' . Local Branch Time Table IN BPFECT JUNE 3TH, 1916. Trains w ve and arrive a Depot, foot kha street. k Oh ' West. 3 Lv. City. Ar, am. 1257am . 19--Mal der 12.20 {rest be po 11 8Tlicl. t . 5.20 a.m. . $l=Localto Belleville 9.54a.m 212 p.m $40pm 737 p.m 18--Mall . . 18- Fast Ex . 2~d.ocal to Brockville Mall ..... . 14--Intl. Ltd.. , 38--Local to Brockville . 6.43pm. 1. x Nos. 1, 6 7, 13, 14, 16 18, 19 rur dally. other trains daily except Sunday rect 'route to Toronto, Peterboro Hamilton, Buftalo, Londos, De t Chicago, Bay Ci aw, ty, 8 Fann, Boa wna New pm 1282 p.m am. 1.88 pam CUNARD LINE CANADIAN SERVICE MONTREAL TO LONDON (Via Falmouth) Fro yr MONTREAL TO BRISTOL (Avonmouth Dock) From Montreal ASCA Oct Sint NIA... AND THIRD CLASS From Montreal FELTRIA Oct 19th : IA Oct, 24th CABIN PASSENGERS ONLY. For info tion apply local Ticket Agent or Robert Reford Company Limited, General Agents, 30 Kisg St Bast, Toronto. Prom Montres) Pretorian 20 Glasgow Corinthian Oct. 25 London Seandinavien Nov 11 L'pool Sieflisn. Nov. 11 London JTonian Nov. 18 London Pretorian Nov. 19 Glasgow Grampian Nv. 25 Liverpool Scotian Nov. 23 Steamers on London Ser- viee earry eabl passens Kern only. © for full lnformotion apply local aceats or THE ALLAN LINE 96 King St. West, TORONTO A CECE SE SNA Glasgow Sst tssssTTeS Nov. 16 Grampian Nov. 25 ndon Lv. Montreal Corinthian Oct. 25 Siellinn ~~ Nov. 11 lonian Nov. 18 Nov. 7 Corinthian Nov. 25 | Lv. Glasgow Lv. Montreal Nov. 4 Pretorian Nev. 20 he Nov, 4 Nov. 8 Nev. 11 #5 King St. W.. Toronto I. BE. SUCKLING 1 King St.E. Toronto General Agents. Passports, application forms furnished on request. UF ------------------------------------------ Wire Railings, Fences, Gates, Flower Border: S44 Wire Work of AR Kinds to Partridge & Sons CRESCENT WIRE WORKS i ~ IMhome 380 ° * MOST SEVERE Dreadful Pains All The Time Until He | MR. LAMPSON Verona, Ont., Nov. 11th,, 1915. "7 suffered for a number of years with Rheumatism and severe Pains in Side and Back, from strains and heavy lifting. When had given up hope of ever | being well again, a friénd recommended | | "Fruit-a-tives" to me and after using | the first box I felt so much better that | I continued to take them, and now I | am enjoying the best of heath, thanks | to your remedy. W. M. LAMPSON, If you -- who are reading this -- have any Kidney or Bladder Trouble, or suffer with Rheumatism or Pain In The | Back or Stomach Trouble--give "Fruit- | a-tives" a fair trial. This wonderful fruit | medicine will do you a world of good; as it cures when everything else fails. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Vict The shout of every true Cana- dian, until it comes we must labor on. Get those photos framed before they are soiled. Prices right and work A-1 at Weese's, i Should you not have your photo taken? Weese's new sunshine light always ready, come rain or shine, Pictures, for presents, framed ready to give, and pianps whose mu- soc makes life pleasant to live, all the above and more at Weese's Art 20 MINUTES Thars atl, Twenty minutes after taking a Zu' tablet your headache will be : Ee these litle iabléts--aae, reliable harmless as soda--will cure any in 20 minutes. better still, taken when you feel the heafache coming on, a ZUTOO tablet ward it off--nip it in the bud. No Headache Farms for Sale We make a specialty of selling farm properties and have at present |» large number of farms for sale. We are thoroughly posted on farm values in Kingston district. If you wish to buy or sell it would be to your advantage to consult us. T. J. LOCKHART Real Estate anil Insurance. + + Bank of Montreal 3 Phone 1085 or 1020 1 > : Charity is a tloak that may cover a ! multitude of queer performances. Don't get into the habit of going {afound with your bristles, up. RHEUMATISN WAS Ti Man.on Watch | AY, OCTOBER i4, 1816. How. is that nearly all the ac- ients' soldiers meet with while on Jeave are shots in the feet? it's a fact that the bulletin boards week Were more scanned for scores than for the war this baseball news, The W.C.T.U. will be glad to know that the sale of tobacco is not 86 large since the 16th of September. Fven the dogs are complaining of bigh prices. Hereafter it will cost the members of the canine tribe 100 