churches but one have | paid their garbage 'tax for the year. i | Some made protest, while others paid | (From Our Own Correspondent) {up without a murmur. The follow- | Oct. 5.--John Garrah, jr., an em- ing is the way the Kingston churches ployee of the Spring and Axle De-|are taxed for garbage collection, ac- partment of the works of the Ontario | cording to their assessment: a | St. Mary's Cathedral ..$19350] St. George's Cathedral 109.20 Sydenham Street Methodist. 54.90] |St. Andrew's Presbyterian. . 50.03 | { First Paptist .. 132.50 [Queen Street Methodist 9.65 First Congregational .. 4 Word was rceived here yesterday | Chalmers Presbyterian 90] Rog- | Brock Street Methodist 5.00] | ers, Sydenham street, 'that their only | St. Paul's Anglican .. » | son, Lieut. | in action | + | with | fantry. the | He 'was born in Canada and was edu-! j akefield, | 4, | Suc- | so*distinguish- | in| rast | Local Gentleman Donates One| and Mrs. James Beaitie | 1 ay for al came to Canada about thirty years month, I will be pleased to subscribe| brought to Frederick Weese and his {$100 per week until the end of the|gon Daniel, an infant, against Janet per cent. lo go to the| Weese and the Dominion | have discovery of amount deposited per cent. to be paid to the|in the bank to the credit of David | thence to the village cemetery. | wi move to Carleton Place. | bash railway gang at Welland Jet. last June. The jury disagreed in the second trial of C. H. Cawthorpe, M.P.P. for | TME WORLD'S NEWS | IN BRIEF FORM. | Tidings From All Over Told 1 | fp ooa phe a Pithy and Pointed | Anti-unionist Presbyterians In a Way. | convention at Truro, N.S., adopted re- | solutions and appointed delegates to the convention to be held in Toronto on Oct. 17th Scott Maussell, Mancelona, Mich., pleaded guilty,to the murder of Mrs. A British air raid on Mannheim de- stroyed a Zeppelin 700 feet long. Lord Derby expects continued Zeppelin raids, but says London is | quite ready Martin Harvey, the English actor, will open his Canadian tour at Hali- fax in January. Ex-Mayor James 3. Scarff of Wood- | stock died very suddenly at his home { at the age of about seventy, | Windsor employers are heartily co- | operating now with the local militia authorities in encouraging recruiting. F. Lazier, K.C,, of the firm of Lazier & Lazier, Hamilton, died on | Wednesday. He practised in Hamil- ton for over half a century. Cheese sales: Woodstock, 530 at 21%e¢; Peterboro, 1,882 at 21 13-16¢; Sterling, 635 at 21%c¢ to 21 11-16e. * It is rumored that Toronto will commence recruiting for two more | battalions commanded by Col. George | Royce and Lieut -Col. Darling. The British branch of the United States Navy League announces the | presentation of a first]class battle | seaplane named London to the Am- erican fleet. John Migro was found guilty ng} of murder, as charged, but of man- slaughter, in connection ~ with the death of a fellow-workman in a Wa- He was sentenced to life imprison- ment at Jackson. Col. William CMG, bourg. . Beattie, Arthur Plautt, a Brooklyn slaughter house operator >was given the maxi- mum penajty of from two tos five (years at hard labor in Sing Sing. Rights of Christian Scientists to treat persons afflicted with disease without obtaining a license to prac- tice medicine. are clearly set forth as a principle of State law in a decision rendered by the Court of Appeals at Albany, NY, S. BUTTER AND EGGS. Highest, Prices Ever Paid Reached In New York. New York, Oct. 5.--Prices for butter and eggs reported to-day the highest pricés ever known at this season of the year, Dealers said the end was not in | We Understand | You Use Paste You will be pleased to-know that we have arranged with iH iH The Kingston J. G. BROWN, Prop. to supply you conveniently wit edly heard of STEK-0O and the i others. It will not only do your work well, but some money, that we guarantee. » i firm and they will send it entirely subject to your approval. If Fou are not already using STE make the test at ourtrisk. Clark Paper & Mfg. Originators and Sole Manufacturers. Sold in 1, 2 and 5 Ih. packages; also in prices to Do not confuse -0 thtobested In stich » aot you a sight, Extra in creamery butter sold for Sic, when a year ago it was 27c. Eggs sold a year ago for 23%c to 2c, reached 3Cc and 31c¢ wholesale, Cheese showed a rise from 14%¢ to 21%ec. Potatoes have nearly trebled in price. | n| Biggar, Sask., on'a charge of accept- | Sales Made at 22 1-18 Cents | {for any of the boards. At the autumn meeting of the Sen- | mand ate of Knox College, Toronto, it was | cause of the high price. decided to confer the degree of Doc-}bhoarded 573 boxes of colored cheese | tor of Divinity (in absentia) on Rey. {and 349 boxes of white as follows: | 0 | { Convicted of bribing a health in-|Island, 64; Glen spector tq pass meat unfit for food, | No Norman Rogers, had been killed St. James' Anglican at the front Deceased | Cooke's Presbyterian was with the 27th Battalion of in-|Salvation Army | Hebrew Svnagogue Sr. North | Betiel Co. .gregational a ; | Christian Seientist Church. . | Princess Street Methodist Catholie