BANKING SERVICE Business men are offered in this Bank the satisfactory banking service provided by our com- plete facilities and extensive connections. Your business and private accounts are invit- Yoni \ 1855 \ \ BANK or TORONTO Market Square, Kingston. Geo. B. McKay, Manager. FOR SALE Four dwellings, early rental yee 00, near City Park. Price .... .... Bis $6000. dir 5 ~ J.K.CARROLL AGENCY, 56 Brock Street. Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 DO YOU VALUE YOUR EYESIGHT: ? If so take carve of it, Do not let money or pride stand bes tween you and wearing glasses, For professional aid "ex amining the eyes, anc Aepend- _ able glasses for thei = See our optometrist, oy R. J. RODGER Where the Clock is on the Walk You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's nd doubt' of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? I. LESSES, hone 1045 507 Princess St Free inspection of any battery at any time ite You of fine stationery, : so h Jou ' avory ano lines nes to otter of or Choice Groceries, the Siationcry Tine one of our Products, Vegeta- so that & a future We intend bles a specialty. St. Phone 545 PROMPT DELIVERY NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC ily an a: the past. I have purchased. the business and good will of BIBBY'S GARAGE 129 Brock Street. and' solicit a continuance of splendid patronage that this 1 {has so long enjoyed. Our prices are right, and our services, with skilled mechanics, constantly in attendaace, will be found to be the very best. Large assortment of automobile tires kept in stock, GEO. W. BOYD. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Phones: £22, House 011. We furnish: Auto Supplies, Gasoline at 33¢. ofl. and' Plants to order. "THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY; 00TCSER 14 tots - NCDENTS OF THE" DAY Happenings In the City and Vicinity «What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Portsmouth taxpayers can save two per cent. by paying before Monday Oct. 16th. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Scott and Jessie, Cherry Vale, have moved to Kings- ton for the winter. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul- ey's Book Store. . Three deserters have been released from Kingston jail in order to rejoin their regiments and go overseas. R. A. A. MeConnell, principal of the Model school at Madoc, was in the city on,Saturday on business. Leonard MiHard, Frederick Harri- gan and Bert Barrie are spending a week's vacation in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. John Grey, Smith's Falls, spent a few days in Kingston with their daughter, Mrs. Norman Farrow. . Mrs. Stewart Paul, Napanee, and Mrs. Keller, Morven, spent a couple of days: this week with friends in Kingston. Portsmeuth taxpayers can save two per cent. by paying before Monday Oct. 16th. A farewell dance was given at Wellington in honor of Miss Lilla Wilson on Monday, previous to her departure to Kingston. Mrs. D. Murphy, city, and Mrs. William Kennedy, Antlee, Sask., have returned home after spending a few days with D. J. Murphy, Brewer's Mills. Horace Attwood has received a card from his son, Pte. Harry Att- wood, of the 38th Battalion, now in the trenches, stating that all were well. Mrs. Charles Bedard, Maberly, suf. fering from - diphtheria, died on Tuesday night. She was a native of Oso township, where she was born sixty-two years ago. Prevost, Brock street, has this year an extra fine assortment .of "Tweeds, Cheviots and Serges for 'his| order clothing . department. His ready-made clothing and gent's.