PAGE EIGHTEEN ~. -- "Battlefields: of To-day" E > TRA = HL RONTO DAILY NEWS [HOME| (Founded 1880) / An Svenine Newspaper, Published Every Lawful Day : at 105 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada. Devoted t¢ to Politics, Education, Literature, the 'Presentation of Current News and the Diftusion of Useful Information. J. 8. WILLISON, Editor and Publisher ' The Toronto Daily News is-one of the best news- papers in Canada, because it-is Edjtorially un- afraid and because it publishes the news of the World without prejudice. Its departments of the War, for Women, about Sport, on Finance, are unexcelled anywhere. UNTIL NOVEMBER 30TH, 1916, the mail rate will remain at $2.00 a year. After December 1st, 1916, the mail rate will be $2.50 a year. SUBSCRIBE NOW. "Battlefields of To-day" a sixteen-page War Atlas, free with yearly subseriptions at the $2.00 rate. THE: NEWS PUBLISHING CO, 105 Bay Street, - - Toronto, Canada Have YOU Tried Gin Pills ? n is 3 warning you must not neglect. Don't say 1s WI 60 off MAD tn 1 or two,'"' A pain in the back, or in the sides, means the kidneys out of order, demand- ing instant attention, or complica tions will = follow -- Rheumatism, Sciatica or kindred ills. Constant headaches point to another need for Pills which have proved of bowels as well as the kidneys and She bladder. The enormous sale of Gin Pills proves that thousands upon thous- ands are finding relief in the famous remedy that heals and soothes the inflamed organs, thus averting more Winy hundreds of testimonials tilling of G"rile in cases of Paiu in the Back, vel, Stone in the Bladder, Swollen dary of the Eladder, Suppression aud Je originals of these testimonials at the address below. Gin Pills _ a iy then yourselr? National ba. & Cheinical Co. of Canada. Limited Toronto, Ont. U. 8. Address--Na-Dru-Co. Inc, 202 Mais St, i Dis Ident nanos pon regen Buffalo, N.Y, Save it every week duri The Hecla Steel-Ribbed fully one ton of coal in seven. That is an every-year econ good for the rest of your lifetime. . This coal-saver to be had only in the Hecla Furnace looks good to most busi- \ ness men. Itis guaranteed for five years. " Askus about it or write for booklet. ' Lemmon & Son, Kingston. 'Representatives of CLARE BROS. &CO. Lining; Preston, Ont, Makers of the HECLA MELLOW AIR FURNACE the Winter, ire-Pot saves i FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE » IF | +rrsssssasesse ee NOTICE TO COR- RESPONDENTS IIe LLLS Ls ELIE SS News letters intended for pub- lication need not be sealed. Simply fgid in the flap and a one-cent stamp, will earry them. Some of Od correspondents are placing two. cents on the en- velopes and sealing them. This means that we have to pay two cents MORE to get the letter out of the post office. Our friends with please bear in mind that a ne-cent stamp will carry "an unsealed letter, con- taining news, to any newspaper. es BREWER'S MILLS. Oct. 23.-- Men are engaged shing- ling the church. Archbishop Spratt administered confirmation to a num- ber of children in St. Barnaby's church on October 18th. J. Roche- forte is on the sick list. J. Madden and sister and Miss Walsh spent Sunday at James * Key's. Mr. and Mrs. James Bayle, Lansdowne, are at James Smith's, Miss Lottie Deir has returned home after visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. P, Milne. Mrs. James Mc- Kendry, Kingston, and Mrs. Alexan- der McKendry, Fenelon Falls, are visiting at Joseph McKendry's. | PLEASANT VALLEY. '. Oct. 24.--Farmers have finished digging potatoes and in most cases report a poor crop. Richard Eller- beck and sons have rented their '"Hogle" farm near Petworth. Mrs. George Hughes, who has been seri- ously ill, is recovering rapidly. and Mrs. ima and Clyde motored to Kepler re- | cently. Miss Myrtle Franklyn is at George Hughes'. John Shangraw called at George Hughes' Sunday evening. Roy Freeman, Yarker, was the guest of his cousins here on Sunday. Ray Gowdy, Colebrook, is at T.-H. Watson's. Mrs. Edward Whitmarsh, Westport, and Mrs. An- drew Wallace were Sunday visitors at George Hughes'. : 1 GLENVALE. Oct. 25.