Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Nov 1916, p. 11

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' WA. Wreth's Sage and Sulphur Com- of IE FOOD DISAGREES | S0000sstbose000 reed wy ~RIELED IN INDIA. When food lies like ica st ach and 3 e th 3 distended sufficient: ble ach, eombined mentation. In now followed advised by ma of taking a teas urated magnesia SOD ae Ontario Under Z| Prohibition a a XX Canadian Officer Gave Life to Em pire on Indian Frontier. The: death of Captain) Elmes P. { Henderson, which occurged on the 25th Jun last, {indian froa- OR the first time prohibition | tier, marks the passing/of a gallant of the sale of intoxicating | Canadian soldier why fd¥ faking a name for himself in the permanent forces of the Empire. - effect on the night of 8 The late Captain Henderson was liquors in Ontario came into magnesia, as an n tell tamb®r 16th. As a war measul is] the third son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmes you, justantly nel stops the food fer simple plan and yo tl a ish- the interest of national economy ed at the fmmediat . d by the Legislature in| Henderson, of Toronto, and was #8 Adopted by ihe ¢born on the 27th Juge, 1885, and after being educated at the Toronto and 'comfort that aiways JWR tl ¢ and efficidncy. Prohibition will af- Church School, and the Royal Mili- restoration of the normal dgestion. People whip find it . fect principally the cities and larger] tary College, Kingston, he graduated int at times to secure hot water and! ances although here and -there| with a commission n the Indian travellers who are fréque 10 take hasty meals should always take th grain tablets of rated Magne | t hroughout the country there have| army, and was gazetted to the Royal | remained a few licensed bars. Sussex regiment then stationed at Like all new measures that are|Umbala. After a year's training after meals to prev fermentation | radical in effect, public feeling will | there, he was nominated by the late and neutralize t} acid In the stomach -- a ; | be more or less disturbed for awhile, | Lord Kitchener, then Commander-in- but a large section of the population | Chief in India, to the 106th Hazara , will receive prohibition willingly. In| Pioneers, "with headquarters at Quet- ERS 1 The=Provipces where prohibition has! ta, Baluchistan. BUILD. . been in operation for a short time He studied the native languages, t Have You Tried ¢ here is a growing feeling of public | and passed excellent examinations ronfidence that it will prove a bene-fin Urdu, Pushtu and Higher Persian. fit to the community. While still a junior officer, he was The success of all such measures | appointed adjutant of his regiment GYPSUM WALL depends upon a proper enforcement | by Colonel Jacob, and filled that , PLASTER ' f the law. The record of the Con-] arduous post to the satisfaction of servative Government in Ontario is a | three successive colonels. egislation will be properly enforced. | ince of British Baluchistan made an . guarantee to the Province that this When the Governor of the Prov- It Saves Time 1 ! As a war measure it stands for three | official State journey to neighboring P. WALSH years; its permanency will be decid-| Indian Potentates. Captain Hender- : Barrack St. ed by a vote of the people, But in| son wes selected to accompany the Pro -- J SALTS IF BACKACHY | - AND KIDNEYS HURT | t Stop Eating Meat For a While If Your Bladder Is Troubling You. I i When you wake up with backache : and dull misery in the kidney region I view of the serfous crisis facing this | party, and made many interesting country at the present time, a crisis | observations of his experiences of not emphasized by the noise of bat-| peoples and places or that occasion, le, but none the less serious, the Colonel Carter of the 106th Ha- sovernment of Ontario bas shown | zara Ploneers writes, giving the cir- courage and leadérship in taking | cumstances under which Captain his stand, and there is no doubt that | Henderson last his life, Owing to he course of future events will jus-| a series of raids into Sind from ify the action taken Jhalawan, the Political Agent at By way of reminiscence it is of | Kalat went with an escort of 200 nterest that the Ontario Temper-| men of the 106th Pioneers, two ance Act in superseding the Liquor | meuntain guns, and a squadron of Jdcense Act disposes of 1,621 li-| cavalry, all commanded by Colonel enses, according to the figures of | Carter, to restore order and effect a he last annual report of the Liquor | settlement Captain Henderson was Jdeepse Braneh Of this number | geut forward with an advanced it generally means you have been jays gare tavern licenses, 216 shop, guard to occupy the village of Wadh, eating too much meat, says a well-| 37 Wholesale, 61 club, 2 wine and | which he did successfully, taking a known authority. Meat forms uric}, acld which overworks the kidneys. in t their effort to filter it from the blood, |, and they become sort of paralyzed |; wer, and the remainder casnal orf | number of prisoners. Then he heard emporary licenses In 1905 when | of a gang of outlaws camped about Le Conservative Government cama | six miles away, and decided to attack nto power the total number of ii-| them