Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Oct 1916, p. 11

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DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1916. ee ies. 3 Mi ------ FROM COUNTRYSIDE AND HAMLET | BY | with 'relatives in Ottawa. Miss} Soovil has returned home from a visit Blackburn, Phillipsville; was a re- has gone to North Bay to spend the! said a well educated man the other day Florence Vanluven spent Sunday at] with his son Sim, of Ottawa. ' cent guest of Mr. and Mrs. James winter with her daughter, -Mrs.{ when he was asked this question:--* Why, W. Babcock's. Miss" Alice' Walker, Tm Rass, Athens. Before his depar-|Donaldson. Miss Grace MecCormac| when you have a cold, a cough or bron. ° Elginburg, spent Sunday with her WESTPORT ture for overseas a number of friends| has been spending a few days with| ehitis (troubles, you will note; of: throat parents. Mrs. John Redmond has; Oct. 16.--R. J. Whaley has re-|gathered at the home of Pte. Gerald [her sister, Mrs. Bernard Oswald. and chest) do yoy persist in pouring returned to her home at Kepler af-|ceived a cable announcing the safe| Batsford, near Charleston, to say cough syrups, lung tonics and the like ter spending a week with her son,|arrival in England of his son, Lieuf.|farewell. A pleasant evening was MACINTOSH MILLS. into your stomach, which is perfectly Alfred Redmond. Miss Irene Whity, |S. D. Whaley, With the 146th Bat-|spent, and many wishes were ex-| Oct. 16.--Farmers are ploughing] Sound?" Pleasant Valley, is the guest of her|talion. = Miss Marguerite McCann, |pressed that he might have a safe] although rain is badly needed.' The Ever think of it? The stomach and sister, 'Mrs. John Walker. Arthur Mallorytown, and Miss Jule, Burritt's! voyage overseas and .see a glorious potato crop was very poor in the lungs are not connected, otherwise Walker, Sydenham High School,|Rapids, spent Thanksgiving at their| victory in the near future. Pte. L.| vicinity. Miss Julie Leeder is visit-| (000 swallowed would choke you. spent the week-end under the par-\home here. Mr. and Mrs. E. G.|Moulton, home on furlough, has men| ing her sister, Mrs, L. O'Grady, War-| 0d throat troubles were never yet ental roof Mrs. James Trousdale,| Adams spent Thanksgiving with Mr.}fencing his farms, which came into| burton. Joseph Leeder and daugh- by dosing the stomach, To cure coughs, Harrowsmith, is with her daughter, and Mrs. H. Laidlay, Ernesttown.|his possession recently. The recent| rer Mamie, were weekend guests of | (04° 20d bronchitis, you must Mrs. L. Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. J.| Miss Muriel Butler left on Monday|heavy rains are greatly appreciated, Mr' "ang Mrs, Frank Slack Lyn the cure. Peps provide the rational treat- Sulder is at 8. Martin's; Mr. and|to visit Ottawa friends. Mr. and|aiding the fafmers in ploughing. A| \fisses Olive Alghin and Hagel Davie] Too fof these ailments. Peps are tablets that a one-cent stamp Will # Mrs J. Smith, Adams, N. Y., at G.| mrs. T J. Garvin of Toledo were in |Rumber from' here went to Brock-| ans zeno and James Leeder of the made up of pire extracts and medicinal carry an unsealed letter, COM- " Shay's; W. Martin and family, Ver-|town on Monday attending the Mul-|ville on Saturday might to bid fare- |r coon 570del schoo} Bpent Thanks thieaoss, Which When Pot lng, the mouth a taining news, to any.newspaper. # ona, at R. Martin's. John Deline ville-McCann wedding. Mrs. George | Well to the soldier boys of the 156th) jou "00 41 cir home. Born, on Oct a dE Tea a Throat new recto book of "Dn sxRT - % has Lis niece and daughter visiting Castle and Miss Jean, who have spent Battalion. - Farmers here are yory 13th. io Mr. and Mrs 5 a, . hues ial tol a ngs, . SANDLES oils. Just how to use ir " shania Suiting $44% him. : the last three months in Calgary, are much Pleased over Ale. ree o) a son. Nurse Vanderburg, Lans-|- to the stomach, which is not ailing. Try Office for » copy. 2078 I. ; 1 expected home this week. John Kelly, | {heese. = Some factories " 1 Son. | d0WNa is in attendance. ~- Both Mrs.