--Mr. Abram Shaw, of Kingston, will preach in the interest of missions here next Sunday. A large number from here attended the Red Cross concert at Elginburg last week, Mrs. J. Cooper, who spent several weeks with relatives near Elgin, returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Gordon visited at B. Coult- er's, Glenburnie, on Sunday. Miss Dora Wartman, Napanee was a re- cent vigitor with friends here. The young folks are making preparations for their Hallowe'en frolic. George McGowan, mail clerk, Kingston, spent his vacation at J. Cramer's. All are gorry to hear that Mrs. John Clark, a former resident of this place, broke her arm in an automobile accident re- cently. Mr. | Noble Ellerbeck, Miss Vel- | gates. E. Wales and tamil, of Mor- ven, spen Sunday here. J. T. Empey | and family spent Sunday at A. Par- R. 3. Jrethens spent Sunday in Moryen. . Huffman and wife, of! Moscow, En Sunday at W. Vanal- stine's. Mrs. P. E. R. Miller has been visiting het sister in Kingston. Mrs, H. Fraser, Napanee, spent Saturday afternoon at John Spafford's before leaving for Montreal. Mrs, M. N. Empey entertained a few ladies to an afternoon tea on Friday last. wind storm Friday evening did con- siderable damage, blowing down T. Woodcock's drive house and several trees. Miss Nina Wilson has been viriting friends af Marlbank. rott's. > | Leeds - ELGIN. Oct. 25.--Mrs. James Tole re- ceived a telegram on the 21st, stat- ing that her son Frederick, who was on active service in the trenches, had been missing since the 2nd. Pte. G. C. Coon left last week for Kingston, having enlisted with the Queen's Ambulance Corps for overseas ser- vice. Mrs. Minnie Kelsey spent last week at Kingston. Sergt. W. C. Leg- gett called on friends recently be- fore leaving for Toronto to resume his studies. C. H. Halladay was call- ed home by the serious illness of his mother. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton, a son. F. Atcheson ship- per a carload of livestock to Mont- real last week. Mrs. Byington and daughter, Portland, were guests of GQ. F. Warren. Mrs. J. F. Earl was appointed a delegate to Smith's Falls to attend" the Sunday school conven- tion, The Epworth League held a social evening on the 24th with a view to getting new members. NEWBORO. Oct, 26.--Mrs. Vickery is laid up with pleurisy. = Thomas Gorseline, near Bedford Mills, lost his barn and contents through fire last Thursday. The cause of the fire is unknown. James V. Moriarity has secured a situation in Rochester, N. Y. Mrs. James Lénay has moved to Crosby. Miss Marion Nolan, New: York, has successfully gone through an opera- tion for appendicitis, and is doing nicely.- Miss Honor Tett, nurse-in- training, Montreal, is visiting her home and friends here. Mrs. Cramer has taken rooms with Mrs. Holmes, New street. Frank Lyons is in Kingston. A cement walk is being laid on Mill street. , A letter from Harold Nolan; who has been in ac- tion in Belgium for the past four months in the R. C. H. A,, says he is well and enjoying a couple of weeks' rest and visiting in France. LONG POINT, Oct. - 23.--Messrs. David and James Townsend received the sad news to-day. of the death of their brother, George Townsend, Syracuse, N. Y. Miss Ellen O'Connor is visit- ing Mrs. A. J. Flood, Delta. Mrs. Dobbs, Lyndhurst, is the guest of her niece, Mrs. George Wight. Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryan and Mr. and Mrs. John ~ Moorehead spent Friday with Joseph WAGARVILLE. Oct, 25.--The farmers have finish- ed potato digging and report them few. All the farmers welcome the recent rains as the ground was so dry, making it almost impogsible to plow. W. A. Cousins has moved to McLean from his residence on Mill street. Henry Smith, who has been very ill, is must improved. Teters Wagar spent the week-end at Enter- prise. The party at E., Browns was an enjoyable event. Dancing was in- dulged in until an early hour in the morning. Service was conducted by the Rev. W. W. Doherty in the Meth- odist church here on.-Sunday. Fae sermon was of a most inspiring and helpful nature. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Cronk, a daughter. A number of the young people expect to attend the dance at Ashley Wagar's during 'the coming week. Recent visitors: Miss Anna Turkham at Erle'§torms'; Mrs, Gertrude Pringle at WR. H. Smith's; Ross Cousins of McLean at 8. Jackson's; E. J. Armstrong and G. Cronk at Mountain Grove. D, Goodbery at Echo Lake. ELGINBURG. Oct, 27--Rev. Mr. Codling will be assisted by Mr. Shaw, Kingston, at the missionary services on Sunday. C. Smith is unloading a car of flour and feed at Glenvale station. The Young Ladies' Patriotic Club met at Mrs, J. Reid's on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs, Harry Porter was elected president, Miss Elsie Bearaiice, secretary and treasurer; Miss Mildred Graham, or- ganist; Mrs. Harold Johnson, con- venor