at daybreak His surprise at- and loggy. When your kidneys get quor licenses in Ontario was 2,745, | tack was perfectly successful, and sluggish and clog you must relieve | ox ve of clubs, which were then | the whole band of outlaws was killed them, like you relieve your bowels; operating but not licensed or mad prisoners removing all .the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick |i headache, dizzy spells; your stomach | sours, tongue is coated, and when the | weather is bad you have rheumatic | twinges. The urine is cloudy, full: of sediment, channels often-get soffe, | water scalds and you are obliged tot Prohibition in any event will not Colonel Carter says: "It was one ye 'had without some cost Che loss | of the best planned little shows n revenue will"be a serious itém to | which has taken place on this side of he freasuriés of the province and | the frontier for vears.® be municipalities Last year (he Captain Henderson then seut some nunicipalities received as their por-| of his men, under Captain Pargeter, ion of the revenue from the liquor) to seareh some rub jungle where raffic 56,021.76, the Provinces | other outlaws were supposed to be, seek relief two or three times dur-| $467.5 , & total of $823,599.30. | and when his men were fired on, ad- ing the night It is striking that the agnual| vanced to their support, and was Either consult a good. reliable phy- | number of commitments increased as | himself shot and Instantly killed, sician at once or get frong your phar- |! macist about four ounces of Jad |! he number of licensed places Colonel Carter adds: "I deeply hrough the operation of local option | lament the loss of my trusted adjut- Salts; take a tablespoonful in allaw or "Canada Temperance Act|ant, whose plain, manly, ouispoken glass of water before breakfast for af ( few days and your kidneys will then from the acid of grapes and le - i Seott Act). In 1915 there were'| character aitractad evervone to him. , 177 commitments, about half the | Our men were devoted to him. and on | due partly to enlarged legal mach- | He was a most capable officer, and act fine. This famous salts is Foon number of ten years ago. This 18 | his death leaves a gap in our lives. juice, combined with lithia, and been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in the urine, so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regu- lar meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot injure and makes a delight- ful, effervescent lithia-water drink. t t Secretary's partment and latterly by the Boat of License Commission- 5.1917 ers for Ontario. / mic year of 1916-1917, as |inery being provided to stop illicit | would probably have risen to high rading in liquor and to preveni| rank in the service bad his life been drunkenness in "dry" territories, but | spared." it is due principally to the efficient non-partisan administration of the Many Students at Front. liquor licese law that was given by According to President Falconer, all the faculties of Yhe University of Toronto will continue for the acade- The attend- With | #nee at the whole university, it Is anticipated, will be very much lower he License Branch of the Provincial There is one other thing. he advent of prohibition the alco- |, "0 year. Prosident Falconer A AANA t FLOWER POTS AND holic habituate has not been left states that just how 'much lower it BUTTER JARS |: a. made to the Hospitals for Insane Act ; All Sizes. last session at the instance of Mr, tranded to suffer OF £0 {0 WOrSe €X- |) "yy by Goes tit Know, but that it will be considerably lower in what the university authorities expect. The splendid response of Varsity's esses. A humane amendment was Ideal Silver Cream hoa. Hoo. MPP: Tor South East students to the call of" patriotism For Gold and Silver habituate may be voluntarily com- mitted to a hospital for treatment f D.C J or on the petition of a relative or a dents. has affected heavily the attendance in nearly every faculty. In the Fac- ulty of Arts next year may see a heavier attendance of women stu- In. medicine, the- registrar's or a period of not more than a year, riend he may be so certified by two . f " ; 341-3 P St. physicians and detained for this | 2Mce reports very many inquiries during the last week from prospec- period under such treatment as will » Phone 76. remove the habit from him. There is. | :*¢ first-year men. . The senior years SAGE AND SULPHIR no publicity or disgrace attached to in medicine are not drawn upon so his legislation, and its worth has ai- Heavily = the Senior years in other S t GE AND SULPHUR ready been recognized by many], "he's M. C. than a student, as a DARKENS GRAY HAIR =. [5 ( It's Grandmother's Recipe to Restore Color, Gloss and Attractives t ness, : 1 Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly com- have been greatly reduced by Statistics Office publishes the first or preliminary estimate of the yield of provinces, the bulletin says: The Faculty of Applied Science is preparing to take care of as heavy a first year enrollment as last year. The other years will not be so large, as many of the students have enhist- ed. The Faculty of Forestry, al- though small, and having a class of men on its rolls very useful to the