BANKING SERVICE the com- y are offered ing service extensive @nd private in this Dank provided by our gonnectior account Jusiness u satisfactory ba plete faciliti® ure invit- Established 18355 ¢ \ BANK SF TORONTO 'Market Square, Kingston. Geo. B. McKay, Manager. FOR SALE Four dwellings, yearly rental $026.8 00, near City P Price . ~ $6000. J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, 56 Brock Street. Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 IAAMALLALLALLLASASA SAALALALS, Eyes] Examined A. 8. SWEETING, Opt.D. Our ne weeting's years of experience in bone of Toronto's leading optical parlors is at your service. He will examine your eyes and tell you-frankly ' glasses will help you or net. R. J. RODGER, 132 Princess Street "Where the ( Yock is on the Walk whether You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. * Will you come in and be convinced? : I. LESSES, "hone 1045 507 Princess Bt of any battery at any time Free' inspection Are You< Interested? in a box of fine stationery, if so you | should sce our window. We have | some very fine lines to offer at pop- | ular prices. It is our intention to make the Stationery Line one of our leaders; so that in future we intend . serving the up town residents more satisfactorily than in the past. Hoag's Drug Store § . - 9 ¥ Friendship's For Choice Groceries, Products, Vegeta- bles a:specialty. 210 Division St. Phone 545 PROMPT DELIVERY NOTIGE TO THE PUBLIC I have purchased the business and good will of BIBBY'S GARAGE: ~ 129 Brock Street. and solicit a" continuance of the spléndid 'patronage that, this garage has so long enjoyed. Our prices are right, and our services, with skilled mechanics, constantly in attendaace, will be found to be the very best. * Large assortment - of automobile tires kept in stock. GEO. W. BOYD. Satisfaction Guaranteed. PARADIS GARAGE FOOT oF BROCK STRBET Phonen: Office 522, House 611, e 1 Auto Supplies, Gagoline at 33e, Watts-Florist Cut Flowers and Plants y. i nerel Designs to order. edding Bow 170 Wellington St. or one 1762 Ee NEW METHOD A Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Neatly Done. We make a Specialty of Ladies' Work M. F. PATTON, Prop. 110 SYDENHAM STREET Near Princess st. Phone 214 od The Public, are Invited X to a free demonstration of HEINZ PURE FOOD PRODUCTS. Saturday, October 21st at the » EfMelent Service guaranteed. Give us a ealls | E. PARADIS, Prop. F J. Joon 8 "Florist FRESH CDENTS OF THE DAY/G RA LOCAH NOTES AND AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST, Happenings In the City and Vicinity , =--What the-Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. H Cunni zingham, piano tuner, 21 1 very severe Fuesday hr in this di%trict, plants and flowers suffered. G. M. Macdonnell, of Kingston, n Toronto, attending the i To anti-church union meeting. doctor prescribes glasses, >t] s at the Roger Op , 132 Princess street, to iusure faction. Joard of Trade wishes to ac- KhoY: ledge the receipt of $2.50 from Mrs. E. A. Rees, for the Belgian Re- lef Fund 2 t Dr. V. Blakeslee, of Kingston, has passed the examination of the Medi- cal Council of Canada, and has won the degree of L. M. C. C. The president of the Board of Trade wishes to acknowledge the re- ceipt of $2.50 from Mrs. E. A. Rees for the Belgian Relief Fund. James K. Hackett's motor boat, Flavia, is at Oswego. Mr. Hackett himself is not aboard. He has been sick at his home in New York. The Crown is appealing from the decision of Justice Haggart revers- ing the committal to jail for alleged contempt of court of four Winnipeg newspaper men by Justice Galt, sit- ting as a commissioner. Prevost, Brock street, has this year