| a S0c. box of Peps for your cold, your THE CANADA STRREN C0. LIMITED ' : ] who has been the guest of his sister, | $56.50 a ton for the month o Leeder and baby are well, 'Mrs. S.| cough, bronchitis or asthma. All drug- Montreal, Cardinal, Braotford, Fort Willam Oct. 16.--Miss Ada Botting, who > ; y tember. The social held last night " . Be Rvs. afd ; T , . Miss Ellen, for the past two weeks, | Presbvterk hurch, Athens,| Patience and D, Patience visited Mrs #~ F58 storés or Peps Co., Toronto, Frontenac is in Kingston General Hospitai re- has_returned to Chicago. Miss | 10 the res yterian church, ens, B. F. Leeder on Saturday. .Mr. and will supply . + ¥ | covering from an operation for ap-| pagtride Fraser left on Tuesday for| Vas largely attended. ' Mrs. J. Healey, Toledo, spent Sunday . pendicitis, Is doing. well. Mrs. Frank pevelstroke, B.C, w MAPLE GROVE: > [st D Leedors, Mr and Mrs. M. Fo. ee ! pa > Cirex ley and family, Lyn, were guests on DONALDSON operation performed a few days ago. RVIS ala Oct. 16.--Mrs. George Green, of C ' ' I Oct. 15.--A baby girl as come to|Rov. J. H. Humphrey, ill for the past] oo, 17 © Mies Mist te bean. of| Devil Lake, while visiting her sister, Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Leed- stay at the home of N. Morrow. Mrs. few days, was unable to take eharge 9 NE a, Mrs. Frederick Wood, here, died . AAA AA AAA AAAS EB a a i iA = |e Ro 4d z % NOTICE TO COR- These are only a few RESPONDENTS of the delicious desserts you can make with BENSON'S ORN STARCY The good cook willteil you that she 5 mixes BENSON'S with the wh = no matter what she is haking ~ BENSQN'S gives a fine, smoc n textures to Bread. Wolla, Biscuits, Cake and Pie Crusts, tht can't be gotten w News letters inteiided for pub- lication need not be sealed. Simply fold in the flap and a one-cent stamp will carry them. Some of our correspondents are placing two tents on the en- velopes and sealing them. This means that we have to pay two cents MORE to get the letter out of the post office. Our friends will please bear in mind PEEP ECP PPR OP RIP PRP REPP Terr Ee a 3 Gananoque, was spending a few days ; dav 8. J. Allan spent Sunday at R. J.|of his work on Sunday last. Whyatt| °° oR CU ei%lyery suddenly on Friday morning, ha La, Sproule's re McVeain and sis-| H. Bowlby, manager of the Bank of Jains M1. Dion gad Les slater Oct. 13th. She leaves a husband ENTERPRISE, ter, Bells, of Elphin were guests of | Nova Scotia branch here, is being re- ' Ys nd RIES (41g George Paul on Sunday. Louis Mor- | moved soon. We are sorry to hear Gibson, before 'he went' back to : | etl a » i a: : t R." J.|of Mr. and Mrs. Bowlby leaving, as]. day (Monday) to Wilmur cemetery. r jobs are very heavy tlils year 1 pent Sunday at ' A Mr. Mrs. ' Kingston. George Herbison is this Harold Stevenson, operated an for|as both grain and corn are a very ; > i ; ® row 1B | Sprout ve SH mow week working at James Purvis® atl, nondicitis last week, is doing fine| poor crop in this section. A number : Y arg has secured a position in the Kings-|)ounge Mills. Some of the farmers| to" General Hospital, Kingston.| from here attended the euchre in the . : . : : Oct. 17 ERROR. done a lot [ton Locomotive Works. Mrs, W. have Started ploughing. # Mr. and Farmers are finishing cutting their| Y.M. Hall, Chippawa, Wednesday y to come into this store of £0. oH] aT n 'pasture look | Cook and children, Smith's Falls, ti Prank Chisk lag 3 lng Soto corn and digging potatoes. The erop Syauing, and ropont a good time, and 3 p 3 i I io] C ke oF ¢ f $ y i 3 ic 4 v y 7 it so the 1 i I HR whenever you like. [fins ii Llu Sot epent ow dayne woekowicn Met | 11, 1 EERE J" Wh 1 way blow he average. Guid) sb the 'Ba Centro Kita | coge sen ana Suir Parkes So O ki f ite leg broke on the track hetweet! ehwsed the village property owned |the misfortune to fall from the silo ir, ;13 Stevenson is on the sick list.