p---- COONGE OF NONE NET WENBER. OF C0. WRITES] | The King of Diaries | onrer = egeiarsk R SKINS = Ww You may s8lect any of the following skins in any grade and price desired. Alaska Fur Sealskins, Arctic White Fox, Red Fox, Black Fox, Silver Fox, Cross Fox, Beaver, Otter, Fishers, Moles, Wolf in Silver, Black, Blue, Brown; Badger, Civit Cat, Kit Fox, Wombat, Mink, Ermine, Grey Backs, Lynx, Lynx Cat, Persians, Fitch, Leopard, Raccoon, Russian , Bear, Musk Ox, Grey Fox, Marten, Skunk, Muskrats, Chinchilla, vo NATIONAL EXECUTIVE TO gare. |" ER HERE IN NOVEMBER. | Local Body Favors Making of Toys in | Canada--Desires That Provincial | | Voters' Lists be Used for Domin- | fom Purposes, { An interesting meeting of the exe- | cutive of the Local Couneil of Women | | took place in the council chamber on | the 12th instant, when varioas im- portant items of business were at- | tended to. In regard to the parting | gift to the Duchess of Connaught, no, | remittances to the treasurer ware re- | | ported, but as it was found that the Daughters of the Empire had already | | collected a handsome sum for the! | purpose, and as people are generally | {overtaxed for similar ends, it was | agreed that the Kingston Council | | er squadron, and now with ABOUT THE WORK BEING DONE "+ JIN ENGLAND. Regiment Moving to Do Coast Duty} and Trooper W. W. Peck Does Not |} Expect to Get to France This Wixit- |} ! Major W. Alan Stroud, reeruiting i here for *"C" squadron, Canadian Mounted Rifles in Hamilton, has re- ceived a very interesting letter from | Trooper F. H. Peck, formerly of "C" wigs squad- | ron, R.C.D.RR. The letter reads: "We gets lots of work and little to | eat, but are getting: hardened to it|H now. We have quite an assortment of drills here, and the troop drill is all done in two ranks. Our dally pro- gramme is as follows: THE DAILY WHIG, MONDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1916. LAIRD & LEE'S DIARY AND TIME SAVER -- From Oct. 1916, | [18 _to December 31st, 1917. -- A Daily Companion. » Containing 16 maps in four colors, of the United States, Canada, and four new maps of the European Countries now at War. Also map of the Panama Canal Route. A concise Chronology of the European war; Moon's phases for 1917; Population of the U.S. and Canadian cities from latest cen- sus; calendar, cash zccounts, Etc., Etc. ; Bound in leather binding, full gilt, price, 25¢. | { should, 1n' this matter, al itself to |a.m. to 8.30 a.m., breakfast and clean- ™ represented Watteh Mion wal! w on: 8.30 am. to 9.30 a.m. sword ' Jo Mekay inte of ~ Kingston's Largest Fur House. idrill; 9.30 am. to 10.30 a.m, mus Be eet Datriosis Sockets Ensign | ketry; 10.30 .am. to 1115 a.m, Smith, was present, and at the Presi-|!ro0oP drill, 11.15 a.m, to_poon, bomb dent's request, gave a most touching | throwing; noon to 1.15 p.m., dinner report of her work among erring wo- | 20d: rifle cleaning; 1.15 nm. to 2.1 men, which called forth expressions D-M.. bayonet fighting; 2.15 pa to of warm sympathy from members| o-17 P.M. more musketry; 3.15 to present, and a standing vote of|}:4> P.M. extended order. Supper is vv | | "6 dm. to 7 a.m, physical drill; 7 | | | | | | TWO "WETS" IN COURT ~ | DURING "DRY" SPELL One Was Fined and the Other Was Remanded for a Day: Chamberlain Metal Weather 2 The police did not have an alto- gether "dry" time over the week- | end. The records on Monday morn- thanks. for the efficiency of her much | needed work, which has so amply jus- | tified its initiation and recommenda- | tion by the Council, A resolution forwarded by the To- ronto council was endorsed by the meeting, asking that, as in the west- tern provinces which have adopted equal suffrage, the provincial voters' lists should be accepted for Dominion purposes, as usual without alteration. at 5.30 p.m. "You certainly have to soldier here and they are very strict on discipline and your dress and personal appear- ance. u get handed seven days if you fail to shave in the morning, and I believe they would lock you up for {duration of the war if you shaved your upper lip. "Joe Kennedy and Bill Crapps have both got ond stripe, so 1 guess Crappse is on the way to get his three again. Mostly all of the three Hamilton | drafts are inh France. Andy Forsythe, En -------- | The College Book Store New am Soldiers' Comforts . | ocks Strips Canadian Toy-making. ing at the Police Court showed that the Temperance Act, if not violated, had been somewhat bent. M. Contell and Joseph Love were the two offenders, having been