Just a 'suspicion' of H.P. Sauce gives that finishing touch which makes your plate of Oysters so enjoy- able. You try it! HP. --rich, Orientaf fruits and spices . blended with Pure Malt Vv egar, with the canning which comes {fom long, long experience. Fal Pay 3 aE A A fl Sure Way To Get Rid Of Dandruff There is one sure way that never fails to remove dandruff completely and that is to dissolve it. This de- stroys it entirely.: To do this, just get about four ounces of plain, ordin- ary liguld 'arvon; apbly it at night 'when retiring; use enough to moist- en the scalp and rub it in gently with the finger tips Hy morning, most if not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will com- pletely- dissolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no mattér how much dandruft you may have, You will find, too, that all itching and digging of the scalp will stop instantly, and your hair willbe fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and look and feel a hundred times bet- ter, » You can get liquid arvon at any drug store, It is inexpensive, and four ounces is all you will need. This simple remedy has never been known to fail, A -------- "CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get Relief from Head-Colds. It's Splendid! re ---- , ~In one. minute your clogged .nos- trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dry- .ness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or eatarrh will be gone, Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm frofu your druggist now, Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic healing cream in your nostrils. It pen- etrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and re- Hef comes instantly. It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed- up with a cold or nasty catarrh-- Relief comes so quickly, MEN! WHY SUFFER? - WA sigialty ie or past > BUFFALO'S LEADING SPECIALIST 19 Nisgars McKinley Monument pT Rit L.able.arguments of counsel et IN THE CASE OF WAY VS. SHAW OVER ALLEGED MORTGAGE. Action Was Heard at Belleville by Judge Britton--An Appeal Was Entered at Osgoode Hall. J The following 4s a copy ' of the Judgment rendered by Judge Mac- laren at Osgoode Hall, Toronto, in the case of Way vs. Shaw. It will be read with interest by a large num- ber of Whig readers who have fol- lowed the case, it being an alleged mortgage supposed to have been giv- en by the late W, BE, Way, of Tweed, 5 'W. J. Shaw, of Tweed, who him- self executed the mortgage in 1912, but not registering it till May. 21st, 1915. Three days after Mr. Way's death the case was tried by Judge Britton in Belleville in December, 1915. An appeal was made against the decision and the case Was heard it Osgoode in June. The judgment ic that of the Appelate Count "It is impossible to finish the con- sideration of this case assisted by the without being impressed by thé want in al- most every specific, instance where doubt arises of those corroborative surroundings which it would be ma- tural to expe "Were it nof)that the ma'ters in question have béen passed upon by an experfenced judge, and that to reverse his opinion would-be in fact to pronounce the respondent guilty of forgery and perjury without the opportunity of judging him by his de- meamnor and behaviour, 1 would have considerable doubt as to whether the tonclusion arrived at was one which this court should adopt, but sus- picion is not proof and it is almost impossible where the issues raised involve the moral character of the actors in the transaction @nd where they have given essential evidence which the judge has accepted to re- fuse to give effect to his views. "These considerations do not go far enough however as to require us to hold that in giving judgment for the defendant he took the mort- gage account. There are four items in it which are necessarily discussed in the endeavor to discredit the ine spondent's whole story." One was an advance made when the mortgage was said to be executed dnd as to it there is only the evidence of the re- spondent.. The three others are \In a measure corroborated if the receipt is proved because jt shows that notes for these sums were then given up. But one of them depends in the end on the sole evidence of the respond- ent who alleges a payment to an es- tate on behalf of the deceased mont gagor which is not shown to have beeny made. The third payment is mon advanced it is said for the specific purpose of removing an in- cumberance which is not paid off, "While, therefore, the judgment will have to stand affirmed I think the respondent must prove his mort- gage account and for that punpose the judgment