| ing her sister, Mrs. J. B. Evans, Mos. Naturally That Nébody Can ur stock 1s open for Ste Sais and pa to Be Mat A by Leander Baker. Mrs. James Shib-|2t B: B. Ura is able to be MW Trusdale's mica mine is running|cow. Mr. P. M. Sagriff, Kingston, is Heli diet 3 : for oh 3 : a y | mines are doing we Ad es . : around again under e care of Dr, * ale " aw 1 Aeon. Xi . r that ses its color an us- inspection. and _ wef pst, "11 1 biota iy tari ope SE Sidon sf Hae tu Sn, she ard Tenth atom fo tow Ep METI Joe th sense sl 30, 11: A a » , Mrs. «HL. ,"Ot=| : yah il SR 8 ) , Erinsv . est of Miss ' ! 88, 3 - gra) are willing to answer [| to iis min {tawa. . Mrs. F. D. Knapp is assisting Sl Srockvilled spent Tho aRegiv: down for a few days, making some| Mabel Kidd, has returned to her dull and KitClens. Js Sqused 3 3 tack 1 > 'OW in the post office work during the ab- ' . tT _ {changes in the boiler house, in mov-|{ home. Miss Nellia Perrault s A100 SU RINF A / k an uestions re ard- . 10SCOW., aria : Mrs. Wellington Earl spent Tuesday |; i ] a ¥ . \ pentl ther made up a: mixture of Sige i ya d F Out 17 ars. Everton Van Le Wallace erking sir Treusisics|3t Lyn. 'Miss Florence Quinsey has | \0E it 19 o more ovseniest place Suniay the guest of Mis Auniel PORE BAIS UE 2 Or ns ng € goods we and son, Wary, are seriously ill with , 3 returned home after spending a week on mo, aN Sn Reis: Ms 2 He ih Jeorge dark and beautiful. and thousands of = sphoid fever Mr. and Mrs. Stanley |store for some time past, has return-| a Sf i " " pg n § : ! ! E carry. 13pno 4 te C.N.R. ation, has -re-| ed home for a while. Miss Helen Fi Plonde 31.145 oy be Mr. 904 visit. Alexander McChaned)is em-4 Foster is visiting at John Carriggs. women and men who value that even turned after spending their holidays | Babcock ls assisting as clerk in|. B. B. Graham a # SPRY ployed as teamster at the Anglinf Miss Teressa Breen at John Quinn's| Color, that beautiful dark shudé of From coast to coast in Quebee City Miss Belle Cum-| Charles Redden's store. Miss Davis, | Sunday at Harry Franklin's. mines. John Antoine, who left the| for a few days. The many friends of | MIT Which is so attractive, usé only - Iii "ven. 'is Vis r friends | Kingston, has returned home after mine over a year ago and 'enlisted | Miss Annie Dowling regret to hear of this old-time recipe. . we have.sent our or- [B fines, of Morven, 'is visiting friends | Kings: as 2 Weeks Ww in the 5 ali t over- . ig regre of | Nowadays we gel thik us mix- here. Misses Nellie and Edna Allen Bye nding fie post lite Weeks yi Oct. 16.-- Miss A, Willis has gone |!® the SIN Battalion aha wou yer her illness. Charles Clair is spend- tir RAYS We Wy tits amon x - ders for goods to fll spent Sunday with friends at W esley. bez, Riau, 2 5 Ein Babeoy & larry wa.apend a few Gaye with her dunglic Seas. Bag beeh wound i He froyk ing a few days at Mr. Joseph Kenny's, tute plored by 3 e Sadicon, of : Miss Bell, Enterprise, spent the week- cen spent ale Ays las : oy «TR a et a p a or y- 8 3 O ur reguirements fins Boil, Roterpriae, Spout Mrs, H.|in Toronto, Mrs. Ebenezaf Davis, tor Mrs. J. Dormer, Berryton. C. R.} groan pave returned from Perth: > drug store for a b0-cent bottle of y q end with Miss Clara Darling, Mrs. 2 a STELLA. . 'os : : f Fulton, N.Y. |spent a few days last week with| Willis has returned alter spending|g.) 01 has reopened with a fair as- Oct. 16.