EVERY BRANCH INCH WANTS | HEADQUARTERS CIRCULAR TO INSPIRE FURTHER ACTIVITIES. | A Letter Dealing With Recruiting Conditions Has Been Sént Out | From Militdky Headquarters, The following circular letter is- sued from district headquarters at the camp explains fiself, It real "Certain reports have been recelv- od. at. militia leadguarters to the ef- fect that recruiting efforts are 'no longer being actively earried on by either military or civilian orgwniz- ations under the misapprehension | that this fs not necessary in view of | expected changes in connection with recruiting. "Phe authorities at militia head- quarters have issued instructions to all district commanders, that the re- eruiting efforts be carried on in the strongest possible manner. "There are, at the preseiit time in all districts, a number of units which are not yet up to strength and every effort is to be made to bring these units to their full establishment. "There are also urgent, require- ments for engifiwers and signallers, telegraph operators, and linesmen to fill the drafts called for from the de- pots of these services : "In every branch of the service vacancies still exist for men, and re- crufting must be carried on contin- aously if success i¢ to attend the Al- lies cause. "Jt 18 not intended or contemplated that any' change in organization for recruiting should destroy existing methods, but rather materially assist such efforts, "The Militia Department desires that recruiting efforts shonkd not be slackened, that recruiting leagues and patriotic associations should continue the splendid work they have done in the past and that every man shotild take part in the campaign in the way which he believes to be best and for which he is most suited. "Brig.-Gen. T,D.R. Hemming, the general commanding the district, and Major G. I. Campbell, chief recruit- fng officer of the district, both' of whom may be addressed at Kings- ton, are always prepared to give their advice and counsel to any association leagues or leagues or other parties requiring assistance in determining the manner in which their activities should be conducted SPEER PEOPLSE + + INCREASE BATTERY + ESTABLISHMENT i) + -- % Authority has been granted to % increase the establishment of ® the draft having batteries ir & Military District No. 3 to 207; & one lieutenant. Tor every :ifty # other ranks Wecruited over 150 & is also authorized. ® Ld " + » > > < \ 4 & * + + \ "| WANT THAT 156TH GOAT" A LITTLE BROCKVILLE CORRE. SPONDENT WRITES APPEAL. Has a Brother in the 136th--Homes Found Even for Goats Through the Whig Columns. For the benefit of Whig readers who still have dreams of becoming the proud possessor of the goat, formerly mascot of the 156th Bat- talion, it might pe said that the ani- mal is now in possession of the camp caretaker, who is an expert watch- man, especially of goats. Therefore even Master T. V. Mallette, 99 Elmma street, Brockville, is to be disappointed, much as we would like to have him presented to this young correspondent. He writes the Whig as follows "Was reading in the paper about mascot of the 156th Battalion want- ing a home. If he has not got one by this time you could send it to me, as my brother was in the 156th, and has gone overseas. I would like to get him for a keepsake. If you send it I will pay at'this end of the line." By replies that have been receiv- ed "Billy can rest assured Whig readérs will never leave him home- less. Major J. Hamilton, Capt. W. J. Thorne and Lieut. J. H, Potts made an inspection of the Artillery Park dormitories on Wednesday morning to arrange for the reception of the Special Service Company for. the winter, Major J. M. Wilson, Assistant Di- rector of Dental Services, returned on Wednesday morning from Ottawa _ i | | i TIE GP § BAG "UNITS GRADUALLY Y RETURNING TO CITY FOR WINTER. The Royal School of Artillery Of- ficers May Possibly Use the Artil lery Park Stone Building. Gradually Barriefield camp is breaking up after a most successful season of, training. + The first move to city quarters was made by the In- faniry School, and then: the School of Signalling. The Special Service Company will go in a few days to the Artillery Pary dormitories, and by Monday Queen's Field Ambulance | Corps will. go into the old Collegiate