of work. Mrs, C. Smith and her mother, Mrs. Hawkey, are visit- ing friends in Chicago, Detroit and other places. Mrs. Hathaway, Owos- so, is visiting her brother, Miles Sil- ver. Mrs. J, Porter has returned after spending several weeks at her daughter's in Watertown, N. Y. John Cordukes, ° with his nephew, W. Cordukes. John » Porter, Rochester, N. Y., is visiting {at his father's. Mrs, Duft, Kingston, is spending a few days at N, Gra- }ham's. | cester, Mass. H. Simpkins, {N, Y., is visiting his parents. , land Mrs. Codling attended the mis- | sionary convention in Kingston on Utica, | Wednesday." Miss Ethel Ried > , a few days at her sister's, Mrs. G Cranston, Kepler. Mrs, C. Hughson !is visiting friends iu Kingston. i | SWITZERVILLE. Oct. 26.--Mrs. M. Madole, Nap- anee, is to address the congreratiorn | along missionary lines at the Sunday worning service. The Red Cross So- ciety was IeotgARis on the 23rd. Charles MeKi has returned from a | made ploughing possible. J. W. Kjell has gone toc Wor-| Moorehead, Sweet's Corners. Miss Tlena O'Driscoll and A. Foley, Howe Island, were guests at Charles O"Con- nor's on Sunday. Mrs. Ann Dillon, Ellisville, is visiting her niece, Mrs. Jrval Hall. The price received 'by this factory for the month of Septem- her amounted tp $38.77 per ton of milk. The school ldren were quite successful on™ Wednesday col- lecting money in sid of the Red Cross Society. Recent visitors: Rev. H. Smith, Lyndhurst; N. McQuire, Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. J. Williams, Lansdowne, at G. K. Wight's; P. Kelly, Waddington, N. Y.; P. Flood, Delta; C. McDonald, Sand Bay, at C. O'Connor's; Mr. and Mrs. R. Wil- Hams, Lansdowne, at Johnston Moorehead's. | Prince Edward | BLOOMFIELD, Oct. 25.~--Rain fell last week and Jonathan is in Toronto undergoing treatment. William Christy anc wife and 'Miss Ida Bull visited at Port Perry. Adam H. Taylor and wife and Miss Rowena Taylor motored to Toronto and spent a few days. James Eaton of Congecon spent Sunday at John Eaton" Calvin Rabble has purchased a new Overland car. Dr. Gilbert White and wife, of Chicago, are visiting at Homer White' 8. They intend moving to. Picton in the spring, having purchased the home of the late Rowland Burn. Clayton Burr is attending a convention at Smith's Falls. The apple crop is very small, many growers not hav-/ ing enough for their own use. J.! Dutton, Kingston, was through here this week. A Red Cross tea was held Talcott Kingston, 'spent a week | at the home of Mrs. Edgar Watson on Friday afterncon. John Eberle and wife of Erie, Pa., spent a few days at the hame of the latter's sister, Mrs. A. H. Taylor. They also v Rob- ert Kelly, Picton, Mrs. Eberle's fath- er, who is suffering from a broken hip: W. H. Degroft's smoke stack on his planning mill was blown down during the heavy wind. re place' at ! naw... D. Amell trapped a large one, The , J. Percy got two small-ones.- ¥ Mrs). Robertson - retirhed rome} from Lanark afier spending a Wee visiting friends there. Threshing is { finished, and: with rather poor re- sults. James Reid has had the tele- phone installed in his home. EE ge STANDARD BANK OF CANADA HEAD OFFICE - TORONTO To-day and 3 To-morrow q The certainty of success lies in one's ability to make provision for' to-morrow, fo- day. , "A Savings Account guarantees protection for your future. Deposit your surplus earnings systematically with this Bank. Interest is allowed at current aes rate and compounded or paid Canada Thing Best Customer " : 3 Ta yan Lumina half-yearly in our Savings De partment. KINGSTON BRANCH the first eight momhs of the Calendar H. E. Richardson, FINANCIAL MATTERS. an------ Heury Clay Frick Is About to Ease Up. New York. Oet.27.--Declination of Henry Clay Frick to stand for re- election as a director of the Philadel- phia and Reading Railway Company and the Reading Coal and Iron Com- pany at the annual meetings is in- terpreted as marking the beginning of the time of Mr. Frick's voluntary retirement from active participation in the affairs of many corporations. He is approaching the threescore and ten mark, and has had an active car- eer ever since he assumed the presi- dency in 1881 of the"coke company organized by him and his asdociates and which is now the largest producer of that commodity.: Mr. Frick re- tains his Reading Company director- ship, which is one of .a list of nine companies, including the United States Steel Corporation, Pennsyl- vania Railroad, Norfolk and