Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Oct 1916, p. 10

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Or . Icing Sugar For frosting cakes, mak- ing bonbons and other confections without cook- ing. Ask for it by name + at your grocers. 2-1b Cartons only @ is parked at the factory in dust-tight cartons: Yours is the first hand to touch it. 2 and 5-1b Cartons 10 and 20-1b Bags "The All-PurposeSugar" Send Gs a red ball trade-mark for a FREE Cook Book Atlantic Sugar Refineries Ltd. : Power Bldg. Montreal 04 ( Bring Out Your Hidden Beauty Henecath that selled, discolored, faded or aged complexion is one fair to look upon. Mercalized- wax will gradually, gently absorb the devitalized surface skin, revealing the' youthfully fresh, white and beautiful skin ,underneath. Used by refined women who prefer domplexions of true naturalness. Mer- tolized wax in one ounce package, with directions for use, is sold by ali druggists, _ Blankets Our method of finishing * blankets raises the nap, , keeps. them soft, and pro- longs their period of usefal- PARKER'S DYE WORKS LIMITED Lu 69 Princess Street, King- Ts - ston, Ontario, LY em BAD DREAMS ~~ ARE SYMPTOMS a ad to tev & Bottle of 5 "ally of the store: [ CONVINCE MYSELF THAT I AM A NEGLECTED WIFE (Copyright, 1916, by the McClur Newspaper Syndicate) Mariam did not again refer to the subject which had so agitated both of us the day she invited me to lunch- eon, but more thin once I noticed an expression on her face which convinc ed me that she still was bearing the burden of Mr. Gordon's disappoint- ment. The affair had not been per- mitted by either of us to break our friendship, but for a time there was a certain constraint in our bearing to- ward. each other, which plainly re- minded us of our disagreement. How- ever, we apparently had individually agreed not to permit it to come be- tween us and we succeeded. As the days wore on our old unrestrained itself and we became inseparable. ship was the gréatest solace and com- fort to me. Arthur's absorption in ly miserable} more time away from me than be- fore. That was impossible, for ever from 12 to 18 hours each day away ¢alled home. - But he had more wrapped up in business affairs, and as day succeeded day it seemed to me that the point was rapidly being reached when I should no longer play any part at all in his life. Immediately after he became in- terested in the company Arthur's homecoming was a signal each even- ing for an eruption of enthusiasm re- garding the business in which he was so deeply fqneerned. He would tefl me of his day's work, of his successes and défeats, of his plans for the morrow. Af he brought his business Jiome it s merely to make me a sharer in his cares and triumphs, to which no wife could find objection. But there came a change. - As he he- came more and more involved in the company's transactions he spoke less and less of his affairs, until at length I heard nothing of what he did during the day. This would not have worried me had Arthur, in keeping his business to himself shown that he had thrown off its weight so that he could enjoy my company and the comiorts of our home. But he did not. On the contrary he thought of nothing but business, even when he wis me. The little time he was at 1h hotel was spent in deep thought. He seldom spoke to me except to answer my questions, and even then his -e- plies were brief and absent enough to indicate he either did not hear me or did not care to converse With me. He did not become morose or sul- len, and there was nothing in his manner to indicate antagonism to me. I think he was glad in some sort of subconscious way that I was with him. Had 1 not been near I think he would have missed me in the sane sort of vague "manner. This realization gave me small comfort. "Hé might have felt the same way to any other animate ob- ject with which he had been accus- tomed to associate. The pedestal upon which a wife loves to be placa! by her husband was not a part of the 'furnishings of our home. Even that intimate confidence which should ex- ished. comfort. I found myself in the po- sition occupied by so many wives whose husbands, for one reason or another, become involved in affairs remote from: their firesides. The same problem which has confronted s0 many of my sex now confronted me. 1 stood face te face with the necessity of losing my husband en- (By Frances W since he had become a stockholder | in the A. B. C. Company he had spent! 