myst be varied to pro- vide for the to ascertain the amount advanced upon and due under the moi @ action to the Master at Belleville and to take the mortgage account. In this respect the judgment is not to be regarded either as prima facile or conclusive evidence. No costs of appeal." QUEEN'S MAN CAPTURED ABOUT THIRTY GERMANS Lieut. "Jack" Youngs Did Very Gallant Work With His Platoon. A letter received from a reliable rce at the front contains the fol- 'pwing extract, which describes a allant advance ~ of Lieut. "Jack" Youngs, jr., and his platoon. Lieut, Youngs is the son of Lieut~Col. J. L. Youngs, the new commander of the 110th Perth Battalion, and. atténded Queen's University: \ "Jack Youngs, jr., did some excel- Tent work the other day. With his platoon he captured between twenty and thirty Germans and secured the trench without trouble." » Night Classes Commence at Kingston Business College, head of Queen street, on Monday, Oct. 23rd. Rates moderate. H. F. Metcalfe, principal. 'Phone 440. Real Estate Transfer, The property No. 19 Johnson street, owned by the O'Rourke estate, has been sold to W. Turkington, by |B. W. Mullin & Som. Prosperity sometime; pathway and blocks t good sense. gets in the passage of new shades. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER THE TDGAENT RENOEED RETURN T0 Cv oN ri MT CONSTRUCT sews THE R.CHA. DEPOT COMING] FROM PETAWAWA THAT DATE. | Seasoni Training the 4th Divison! Artillery, After a splendid season at Petp- | wawa it has been. decided tuat "C"| band,- with Lieut.-Col G. manding officer, and hi vive in the city on OctOber 29{h and | wake 0 er quarters at Teta'de Pont Barracks. { The famous old Royal Canadian] Horse Artillery Depot has been doing! splendid work at Petawawa during the summer and thousands of aril-| Yerythen were trained for the Fourth | Canadian Overseas Division. Now | the depot is returning and, wil! in- | mediately commence a couss2 off training for officers and N.C.O at| the Royal School of Artillery as well | as conducting courses of training for | vecruits who come from other points, | Roy, com- | it Has Completed a Most Satisfactory | Battery, R.C.H.A. and the R.C.H.A.|the city staff will ar-| comply with the regulations of the A At cP A A AAA AN rt Se | BEFORE SANITARY IMPROVE. | MENTS CAN BE INSTALLED. | | | Board of Works Will Act 'on Recom- mendation of Inspector Timmer- | miin--Well Pleased With Pave-| ment on University Avenue. 1 There are a number of streets in| h sewers must be con- structed before property owners can Board of Health in installing im- provements, At. a meeting of the Board of Works, held on Wednesday after- noon, Inspector Timmerman called for the construction of sewers on six streets, and the Board will take steps to have the sewers built. The streets referred to are Raglan between Barrie and York Bagot street, between Duf- ferin and Charles streets; Ellice street,. between Division and Pine; Ann street, between Main and Ellice streets; Front street, from Chatham Road, streets; = MAJOR P. G. Kingston. KINGSTON COLLEGIATE IN O. R. F. U. SERIES Will Play Home and Home Games With Brockville Collegiate Team: An eastern junior series of the O.R.F.1I, has been formed comprising three teams, Brockville Collegiate Institute, Gananoque - High School and Kingston C.I. , Gananoque drop- ped out-of the series when defeated by Brockville at Gananoque last Sat- urday. Brockville, therefore, comes té Kingston on the 28th of this month: Hf 'K.C.L can defeat Brock- ville in home-and-home games, the Collegians will move into the semi- finals with the winners of some west- ern group. ; The K.C.I. team, under the super- vision of A, E. Thompson and Mr. Sliter, is rapidly rounding into_shape. A week or so ago they gave a very satisfactory account of themselves when they mret Queen's in a practice game. Of course O.R.F.U. rules will have to be adhered to, and this will handi- cap K.CI. very considerably, as no "interference," the backbone of old K.C.I. formations, is allowed. THUS THEY WRITE "Enclosed find money for re- newal of Whig. It certainly is a newsy paper. Have read the Whig for fifty-five years." ~--MRS.C. ENGLISH, . Allison; Ont. bbb rbbiOotd FEE e ISPS d "~. Lights Went Out, . About 10.10 o'clock on Wednes- day the electric lights went out in all the picture shows, The people who were in the shows at the time had to wait for about ten minutes until the current came on. : -------- WELL-ENOWN ONTARIO WOMAN SPEAKS. Ont.~"1 am most pleased to « Pierce's Favorite Prescrip- tion has proved La remedy. 