Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Oct 1916, p. 3

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Oh! Come on over to Cooke's and have a Good Photo taken. His studio is 159 Wellington street, near Brock, right next to Carnovsky's Fruit 8 Cold Breakers will Quickly break up. the worst head-cold and get it out of the system, and a few doses of Hickey's Speedy Cure will 10os- en up the tightest chest cold or cough. The tremendous sale of these splendid remedies testifies as to their wonderful curing pro- perties. 25¢ each, Only at ANIA rian Best's The Popular Drug Si Open Sundays ar KEELEY Ir., M. 0. D. 0 OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, 326 Princess Street. Look over all the sty for this season and you'll choose one of the crea- " tions of FASHION CRAFT r they are creations in sense of the word. ls that are design- artists, with a view ing every garment l. © Patterns are 'with the idea of by > master e in their HIS HEART BADLY AFFECTED | "Fruit-a-tives" Soon Relieved This Dangerous Condition 632 Gerearp Sr. Easr, Toroxro, "For two years, I was a vietim of | Acute Indigestion and Gas In The Stomach. It afterwards alfacked my Heart and 1 had pains all over my body, so that I could hardly move around. I tried all kinds of Medicine but none of them did me any good. At last, I decided to try *'Fruit-a-tives". I bought the first box last June, and now I am well, after using only three boxes, I recommend *Fruit-a-tives' to anyone suffering frond Indigestion", FRED J. CAVEEN. 0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At alldealers or sent postpaid by Fruit. a-tives Limited, Ottawa. GRANDMA USED SAGE; TEA T0 DARKEN HAIR She Mixed saiphur With It To Restore Color, Gloss, Youthfulness. Common garden sage brewed into a heavy tea with sulphur added, will turn gray, streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just a few applications will prove a revel ation if your hair is fading, streaked or gray. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sulphur recipe at home, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get a 50-cent bottle of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound at any drug store all ready for use. This is the {old time recipe.improved by the ad- | dition of other ingredients, While wispy, gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attractive- nessys By darkening your hair with Wyeth"s Sage and Sulphur Com- pound, on one can tell, because it does It so naturally, so evenly. You Just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappéared, and, after another application or two, your hair be- comes beautifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant. This preparation is a delightful (toilet requisite and is not intended for the cure, mitigation or preven- tion of disease. § Ce rt arn MEN! WHY SUFFER ? Take a Glass of Salts If Your Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers. s Th merican men and women must' guard constantly against kid- ney trouble, because we eat too much and all our food is rich. Our blood is filled with uric acid which the kidneys strive to filter . out, they weaken from overwork, become slug- gish; the eliminative tissues c! and the result is kidney trouble, b!» der weakness and a gen. ' une in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine is cloggy. full of sediment or PAIN, TION BRITISH LINER STEPHANO wy GAS INDI PEDOED BY GERMANS a INFIVE Freighter Arrived At Newport, R.| a L--Two American Ships Sunk in|"Pape's Diapepsin" Is the Only North Sea. { Real Stomach Regulator British passenger liner Stephano, | Known. ' New York to Halifax, was torpedoed | i - x by German submarine off Nantucket. ora Sous a2 bud stomachs iy d. The British i Tem cas save was Si digestion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and the crew is missing. The Dutch 40d ee iD Jve minutes that] freightér Bloomersdijk was torpedo- | Jus fot eh ape . apep ed with half million dollar grain | the largest selling stomach regulator cargo A Norwegian freighter iD the world. [If what you eat fer- Sopher Knudson, was torpedoed | ments into stubborn lumps, you belch but the crew was saved. [gas and eructate sour, undigested Naval officials believe that Ger-|food amd acid; head is dizzy and man submarine U-53 will make a|8ches; breath foul; tongue coated; a: Reported That German Submarine | _ | your insides-filled with bile and in- Juieh Sad tor home, after Its sin digestible waste, remember the mo- The Captain of the Nantucket| ment "Pape's Diapepsin" comes in Lightship says three