Apostolic .. | St. Luke's Anglican Mrs, Thomas Ferris, street, received word vesterday from her son, Pte, Thomas Ferris, jr., that had been invalided home on ae- count of deafness, and expected tQ| zion Presbyterian .. leave for home at an early date. Free Methodist License Inspector Frederick Taber | tin on Street Baptist Brockville was in town the fore-| Holiness Movement part of the week in the discharge of | Calvary Congregational. . { Montreal Street Methodist e of 02 05 50 dn da 30 a3 =1 ~2 ¢ his duties Dr. J. J. Davis, accompanied Mrs. Davis, the Misses Helen and Pa- tric Davis, and Master - "Tom" Davis left by anto this morning for a two weeks' holiday in London with the doctor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Davis of that, city | Sergt. John Beattie df the 156th Leeds and Grenville Battalion in camp at Barriefield, spending a few days here with his parents, Mr by | $700.23; Total av ive wniis i he churches pay about five per| SAYS TWO BREMENS WERE CAPTURED Boston Surgeon Arrives From | England With Néw Report Regarding Traders. e Oct, Dr. Hughes Ca noted Back Bay 5.-- Boston, ASSIZES IN NAPANEE. > bot, the Judgment Reserved on One Case-- Another Transferred to Toronto. Napanee, Oct. 5.--The Fall As- sizes were held here yesterday be- fore Sir John A. Boyd, Chancellor. Weese vs. Weese was an action "mortally sure as any man can be that two German submarines named Bremen have been captured by the British, the first being taken several months ago and the second in Sep- tember, and that British officers be- lieve the U-trader now awaited in New London, Conn., is simply the Deutschland renamed." He said: "Both German submar- ines have been captured by the Brit- ish. The second one was captured about the middle of September. On account of my official position I can- not tell the exact date. I remem- ber it particularly because that day traffic was stopped on the Channel. After it was captured some of the British officers said they believed it was the Deutschland renamed. The first Bremen, was captured several months ago. { "I had to smile when I heard, when I landed, that a life buoy mark- ed 'Bremen,' had been picked up on the coast of Malne Curiously | enough, after the Bremen had been captured, some British officers said | to me, 'You will probably hear of | some life buoys marked Bremen | being picked up in the Atlantic ocean | the next week or £0." 'That is one | of the English ways of having fun with the Germans.' | "They gave ons or more of the| Bremen's life buoys to captains sall- | ing to America with instructions to | throw them overboard, knowing | somebody would pick them up. In| this way they keep the Germans guessing. Bank to Weese, decbased, and that said moneys formed part of the estate of the sald David Weese. Judgment was reserved. Russell vs. Canadian Grain Com- pany, an action brought by Egerton Russell against the Canadian Grain Company for commission on grain purchased for defendants, was trans- ferred to Toronto to be tried, Octo- ber 6th. Raising Ponies. Calabogie, Oct, 5.--On the old Holden farm, about a mile from Cala- bogie, there is a herd of 129 Shet- land 'ponies, ml owned by M. J. O- Brien, Renfrew. Frequent sales of these diminutive equines are made to owners of coal mines in the Maritinte Provinees. They are exceedingly useful in hauling small cars in low- roofed tunnels down in the mines. Their life does-not seem to be long at the work and they have often to be replaced by new purchases. CHEESE UP HIGHER ON FRONTENAC BOARD Establishes a Record on Thursday. | "1 am sure both the Bremens have | S-------- t heen captured. As mortally sure of The salesmen at the meeting of the| i; a5 any man can be." | Frontenac Cheese Board on Thurs-| y - day broke forth in applause, when | i the price went up to 22 1-16 cents,| WOMEN MAY VOTE | Anna H. St. John, of Mayfield, N.Y. the highest price in the history of | IN NEXT ELECTIONS the board, and the top notch price The big de-| L | -- | overseas is the, Unless These Come Too Soon; There was| Use New Lists or Law for cheese | Changed. Inverary, 35; Glenburnie,| 3 Verona, 50; Wolfe Dower, 25; Railton i 1. : Rose Hill, 30. | Colored---Arigan, 50; | 50; Hinchinbrooke, 25; Ontario, Silver Springs, 56; Sunbury, White 135; Model, Pet. f--Women voters, ven women candidates, are| likely to figure in the next Federal elections unless Parliament inter~) venes next session to cut out the fran- chise already won by the worfien in Ottawa possibk 75 Glenvale, 29. 60; 1 | [NWT THE CHURGHES PAY | News From Eastern Ontario Points | or cent. of the total cost of the garbage | M surgeon, | is who is the latest Bostonian to return | Jif from France, said yesterday he is as| if e, § Public Health, . Selences offer the greatest opportun- ities to ambitious men and Women. Opportunities to work Say Sra e lcago Honplial College ..