on Barrie street, which last year was occupied by the 50th (Queen's) Bat- tery. According to the most final an- nouncement obtainable the troops for the winter in Kingston will be quartered as follows: Special Service Company in the Artillery Park Dormitories. Queén's Field . Ambulance in old Collegiate, Depot Artillery Brigade, includ- ing Queen's Battery, in the Drydock barracks on Ontario street. School of Signalling in the Ar- mourles. " Infantry School over Toye's stores. "Army Service Corps :on Brock street in old location. School of Cookery in the'old Hos- pital Building or "D" Block of Tete de Pont Barracks. Royal School of Artillery N.C.0.'s to the Richardson building at the corper of William and King streets. Royal School of Artillery ot possibly in Artillery Park stone barrack. - - If Queen's Battalion is authorized it will be in the Artillery Park atone building. "C" Battery, R: C. H. A,, will, of course, be in its old location at Tete de Pont Barracks Queen's Engineers wil take over the same quarters as ]g#t year at the university. ~~ "40 make room for the overseas soldiers at the Artilléry Park the 14th Guard is moving to. the fort. The office accommodation for the winter will be almost as before, ex- cept that the engineer department is endeavoring to secure the two rooms over the Bank of Toronto, at present used by the Department of Public Works., The armouries will be used as béfore, with slight changes. The officers for the battalion will be in the 14th orderly room, corner of Bagot and Barrack streets. The of- fice of the School of Signalling will be at the armouries, although most of the work will " carried on at Grant Hall at the university. Gibson's and QUEEN'S AMBULANCE TO GO AS A UNIT To Go Overseas in Few Weeks and Leave Depot for Re- cruiting Here. In all probability Queen's Field Ambulance Corps now on duty at the camp will be going overseas in a month or 80 @s a unit, and will leave in the city a depot to furnish it with new men. The corps is mow com- manded by Capt. R. M. Filson, who has done splendid work with it dur- ing the summer months, and it would be fitting that such work would be so recognized. A draft of officers, N.0.C's. and men, about eighty in number, is leav- ing in a few days for the front, and immediately afterwards a strenuous appeal for recruits is to be made. There will ba about fifty men leave after the draft goes, with Capt. Fil- son, Capt. Houston, Capt. Mollroy, and Capt, Plues in charge, tei tent . | The frost mornings at Barriefield remind the men sleeping in tents]. that winter is oming. Lieut. Renton, CA. D.C., is spend ing a few days in the city 'before leaving for overseas. The 154th Battalion will parade to the city for the last time oni Thursday evening. ---- / Capt. Sharpe and Lieut. Migney conducted examinations on Wednes- day at Ottawa for six officers and 137 men of the 207th Battalion who have been attending a course in bombing. A new course will start on Friday. Fifty men of the Special Service Company are being sent to the St, Lawrenes 'Canals patrol at Millrush. THEY'RE HERE AT LAST. The 4th Comment Batalion Han] THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1916. le Sg "(Pointed by G. Hillgord Seinsiead, B.1. Pudiihad iF. 3. Srlon 4s Ooi 24 Buaughall Sie Tudltl Tov mp The White or "Lo, I am with you alway" "And whoever shall give to drink unto ene of these . . . a cup of cold water only . . Re shall in no wise lose his reward." This is the promise from the Great Volunteer in man- kind's service." And also was said : "Do it unto the least of these and ye do it unto me.' Now, the opportunity is here for YOU to bring healing and comfort to the sick and wounded, To-day your gift is wanted, when the whole British Empire is upholding the arms of the nation's greatest VOLU NTEER agency for good == the Your gift may save some hero's life. Give to-day. Give through your Local Committee, your Muni- cipal Clerk or send your subserip- tion to Hon. T. W. McGarry, Treasurer British Red Cross Fund for Ontario, 'Parliament Buildings, Torentoe, No gift you could make would be used so wisely, so mercifully, so efficiently as your subscription to the British Red Cross. Over 400, 000 sick and wounded have "the hands of the since the Somme ¥ British Red ©