FOXES Ermine, F isher, Wolves etc. A A AAA We are showing beautiful sets in all popular furs. . | Exquisite skins for || selection. Br at aH ANH A John McKay, Ltd. { Metal Weather Strips) { ~--Shut ont wind, snow, rain and dust. windows and doors. Ring 19 andl we will show you the goods and give you a price. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Head Office, Sarai Instrance Bldg. Manser, Ontaric Branch, Foronte W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT, 3 a rp THE UNIVERSITY APPEALS FOR RECRUITS FOR THE 253RD, Results of Arts '17 Elections~Tennis Tournament Drawing to Close Ladies Play Ground Hockey. That the authorities at Queen's University are determined to aid in the formation of the 253rd Highland Battalion commanded by Lieut.-Col. P. G. C. Campbell in every possibile way is shown by the letters that have been sent to all graduates urging them to work for the interests of the battalion and by further stepsAvhich are to be taken. J At the meeting of the {iffance and estate committee on Thursday after- noon the matter was discussed and the following resolution was passed: 'That this committee directs at- tention to the authorization for the formation of a Battalion to be known as the 253rd Queen's Highland Bat- talion, of which Colonel (Professor) Campbell is to be the officer com- manding. . '"That those responsible for the conduct of the war continue to em- phasize the need of men. "That Canda's contribution many below the 600,000 promised. "That the depletion of the Cana- dian Expeditionary force by wastage and casualty by far exceeds enlist- ment, ? "In view of the foregoing this com- mittee urges upon the staff, gradu- ates, alumni and undergraduates, un- less debarred by age or other insur- mountable obstacle, the placing of their services by enlistment, at the disposal of Canada and the empire in this testing time; in the hope that the war may soon be brought to a successful conclusion and an honor- able and enduring peace securgd." In the past Queen's University has contributed many of her sons to the expeditionary forces and it is not in- tended that at the present time these contributions shall wane. Although there are many of the men who are under age in the univer- gity and many more unfit' for service at the front, interest is being taken in the battalion, and every effort will be made to make a contribution to the battalion. Graduates of the university are being appealed to, and it is expected that many will come to join this Highland unit from far and near con- fident that they will have one of the; best commanding officers in the coun- is Grbhrb bebe rbote jirsan. of Lt.-Col. P, G. C.| professor: of. Roma pgrages in the university. The resuits-of thé eléetions-of the Year '17 in Arts are as follows: "president, M. R. Hughson. Vice-pres., C. 8. Boyd. Secretary, G. Vogan. Assistant Sec'y, BT. Yatas, Treasurer, C. A. Boulton, Historian, H. C. Kendall, Prophet, Mr. Brinkman. Orator, Mr. Pringle. Critic, George Anderson. Marshall, Mr. Keely. Executive, C. Colby, A. P, Black- burn, L. G. Smith, Mr. Jamieson. {The tennis tournament is drawing to a close, and the semi-final events have been posted. Z. Sexton is to meet Thompson, and Phillips Mac- donnell is to play either L. G. Purvis or Lees, who have not yet played off in the third round. The Freshman year in-Aris is to be entertained by the final year at their year meeting of Monday afternoon next. The young ladies of Arts 19 play- ed the girls of Arts '20 on Thursday afternoon in a game of ground hoc- key on the campus in front of Vie- toria schosl. aon Science '19 had a rugby workout on Thursday afternoon, "The practical exercises of the C.0. T.C. will be held on Saturday after- noon in the penitentiary grounds. SREP REPRE RE PbS DOING THEIR "BIT." At the anual meeting of the Orphans' Home held on Thurs- day afternoon the interesting statement was made that there were at the present time sixteen boys, former inmates of the Home doing their "bit" at the front. The announcement was re- ceived with much enthusiasm hy the gathering. * + + + + -. . | In Marine Circles | lh The steamer Bickerdike was at Swift's wharf on Friday on her way west. Jor of the tea table, pouring the tea: + + + +* * | with her a #! pavis, Thelrfa Polk. * + +» DYSPEPSIA Most Difficult to Cure BUT B.B.B. DOES IT. Dyspepsia is one of the most diffi- cult diseases of the stomuch there is to cure. You eat too much; drink too The steamer Lake Michigan arriv-! ed at Swift's wharf with a cargo of coal from Oswego. The steamer Key Bell coaled at Crawford's wharf on Friday on her way) west. i The schooner Julia B. Merrill and | St. Louis cleared on Friday for Os- wego. M.T. Co's. bulletin--The tug Bart- lett arrived with the barges Dunmore | and Selkirk with grain from Port | Colborne, and cleared with the barge | NG SOLDER BOS "THE SOMME COUR WELD SUC. CESSFUL TEA AND SALE. Sam of $185 Realized 8s Result of Efforts Put Forth by Club--Well | Filled Stockings Going Overseas. | A most successful tea and sale was { { I { held on Thursday afternoon at the lil | home of Mrs. (Capt.) J. T.