army, bas made all preparations to Top Estimate 168,811,000 Bushels. In a bulletin the Census andd be wheat crop. After a reference io he reduced yield in the western In Ontario and Quebec grain yields pounded, brings back the natural drought in August; but in the Mari | So0tinue as usual. color and lustre to the hair when lg ime Provinces and in British Colum- dd faded, streaked or gray. Years ago bia the condition of the grain crops Trade Diamonds Lost, the only way to get this mixture was has continued to be quite favori¥le, A package of diamonds consigned to make it. at home. which is mussy It is estimated from the reports |to the Canadian Government has and troublesome. Nowadays, by ask- lof correspondents that, of the areas | been lost in the mails. The stones ing at any drug Store for "Wyeth's [sown about 13.7 per cent. of spring | were sent to the Trade and Com- Sage and Sulphur Compound." you |wheat, eight per cent. of oats, five | meree Department by an Kaglish will gel a large bottle of this fam- per cent. of barley, and 1.8 per cent. | firm on the order of a New York ous old recipe, improved by the addi-|af flax will fail to produce any erop | house to be delivered to a Canadian tion of 'other ingredients, for about |et grain. These percentages repre- | customer. They have not arrived. 50 cents, sent deductions from the areas sown | However they are fot the sort of dia- Don't stay gray! Try it! No one {of 1,432,360 acres of spring wheat, | monds which generally prove am in- can possibly tell that you darkened |8$49,000 acres of oats, and 69,100 | centive to crime, being rather the in your hair, as it does it so naturally [acres of barley. It' is consequently | dustrial species of the same stone and evenly. You dampen a sponge [estimated that the total yield of and far from the sparkling variety or soft brush with it and draw this{ wheat this year will be 168,811,000 | with which' the term is generally as- through your hair, taking one small ,busbels from a harvestéd area of 10,- | sociated, Under a British regulation strand at a time; by morning the [085,300 acres, as compared with | such stones must be shipped to Can. gray hair disappears,' and after an-|376,303,600 bushels from 12,986,400 | ada in care of the Trade and Com- other application or two, 4our hair|acres last year, and 161,280,000 | merce Department, and in this case a hecomes beautifully dark, glossy and [bushels from 10,293,900 acres in |parcel of them has vanished' e attractive. 11914, The average yield per acre is { route. Though not as valuable 1s 16% bushels, as compared with they might have been were they of pound is a delightful toilet requisite |!¥eniy-oine bushels last year, and [another sort, they are worth some for those who desire dark hair and a [19-87 bushels in 1914. thousands of dollurs. yanthful appearance. It is not in. tended for the cure, mitigation or Hon of disease, Seuneit thas heen passed his pay shall include an amount suf- ficient to cover the expenses and ret him to duty. Will Deduct It From Pay. It is announced that an order-in- "incurs in apprehending. prosecuting, "Carrying On." FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1916. a = -- Out of the You may be leceived Ivorette Products of Skim Hilk. : some day by an imitation of socal Branch Time "With a hupdred thousand capi- 3 IN EFFECT JUNE 23TH. 1816 tal and a supply of casein I could rain Will leave and arrive at City turn out, at a figure that would hold > 3 % Depot. foot of Johnson atrest. the Canadian market, about hail a . ' Seng \ million worth of buttons and other 1 * m. 13. goods that are being brought in an- E mn . nually from Europe," said an indus-| B. , 1 h k trial investigator a few days ago. | , T--Mall ; « He says.the scarcity. of the element . 2 1 to casein, which is derived from skire Bid Belleville . s4spm. 1. . Cite Sam milk and curds, separated from the and possibly you will not detect this imitation until io. . Lr. Sieg. water and dried, and used extensive- ly in paper-making, has led to in-| the tea~pot reveals it. Demand always the genuine No. RE 15am, Quiries for supplies being made in Sal 12 lumi: 9 Brockville . S.15am countries where dairying is carried ada' in the sealed a num packet, and see + [No $--Mall ......1230 p.m on extemsiveiy. Moscow dairymen| that you get it, if you want that unique tlavour of No a td... 1.08pm. have been approached with a view fresh can per par. and cked rockville . S48pm. 7. to their supplying casein to the . cl leaves pro ly pre ed ) Nos. 1, 6 7, 18 14, . 