Hair with Life and Lustre Nothing responds so readily to a little care as the hair. We all men and women-- are irritated when our hair becomes brittle, dry and colorless. ADONIS HED-RUB is an invigorating hair tonic which keeps the hair in excell- ent condition and is cooling and refreshing to the scalp. Barbers have been using it for years, They find it makes the hair thicker, softer and brighter in color. Adonis Hed -Rub contains no sediment or grease, SOC AND $1 SIZES. Pharr bert pare terre For Sale at All Druggists. Sovereign Perfumes Lid., 146 Brock Ave., Toronto. Dust? NO! --mnot from the heating system we put in your home. No gas either. We guar- , antee it, and Clare Bros. makers of the " Hecla Furnace back our guarantee with theirs. This is the only warm air furnace with gas-and-dust-proof Fused Joints. Old or new, tiese joints can never open. Dust and gas must always go out the chimney. And this "clean" heating comes from the furnace that saves one ton in seven. Ask for booklet and plans. LEMMON & SON, Kingston. ¥ * Representatives of CLARE BROS. & CO. Limited, Preston, Ont., Makers of the HECLA "MELLOW AIR FURNACE R70 Syrup oF TAR & Cop Liver Oil PS COUCHS™ Sold in gererous size bottles by all dealers. THE J. L. MATHIEU CO; Props. SHERBROOKE, P. Sa = RESPONDENTS News letters intended for pub- + lication need not be sealed. % Simply fold in the flap and a + one-cent stamp Will carry them. Some of our' correspondents are + placing two. cents on the en- % velopes and sealing them. This % means that we have to pay two # out of the post office. Our % friends will, please bear in mind that a one-cent. stamp . will % carry an unsealed letter, con- % taining news, to any newspaper. % \ a * Frontenac _ + S CLARENDON. Oct. 10.--Mrs. Moss and Master Emery are spending a few days with Maberly friends. Misses Edna Kirk- ham and Lily Campbell and Master Earl Kirkham spent the holiday. in Kingston, Mrs. and Mrs. Milford Moss and Mrs. Appleby visited at Zea- land recentlyr Miss Florence Currie spent the week end with Miss Elsie Lashley; teacher at Lavant. Messrs. Boyd and W. Bourke, of Perth, spent the holiday with their grandparents, Mr, and 'Mrs. Boles. Miss Currie teacher, is. attending the teachers convention at Sharbot Lake. George Neely and Master Bert and Mrs. Sly and little son spent Saturday at Shar- bot Lake. ARDEN. Oct. 10.--The annual fair which was held at the exhibition grounds on Tuesday last, was.a grand success, Harold Steele, who has been in the west for the past two years, is renewing ac- quaintances here. Miss Genevieve Detlor, who is attending High School at Tamworth, is spending a few days under the parental roof. An enjoy- able time wgs spent by the members of the Tommy's Friend Club at Cross (Lake Saturday afternoon, Miss Jean Crozier, Normal School, Peterboro, is home for Thanksgiving. B. T. Det- lor is home from the 'west. The con- struction work at Cross Lake is pro- gressing rapidly, and it is expected the bridge will be soon completed. WENSLEY. Oet. 10.--Dr. R. E. Sparks, Kings- ton, spent Tuesday evening at Mrs. A. J. Wensley's, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Brown were in Vennachar last Tues- day, Simon Ball, Denbigh, was in the vicinity on Tuesday last. Thos. Briscoe, Miller, spent Thursday att John Brown's. 'P. J. Wensley made a business trip to Plevna on Friday. Miss Adda Brown spent i few days in Denbigh recently. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Brown were in Plevna last Sat- urday, and on their return were ac- companied by their daughter, Eliza- beth, Ardoch. Mrs. Frederick Mal- lory and children spent Friday and Saturday with her mother at Mata- watchan,- P. J. Wensley left yester- day to attend Masonic Lodge meet- ing in Arden. R. E. Wagar leaves to- morrow to attend the Teachers' In- stitute meeting in Sharbot Lake. De- spite the somewhat inclement weath- er, practically everyone attended the school fair<in Denbigh yesterday. The children returned 'with several first and second prizes. The fair was a marked success. JOYCEVILLE. Oct. 11.--The ground is very hard owing to the continued dry weather and has made ploughing a set bagk. The outlook for the potatoes is de- cidedly poor. The many friends of D. McCarey are pleased to know he is able to be around again a his re- (cent illness. F. Mundell is ting a new silo. J. Hitchcock and \W. Trot- ter have each purchased t ugh- bred cattle recently. John McCarey, 8r., has returned home after a trip to Montreal, Niagara, and several other Places, Mrs. W. J. Frafklin is visit- s in Gananoque. A. Foley, Howe Island, spent Sunday at J. Mur- phy's.. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Frank- lin, Kilburnde, is at D. MeoCarey's. Miss McGinnis, Kingston, spent Thanksgiving the guest of J. Keys. M. Tierney and M. McMullen, See- ley's Bay, and Mr. and Mrs. B. Mul- len spent Sunday at J. McCarey's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Franklin and son, Wilfred, at G. Maitland's, Brewer's Mills. S. Murphy spent Thanksgiv- ing with friends at Escott. SYDENHAM Oct. 11,--The many friends of W. Gordon are pleased to hear she is improving. She is at present in the hospital at Milwaukee. On Sunday morning, Rev. J. H. White, D.D., superintendent of missions in British t | Columbia, gave an interesting talk in the Methodist church. Several ROM: | are improving the roads of the vil- ' 4 | lage very much. What might have NOTICE TO COR- * c * &'| When. some people were enjoying a cents MORE to get the letter +#| ? 4 Purvis, in Petenboro. been a serious. accident occurred near Sydenham on Monday aftérnoon. | car ride, the car suddenly furned i turtle, None.of the occupants were i severely hurt. ! | on =} les i$ ! YONGE MILLS. > Oct. 10.~--Captain and Mrs. C. A. Donaldson called on relatives last week, Mrs. J. J, Dickey returned home Friday after spending a couple of weeks. with her sister, Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. "Roy Burnham and children spent | Thanksgiving the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Burnham. Sergt. William | Ferguson called on Friends Monday. Captain and Mrs, McBrayne spent the | week-end the guest of Miss Addie Mc- Lean. Quarter-master. Sergt. G. A. | McLean and Pte. Stanley Gibson are | spending a few days at their 'homes | here before leaving for overseas ser- | vice. Mrs. G. A. Purvis is seriously | ill of pneumonia. { | MALLORYTOWN. | Oet. 10.--C. E. Johnson, G.T.R, | agent, away on holidays, has return- | ed. Egbert Manors and family, Bos- ton, N.Y, who were, visiting his father and mother, Mr, and Mrs. Jos. | Manore, returned home to-day. The | Presbyterian church .are to "have a ! lantern lecture by Rev. Mr. Usher, of | Athens. James iller is byilding a | new kitchen, Miss Carrie Latham is visiting, her cousin, Miss Luella Guild. The delegates attending the i Epworth League convention at Brock- vilyle on. Monday were Miss E. Price, Mrs. W. G. Bradford and B. E. | Elliott. The soldiers of the 156th | Bfttalion, are home on their last pass | before leaving for overseas. Mrs, | Jonas Hagerman and daughter Edith | spent Thanksgiving at Mallorytown. LONG POINT. Oct. 7.--Mrs. George K. Wight has 'returned from Kingston. Mr. | and Mrs. Charles O'Connor visited at {Mayor O'Connor's, - Gananoque on Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. (Dr.) A. B. Chapman. is the guest. of Mrs. Susan Seabrook. Miss Lenna Bryan, Sweet's Corners, spent the week-end { at her home here." Mrs. John Moore- head and Mrs. Jacob Bryan spent Sat- urday at J. M: ead's, Sweet's Cor- ners. Charles O'Connor visited friends at Rockport on Tuesday. Mrs. John McDonald is the guest of her sister, Miss . O'Connor. Mrs. Thurston, who i8 visiting at Thomas Tye's, is ill with pleurisy. Thomas and Leo Slack, ' Lansdowne, spent Sunday at C. O'Connor's. Mrs. Wil- liam Bryan, whorwas ill with pneu- mouia, hag qui CHAFFEY'S LOOK. . Oct. 10.--Theéfhard" frost has in- jured the vegetation 'of 'this locality. The threshing machine is hete. Farm- ers report grain far below the aver- age. James Richardson, Kingston, spent the week-end at Fettercairn 1s- land. A party of Geographical Sur- vey engineers are camped here during the past week; lo¢ating stone for road improvements. John and Raymond Fleming are 'atténding Sydenham High School. . Mrs. W. & Mahoney, | Sinith's Falls, is the guest of Mrs. W. | H. Fleming. A number from here at-| tended the school fair held at Elgin! on Tuesday last. All enjoyed the) picnic dinner and the sports. Mr.| and Mrs. George Harding, Buffalo, N. Y., have returned home after spend- ing a couple of weeks with relatives and friends. Master E. Fleming and | F. Simmons mote) to Kingston: R, Mahoney has purchased a new car. Miss P. C. Doyle has returned after visiting at Elgin. Mr. Cranston and party, Toronto, have 'had excellént fishing during the past few days. | WESTPORT. Oct. 11.--A very quiet wedding took place in SL Edward's church Monday morning at 6 o'clock, when Miss Mary B. McCann, only daughter of the late John McCann, was united in m ge to Francis J. Mulville. The bride looked charming in a suit of navy serge with hat to mateh, while the bridesmsaid, Mise Sephronia 'McCann, was neatly attired in a suit of old rose velvet, The groomsman was a brother of the bride, Bernard McCann of Perth. The groom's gift | he ALS Serer Boe i the | a signet ring, i groosman a pair of cuff links. 