--Threshing i "Wyeth"s Sage and Sulphur Com- land .in..making our Holstead aud son. ar renee friends in Napanee, H.Kennedy, ac- oy past Howth in she rg Pir tendance and Miss Davis, Verona,| throughout the iD: Sompleted pound," which darkens the hair so selections .the most sister. Mrs. F. O'Neil Mr. and -Mrs. companied, by his Intle fon, Wiltred, aden Yee and Ss adie as teacher. Mott Loe is at Westport ers are ploughing, harvesting 'their naturally that nobody can possibly : George Lamkins were in Kingston a |Spent the«geek-end with his parents H 7% By A Ee rs Ter. cleaning mica for + 3 a MP. | corn, and digging their potatoes andq !®}l it has been applied. You just reputable maker 8 couple of days last week. near Perth. Mr. and Mrs. James nie Henderson ' has. retcrned after and Mrs. John Whaley spent yester-| other roots. Potatoes are turning| dampen a sponge or soft brush with id d Trousdale spent Sunday with their © ding the abt couple of rocks at | oY ab. Sydenham. 'The teacher 18) out better than expected, and init and draw this through your hair, were considered. CLARENDON. daughter, Mrs. L. Hogan, Holliford. an a hy 1 boarding at William Wilson $ Moti many cases are a_good crop. Apples |taking one small strand at a time, By Could we have Oct. 16.--Migses Annie Stewart|Mrs. J, Day and Miss Isabella Stew- Rinpston. Mrs, J. Stewart spent 41Les has his new. kitchen completed. {are very scarce aiid of poor quality. | morning the gray hair dissppears: visited [art have returned from Toronto, | COUP 8 § V at James Nellis is home again, He en-{ppe schooner Lizzie Metzner arrived : but what delights the ladies with : . and Tena Ferguson, Elphin, ; d "ys y A 0 : stronger proof than at J. Glenn, Sr.'s over the wegk-end. | where they spent Thanksgiving with is de ere] oe Dated jo. the 146th Battalion, and from Oswego on Saturday with an-| Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com ss . Pte. Ambrose Boles, 146th, Spent a » Ue M . , when leaving for overseas he was other cargo of coal for L. R. Neil pound, is that, besides beautifully this in offering few days at his home here. Mrs. bot, Presbyterian student who has{ turned down and released on ac-|gon. This makes the fourth load |darkening the hair after a few appli- s William Sly and little son spent a [ conducted services here, preached his| count of being under age. He felt| 1, the island. Coal is selling at $8| cations, it also brings back the gloss Invictus Shoes couple of days last week in Kings-|" Oct. 16.--Nghrly everyone . has | farewell sermoa on Sunday last. J.!very badly because he could not 20.|a ton. Arwed Burleigh, Emerald, | and Tdstre and gives it an appearance he B ton. John Glenn is unloading a car| made a start at their plougl-| Neddow, Lansdowne, spent Sunday |Jimmy applied for his position again | nag purchased one of Mrs, Chown's| of sbundance . The estood Shoe: {of flour and a car of salt to-day. Mr. |ing, although the ground con-|calling on friends in the village.|at Anglin's mica mine, where he had | pouses on Main street, and will Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com- and Mrs. Milford Moss have moved|tinues hard and dry. Sehool, Quite a number from here attended| been engaged at the time he enlist-| move into it soon. T. J. Hill having | pound is a delightful toilet requisite to Kingston, and will reside on Di-|was closed on Wednesday | the horse races at Lansdowne omjed. Needless to say he got his posi-| gold his farm on the lake shore to to impart ny and a ot ody ap | vision street. They will be much(last for the 'funeral of the] Wednesday last. Miss Blanch De| tion, and all the boys who enlisted|c, A. Gibson, will move into Wil. TE a es J 'missed in Clarendon. Miss Currie, lage Philip Vannes, formerly of Long spent a couple of days last week | when in the employ of this company, | jjam Montgomery's house In the vil-| lended. for the cor: EAs or 'teacher, has been appointed Sunday|Woife Island, who,passed away at the | the guest of her cousins, the Misses| we understand, will be given back|jage soon. About three toms of pa- i pd i', m on. 0 school superintendent, to 'fill theé|home of his daughter, Mrs. William | Amy and Grace Coon. their jobs upon their return. Mr pers and magazines were gathered prevention of disease, place left vacant by the removal of | McAdoo, on Monday last, : The re- ree and Mrs. James Lafrance, Kingston, on Saturday by the Amherst Island || Milford Moss to Kingston, mains were taken to Walle Island for CHARLESTON X visited at John, Whaley's recently. | women's Institute. "The proceeds of HEAVY MEAT EATERS : burial. Work on the tower which is Oct. 17.