-fur- nishing department are well assort- ed with new goods. C. D. Bogart, Plum been with his' son Ernest C. Bozart, 156th Battalion, Barriefield, bheafore he leaves for overseas. He called at the Whig office Friday afternoon and paid his subscription, and also com- plimented the Whig on its fine news- paper and plant. Hollow, has Mr. and Mrs, David Taggart, Walk- erton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Carlotta Elizabeth, {0 Alfred 'Morris Gemmell, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Gem- mel], Perth. "The marriage to take place on Oct. 31st. The sum of $3,000 will be expend- ed by the Brockville branch of the Daughters of the Empire in pur- chasing Christmas gifts for the sol- diers of the Island City serving over- seas. Mrs. William Richmond, Kingston; Mrs. Watson * Ireland, Wellington, and Mr. Elmer Breakenridge, Roches- ter, N.Y., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Gilroy, Brockville. Fred Albert Massie, the soldier who died at 26 Wilton avenue To- ronto, on Thursday, as the result of an epileptic fit, was a native of Cam- pbellford. Sergt. Leonard Law, of the 24th Battalion, a former Brockville resi- dent, has been killed in action. AUCTION SALE Honachold Fu Furniture. 24 4 Frontenae St. 10 a.m. Mahogany "tala silk covered three Plece parlor suite, fancy tables, rockers, eather covered dining chairs, exten- sion table, sideboard, couches, writin desks, linoleums, pictures, stair an other carpets, cupboards, iron beds, springs, mattresses, odd dressers, Ray- mond Drop Head Sewing Machine, vac- uum sweeper, kitchen cabinet, gas plate aha uven, gem jars, washing ma- chine, hose and numerous her articles. ALE on THE AUCTIO INTERNATIONAL (MZ30P. BL GRAND I DAILY Contimens ad 7.30P A Performance 2--Vaudeville Acts--2 » Five Reel Feature ing William Farnum in ¢ "»" Man From Bitter Roo And Other Photoplays. MONWAY, CHARLIE C APLY in THE PAWN SH ER 10e5 ro- served Be extra. STRAND Thealre MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Vaudeville Acts 2 5 Reef Feature Film Norma Tal e and Tully Marshall in| E DEVIL'S NBEDLER x i Willie Collier in 2 Act. Keystone Comedy "NEVER AGAIN." Also Other Good Photo Plays - } J CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, 1¢ a word. Each com- secutive insertion thereafter, half~ cent & word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 25¢; three insertions, 0c; six $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED A HOUSEMAID. APPLY IN THE EV. ening to 199 King street. BOY WANTED TO LEARN TRADE. Apply Kirkpatricks Art Store. YOUNG MAN FOR DELIVERY WAG- : gon, at Carnovsky's Fruit Store. COOK WANTED AT HOTEL DIEU Hospital. Apply to Mother Super- dor. -- WHERE EVERY BODY GOES { THURSOAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Daniel Frohman Presents The Peplar stage Faverite DONALD BRIAN | In an Amusing Comedy "The Smugglers" VAUDEVILLE ° | Madam Lerane's Won- | derful Posing Dogs. | Xe. ® Athletic Weekly ~ : Matinee 10c: Evening. 10e, 13e. Twe CT Every Evening, 7.1% and 8». FOUR CARLOADS Of Absolutely Pure fEgg-o Baking Powder Sold in Kingston in one year. : "We Lead; Others Knock" QUEEN'S ATHLETIC COMMITTEE Excursion to Ottawa Saturday, Oct. 14th Fare $2.90. Special train leaves city depot at § any, returning same night from Ot- tawa, ® p.m. Tickets good Ja Mon day night on all regular tral "TBe National Drink" GRAPE JUICR At all Grocers, Druggists and Seda Fount + Buy it by the dane for the heme, FENWICK, HENDRY & 00, Distribwtove . - Administrator's Sale Theré will be offered for sale on Tuesday the seventeenth day of Oe- tober, 1916, at twelve o'clock noon, by William Murray, at his auetion rooms on Market street, in the Hy. of King- ston, the following pr A large plot of groun os Re north- west corner of St. Catherine and Pine streets, in the eity of Kingston, on} Which is situate a seven-raomed frame louse. The said property will be offered sub- ject to & reserve Terms: Ten per cent. of the pu chase money to be pad down at the! time of the sale; the lance to be pata | within thirty days. For further particulars and dondi- | tions of sale apply to: NICKL ARRELL & DAY, 194 An street, Kingston, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administratrix. pr NOTICE Notice (zs hereby given that the Part. nership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned was dissolved by mu- jal consent on the 16th of September, The business will be carried on hereafter by James