9 } the ceremony the guests repaired 'to | the house of Mrs. John Mulville, | where the wedding breakfast was ser- ved, After 9 a.m. the happy couple | r " tom, and also took in the excursion drove to the home of the bride's un- cle, Bernard McGowan, Perth, where a reception was tended them and where they received niany useful and costly presents, showing the high es- teem in which they are held by their many friends. On their return they will reside in Westport, where the groom is in the livery business. Fred McCann, Detroit, is home on a visit, Miss Maizie McCann attend- ed the teachers' convention in Kings- to Belleville to visit Dumb Institute, the Deaf and [Lemox and Adingion ERINSVILLE. Oct. 11.--Mrs. Drungoole and Vera Flynn were in Kingston on Monday. A quiet wedding was cele- brated at the Roman Catholic church here on Tuesday. The contracting parties were Miss May Kearns and Bernard Hopkins. They were assist- ed by Miss Mary Hopkins and Hugh Kearns. Rev. Father McNeill, Kings ton, performed the ceremony. Miss Frances Kearns played the wedding march. Mrs, John Neville has been visiting friends in Deseronto. . The funeral of the late Mrs. William Peckens toole place on Monday. De- ceased had been ill but a few days, her death came as a shock to her many friends. She is survived by her husband and two sons, John at home, ang Patrick, of Creighton Mines, and two sisters, Mrs; Edward Roach and Miss Ellen Ward; also two brothers, William Ward, of this place and Pat- rick Ward of Trenton. Miss Mar= guerite Hopkins spent the week-end with friends at Bogart. Mrs, John Whelan is visiting her sons in Flint, Michigan. - An enjoyable time was spent at John Hunt's on Wednesday evenimg. Mrs, Frank McLaughlin ar- rived home after a pleasant visit wih friends in Saginaw. Justin O'- rien is attending Varsity in Toron- : 1 to. Mrs. M. J. Hopkins spent Thanks- der--tostimulate your liver, giving with friends at Kingston. tone your stomach and m-- regulate your bowels, take-- How difficuit-it is for a man to get . down to hard labor again after nurs- EEC "PILLS ing a political job for a few years! Largest Sale of Any Modicine fa the World. ov AN -- nr i, Vn ---------- To keep your digestive organs in good working or- asked for information than say: "I don't knqw." Too miukh sympathy is wasted on old bachelors and spinsters. Many a man would rather lie when erywhere, Inboxes, 25 cents. * « ELGIUM entered this war because she would not gell her honor to an overwhelmingly powerful neighbor, Britain and Canada took up arms in defense of treaty obligations and simple justice. noble and unselfish as our own. Belgian troops are holding the line side by side with our . own gallant lads, braving equal dangers--bearing equal hard- ships--strafing the common enemy. But there the equality ends! We fon-combatant Canadians are living in a land of plenty~weil-fed, lacking no necessity, and indulging in many luxuries. The Belgian mothers and children in millions are eking out a pitiable existence on the daily ration of three slices of bread and a pint of soup supplied by the Belgian Relief Commission. : Is it fair? The Belgian motive is as Help Digestion | 'Are we justified; before the bar of cornmon humanity, in callously feasting ourselves while 11M) they endure near-starvation ? : What have YOU done to relieve them? $2.50 will feed a Belgian family « month! The average Canadian family would scarcely rhiss this sum. Youyeurself could probably spare, several times this much monthly-- feed several Belgian families--and be none the worse of!' Will you do it? 4 For Baby's Bath The creamy. softening lather of Baby's Own Soap and the fragrance of its delicate aroma leave the skin cleansed--refreshed--aromatized Four gencrations of Canadian mothers have used and recommended It. In the Interest of your children's skin insist on Baby's Own Soap" Abert Soaps, Limited, Mfrs., Montroxl "McLaughlin" Garage Farmers and Automobile Own. ers, nttention ase! We - die the best ® oils "Veedo!" and "Polapine," a Model F Ford oll. All Kinds of automobile nceessorien kept in stock. . Repairing promptly ate tended to. Storage by the day, week or month. Robt. J. F ursey, ro) Phones No. 1600-081. 35-37 Montreal St, near Princess NS Send your subscription weekly, monthly or in one lump sum to Local J Provincial Committees, or 69 ST. PETER STREET, $2.50 Feeds a Belgian Famil NTR On fund . ne Month.