pér cent. more for the privilege of living in Kingston. ---- . Next year the Kingston dogs will veild the town a refenue of $2,000. {This is over double the amount paid] by men liable for statuté labor. | If it costs a bachelor without prop-| erty only five dollars a year to enjoy the privileges of Kingston; why | should dogs be taxed as high as $6? asks a canine fancier. It must be| admitted that the dog takes more privileges than the bachelor. The conduct of the town council must be improving, when the police sergeant can vacaté his chair, It is a wonder that the Utilities Commis- sion did not become jealous when a police representative was sent to patrol the town council session and {none was sent to do duty at the; Queen street gas house on meeting days. A mean man asks the Lampman if the 'school marms of Kingston and Frontenac were sent to the Dumb Institute in Belleville last week to learn a lesson in not talking so much. t ' Now that the town council has ap- pointed the police chief to enforce the Temperance Act, it should ar- range with the steamboat company fo run daily excursions to Cape Vin- cent. -- The Lampman notices that tie council did not appoint "Bill'" Bail- lie to stop liquor drinking. 1t is the fines the council is after, and the councilmen do mot care how much men get drunk and fall into Lhe hands lot "Bill's" sleuths. : Bless the coal men who have been so abused! While the producers of food are "soaking" the people untold of prices, the coal men have advanced their prices a mere trifle. Let the coal men alone and get after the food extortionists. " -- ~~ A farmer told the Lampman that there is no reason for butter selling higher than 30 cents a pound this month. He feels it is outrageous to "soak" people 46 cents a pound. There's a nigger in the fence some- where and it's.time the Government got busy. : | i The other day the Lampman over- heard a. snappy conversation on a | street corner. & doctor hailed an | old-time sporting man and exclaim- ied: "Why Mike I thought you were jdend long ago." 'Well I would have {been if I had taken some of your pills," was Mike's tart reply. "Ha! | Ha!" laughed the doctor, who was | not taken back by any means;-"'then {it's a pity you didn't take some," | { was his rejoinder. IX --THE TOWN WATCHMAN. '} NEW BONDS FORGED : IN BRITAIN - i repel a Prussian invasion of Canada?. N. R. Rowell in Woodstock. | | "Our fen have touched shoulder to' ain, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa; they have- fought as brothers side by side; they have | shed their blood in a common cause; | shoulder with the men of Great Brit- | they have struggled back to like and health side by side in the same hos- { plaals; many of their comrades lie uried in the same grave; bonds have been created which will never be broken. However provincial any of them may have been in their n or outlook before this war, they now know life in its wider | Easlpst thing in the world--to sug: ranges and something of its deeper gest a remedy for the ill of others. significance. When they réturn they " Over 40,000 boxes 4 will pay much less difference to old conventions and customs, to party appeals and shibboleths. 1 believe they will return to us stronger Cana- dians than ever, determined to main- tain our freedom and self-gevern- ment, but they will also return with ship--a citizenship in the commonwealth as a Ww with the resolute determination to stdnd together throughout all the days, that lie before us, to' preserve 'the liberty; democratic institutions and free government which means so much t6 them, to us and to all hu- manity, i S ' " | pensating advantages. | FINANCIAL MATTERS. THE NEW PARTY | Toronto Theory of Big. Baying of Canadian Steel. ' | AND THE WEST Toronto Theory of Big Buying. | ' _- Toreénto, Oct. 13.