Hughes, HUGHES, P. DALY. BUSINESS NOTICES AWNINGS, VERANDAH tents, GRI IFFIN'S | SALESMAN TO S EL A NIGHT WATCHMAN, STEADY work. Apply Wormwith Piano Fae- tory. A SMART MAN OR BOY FOR light work, and good pay. at Anderson Bros. | MEN, 20¢ PER HOUR, AND TEAMS, aoe | per hour, to work on county crush er Apply T. Traves, York Road. | near Westbrooke. SADY Apply PREFERREL D | s industrial. Ap-| es and experence | Bank | stock in first © ply wtih referen to J. Lo Thorne, 1315 Traders' Building, Toronto. i 1 | BY IST OF NOVEMBER. A GENERAL | servant, no washing nor ironing. | must have references and be good | plain cook. Apply in evenings to Mrs. A. P. Knight, FUR OPERATOR WANTED: STEADY | employment. Wages, $14.00 per| week for first class worker. F kholder, Idmited, 119 Street, Ottawa, Ont. Alice street. OVER $2 DAILY EASILY EARNED AT home on Auto-Knitters - making War Sock experience unnecessary. | distance immaterial, EACI0sé three cent stamps today for contract] form. Dept. 24C, Auto-Knitter Coy | College Street, 'Toronto. 1 Bank | == = 2] re FORUM 2 FOUND BLACK MOURNING VEIL ON King St, on Thursday. Owner may have same by calling at Whig Office, ON MR. THOMAS GARRAN'S shore, green skiff. Owner may have same by applying to above on Howe Island -- ee FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FRKE Anyone finding anything and w to reach the owner may do so by ranart ing the facts to The British Whig. The adver- tisement will be printed in this Solumn free of charge. LOST . ONSPRINC ESS STREET, A CRANK FOR B-25 McLaugniin Car. Finder will kindf¥ return to Whig Office LADIES' BLACK STOLE, FUR ON otlh sides, Saturday evening, on' road passing Ki dune tion. STRAYED, STEER, BLACK on lot 28, in the of Hinchinbrooke. Owner may have same by paying advertising and other expenses. Apply J. A. Good, Parham, Ont. STOLEN ONE YEARLING with 'white face, 6th Concession ' IF THE PERSON STRALING ThA hind wheel of the bicy Montreal street eras does not return immediately will be prosecutea, as they known, are SPPdd An experienced Stenographer lor 8 chartered bank, Apply in own handwriting te Box Whig Ofice. WANTED Sewing Machine Operators pectable boarding prov through Y.W.C.A. Wages from Men Cutters GALE MFG. CO,, LTD. Cor. Spadina and Wellington Streets Toronto. SITUATIONS VACANT. #5 PRIVATE CHRISTMAS CARD SAM. ple book free, paid. Men and women making one to two dollars an hour, ed for friends at home and Canada's Sons at the front. Bradley-Garret- son, Brantford, Ontario. WANTED GENERAL SIX ROOMED HOUSE BY SEPT. 187, Apply Box 348 Whig Office. FENIAN RAID MEDAL, WILL PAY four dollars. A. E. Way, 384 Oak- wood Ave. Toronto. WOMAN WANTS WASHING TO DO at home, work by the day In Private nih Apply 542 Albert Tens of thousands order- |" TO LET STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, arate rooms. MeCunn, ¥2 street. SEP. Brock -------------------------------------------- FURNISHED SITTING ROOM AND BED rooms, 123 King 8t., opposite city park. OFFIUVES IN CLARENCE ST. "CHAM. bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, ki J "Clatence street. FURNISHED ROOMS, ALSO 'ROOMS for light housekeeping, 396 Prin- cess, between Barrie and Division COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS, 280 University Ave, rent moder. ate; well heated. Apply on prem- ises, or telephone 332. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN. dry, alry rooms; ur own lock and key. Frost's bid Queen street. Phone 536d. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms, in private poms every con- venience, meals if desired. Apply 2 Alwington Ave, off King street. DOUBLE PARLORS AS SITTING ROOM , also other furnished . All improvements and Sentrally located. Apply 250 Barrie stree MUSIO BERT F. COUPER RECRIYE upils in Hane a CH Ad- 776 Phone ons, Princess street. 58. punt LROM, V. Vogt. 4 of Dr 0 Pupils prepaded for all tions. Studio 449 Johnson ais oLIVE AN SOPRANO, repared to take pupils in ¥ ure. and Theory of Music after , &t her residance, 143 ' Puplls On oxRmMInEtIons. Miss Woodman will Socept concert and recital engage ments after October 1st PERSONAL NTERESTED IN YOUR FUTURE? Birth-date, 10c stamps for "Success and how Attained." Trial reading free. 8. 