an extra fine assortment of Tweeds, Cheviots and Serges for his order clothing department. His ready-made clothing and gent's. fur- nishing department are well assort- ed' with new goods. At 6.48 o'clock on Tuesday night some person noticed smoke coming out of the window at Laidlaw's store | on Princess street and sent in an alarm for fire. There was no fire, the smoke coming from the furnace, where a new fire had peen started. CHOSTLY MUSIC WRITTEN BY JAMES K. HACKETT FOR HIS PRODUCTIONS on and | erian The Actor Is A Composer Of No Mean Ability--He does His Com- . Leave orders at McAul- | AZ30P. WN . 230PN. Add A DAILY | 2 Vaudeville Acts--2 | ] Mary Miles Minter, in "Barbara Frietchie" . CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "The Pawn Shop" Mat, 1 Eveslsg, 100; re- ay, Sear: served Bee) extra. | { ase ------ - STRAND Theatre MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 3 -- Vaudeville Acts -- 3 5% Reef Fenture Film Talmage and Tully Marsal in "THE DEVIL'S YEEDLE Willie Collier in Keystone Comedy NEVER ha ALIN Also Other Good Photo Plays Matinee at 2, evenings, 7 p.m. Prices. Matinee 5c: Evenings 2. Upholstered Sents Reserv GRIFFIN'S ERE EVERYBODY GOES TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Frohman presents Ne rma MON - A a Daniel Hazel Dawn and Owen Moore in a picturjzation of the Dramatic Sensation VAUDEVILLE | Jelly and Mott in an Irish Musical Act. Chapter 9 of that great serial w Tie GIRL AND THE GAME" CRANK "DANIELS COMEDY. Prices) Matinee 10¢: Evening. 10e¢, 15e Two shows every evening -- 7.15 and 9 ie. i a ---- FOUR amionDs] o Absolutely Pure Ege-o Baking Powder | Sold in Kingston in § one year. "We Lead; Others Kn ------ | | | |S. | | | | posing At Night. Watertown, N.Y., Oct. 18.--Local musicians, who assisted James K lu Hackett at the summer home of the | actor near Alexandria Bay last sum- mer, expect to go to New York soon | to play before music publishers, some of the music composed by Mr. Hack-| ett The members of the orchestra | say that Mr. Hackett, though not] knowing one note from another, is a | composer of rare ability, and some of | his compositions are of much merit. | Mr. Hackett sprained his ankle al few days ago and he was obliged to| return to New York. The injury was worse than wads first thought, and it is not expected that he will return to the river. Mr. Hackett, the members of the orchestra say, seemed to work best at night. He would call his orclestra 'together at 8 in the evening." and with them we ld work until 6 in the morning. W* m an inspiration would run throug! Mr. Hackett's head, he would sit down at the piano and run through it in the simplest style, play- ing entirely by ear. The members of the orchestra would listen ' care- fully and would work at the music until they had memorized it, and they would play it over and over again until ft suited Mr. Hackett's fancy, sometimes playing a single number over 50 times during the course of the night. Once memorized they would transcribe the music for what- ever instrument they played. Some of the music is of the most weird character, and will be used in Mr. Hackett's Shakespearean produc- tions. H& has written some ghostly music fitted for the witches' scene in Macbeth, while other music is suit- able for Othello, which Mr. Hackett has been rehearsing all summer, and which he will .appear in New York this season. QUITE AN INDUCEMENT FOR HOG RAISING Good Profits Made From In- dustry--Two Examples of Satisfactory Returns. Belleville, Oct. 17.--An item ap- peared in a local paper recently, which reads as follows: "D. H.