gath- ered in by the police for being in- toxicated in a public place, contrary to the Ontario Temperance Act. Asked by the Magistrate as to where he secured his liquid refresh- ments, the first named stated that he met some old friends, who 'were in theq city on Saturday, and they had quenched his thirst. The Court im- Love said he got his liguor in from Montreal. remanded for a day. WAS ONCE RELEASED; supply of He was NOW OFF FOR THE WAR Isaac Desmore Signed Up As Soon as He Reached Majority. Although he was once released from duty on the plea of his father that he was under age, Pte. Isaac Densmore, of Oswego, N. Y., son of Capt. Densmore, formerly in com- mand on the schooner Cornelia, and well known in local marine circles, is now on his way to the front. . The young man enlisted with a Canadian battalion, but as he was "*Ranks with the Strongest" HUDSON BAY "Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Hen Oe SRL ee Bde: Manas, Ontasis Branch, Torosts W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. out papers, and he was released. | However, the young fellow was de- tePmined to go overseas and do his "bit," and just as soon as he became of age he enlisted again." A few weeks ago his father received a card from him dated at Halifax, stating that he was sailing for overseas. Ladies' Musical Club. A delightful programme was ren- dered Saturday afternoon at the meeting of the Kingston Ladies' Musical Club, held in Convocation Hall. The programme consisted of vocal solos by Dr. Angrove, Miss Pearl Nesbit and 'Miss Phyllis Dev- lin; plano solos by Miss Daisy Chown, Miss Alice Goodwin, Miss Laura Nicolle, and violin selections by Mids Norma Telgmann. Has Gone to France. Mrs. Bailey, Alfred street, has re- ceived a cable from her husband, Lieut. W. G. Balley, stating that he has left England for France. He wm be attached to the 21st Battal- nn Economy Griffin, on behalf of the Minister of | Went last Sunday morning. The ma- A communication from Watson |Joe Smith, Cleary and Chick Kennedy { posed the usual fine of $10 and costs. | Trade and Commerce, asking co-op- eration in the promotion of the busi- ness of toy-making in Canada was also brought before the members, ong of whom reported the interesting exhibition of Canadian-made toys which she had lately seen in Toronto, and it was agreed to bring the matter to the notice of the local dealers, with the view of encouraging this profitable employment here. | The question of extending to the | executive of the National Council of | | jority of the boys have gone over are |attached to the 9th and 11th Reserve | Infantry Battalion, but some have {gone over as mounted police. I do | not expect that any of us fellows on | this last draft will get over this wint- |er, as the whole regiment is moving {out to a place about seventy miles {from here to do coastguard all winter. {We ate to be ready by twenty-four { hours' notice. It will be three or four days' horseback ride, so I expect we will feel kind of sore when we arrive. "Wd have seen quite a few Zep- Although alarm clocks are getting harder to get and rails. ing quickly in price, we have a complete assortment of reliable alarms, at very moderate cost, ranging in price from $1.25 to p Heavy wool socks, the kind that will keep the feet of our brave boys warm and comfortable. Pricedat .. .. .. .... 25¢, 35¢, 40c, 504 f = ~ SPP --- Wool Gloves, spedial eeu. ..09ca pair All clocks sold are guaran Women an invitation to hold its No- | petin raids from the camp here, be- vember meeting in Kingston was then [ing an average 4f two or three a considered, and after a lively discus- | week. The best air raid we saw was sion of ways and means, it was de- the one that was in progress the night cided to leave the final decision to | we landed. It lasted for about three the sub-executive, who should meet hours, and they failed to bring it at an early date, after fuller infor-| down, but they got one down in mation regarding local possibilities | flames Saturday night." should have been secured. | ' At this subsequent meeting, last | . Wednesday, it was agreed that the | Wedded at Stratford. Kingston Local Council should inivite| A pretty October wedding was the National . Executivé to meet in [solemnized at three o'clock Saturday this city on the 16th and 17th of evening at the home of Mrs, McCal- November, an arrangement which, it lum, North Waterloo street, Strat- fs hoped, will prove beneficial to all |ford, when her daughter, Mary C., concerned, as Kingston