--Among the recent guests| John Stevenson: is here visiting the sale of these will go to the Red PERTH ROAD. to be erected in front of St. John's|at Foster's hotel were: H. P. Bing-| friends before going overseas. Mr.|Grogs Society. Missionary services Oct. 16.--What might have proved | shure, is being continued. . The|lam, R. A. Whitney, J .C. Brown-| and Mrs. Sam Stevenson are visiting| ware held in the Presbyterian afl VE SLOW KIDNEYS and one child to mourn her loss. The|. Oct. 15.--Filling silos and thresh- went to see her nephew, Pte. Stanley funeral services' are being held to-| ing are the order of the day, and ell. a very bad accident accurred last! semen about completed | ied. D. Murray, Prescott; R. A.| at Railton this week. Archibald [yethodiet churches recently, and week when Sheridan: Orser got his}. 4 the ack 3 haut oe in-| Montgomery, Lambertville, N.J.; B. Whaley is employed at ihe Genera) were well attended. Thanksgiving : EE : ~~ foot badly jammed while working on | tends starting on the foundation this | C- Kuser, Trenton, N.J.; C. A. Ridge- Eloetrie mine 3 _ at 3ughton service held in St. Alban's | Eat Less Meat If You Feel Backachy yds y | the section. He was hélping to carry | week Rey. Mré. Morrison intends! Way, Columbus, N.J.; W, T. Hark-|and troup : a on ¥ Snjiam, church on Tuesday evening last. The or Have Bladder Trou. " 1 "an fron rail when one end was let|antartaining the members of the La-|1€%. New Bismarck, N.J. Mrs, W, Passed through here on business this| service was conducted by Rev. J. C. ble. ' : | fal}-by a number of men, thus plac-| gies Aid and friends of Sand Hall | Stuart and little son, Brockville, were | Week. Dixon, assisted by Rev. J. W. Jones, No man or woman who eats meat Ve "ae © ing the whole weight on the other...' "at the manse" to dinner on | ecent visitors at T. Spence's. Mr. S---- rt of Tamworth. The church was|regularly tan make a mistake by Ti y end, which fell heavily on his foot, Tuesday. James Grundy, who has and Mrs. H. W. Beecher and family * | nicely decorated. L. R. Neilson is flushing the kidneys occasionally, > He is recovering. The Maple Leaf|,... issistant cheese-maker «at have returned to their home in having a new fence put up around says a well-known authority. Meat iy Mission Circle Tiolds Tis meeting this| Granite Hill cheese. factory for the | Ehglewood, N.J., after spending the Lennox and OI} | bis home. W. H. Preston is spend- | forms uric acid which excites th : week at Roland Thompson's. Loact two months, enlisted with the |Summer at their island home here. addin eying a few. days. with. his sister in | xraneys, they BaeOie ror aie . . The Helping Hand - will meet Oct.| 356s Battalion last week and fs now | MTS. Cooper has returned to her | Belleville. Mrs, R. Filson, has | from the strain, get sluggish and fail Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta: 25h # Mrs. S. Orser's. Mr, and Mrs. on his way overseas. Miss Maude|Nome in Kingston after a visit here, Sr been seriously ill for some tim®wis |i; filter the waste and poisons from ble Compound Helped Her. Walter Guthrie are spending a few | Bo, "(8 HAY, OTO00n. guest of | the guest of Mrs. R. Finley. She was EVERGREEN VALLEY, improving rapidly. Helen, the little| (pe blood, then we get sick. Nearly y * days at Mr. and Mrs. 8. Orser's, [ape RB Barclay. Miss Agness Me | 3ccOmpanied home by Percy Finley.