- Fraser, of Northport, re- cently sold a bunch of 13 hogs that weighed '2,190 pounds at exactly five months, The price paid was 12¢ per pound live weight, making a net returp of $262.80. The grain for these hbgs was all purchased at ruling market prices, and cost a total of $86.00. This leaves a bal- ance of $175.90 for the skim milk and other rough feed, including the cost of pigs and labor involved." George W. Thompson, of Tweed, states he can- easily beat the above record. He sold seven hogs, which were five and a f months old and their weight was 1,820 pounds. The price received per cwt. was making $195.70. The grain fed, at market price, cost $35.40, leaving a balance of $160.30. HAD A NARROW ESCAPE. AUCTION SALE SMALL SIZRD « ADIL, i good condition ready would make ideal trucks did ears for family 11 am, Oct. 21s Win. Murray, Av © ARS r | TEACHER FOR S, The annunl meeting of the Kingston | Branch of the Canndian Red Cross Society will be held in the Board of Trade rooms on ay mn See n----1 invited | AutumnConvocation Queen's University GRANT HALL Wednesday, October the 18th at 8 o'clock. Unveiling of Fortedn of Principal orden. ? Address by W. F. Nickle, MP. "Some 1916 European Observations" "70 CONTRACTORS Tenders will be Received until 5 p.n., Friday; October 20th, for the erection of a pavilion and al- so alterations at the Sir Oliver Mowat Memorial Sanitarinm, on. Plans and specifications can be seen at the office of Lieut.«Col. R. J. Gard- iner. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (Sighed) Capt. W. L. Symons. In charge of works, Military Hospitals © i 230 pan. "The National ns GRAPE JUICER At all Geodess, Drugzists and Soda Buy it by the cane for the howe, FENWICK, ] & oo, Distributors is attached to the 22nd Howitzer Battery, 6th Brigade, and is taking part in the Somme letter he states he is well but has had a hit Nth | Continuous Performance! J MAID | EXPERIENCED PARLOR WAIN, fer "UNDER COVER" | Thursday, Oct. 19th. |' | PAGE SEVEN | THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | £ | x CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES) rq First insertion, le a word; Each tenm-| | mecutive" insertion thereafter, haif-| | cent ® word. Minimum charge for | i usertion, 205¢; three lusertions, six $1; one mbuth $2. HELP WANTED BOY. A BELL APPLY RANDOLPI {ote , A HOUSEMAID. APPLY #N THE EV. ening to 1wh t. King stree FOR Hospital, KINGSTON Apply to tb TGR NERAL we Matron RE- rences. Apply evenings, The Bel. videre, { TWO DINING work enly ROOM GIRLS FOR DAY | Avply Royal Cafe, Prius IR PURSE, 5. on M ow al FOUND ARTICLES TISED FREE Anyone finding anything Fishing to reach the owner do so by reporting the fac The British Whig. tisement will be printed in column free of charge. CONTAINING er Sa ADVER- | The ad FOR SALE FROTIVE ADVTS, cosy ote Rye: three times §0¢; TRESE EF ittle a reek nay +ORNE. CITY RROK EN, APPLY thert st trebt SPE: ph IAL: SALE ap While or | | PIANO, CHEAY, { Webgr Write Be fice # oF me YOLES, $25.00, NER | they last. Geo. Mul. MAKER x 1618, Ge. MM. Whig Of- TWO SECOND HAND FORD CARS. Apply to Geo." W. Boyd, Bibhy's old stand, 1:8 Brock street, and way ts to vers thls- FARM, 160 ACRES, FOUR M from Kingston, App ly to Ge Gibson, R.R. No. 1, Cataraqui, GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVE seléctions, your own choice, $28.50; $10 cash and $1.00 per week, . W. "ge cess siree A -- - tre eee A COMPETENT MAID FOR housework. Apply Mrs. glin, 107 Queen street PF. Ww Aro H SET let, sbetwedn and G iltbert's Reward at GU NMETAL ver brae street w Barrie street. office, MEN, 2se PER HOUR, AND TEAMS, 45 se | 4 ur, to work en county crush= | York Road, or. Apply T. T TO LET aN SIL- yd Lindsay, Ltd, 121 Princess street A