is a conveni- [became the wife of Lieut.vE. J. L, ent and central place of meeting; | Stinson, of the 110th Battalion, son and as some of Canada's leading [of Mr. and Mrs. James Stinson, form- women workers will be present, in- [erly of Kingston. The ceremony was under the age limit, his father got t eresting discussions and national and pressing problems of social ser- vice may be expected. The 'business sessions of the Na- tional executive are open only delegates, and the proxies of such may be absent; but there will be evening meetings in Convocation Hall at which insviring and {llumin- ating addresses may be expected. PTE. ANDERSON WOUNDED. Young Kingstonian Has Been Serv- ing With 8th C. M. R. Pte. Albert Anderson has been wounded in action. His mother, who resides at 124 Lower Bagot street, received a telegram from the Militia Department at Ottawa announcing the fact. Pte. Anderson was wound- ed on Oct, 3rd. He was serving with the 8th C. M. R. in France with the Fourth Infantry Brigade. Buried in France. Mrs. J. Murray, 100 Lower Bagot street, has réceived a letter from the Adjutant-General"s Department at Ottawa, which gives particulars re- garding the burial of her son, Gun- ner F. Murray, who died of wounds. He has been burried at Boulogne Eastern Cemetery, a recognized mili- tary burying ground in France. A wooden memorial, bearing all the particulars of his death, has been erected. Now in Germany. List of prisoners of war now in Ger- many shows that Lieut. Frederick S. Hubbs, 4th C.M.R. Battalion, is at Lagzarette (Hospital), performed in the drawing room by Rev. Finlay Matheson, of St. An- drew's church. Following the cere- mony, a buffet luncheon was served. the bride cutting her cdke with Capt. Glen. N. Gorden's sword. At § o'clock Lieut. and Mrs. Stinson left on a trip to points in Eastern Ontario, the bride travelilng in a green velvet suit, with small hat to mateh and corsage of orchids and lily of the valley. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, Kingston, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Luella Margaret, to George Otway Seal, Pittsburg, the marriage to take place quietly in October. Two Good Shows Coming. T. G. Davidson, advance agent for "Some Baby," a comedy, to be given at the Grand on Monday evening, Oct. 30th, is in the city to-day. Miss ulia Chandleer, press agent for "Hobson's Cholee," another fine comedy, to be given at the Grand on Nov. 2nd, is also in the city. Weather Notes. The barometer is high and thef weather fair in nearly all parts of the Dominion, with no indication of any important disturbance. The temperature continues rather low in the western provinces. ET sr -------- NNN Men's Underwear, in all the wanted kinds and in all sizes, 50c to $1.50 a garment SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians Khaki Handkerchiefs extra value 3 for 25¢ Khaki Handkefchiefs, excelda finish, ... a yy Ta a . 2 for 25¢ ------------------------, A Snap for Ladies 30 yards of extra quality black astrachan for coating, 50 inches wide. Two pieces. Special at . . $2.00 and $2.50 Pictorial Magazine for November . . . 15¢ W.F. Gourdier Phone 700 Newman & Shaw The Always Busy Store. The kind you are looking for is the kind we sell. ( Wooden Shingles Defy Storms They can not be ripped and torn off by wind. We have of Red and White Cedar Shingles from the best mills of British Columbia and New Brunswick, SCRANTON COAL in J ETRE oF . | British mail closes _jrresy- or 0 Hy time to time. dally ..13.46 pm Bol ate Sif ast nk gol = wot tiny Westerh Pm Sta re « Lo pm. Ara » FERDN 1 + oR 10.15 a.m. and fispa oN ee ans avr Ne hod » A BE. Zeiger, Who is American Citizen, Dutch Bulbs RELEASED FROM THE FORT. S. ANGLIN & CO. is Given His Liberty. E. Zeiger, who had been a prisoner of war at Fort Henry since Oct. 12, 1915, was released Sunday on the ground that he is an American citizen, He was picked up at Sault Ste. Marie on May 24th, 1915, for making pro- an utterances. Zeigher has gone to the home of his father, which is near Watertown. He is twenty-four years of age, and th a " gave no trouble while a prisoner at | HHH HEHE Ee W.A Mitchell ie Bay & Wellington Streets, Office Phone 66. Factory 1415. For Fall Planting. Choose now from our large collection of Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus, Etc. Prices same as previous yoars. br. Chown's 343 Sick ' Killed in action--H. G. Edmision, Peterboro; F. V, Kelly, Deseronto; E. JA. Innes, ; C. Savill, Hingston. "Everything for Sick and Room."