| Oct. 17.--Potatoes are a very light {daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. | 3; rheumatism, headaches, liver : ~ Perth. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hennigan | poggin returned home on Satusday|l: Slack returned on Thursday from | chop through here. Mrs. G. A. Gates| Marshall, whe underwent treatment trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleep- West y N. Y.--*I have had and family, St. Catharines, ate visit. fain; Walfe Island, 'where sho wou Boissevaln, Manitoba, after a couple A ftw Fig in ihe Gunfal Hoapiial recently for . le ing at J. Guthrie's. Mr. a rs. : of months' stay with his uncle, Wil-| s . . ' . Rervous all any life until 1 took Dickinson, Leland, are at Mr. Guth: U0 Euest of Mies Leona Laughlin for |, ob nett. Mr. and Mrs. J. Web. | Mr. Lakin'a proved most enjoyable. Pinkham's ' , ed-| Mrs. Robert Smith, who" has been The moment you feel a dull ache rie's. Islan stor were at Smi Fi Wed- " y as : egetable Condy ~ ° herst d is here calling on A a is Falls on W of | visiting her ' parents for 'the last in the kidneys or your back hurts or lessness and urinary disorders come from sluggish kidneys. RE i Besday. = if the urine is cloudy, offensive, full for nerves g . INCE friends, Mrs. D. McClement was in week. has a to 'Kingston, where . ne is cloudy, offensive, fu o- 2% L AWRENCH dry wea. | Kiiston a few dass, where ahe at: Luis section visited Barriefield : on] Xeak ie S000 to Kingston, Roy Prince Edward of sediment, irregular of passage or her ihe people in this district are| tended the funeral of her brother-in- 7. anf ay. Storms has begun his mail route attended by a sensation of scalding, ther the people in ig 4 str lo onl &W. the late Robert Sloan, Mrs. : work from Odessa to BIetiown si. 1 + " y stop eating meat and get about four Oct: Tih, which was held at the resi. | Thomas Weir, who underwent on ob-) 1; RORENOOR | ion twice daily. Mr, and Mra. Wa)- "en : ounces of Jad Salts from any phar- io ce of Miss Martha Hennesy was | Peration in Kingston General Hospi- Avonmore fon ni itleswost !' | ter Hegadorn and family and William CHERRY VALLEY, macy; take a tablespoonful in « al ata and ven thing was [fal @ week ago, is doing favorably.) oo FFG, COTC ES iat churn here] Smith spent Sunday at Milbaven, at] = Oct. 17.--The farmers are gel. |£1ass of water before breakfast and oi i ay nN i Autre. Te tholce | 0: Breckenridge and J. L. McMaster 0OU8 0 Ere re 1°T%) his brother's, H. Hegadorn's, William | ting in corn and roots. G. Thebolt|in a few days your kidneys will act Ton hich Eh its of over 2o0|have gone on a wild duck hunt. ot Thanksgiving wi en part Smith spent the week-end at his|iS moving into his new house. Mrs. | fine. This famous salts is made from arm « Sous 2 3 hg Alnrle A farewell was given to Thomas and Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. W. .G ai « son's, ¥. E. Smith's, Kingston, Taylor is settled in her new home. | the acid of grapes and Jemon' juice, A pu 7 000, Miss | Edward McMaster at Dufferin Lodge], GUart Si AC An. Meare ne ht Cvs i Women from this place are going to | combined with lithia, and has been of Kingston Mills. for 32.000, 1 on Oct. 9th., who are about to go : ge Tegor, A ~~ Picton to work in the canning fac-| used for generations to flush and x esidence : Cornwall, spent Sunday here. Rev. ; ODESSA. > , {Flennesy Iitetds to tage gp x idence overseas with the 32nd Battery. The DD Elliot preached fe ph ser-| Oct. 16.---Mr. and Mrs. George tory. stimulate the kidneys, also to neu- ¥. Mrs. P. lodge promising to keep them sup-f.. in sme Methodist o .at New- | Rutherford, who have been spending chp ars tralize the acids in urine so to no ham spent last week at John ~ > : oy Rm 8] pled with a few necessarys while]: v: ee he past two weeks with friends, have BONGARD'S. longer causes irritation, thus ending O'Brien's, .H. A. Digmin Shipped overseas. All those who were for- EE a day. ou i: «rip Mets etu to their home in North Bay.