SMALL QUANTITY OF GOOD WOOD in stove lengths and split. Delty ered by the Knapp, Boat Builder, Bridge. | Phone 767. WELL BRED HEAVY B nham on Wi g t load. A.C, Cataraqui Westbrooke. AKER AT THE Y.MLCAL| nn applications with referen- | General 3 cor DHihcone and| near FR | ARE en TE by at the building, Barrie streets STENOGRAPHER AND Duties to eommenc: LADY fice assistant {| HANDSOME FERNISHED ROOMS, King St STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, arate rooms. McCann, 82 street. - [FURNISHED SITTING RQOM AND BED King St, opposite city rooms, 123 park. a5 254 ROOD MARE, two hegvy horses, ee spring waggon be old Owner has no or USO Ap ply 341 King street. CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RAN. ges, and all kinds of new and see- ond hand furniture. ' We @re also open to buy everything In the above lines. J. Thompson, 332 Princess street. Phone pe for them. SEPF- Brock about Nov Salary $5.00 per week 120, Whig Office. 1st. Address applications to Bo X | | OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM- Apply to A. B. Cunningham, bers. 79 Clarence street. 'LARGE STOCK OF DRESSERS, O0V. ches, stoves, men's clothing, mili. tary boots, also new upholstered SE JL PREFERRED ss industrial. Ab- | FU ences and experience | e, 1315 Traders' Bank | Fu FUR OPERATOR WANTED: STEADY émployment. Wages, $14.00 per| ¥. ply wiih to J. L B lle RNISHED ROOMS. seryed. Apply at tween Barrie and 1 Union vigion RNISHED ROOMS, IN home; also a sitting rc desired. Apply Box 4 BM om, 1 BREAKFAST Whig chairs; large assortment 'of sealers, We buy all kinds of new and sec- ord hand furniture. 8. Shapiro, 48 Princess street. Phone 1237. St, be- RIVATE neals if Office FINANCIAL week for first class worker LD, 5 Burkholder, Limited, 119 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ont, RNISHED ROOMS, ALSO for light housekeeping. 3% cess, between Barrie and 1 ROOMS 6 Prin- division. LOAN AND INVEST- ment Socléty; incorporated 1863; president, Colonel H. R. Smith, FRONTENAC OVER $2 DAILY EASILY EARNED AT home on Auto-Kuitters making War; Socks, experience unnecessary. distance immaterial. Enclose three | cent stamps today for contract | STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, OLEAN. gry, airy rooms; your own lock and City Storage, key. Frost's Queen street. Phone 526b. C.M.G.; vice-president, kle, K.C. Money issued and farm propert country debentures; mortgages pur- chased investment bonds for on 9 form. Dept: 24C, Auto-Knitter, Co. | College Street, Toronto. | AAA AA 1 | BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED in private home; every jence: meals if desired Ay Alfred St, just off Princess sale; deposits ' received and In- terest aMowed. 'R, C. Cartwright, manager, 87 Clarence St, Kingston. /ERPOOL, LONDON 'AND GLOBE ROOMS conve ply 386 St. Motorman & Conduc- | tor; steady work. Ap- ro RNISHED OR rooms, in private venience, meals if 2 Ave, home, desired. Alwington UNFURNISHED every con- off King street Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition which the policyholders have for security the untmited lability of city property, insured at lowest Apply ply. Street Railway DOUBLE PARLORS AS SITTING ROOM also other furnished improvements Api and bed room, rooms to let and centrally Barrie streét All located. posgible rates, Before renewing old or giving new business get rites from Strange & Strange, Agents Phone 225 Lo AROEITHUT ply 250 TEACHER WANTED. FA NO. §, PORT- | mmence first of ind: December , to Geo. Wals- s land, duties November RM, 250 ACRES, GOOD barn and stables: well cheap to right party at once. Apply Box fice, h Sa Possession 140 Whig Of- HOUSE, red NEWLANDS _& SON, ARCHI- tects, ete. Offices, 268 Bagot Bt Phone 608. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. Apply, sta worth, Sec No. 1, Harrow- "WANTED "GENERAL A SIX ROOMED HOU SEARY SEPT. 1ST. Apply Box 248 Whig Office. FENIAN RAID MED A WILL PAY four dollars. A. BE. Way, 384 Oak- | wood Ave. Toronto. AN EXPERIENCED DRESS AND SUIT Junker wants sewing by day er at] ome. Apply 8 John stree TS Whig Office MABY CARRIAGE WANTED IN GOON | $3500 condition; price reasonable. Apply Box 1118, Whig Office, or Phone 75 |seooND-m HAND GHT PIANOS) for cash or In part payment of new | pianos and Victrolas. €. W. land. | say. Limited. '131 Princess street. BUSINESS NOTIOES VERANDAH JRTAINS, canvas, sgkiffs for outboard motors, folding boat seats, fishing | A le. | AWNINGS, tents, | #20, BRICK HOUSE. | $4300 BRICK HOUS t or Box | $1800. | HOUSES IN BIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, FURNISHED Or rooms Ay 1 unfurnished, for Hght ho keeping. Princess street, between p.m provements an FOR BALE. provements, FRAME LARG West end. HOUSE, BRICK, LARGE SIZE, stable, All improvements. ALL PARTS city. ood values, NUMBER OF GOOD PARMS, INSURANCE to Loan. A. BATEMAN, Real Estate. Clarence Street, Money Kingston. MUSIO ® ROOMS, ALL 1M. | stable, North end | ALL IM- f oF chants Bank Building," corner Rraok and Wallington streets. Avenue. Phone 1683 DENTAL suitable 605 | $1! t ply and | A. D.D.S. Phone E. KNAPP, R.A. LDS, Office, 258 Princess street. | pr. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets, Phone 626. E LOT, | DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, Kx tists, 159 Sy Sliingston pttreet, GX De D.D.8., LD. WRT, WITH Phone 248. BOARD AND ROOMS. FIRST CLASS BOARD AND Srary Som Sonvenjonce i coateal loon: jon. THE AND 67 oy SEASON 1916-17 REOPENS ON TUES- day, October the 10th. Private in." structions for adults and juveniles. tackle, ete. rank W, Cooke, 39 Clarence street. PATENTS : BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, trade Betab, marks, designs. 1877. Form- PRARL A. NESBITT, LI.C.M, VOICE Pupil of Dr. A. B. Vogt and organ. in piano. Pup examinations. street. ils prepared Studio 449 New Yeork hit, the Plazza . Mademoiselle Hudon, 39 Union street west. Phome 120. tor all Johnuos MEDICAL erly Patent Office Examiner. of Patent Laws. kK, "Pa tection" free. 99 St. James St. PERSONAL MANZAR HOW. gstport. ysician niversity Ave. DR. CLARENCE ard, late of real. Branches: Ottawa, Washington. BUSINESS CHANCES INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST one cent until you read Successful Tinafice and learn how fortunes | aré made and lost by investors. | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, RIRTHMARKS ths and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with- and all grow Fetry experte Elmer > Eye, Ean one Throat and Skin Ebecialit, 268 Bagot atreot and » surges, 17 ~ FURNITURE NG Te Ch 0 nce, Dr. Free trial subscription hh Finance, 608 8. Dearbofn St. |. Chicago. CARPENTERING. TRY JAMES SELBY FOR ALL KINDS of carpenter -work. 212 University LBGAL A. B. CUNNINGH My and solicitor. ence street, Kingston FLOWER POTS AND BUTTER JARS All Sizes. BARRISTER office, 79 Clar- Drill press hands, slotter hands, mill op- planers; Yering erators, milling machine ine operatars, fitters, bollermakers and ordinary laborers helpers, blacksmiths, also Highest rate of wages, open shop, no labor a Ws Apply, Canadian Locomotive Co., Ld. > Kingston, Ont. Ideal Silver Cream For Gold and Silver D.COUPER 341-3 Princess St. Phone 76. CH, LOOK AHEAD ABOUT TWO DAYS Will you need coal i in that time? ; Don't wait until the last sho- velful is in the fire.