German sub-| contact with the stomach all such; marines have sunk nine merchant | distress vanishes. It's truly aston- vessels off the coast. | ishing--almost marvelous, and the Norwegian steamer Roney was tor-|JoF b its haTTSleNmnSSs. { Pager pedoed in the Arctic. The crew was| A large fifty-cent case of Pape's saved. | Diapepsfill will give you a hundred crud Gallia, with 2,000 { dollars' worth of satisfaction or your Soran adhe oath soldiers was | druggist hands you your money back. torpedoed. Thirteen hundred were| It's Worth its weight in gold to picked up and landed. | men and women who can't get their Canadian troops reaching England | stomachs regulated. It belongs in include 111th, 130th, 136th, 139th |Your home--should always be kept and 146th, from Ontario. | handy in case of.a sick, sour, upset Austrian battleship was blown up | Stomach during the day or night. It's , | to stop it. in Pola Harbor. Her name is un- known, { British have consoliddted gains | made' near Gneudecourt, inflicting | heavy losses on the enemy. In face of superior forces, Ruman- fan troops have withdrawn on Car- pathian front, in Transylvania. Allied drive on Monastir is gaining ground rapidly. The city is now threatened from two directions. German submarine torpedoed the British steamer Strathdene off Nan- tucket, Sunday. The crew was saved. Germans recaptured portions of trenches lost Friday near Les Boeufs, but British made further gains at other points taking five hundred pris- oners. The war office claims the recapture of Transylvanian city of; Kronstadt, captured by Rumanians, shortly after the entrance into the war. >The British steamer West Point has been fired on by a submarine, presumably the U. 53, which left Newport Saturday. « British troops advanced from six hundred to one thousands yards be- tween Guedecourt and Les Boeufs, on Somme front Sunday, and egptured the village of Sars. French attacks, in conjunction with British, carried forward French line two thirds of a mile. Austria Hungary is calling upon fifteen classes hitherto exempt. Two American ships have been sunk in the North sea. The commander of a German sub- marine, which docked at Newport, R.L, Saturday reported to U.S, naval officers that he merely brought a bag of official mail for the German em- bagsy and said he would leave at night. Despatches report a continuance of big victories for Russians in Dobru- dja and Asia Minor . The second expedition of Ruman- ians into Bulgaria is making great headway. The Bulgars are unable The Bulgars line has been driven to the outskirts of Monastir, and the capture of that place by the Allies is imminent. 2 Allies are continuing steady pro- press on the Macedonian front. Seven hundred French and Serbian troops were lost with the French transport Gallie in the Mediterran- ean. The British have further extended their line mear Thiepval, A large German army is on the borders of Rumania, A GERMAN SUBMARINE CHASING SAM HUGHES Believed It Trailed Liner But Was Foiled by British: Torpedo Boat. Low Newpart, Ril, Oct. 8.<-Germian naval sebmarine U 56 arrived here this afternoon. Newport is only a few miles from Halifax, where thé liner arrived on Thursday with Sir Sam Hughes, Sir William McKenzie and other notables aboard. It is quite p ble the Ger- man submarine trailed the liner with hope of sinking her, but was foiled by British torpedo boat escorts, and put into the nearest neutral port for supplies and repairs. | + DUTY OF STATES + m---- + New York, Oct. 10.--The ¢ Herald, editorially, says the highest duty of the United * vernment, is to ih- ¢ end to Soe the quickest, surest and most harm- less stomach regulator in the world. - Late Rev. William Lewin. Rev. William Lewin, M. A., for many years a resident of Kingston, passed away on Saturday in Philadel- phia, having been seriously ill only three days. About two years ago he left Kingston and went to Saskatoon to reside with his son, Frank. The climate there, however, didn't agree with him, and a few months ago he went to Philadelphia in an effort to recover his health, and was the guest of a former curate of his, Rev. Mr. Clay. Rev. Mr. Lewin was born in Eng- land, and was well on in the nineties. He was educated partly in England and partly in Ireland, taking the de- gree of M.A. from Trinity College, Dublin. After doing some educa- tional work in England, he came out to Canada while still a young man, and had charge of the Newburgh Academy for some years. Taking holy orders under Archbishop Lewis, he was appointed missionary at Shannonville in 1863 and remained there until 