| Oct. 16. --The pie social to have|bladder weakness. Riga x Eo BC. ames funate enough to have their house |, Monday. Mrs. (Rev.) D, D,|Fredefek Sproule, who has been|been on Friday night was postponed| Jad Salts is inexpensive and can Yue € rom ] amiloops, AEB wired and the patience to wait, are Eliott, and niece, Evelyn Bowes, re-|spendihg a few days with his parents, | On account of the inclemency of the not injure; makes a delightful effer- olan rn TN £ : here took NO enjoying the electrie light. Five |turned from Perth lst week aceom- | left for Toronto last Monday. Albert|Weather. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Orser,| vescent lithia-water drink which ev- ( myLan, Ct nw Nok e k on | Members of the Fidel's bible class by | panied by Mrs. J. A. Chaplin, who| Booth, who for some time has been |0f Picton, Were guests at J. D. Bon-|eryone should take now and then to int he excursion to New York onlgs Gonn's Church, accompanied by [will spend some {ime visiting at the [renewing old acquaintances, has re-|8ard's on Friday last. Miss L. Thomp- keep the kidneys clean and ve and Wednesday, their teacher, Mrs. Henry MeLean, |parsonage. Malhon Barrington re-|turned to his home in Detroit. Luke |Son spent over Thanksgiving in To-| the blood pure, thereby avoiding ser- ' Li } wrote on their first examination of |tusned, from the hospital in Mont-| Fraser spent a couple of days in To-|ronto. Allan Hatrison, left on Satur] ious kidney complications. . BUNKER HILL the teachers' draining course on the real, Shere he had been undergoing | onto last week. Mrs. Frederick Cat- [day for Oshawa, where he has accept-| . Oct. 13. Most of the farmers have | new testament Monday afternoon at treatment. Miss M. Rhodden spent|on, Syracuse, N.Y, is visiting at her | a position. Mrs. G. Eaton, of Ple- their potatoes dug and find them a}the manse, sits Thanksgiving with friends in Perth |old home with Mr. and Mrs. Fred | ton, spent the week end with her son, poor crop. Some new buildings aref . Mr. and 'Mrs. B. MaeDermid and|Montgomery. Mrs. James Dawson |F. Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Harri- being erected at the Worth Spar mine a children, Ottawa, were week-end |left last Friday to visit with friends [#on and daughter, also Mr. and Mrs. and also at the A. D. Hopkins mine, (§ ; 4 | visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs] in Kingston. Mrs. Edward Vrooman {Harry Whartam, Waupoos. were as well as elsewhere in the neighbor-| § ; D. McGregor. Miss Onah MeGregor " +18 08ts at R. Harrison's on Sunday, hood. Water is very scarce in the left on Monday to attend business ; A Mr. and Mrs{/Thomas Bongard were wells but most of the people are lucky . college in Kingston. James Fetterley ; last Sunday al Bethel. Mr. and Mrs, to be living near the lake. Harry Bae "is in Morrisburg. Mrs, G. C. Yorke : » A G. Palmatur, of Picton, were recent y s horse fell in a mine pit OUTLET recent visitor at Mountain. 4 SE i wd Nrstols, Re gE na ine BRE Oct. 16. A . Kerr, of Oshawa, visited Allan - "and cut upjlight in (his vieinity. AMan Earl has [Stevens son on Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. oulter"s horse got its|returned t Sg mst aft 2% | tended the W.M.8, convention at Car-| . e David Miller and family, of Black nites EO a Ioatate -- re Edward Vander. |dinal as delegates from here. Chas. x ¥ . {Creek, were recent guests at D. Me- gf is nursing at the home ¢f B. MeConhell is seriously ill with ligtle % 1 Cornock's. Mr, and Mrs. A Black: § burn entertained company from croft. - The sloop Maggie L. loaded wheat on Saturday, for the Richard- son Company, of Kingston.

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