--1t is still believ-} The New Party and the West. ed that what New York buying has Grain Browers Guide. been going in the Canadian steel] As far as indicated in the Toronto | stocks is part of an ambitious plan | world, the platform of the new inde- to bring about a consolidation of in-| pendent party would be nationaliza- | terests. It has not been a plan of tion of railways, banking and cur- | sudden development and will hardly | rency reform, the abolition of the hurried along. { patronage system, a non-partisan civil Back of it all is the idea that when service, national prohibition and na-| the war ends Canadian industries are tional woman 'suffrage. The World going to have a preference over the also calls for honesty in administra | United States in business with Brit- tion, which depends largely upon the ain and France and Russia, Plausible standard of men elected. | as that is the theory to-day, there are The men named as possible leaders enough uncertainties to Aasgest that of the new party are all regarded as| American capital will not commit it- protectionists. Unless there is going | self too deeply until the future be- to be something progressive in tariff | comes clearer. In the meantime the legislation in the platform of the new | foundation for a consolidation if be- party it cannot hope to win very |ing laid. much support in Western Canada.| + : Turned Down the Option. The greatest burden of the pedple | of this country is t imposed by the Montreal, Oct. 13.--The Montreal protective tariff gad rings no com- | holders of the Consolidated Mining This same |fompany are kicking themselves over tariff is the chief cause of corrup- | the ultra conservatism of the man- tion in public affairs. {agement. Four years ago the Con- If the new party that is proposed | solidated secured an option on the actually materializes and is prepared | Standard Silver Lead property of Slo- to take the same progressive atti-! can for $1,250,000, but the option tude towards thé tariff as towards was allowed to expire. Since then other national questions, it would |the net profits of the Standard have geem hopeful that there might be | reached $2,600,000, out' of which the some possibility of the East and the sum' of $2,300,000 has been paid in I © THE K . ih OF CANADA Re : 3 HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO "MONEY ORDERS issued for any amount, payable throughout Canada, reat Britain, and all foreign countries. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT "AT ALL BRANCHES, BRANCH, EST'D 1873 a0 "KINGSTON Richardson, - no b> a4 consciousness of a larger citizen. British West getting together for mutual This fact has been recall- ed by a quité recent discovery in the Alpha' mine owned by the Standard of .a body of clear galena ore run- ning 61 per cent, lead and 218 ounces of silver, the estimate being made that there is at least five mil- lon dollars in sight, advantage. Pp Before Western Canada can de- velop as it ought to do, the desperate burden imposed by the protective system must be very largely remov- ed and the taxes necessary for fed- eral revenue must be raised in 'a manner that will distribute them more equitably over the people of Canada. The corporation income tax pro- vided for at the last session of Par- liament is a step in the right di- rection. If the protective tariff were removed and taxes levied on land values together with a graduated in- come tax om private incomes and a graduated tax on corporation incomes | there would be a better opportunity | for the development of a proseprous| and contented people than there is under the present iniquitious system. wid aa anion ree TIME FOR ACTION, NOT WEASEL WORDS || : "| New York Herald: i Surely, even the most pusillanimous | pacifism cannot find excuse for delay | on the part of the government of the | United States in bringing Prussian-| ism to,an immediate account for the | sinking of the! Red Cross liner Stephano, plying between St. John's | and New York. | We are all Americans on this side | of the Atlantic. The Stephano was | engaged in peateful commerce be- tween two American ports. Her in-| ternational statds wads just as clearly | that of ap American vessel engaged | in America coastwigé trade as if she were of Americin registry and flew tire flag of the United States. She bore no more rélation to the conflict | in Europe than does any one of the! steamships plying betweén New York and Norfolk or New York and New Orleans, ! The Stephano had among her pas- sengers American men, women and children. She was pursuing her peaceful way in American = 'waters. The lives of the Americans were placed in jeopardy by the crime of this agent of Prussian "frightful-| ness." hey This is American territory--this North American continent -- and, thank God! the gpirit of the Monroe Doctrine lives in American hearts. Can anybody doubt that the United States would rise in its might to The warfare instituted by Prussian submarines in American waters is just as much an attack upon the Monroe Doctrine as would be a Prus- sian attempt to invade Canada. - FEDERAL GOVERNMENT AND THE SLACKERS Industrial Canada. 