1870; from 1870 to 1874 he was curate at Picton, going from there to Merrickville, where he re- mained only a few months. From 1876 to 1881 he was rector of St. John's church at Prescott, and from 1879 to 1881 was rural dean of Gren- ville, and in 1881 he retired and took up his residence in Kingston. His wie predeceased him some years ago, and his only immediate survivors are one son, Frank, and a number of grandchildren, During his residence in the city, Rev, Mr. Lewin proved himself to be a splendid citizen. He was a veny learned man and could talk with authority on almost any subject. The body of Mr. Lewin will be brought Tuesday evening to St. George's Cathedral, where it will re- main all night. There will be a cele- bration of the Holy Communion at eight o'clock Wé&dnesday morning, at which the Bishop of Kingston will of- ficiate. The funeral service will be at 10 o'clock Wednesday morning, Late Philip Vanness.' Phillip Vanness passed away Mon- day at the home of hig son-in-law, W. 8. MoAdoo, Kilburnie, aged eighty- One years. He was ill only since Sunday, having enjoyed good health previous to that time. The deceased was born on Wolfe Island, and lived there until four years ago, when he went to reside with his daughter and son-in-law. He was a farmer on the Island, and was highly esteemed by all that knew him. He is survived by two sons and one daughter; Dr. Charles, Lynn Grove, Iowa; William, Minneappolis, Minn., and Mrs. W. 8. McAdoo, Kilburnie, » \ Lieut. CecH Stuart, son of J. Rus sell Stuart suffered shell shock in the recent fighting in which he dis. tinguished himself by capturing twenty Germans, but was able to go back to the line. Over 100 of the smartest fall and winter suits sensationally un- derpriced -- the greatest assortment of the latest New York styles in Kingston to choose from. No reserve, all must go. The continued fine warm weather makes it essential for us to reduce -- so our loss is your gain, and just at the beginning of the suit season too. Suits priced from $18.50 to $50.00, for $12.33 to $33.33. Don't miss this opportunity. Come tomorrow. STEACY The 'S Woman's Store of Kingston." . CHILD GETS SICK CROSS, FEVERISH IF CONSTIPATED "California Syrup of Figs" Can't Harm Tender Stomach Or Bowels. A laxative to-day saves a sick child to-morrow. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach sour. Look at the tongue, mother! If coated, or your child is listless, cross, feverish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other children's ail- ment, give a teaspoonful of *"Cali- fornia Syrup of Figs," then don't worry, because it is perfectly harm- less, and in a few hours ali this con~ stipation poison, sour bile and fer- menting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thorough "in- side cleansing" is oftimes all that is necessary It should be the first treat- ment given in any sickness. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot- tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which has full directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown- ups plainly printed on the bottle. Look carefully and see that if is y BROKE BARS IN OELL; DID NOT GET AWAY Alfred Suddard Smashed Up Things in- police station But Had to Pay. While in a cell, at tlie police sta~ tion on Monday afternoon, Alfred Suddard, gathered in on a charge of drunkenness, tried to smash up things and to make his escape. - He succeeded in doing considerable dam- ore up some of the plumbing in cell, and with'a large plece of iron, hammered one of the iron bars in his cells until he smashed it in two. {38e, but he did not get his freedom. t this they went into the eell Suddard e by the "California Fig Syrup| police heard the noise, but | of DAVIES' THANKSGIVING SPECIALS Prime Ribs Beef - 2lc_ Porterhouse Roast - 27¢ Sirloin Roast 24c Mince Meat ............. 10c to 12}c OYSTERS °' Lettuce Parsley Celery The Wm Davies Co.Ltd. Phone 597 FLOWER POTS AND BUTTER JARS All Sizes. THE LONDON DIRECTORY (Published Annually) enables traders throughout the world to communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS & DEALERS In each class of goods. Besides be- Ideal Silver Cream Ing a complete commercial guide to For Gold and Silver Lontlon and its suburbs the Direc- boy cobain ies ot ~| _ D.COUPER wit the 'goods hey shi, and we| - 341-3 Princess St. supply; ns they P hone 76. STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under the Ports to which - they sail. and (ndicating the approxt-| : : SOWARDS Coal Kéeps w ~

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