- Suther- land, Princess street, under the aus-| i pices of the "The Somme Club," and | jon behalf of the work started in Bar-| rieflield camp by John Pearson, see-! retary of .the Military. Y.M.C.A., among friendless soldier boys, { | The club ' intends sending well-| { filled stockings to a number of the | boys in England and at the front. Most of the boys are from the Bar- | nardo homes and emigrated to Can- ada through these institutions. The | result of the affair was quite a sur | prise, for no less than $185 was rais- led. Quite a novel feature, and one which caused a great deal of interest -was the drawing of tickets for a fancy cake for which a charge of ten cents was made, this alone rais- | ing $29. v~ Gladys Green officTited at the door, i and receiving were Mrs, James Suth- erland, Miss Norma MecFedridge, and | at the door the treasurer, Miss Lottie { Timms, . Miss Anita Sutherland was | general convenor. | Miss Ethel] Sutherland was conven- | Miss Ethel Wilder pouring the coffee, | with Miss Mildred Pierce. The as- sistants were Mrs, L. Ryder and the | Misses Violet Birney, Thelma Car- roll, Reta Green, Ethel McCullagh, { Edna Singleton, : | At the home made table Miss Bella { McCall was convenor, with Misses | Phyllis Coates, Laura Saunders and { Frances McCullough, Miss Muriel Metcalfe was convenor of the fancy work table, and she had assistants Misses Ethel | Miss Vera VanLuven presided at the candy table, with Misses Eva Me- Cullough and Jessie Leader. The drawing for the Christmas cake was under the charge of Miss Edith Saunders; a slipper drawing {ander the charge of Miss Ethel | Saunders; drawing for gold pin under the charge of Miss Reta Harkness; Red Cross bandages and war cake, James Sutherland. Mr. Pearson, military secretary of the Y.M.C.A. conducted the drawing for the Christ- mas cake. It was won by ticket-No. 264, held by Mrs. Thomas Timms. Mrs. Timms is sending the cake over- seas to her son and his friends. The slipper drawing was won 'by Mrs. George Hillier with ticket No. 173. The gold pin was won by ticket No. 27, held by Miss Laura Saunders. TABLES ARE TURNED. Farmers Are Now Buying Butter and Potatoes, The tables are turned, and many farmers in this district are now buy- NOVEMBER 3, 1916. Subscribe Now for CANADA'S GREATEST SOCIAL AND FINANCIAL WEEKLY. Toronto Saturday Night "At special rate of Fourteen Months (61 issues) for : : THREE DOLLARS = Single copies 10¢, making a saving of $3.10 on the year's subscription. Send subscriptions to The College Book Store New Alarm 3 B ® 100 remnants of wool dress wan clear, on Saturday at Half Price. getting harder to get and rails. ing quickly in price, we have a complete assortment of reliable alarms, at very moderate cost, ranging in price from $1.25 to $4.50. ~~ m--~-- pri Paddy Green Sateen and Regal Taffeta Underskirts, $1.00 line to clear at 49c ) "Grey and navy Regal Taffeta Under- ekirts, $1.95 line for half price, 98c. 39¢ All clocks sold are gunarans teed. ---------- SMITH BROS. and col- sewers and. Optician ia 75¢ Issuers of Marriage Licenses AAA A AN Ladies' Overall Aprons, large size i Flannelette Night Dresses in white ! ors; special . . .. Although alarm clocks are i in Flannelette Blankets, Ladies' $15.00 Suits, this season white or grey ... cose $31.29 up. s styles, navy or black, on sale Saturday $10.00 ire dri enero Good warm underwear for every member A Quebec io load grain at Port Col: of the family. Popular prices. much; make the stomach work over-|borne; the tug Bronson cleared with] ing butter and potatoes from the pecils at Pickering' Prime Western Beef icest Pork and Lamb 'The Best Sausages. Pickles and Relishes of PICKERING'S ) & 402 Princess St. Phone 530 time. You make it perform more than it should be calléd on to do. The natural result is that it is going to rebel against the amount of work put on it. It is only a matter of time before dyspepsia follows. That forty-year-old remedy, Bur- dock Blood Bitters, will cure the dys- pepsia, and will cure it to stay cured as we can prove by the thousands of testimonials we receive from time to time, ' Mr, Neil A. Cameron, Kiltarlity, N.8., writes; "1 am writiig you a few lines to tell you what your great medicine Burdock Blood Bitters has done for me. I was troubled very much with dyspepsia for the past two years. 