( Medicine, located in the greatest medical centre of the world, with faculty, facilities and equipment un- surpassed, offers a recognize® four or five year course leading to the de. gree of Doctor of Medicine sad Sur. gery. For catalogue address: Secre- tary, 3830 Rhodes Ave. Chicago, 1k fm -------------- * Become a Physician Gasoline, Olls and Greases Always on Hand. We Store Furniture George Downey, Prop. 136 Queen Street. . » A rena. DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS "kt gulating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for $10. 950ld at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any sadresson receipt of price. Tue ScoszLl roe Co., 8t. Catharines, Ontario. cade PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. ia * Vim and Vitality; for Nerve and Brain: increases ' 'grey matter'; a Tonic--will build you up. F a box, or two for $5. at. drug stores. or by mail on receipt of price. ®Ti xg SCOBELL DavG Co, St. Catharines, Ontario "Sold st Mahood's Drag Store." Why Not Save Money on Your New Fall Suit and Coat You can do so by buying from us. We have the newest cloths and the latest styles on the market at the lowest prices, A big variety of suits and coats to choose from. Call and be convinced that you can suve money by purchasing from us. Children's Dresses and Fall Coats Just Arrived. Just the line for the kiddies. Our prices range from' £1.93 up. Wednesday's Special Sale -- Al wool stockings, always sold at 25¢ and 33c. nesday, 19¢. Another Wednesday Special -- Corsets -- 58 pair Ladies' Corsets. Reg. $1.00 line. To clear ey 9c. All 1 children's cashmere and Our price Wed- sizes. Thursday is our Blouse Day. We will pl Ladies' Blouses, all sizes. Reg. $1.25 to $2.00. sale, 98c, Millinery -- Another big shipment of new hats to arrive. Just see the values we are offering for $1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $3.00 -- worth more than double the money. Be sure you do not mistake the place. Just opposite the Grand Theatre. MENDELS 217 Princess Street. on sale 150 Thursday What wonderful opportunities for diversion and pleasure the #eintzman & Co. Playger-Piano "The Different Player-Piano™ fumishes. No home is complete without ome. This is the aluminum action Player-Piano--the. "weather-proof" and *'wear-proof" Player-Piano. Investigate its many exclusive features. Have it demonstrated to you. C. W. LINDSAY, LIMITED, 121 Prineess Street. le : . 2 GC CC 3:9 LL 2A 0 AA 2S €. CC hai | Thousand Islands, 60; Elginburg, 70; | provincial elections in western Can-|" | Collins Bay, 50: Gilt Edge, 50; Howe |ada, or unless a too early election! Island, 50; Rose Hill, 30. |-prevents the using of the new pro-| At 22 1-16 cents Mr. Smith pur-|vineial voters' lists based on the wo-| chased the offering of Glenburnie, | man's suffrage laws in the west. { Arigan, Howe Island, Hinchinbrooke, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta] Ontario, Sunbury, Silver Springs, |and British Columbia. have declared | Thousand Islands, Elginburg, Wolfe|in favor of women having the vete. | Island, Railton No. 1, Glenvale and | The legislative fulfillment of the] {Gilt Edge. electoral mandate will soon be an ac-| At 22 1-16 cents Mr. Gibson pur-| complished fact in all four provinces. chased the offering of Inverary, Mod- In Manitoba and British Columbia, el, Verona and Glendower. at least, the adoption of woman suf- At 22 1-16 cents Mr. Murphy|frage will meant that the female popu bought the offering of Rose Hill and |lation of voting age will also have a Collins Bay, say in the election of thé candidates in these provinces for representation in the federal house. In Saskatche- wan and Alberta 'the law as it stands at present forbade women the vote for the Federal House. But ecom- petent constitutional authorities at Ottawa, including the Prime Minister and the leader of the Opposition, agree tirat the votes of the women of Manitoba and British Columbia must figure in the next Dominion election if that election takes place after Brit- At Chicago Government officers were authority for the statement that more than $1,000,000 changes hands daily in the operations of the betting nag recently exposed by Judge Lan- dis. Rumanian troops have conquered new positions in Dobrudja, taking & thousand pwetseners and much war material. ish Columbia has passed the act and the two provinces have prepared Paper Box Co. Kingston, Ont. h STEK-O. You have undoubt- good work which it is doing foi save you Just order from the K-0, it will certainly pay you to Co. Rk N.Y. ef Tangier Pg cheap us sample. thei: provincial lists so that the new vote is included. \ PRICES BOOSTED 5 CENTS. New York Restaurant System In- creases Cost of Living. : New York, Oet. 5.--The rising cost of food was)impressed upon thou- sands of ei to-day by the action of the dairy restaurant here in advancing prices. This corpora- tion, which owns a chain of luneh rooms in New York other cities, added five cents to the of all the staple dishes, ip Recruits ar were less n waltage. t thousand men have returned the front and been Betting odds Hughes in Wal treat, New Yok, has ot 1 v D. B. SACK SUITS - Sizes 26 36. to 35 $3.50 to $12.00 $4.50 to $10.00 F Boys' + School < \ 40 Boys' Suits DB. Sack ight Pants Priced from $6

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