14 | worry? BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1916. __ unless 1 could' devise to restore his waning interest and dgvotion. Then there arose im my heart the juestion: Should 1 make the effort? Did 1 really want to reclaim Arthur, { from the mire of business into which! {he had plunged? Would I not find | greater happiness in pursuing my own way in life and leaving him to his devices? . Certainly I could find enough of- pleasure to satisfy me if only I made the effort. Already a devoted friend was waiting for me to say the.word. And why should I not say it?" Arthur's desertion of me and it was nothing else--was not planned in cold blood, but it never- theless was as complete and as cruel as it it had been. He assuredly {eould not have gone as far as he had without feeling some prick from his attachment to 'each other reasserted .onscience, and he had ignored the { warning, He had gone ahead with at a fon-1,. I must confess that her companion- 4; commercial affairs, knowing that sooner or later they would supplant me and all love for home. His choice, business had become evel TOPE pro junite it might not have been fore- nounced than before an 1 oS ey | chosen, certainly was deliberate. It home life was concernec i was just as deliberate as the choice of {a drunkard, who knows that continu- I do not mean that Arthar spent, 4 indulgence in drink eventually | vin close the door of his home to So why should 1 care? Why Why should I not permit him to follow his own course from the hotel apartments which we and teel free to follyw mine? become | Some women who have faced such 'a crisis no doubt have been partly to blame for the existence of the con- dition. By their indifference, ex- travagance or through some other fault they have driven their hus- bands to hard work as a source of forgetfulness or as a means to larger incomes. Other women situated as I was have adored their husbands to a de- gree which made it impossible for them to view a crisis with the same calmness with which I regarded the one before me. With open or secret despair they have watched their hus- bands grow more and more devoted to outside affairs until their heary: were filled with anguish and their-one frantic desire was to restore the wan- ing love. Such women usually lose their husbands altogether, for they are unable to permit reason to steer a course for them. I could thankfully and truthfully say that I was not in either class tha 1 have mentioned, I belonged to ¢ third who neither are the cause o their -husband's indifference nor wil ndly seek to regain their love, and longing to this class, I adopted the method of recognizing the problém More Man-Power Behind the Job is wanted in every factory, in every store, in every office. Man- power comes from nourishing food that is rich in muscle- making material. Shredded Wheat Biscuit contains all the body-building material in the whole wheat grain in a digestible form. A "nan's food for a man's job. Serve with milk or cream or with sliced peaches or other fruits. ist between husband and wife van- | I was no longer his aid and | Made n 'Cana "Low Cost of Np Living" Mem | e Menu for Thursday BHEAKFAST Baked Apples 'Oatmenl Fried Tomatoes on Toast Warm Roll Coffee or Cot\n LUNCHEON OR SUPPER Green Corn Pudding a Rice with Whipped Browned - Cream Buttermilk, Cocon or Tea DINNER Tomate Soup Heaised Short Ribs with Vegetables Lettuce Appice Pudding Coffee Nd aa Fried Tomatoes. $ Materials--Four large tomatoes, 2 tablespoons dri tablespoons * flour, 2 tablespoons salt, % ~donst, 4 - pan: when hot which have been dish, mixing bowl and eggbeater. Directions-----Husk the corn, brush well with vegetable brush to remove all silk; score and grate the corn. Break the eggs into bowl and beat until well mixed, add the milk, sait and pepper, then the grated corn; ufix well, pour into bakedish, which has been well buttered. Put in mod- erate oven and bake 35 minutes, It will be firm liké custard when done. Dmaised Short Ribs With Vegetables. Materials -- One and-one-half rounds meat, 1 cup cut carrots, % cup cut celery, 1 cup onions, 1 quart small potatoes, 1 teaspoon salt, 3% teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon sugar, 2 flour, ltablespoon cara-} blespoons mel, 1 tablespoon c parsley, 1 quan boiling water, 3% cup cold wa-|: while refusing to comsider it acute, I would-compel my husband to come ta his seuses, I would decline to have my life ruined either by his neglect 'or by my own impetuosity I would enjoy myself until such time as he should realize his mistake. IT he persisted in his course--well, 'so much the worse for him! {To Be Continued.) me) del bbb here | Told In : Twilight THEE EEP PIII PIIEES SO (Continued from Page 3.) Miss Una Polson, King street, was hostess at a delightful luncheon on Saturday. Covers were laid for teh, the guests ineluding Miss Margaret: Murray, Miss Agnes elthouse, Misses Helen and Marjo Uglow, Miss* Myra Dyde, Miss Veta Minnes, Miss Hilda Laird 'and Miss Ruth Anglin. : Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Livingston came down from Toronto on Satur days and are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Livingston, Barrie street. Miss Agnes Richardson has re- turned to town from Chaffey's Locks, and has her cousin, Mrs. Good, with her. n Harold Hughes has returned from London. « * Mr. and Mrs. G.