Western, Atchison, and 'Chicago and North- Western. EST'D 1873 231 year, according t& official statisties totalled $373,736,569, an increasa of | $163,000,000 over the corresponding period of last year, and $29,000,000 more than for the full twelve months of 1914. The largest gain shown by the fig- ures was in exports to the United Kiredem, which took nearly one- third of all goods, exported from the United States in that period. They amounted to $1,207,761,930, show- ing an increase of $554,000,000 over the same eight months last year, and $713,000,000 more than the entire fiscal year of 1914. France the gec- ond best customer of the United States, took goods valued at $544,- 475,000, an increase of $211,000,000 over the previous eight months and $384,000,000 more than in 1914. Canada stands as the third best customer of the United States, fol- lowing Great Britain and France in the order named, The Permanency of The Manufacturers Life-Tasurance Company offers advantages for providing for one's dependents unsurpassed. in any other way. y means of our Monthly Income Policy, you can provide a guaranteed monthly income to your Beneficiary for life (payment for twenty years guaran your estate in case of prior death of Beneficiary). Provision made in this way eliminates all pos- sibility of injudicious investments. Study the following Table, showing how our Assets, amounting to $20,744,678.34, are invested. The method of distribution, and quality cannot be excelled. Could you expect your widow to invest the funds of your estate in'any better way ? Utah's "Record Quarter. Salt Lake City. Oct. 27.--Accord- ing to D. C. Jackling, managing dir- ector of Utah Copper, the company £1,046,000 a week; that the report for the third quarter will show earnings of $11,000,000 from Utah Copper and $2,000,000 from Nevada Consolidated. This makes $13,000,000 for the thirteen weeks of the quarter. 1 Ray, Chino and Nevada Consoli- dated are expected to show the great- ; est production and earnings in their history for the third quarter. Fite: Hust 2 rT Sehool Commercial Notes. | Two Chicago Board of Trade mem- berships have been sold at $7,300 each, net to the buyer.- This is an advance of $500 over the last pre- vious sale, and is a new record price for membership. Earnings of Cambria Steel " Com- pany a subsidiary of the Midvale Steel Company, are running at the rate of close to $2,000,000 per month. By arrangement with Buffalo and th - eapital -tg, a block of Adanac stock has recently been sold and $50,- qn hi compavy's treasury. Owing to the increasing number of shareholders of Vacuum Gas Co. in Canada the company will establish a transfer office in Toronto as well as in New York. It is announced that G. E. Mober- ly, formerly superintendent of agen-- cies for Canada of the Northern As- surance Company, Limited, of Aber- deen, Scotland, has been appointed manager in Canada; s making 23.017 16.247, 5.367 Outstendin Real Estate, Call Loans and ther Assets The Manufacturers Life Insurance GCompeny HEAD OFFICE, . TORONTO M. G. JOHNSTON, Manager, . Kingston, AMAZONS OF MEXICO. Women Being Trained in Mexican Army Can Fight. The Cartoons Magazine. With the new Mexican army, and being made part of it as rapidly as the, stubborn Carranza can Lring them in, are 20,000 women who have offered their services to their ndtion, not as nurses, not as home guards, but as fighters in the battle fromt, side by side with- their men, the wo- man of the upper classes with her husband, the pelada who cannot af- ford marriage, with the unwed father of her children. If you think these women will not tight read back to the battle of the Spaniards and the women of Te- huantepec; come still farther this way and view our own Indian wars of less than half a century ago. If you are still in doubt find some man who has served his ' four years in the; Philippines. He knows, SyrupP oF TAR & Cop Liver Oil Stors COUCH: Sold tn generous size bottles by all dealers. THE J. L. MATHIEU CO.,, Props., SHERBROOKE, P.Q. Makers also of Mathieu's Nervine Powders the best' remedy for Headaches, Neuralgia, and feverish colds, ny When a man attends to his own business in the morning, and lets other people's business alone in the afterfioon, and has insured his life in the "old and tried" Canada Life Assurance Company, he has agood day's work. . Wanted: Agents 19 represent the Canadas Life Assurance Company. Liberal contract oftered, [SION ¥th 4 Swume In Life Assurance. Efficiency means AFR SATUS. Apply to