1 was Wi my that ree silk or ta Who will command the new battalion to be organized in C. CAMPBELL, west, and Place d'Armes, from' the Grand Trunk Railwhy tracks to King street, It was reported that the supply of hose used for the flushing out of the sewers was worn out, and it was decided to purchase three hundred feet. of new hose. Chairman Peters 'reported that citizens -had expressed themselves as being well pleased with the . new pavement which is being put down! on University avenue. Ald. Couper drew the attention of the Board to the bad. condition of the roadway on Princess street, be- tween Barrie and Alfred streets, and the Board will endeavor to have it 'put in better shape. a Ald. Peters, the chairman, presid- ed at the meeting and-the other mem- bers. present were Ald. Litton, Ald. Couper and Ald. Hughes. GERMANY ABUSES THE UNITED STATES New York Herald. Anti-British propaganda is now raging in the German press as never before, and, also for - purposes of propaganda, the Prussians are issu- ing at Amsterdam' a Deutsche Woch- enzeitung, in the latest issue of which there is an article full of fierce infective against the United States. Were it not for the fact that Am- erica is behind the Somme armies of the Allies, they allege, they would never be able to beat the Prussians. Here is what the Deutsche Woch- enzeitung says: : } "On the Somme. our best and bravest are bleeding; they also bleed on the Meuse and on the Ancre. An unparalleled expenditure of sheels is turning the trenches and their con- nections into heaps of rubbish. Who supplies them? Who, at bottom, is waging the war? - If you ,ask the mourning mother, "What has robbed you of your son, your pride and your hope?' her 'reply is, 'Th& lust for profit of the American millionaires." "There is a country whose war aim is quite clear--America with her object of becoming the sole world banker by delivering immense war supplies. "Behind the Somme front stands an enemy whom we cannot reach. Her war is a one side war against which we are unable to retaliate. She is the vampire who sucks the blood from Europe's arteries because she is able to suck in at the same 19, 1916. Notice To Prize Winners ! | We beg to announce that His Worship Mayor Richardson, who _ kindly consented to-act as Judge, has decided that the following are winners of cash prizes as offered in Tuesday's Whig: $1.00 to DONALD GRAHAM, 22 York St., age 7 years. iS $1.00 to DORIS STRADLING, 16 Russell St., age 10 years: + $1.00 to VERNON JOHNSTON, 198 Rideau St,, age 14 years. $1.00 to LILIAN BUTLIN, 194 Rideau St., age 15 years. a Su . Congratulating the above winners and thanking all the school. children in the city for their interest taken in the contest, f We beg to remain Have You Thought of Furs? These are chilly days with still more chilly to come. We are offering special values: in many lines, but es- pecially mention black and natural wolf sets, Hudson Seal coats, plain and trimmed, all this season's hew- est models. Campbell - Bros, Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. ee Rubber Goods Guaranteed Fountain Syringes, from $1.00 to $2.50 Hot Water Bottles from $1.00 to $2.50 Bulb Syringes, from 50c to $1.75. Ulcer Syringes, Baby Syringes from 25c¢ to $1.00. Prouse's rug Store ! 82. arate com---------------- rr , always at' your service. The Abernethy Shoe Store I N ~ Ee ich - I _-- Home-made Chocolate | and Candy Made Fresh Every Day ; SE nn Em es: : Sakell's Next Opera House All The Comforts of Home "Comfort!" This word is the best word to des- cribe our furniture. No matter how tired you may be, the deep upholstered arms and the spri seats invite comfort, ease and contentment. We have a great variety of living-room furniture for home comfort, at The Leading Undertaker and Furniture Mfr. Call 147 for Motor Ambulance. 'Overcoats {overcoats for men and boys? Every BUILDERS Have You Tried | one Jn & Sandy, and 'the priess are GYPSUM WALL ||, Lic patterns and nobby styles PLASTER een, Pencil undermear It Saves Time | Bweater conta, 80%, caps; ei. P. WALSH Boots and shoes still selling at the Barrack St. old price, ISAAC ZACKS, So) 271 Princess Street -- RAIN Repair Work of all kinds & It's needed, but does not affect Weese's new sunshine light. Photos| Cars' takén rain or shine and Saturday > nights, Gasoline, Oils Remember, it is at WEESE'S ing. - at Reasonable Rates. for Hire, Germany by purchase of dreadnoughts, by defend- ing the Shell Committee and eulogiz- ing the Ross rifle are beyond for giveness either here or hereafter. fighting _agnine: a] PHOTOS, FRAMES, PICTURES for Winter in time, by faking i 'c t ~~ Wampole's ob Pe Oil Have you seen our new models in a Downeys Garage Greases Always on 3