- A. McGowan and Miss Ethelwyn McGowan are spend- ing a couple of weeks in New York. Miss Amy Campbell, who has been the guest of Mrs, H. W. Richardson at "Alwington," left to-day to visit Miss Helen Campbell in Chicago, en route to her home in Palo Alto, Cal. The marriage is to take place very, quietly on Saturday, Oet. 21st, of Miss Annie Johnstone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Johnstone, 180 Clergy street; to A. Yorke, of Mont- real. Mrs. Johnstone will be at home from four until six o'clock on Satur- day afternoon. > * * Mrs. Carter, who has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Adam Shortt, in Ottawa, has returned to Kingston. Lieut. Guy Bowie, 154th Battalion, is leaving soon for overseas service, Mrs. Bowie, at present in Kingston with her husband, will return to Ot- tawa at the end of the week, and will spend a short time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Brigham, before is leaving for England to rejoin her husband. 2 CLASS OF 1916. Graduation . Gown " For This Year's Valedictorian. Irish Jace is coming into vogue again. This graduation frock is trimmed with it down the front and about the cuffs. | To clean the ashes out of the fire-box you simply turn. the grate-handle over once and back as illustrated. Or if there are a lot of ashes, repeat the operation. That is all. The Pandora triple grates work easily because each of the three grates is shaken separately. It will be found that they' turn smoothly after years of use. And the fire-box being made of McClary semi-steel, : is smooth, allowing the ashes to drop easily instead Is quite a part of the day's work of Clinging to the sides as in the case of rougher to look after the range. Day M4% a: * after day for months ne, en In taking out the ashes, there is no need of spilling there is the shaking down and mak- them over the floor. The ash-pan is made large ing up of the fire. It is work that enough to hold more than one day's ashes. we have tried to lessen in making The same thought is given to every feature that the Pandora. And this is how: might save a little time and labor in the kitchen. 9 Careful t now before you buy your range will save much in the years to come. It will save your time, your money and your temper. If you want to study the matter over for yourself, 4 let us place in your hands our new booklet, "The Magic of the 4 Pandora." This book explains clearly the things you should know about your new 4 range. There is a copy' for every woman who wants to buy her range intelli- gently. You may secure one by sending the coupon to the factory. Why not tear it out now as a reminder. MClarys Toronto Montreal Winnipeg -~ Vancouver Hamilton Calgary Saskatoon Edmonton 4 8s off this 4 Kindly send me a copy of your book- let, "The Magic of the lL a Lomi. isis » London Address... .. St John, N. B. ------esasenee EE Sold by J. B. Bunt & Company. : ' No. am. No liver sufferer can fail to benefit from 1--intl. Ltd. . L ii pm. the use of Dr. Cassell's Instant. Relief. Its Mall ge 30 240 p.m, action is natural as nature, sure as science. " Belleville . 64pm. 7.37pm It is altogether different to ordinary liver © Going East. ¢ stimulants and morning salts. These weaken the liver by forcing it, till it cannot work at all without the daily dose. Dr. Cassell's Instant Relief ons the liver and enables the sysiem to cure itself. Then cure is lasting. : Jpn, pum, tise or thar trains daily sxoept Sunday, don, Datrol ' rect routs to To, Hamilton, Bu London, 0, flalo, It TI spasms, dull, liver Ask fok-Dr. Casseil's Insiant Relief. Price 50 cents. from all Druggists and Storekeepers, . or direct from the Sole Agents for Canada, Harols d Co.,Ltd. 10. d F. Ritchie an M'Caunlstreet, Toronto. War tax 2 cents extra. or. Cassell's. Instant Relief is the cempanion preparation to Dr. Casseil's Tablets. Sole Proprietors: Dr. Cassell's Co., Ltd. "Manchester, England. > Oct. 14th ..... ASCANIA CABIN AND THIRD ULASS MONTREAL TO BRISTOL . (Avonmouth Deck) From Mountreni .. Oot 1Mh Oct. 24th From Hristo! Sept. 26th .... FELTRIA Oct, Sed ...... FOLIA CABIN PASSENGERS ONLY. For information apply local Ticket Agent or The ford Company Limited, Geweral Agents, 50 King St. ery - THOMES COPLEY Telephone 987 LDRgp 8 cand tn 13 Fing itset whan given on all 7 4 ery Jie. "} x on ail kinds rE RE

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