1 was recommended all kinds of medicines, but they did not help me any. At last a friend advised me to try a bottle of B.B.B. 1 took four bottles and was totally cured. 1 will gladly recommend ft to all sufferers.' + B.B.B. The T. Milburn Co. ronto, Ont. is manufactured only by Limited, To- We grind our own lenses Applied to the Eyes When our method of eye sight testing is applied to your eyes, we can acenrately determine the cause of your eye straim. Accurately fitted glasses are a hoon to defective eyes. You are red a thorough sclentific ! examindtion and accurate glasses { at Asselntine's. Ceoniuit J.S.AsselstineD.0.3. 842 King St. Phone 1010 passed up light from Montreal on the to arrive on Saturday with three light ho reason for the police authorities two grain barges for Montreal: the| merchants of the city. tug Emerson arrived with the barges | for this is the high price now being Kingston and Augustus with coal| barge Winnipeg to load grain at Port Colborne; the steamer India way to Erie; the tug Thomson is due barges from Montreal. » PAID FOR HALLOWE'EN FUN. Young Man Was Fined For Pushing | Another Off the Walk. { A young man paid for his Hal- lowe'en fun in the Police Court on Friday morning. The accused, with some compan- ions, were "holding forth" at the cor- ner of University avenue and Earl street, when he pushed another fel- low out into the road and at the same time gave him a love tap back of the ear. The young fellow whe was attacked, fell in the mud, and his clothes were badly soiled. trate Farrell imposed a fine of $5 and costs on the accused, whereupon the owner of the soiled suit of clothes wanted to seek damages. "You can get the suit cleaned and then bring a suit for damages in the Division Court," remarked the Magis- trate, BUILDING IN KINGSTON. Value of Permits so Far Issued This Year is $171,308, The value of building permits is- sued by the City Engineer from Jan- uary-1st till November 1st, is $171,- 398 as compared with $183,690 for the same period last year. The permits issued during October were valued at $13,517 as compared ath $12,910 for the same month of Still Waiting For Report, The Utilities Commission has not yot received the additional report it is seeking from the Hydro-Electric This report will have reference to thé installing of elec- 'trical pumps in the waterworks, which is now in need of additional pumping capacity, Give Liquor to Hospitals, A citizen points out that there is wasting the liquor taken from men who violate the Temperance Act. In- stead of pouring it down the gutters, he thinks it should be Sivided be Magis- | The reason commanded by cheese and the failure from Charlotte and cleared with the | of the potato crop in this district. Owing to the big prices they get at the cheese factories it pays the farmers to send all their milk there and buy their butter. Gifts to Soldiers. At the meeting of the Orphans) Home on Thursday afternoon, Canon W. F. FitzGerald read the text for his address to the children from the | New Testament, and remarked that this was the last of 150 copies he had for distribution among séldiers leaving Kingston for the front. "And I will present this one to a soldier who is going overseas," he said. Ladies' Hat Sale. A special reduction on every trims« med Hat to-morrow only at "The Hat Store," George Mills &-Co. Phone 230---the Red Cross Drug Store--for your drug wants. Prompt delivery. And the lazy man consoles him- self with the shop-worn. adage about the race not being always to the swift, Peroxide and Almond Cream for rough, chapped or tender skin at the Red Cross Drug Store. a The Hat Store . It Is Highly to wear a soft hat ev- | every- Soldiers socks . ... .. ... 25¢, 35¢, 50¢. Khaki Handkerchiefs, special, 3 for 25c. A A eA A Pictorial Style Book, Winter Edition, now on sale. Newman & Shaw, The Always Busy Store CLOSING OF MAILS British mall closes rresns CC Foited States. dally ..13.45 pm Tunk, golng 11.30 am Frisk. soins Do Snclalial Westen | oo oo States Grand Trunk and ail FET 3% bm 2.00 p.m. PY am. and J sols see sew sons na. HAVE ELEVEN NEPHEWS ON THE FIRING LINE Good quality Hemlock, dressed or rough. } S. ANGLIN & CO. Woodworking Factory, Lamber Yards, Bay & Wellington Streets. Office Phone 66. Factory 1413. | snectamter Nest 8 Weslowae word that one of his nephews has wounded for the second time. shot through both arms, Notice! -------- WA. Mitchell's W.F. Gourdier Plone 700 . Bulbs For Fall Planting. Choose now from our lirge collection of Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus, ¥te. Prices same as previous yoars, Dr. Chown's 185 Princess Phono 343 7 "Everything for Sick and Sick 5 Is J SOWARDS