8, League, Box 116, Los 'Angeles, Calif. HAIR, NOLES, WARTS, BIRTAMARKS ne all growths and skin , ishes removed permanently, in out scar; 30 ry sxperivhes. -- Elmer J. "$iiin Eb eciatie. 268 2068 Shroat a MARRY IF LONELY: FOR RESULTS, try me; best and most successful; handeeds rich wish marriage soon; strietly confidential: most relable; years of- experience: free. "The successful Club" M Purdie, 56, Oakland, Cali- fornia. Yi: FOR SUCCESS AND HAPPI. hess many] thousand snembers hoth early marriage: hundreds hy confidential des- criptions free; established 10 years. The Re le Club, Mrs. Wrubel, 32 Madison, Oakland, Calif MA SPECIAL SALE 0! 3 H.P. WESTIN and other arucies. fred street. TWENTY PURE wh. AND Mocs, a vi TRY JAMES SELD FOR SALE Alttle. ig ee: dre Nes oo one week $1.00. } mgroL, wo a snap while they last, Geo. Mul- ler, GHOUSE ternating NEHo Princess street. MOTOR, AL- Schofield, 647 MEDIUM SIZED HAPPY 7PUsyGue range: also gas range with' oven Apply «16 Aue * TWO REO AUTOS, WITH SU UMMER and winter tops; both in first class shape. Will sell or trade. Apply 169 Raglan Road. A FIVE PASSENGER FORD CAR, IN first class cendition. Apply J. Johnston, Cor. Princess and SyN- enham streets. BRED SIDVER LAC. ed Wyandat hens, and one male bird (year old), price $3000. Ap- ply Box 219, Whig Office, GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVR selections, your own choice, $28.50; $10 cash and $1.00 per week. C. W, Lindsay, Ltd. 121 Princess street. A SMALL QUANTITY OF GOOD WOOD in stove lengths and split. Deliv ered by the load, AC Boat BuiMer, Cataraqui Phone 767. IAGHT BROUGIAM, ALMOST Cost $1200, Any reason- accepted. Address 11 135 Crescent Road, To- Bridge. NICE like new. able offer Horsman, ronto. BEAUTIFUL ELECTRIC in first classy condition: wil sold cheap. Owner leaving cig For particulars address 135 escent Road, Toronto, BROUGHAM, eae & HELL" SWEDENBORG'S work on the life after death the world gheyond Over 400 pages. 'Only Bo. W. J 486 Euclid, Toronto, Ont Eres Law, CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN. ges, and all kinds of new and sec- ond hand furniture. We are also open to buy everything In the above lines, J. hompeon, 338 Princegs street. . Phone 1600. LARGE STOCK OF Nn ERS, 00 ches, stoves, men's clothing, on tary. boots, also new upholstered ohairs: large assortment of sealers, We buy all kinds of new and sec ond hand furniture. 8. Sha pire. 4 4 Princesy street. Phone 123 FOR SALE BY G. A, BATEMAN'S ES. tate Agency. A BRIOR STORE AND STOREHOUSE smart country village, suite able for any business or combina- tion. Very cheap to a quick buy- er to close out an estate, FARM] IN NRW ONTARIO OLAY BELT, me dwelling, twenty ac seed- -~ Would exchange for pro. perty. BLACKSWITH SHOP IN COUNTRY village, with dwelling, stables and eap. A NUMBER OF GOOD HOUSES IN THE * city, cheap. ONE, os 1000} or CLARENCE ST. "KINGSTON, PHONE AN IN SUMS OF $306" 00 and up at res. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN ASD Soclet incorporated stone H. R. kie, city and by PO) municipal and Geben ei pur- ; investm or received and sits in- terest al ed. t, manager, 87 Clarence St., OL. LONDON ngurance Co 61,187,215. which the polieybold wi Avatiable XH to security the unl "ability Li ots Property, pilmited Tia rates, pe Lon oid r_ givin Fates. rom Siang ® Agents. Eli tects, eto. 8 Bagot St Phone 608. Po CARPENTERING. Morety Y FOR of carpenter work Pas Avenue. Phone 1 A LEGAL boa on ian hie 9 Gr FURNISHED oR Li or apartments, fh © reliable temmnte. West End Estate and Insurance A Phone 743. 3 PaRS WwW Beipers, blacksmiths, also: ordtaary Iaborees an Highest rate of wages, open shop, no labor troubles. LOOK AHEAD ABOUT TWODAYS Will you need coal in that time? x Don't wait until the last sho- velful isin the fire. Order coal Knapp, ARCHL. Co A SRR