18, JH United States market, where there if : ang | 40117, otBar trains dally except Sunday, a large outlet for that commodity, For Pullma Y ick and in answer to inquiries made; they ets and all Rr Ta aaron, tick state that formerly a considerable : {to J. F. Haney, Agent, corner johne quantity was produced in the Siber- : son and Ontaria Streets, Kingston ian dairy districts, but interest in ite ; Cat Agency for ali Ocean Steamshi production died out because of low / Lines. -- » prices. It is estimated by Canadian 3 s investigators who have been study- ing the question that it takes ane hundred pounds of skimmed milk to produce four pounds of casein, which means that, in Canaaa, if the farm- ers or the creameries gave attention to the production of casein they > -- would get approximately 25-cents for For Hair Health CANAIMAN SEI the product of one hundred pounds U R 1 "93 | vier of skimmed milk. A Kifchener in« f se exa . MONTREAL TO LONDON ventor explained that casein was H ir Tonic J (Vis Falmouth) valuable as the chief raw material in at . rom pd the production of ivorette, an ele- : ; London a entre ment that resembles ivory and which f * Hitdoesnotimprovetheheaith A Nov. 4 BY M SORIA shy ov. 2 is used extensively in the making of | - of your hair and scalp we will CABIN AND THIRD CLASS brush backs, fanc buttons, and J other articles, as oil as for decora- pay for what you use in the trial. MONTREAL To BRisTOoL e purposes i her in ries. or" Hai : Svonmo Trarents sha If oar a er Buyaoieo] Rexall gy ria Nic, CABIN PASSENGERS ONLY. a sufficiently low figure, can be used nse §§ a8 directed} for 30 dave, then if not For information apply local Ticket ' ; ' entirely satisfied, come and tell us and ' Agent or The Robert Reford Company in the making of electric: fixtures, as we will promptly hand back your money. Limited, General Agents, 30 Kiag St. it is one of the best non-conduetors. i Rexall 93 Hair Tonic is pleasant to use, East, Toronto. It is estimat d that the value of has a faint agreable odor and is sold at } Eels Jmpotsed " $ Canada shal Are Rexall Drug stores exclusively. soc. and pve é or pP, OF, > bottles the French eafl it, '"gallilith," is $1.00 hotties, . about $1,000M000 a year The pro- Rexall "9; Shampoo Pasie is recom- cess of prodlicing ivorette is known mended to keep Lhe hair clean, soft and in: Canada, and the practicability of beautiful --25¢. utilizing it depends upon the quane aie tity of casein that ¢an be procured. The inventor from Kitchener to whom reference has been made is of the opinion that a campaign amongst the farmers not in a poeition to ship | their fresh milk for distribution in large urban communities would re-[ sult in a very large quantity of £kim- med milk being obtained for the pur pose of casein produciion It, hbow- RERE YO S¢ ever, appears to be an undertaking that would require éonsiderable eapi- tal as well as organization. Casein - ~~ - A ~~ et er a A mse a tatters is valuable for other purposes than : 4 3 that of paper-making, as exemplified ¢é . by its very extensive use as one of ZL LY) the fundamentals in many industries IG LO » that hitherto have been regarded 'as a 2 ¥ ' impossible elsewhere than in Europ- | ean countries, It is claimed that in Canadian districts where pasture _is i OO 4d luxuriant and where it is impractie- | es : . ee ee Th 0 Ey H 4 > -------- ) MAHOOD DRUG CO., Limited. Kingston. able to ship fresh milk casein produe- | tion would be profitable if an ade- quate supply could be relied upon by industries that would make use of it. The merit of ivoretite, a casein product, over cslluloid is that it is not inflammable. As to treatment for the production of pleasing and artistic effects, the advantage is with the casein product. In the case of both opportunities fox development are being studied by several who have already some acquaintance with their nature and their use in indus- try. The paper-makers in Canada are as much interested in procuring casein as those in the United States. The value of the casein brought into Canada last year was $25,000, as compared with $4,656 in the year previous and $14,993 in 1914.--Te. ronto Globe. oe Millers Doffig Well. © ™ During the twelve months ending with August, thejr financial year, the milling co nies, says the Sep- tember commercial letter of the Can. adian Bank of Commerce, have done an abnormal business, from which Satisfactory, Drofits have been deriv. ; . e output was thirty per cent, . . greater than in the previous year, > Sromer thau'in the Brovious your. 1s the kind the boys all like. For ths taeive: months ending May I » - ast, the latest period for which - rea ws 7 trade returns are available, exports t S sealed m a Ww ax-wrapper. of flour amounted 38 Si184.283 bar- Ai . d : y rels valued at $37,352,859. 0 exe - ~ els valued at $37.332.459. The ex. ir, moisture and dirt can't made thé surplus wheat readily mars h it . < ketable, with the result that the amdunt carried over is not more arm It. than ¥0,000.600 bushels, Ta addi- tion, an unusually large proportion of the crop was ground into flour at . a home, with resulting benefit to home y J ' industries, and the additional quan. The chap with some W rigley's tity of subsidiary products was read. ily absorbed by the home market, to pass around is 'cock of the There has been a yearly increase in the volume of foreign husiness ] - transacted by the Canadian mills, in A walk.' spite of variations ix the amount of = > the crop and of the wheat exported. The hat by pp an pared : sormew Tates - - y . * on wheat than on flour, hut, despite ! this disadvantage, the annual gains | - It S SO refreshing and thirst- are substantial, { rman "| © WW | quenching. Send some of both ~ Preachers who choose striking : flavors. titles for their sermonk should not fail to comsult their choirmasters as to the soles or anthems The boys like} smoking and

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