3 The paramount of importance of the issues facing to-day makes it clear beyond question that National Service is the one and only safe foundation upon which to build up our organization for the prose- cution of the war, With the illum- inating spectacles before us of what England® is doing, of what France, Russia and our other Allies are doing, we must realize is to brand ourselves as slackers. , 48 the the worst kind if they persist in nega- tiving the .desires and efforts of proud and loyal race that is d mined te maintain the traditions. their life-blood on Tox the battle t to content our- solves with doing less than our best! its volunteers who have poured out! dividends. Order for Trawlers. Despatch from New York says that the Submarine Boat Co. haga $30,- 000,000 order for trawlers for the British Government. The company's profits are estimatéd at $15,000,000. "New Incorporations. In the twenty-six months including September gince the war started new companies incorporated in the United States have a capitalization of $804,- 227,000, of which new oil and gas companies contribute a total of $456,- 000,000 and are 445 in number. Exchange Seats Up. A membership on the New York Stock Exchange has been sold for $70,000, the highest price of the year. Names of the principals were withheld for announcement after the meeting of the committee on admis- sions to-day. - The highest price paid for a seat on the board last year was $74,000, . The latest transaction shows an advance of $7,000 in the last fortnight. J Most men put in a lot of time try- ing to do things that would be detri- mental to their own interests. A boy shaves that he may look old: er; a man shaves that he may look Just Issued -- 1916-1917 «|NVESTORS' REFERENCE" This is a booklet explaining the procedure in the making of purchases and sales of securities and giving the latest available information about the more prominent corporations whose securities are listed and dealt in on the stock exchanges of Canada. We shall be glad to send a copy to you. A. E. AMES & CO. Members Toronto Steck Exchang:. Investment Bankers 53 King Street West, Toronto Canada Established 1389 younger. PATHE Most Remarkable Musi- cal Instrument in the World. $21.00 to $300.00. A Good Day's Work When a man attends to his own business in the morning, and lets other people's business alone in the afternoon, and has insured his life in the "old and tried" Canada Life Assurance Company, he has done a good day's work. Agents to represent the Canada Life 'Agsurance Company. Wanted: along with a course in Life Assurance. J. 0. HUTTON, Special Values in Houses and Tots Fr Sale. os ee its a safe and rishment, red health again glow on your cheek and sparkle in your eye. ve remiedy. Having 0 8 health 1 hy from their use, I have no hesitation in speaking most high y of them." Liberal contract offered, Apply to » REE 18 Market St, Efficiency me! large earnings. 2 i 2 ¥ "That is the real remedy, want of it the real cause behind all your trouble. You have only white blood in circulation because the batteries of vitality are running down, and the organs they control cannot. properly draw notrishment from what you eat. . Re-charge those batteries, 1 be changed, In your case a specialist would prescribe just such vital watives as are contained in Dr. restorati Tablets (the most popular remedy in the world) and your food will yield She lar * get life-force, vital strength, and all that will Cassell's Tablets. Take those s will crowd your tion, and keen, bright Novello-Dayies, the well-known singer conductor of the Welsh sewer | have great pleasure in ing Dr. Cassell's Tablets as Btained almost immediate relief and final restoration of Tablets are Nufrilive, _ Alterative, nti-spasmodie, and EF EE Rl