--.. PAGE TEN BATHE INTERNALLY -- ho Siu | N ews Cn CLIPPED FROM THE WHIG'S MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, Over 0 Peopie Doing So in Brief Form the Events In The Country About Kingston Are Told ~--~t"ull of Interest to Many, John Offspring, Prescott, has pur- Nacant lot on the north street opposite ths Post in Cowan, of the 2unX of Toren-| Brockville ferred to the has recently and Mrs, M. T. Bruee and fam- : leaving Prescott.for Liudsay they expect to take up resi dence {| Lieut, J. L. Drummuad, | formerly of the 4th Hassarg hus Leen appointed an officer of th Royal Flying Corps I 8 wal mateh for the Daly Cup by Napanee Golf Club was play- ed Thursday, and cup was won I" B. German Rev. G, A. -Field, Dundas Lime he the M.A., passed after an illness of The deceased was born Falls forty-three years ~~ AWAY at PHOTOS for Xmas * Why not give your friends sonrw. It's something they can' boy nnd will seprecinge. The Cooke Studio 159 Wellington St. S01 in Smit} dE A Tol- wreh | [ ce racial Roman Ca'ho'ie been built convenient vault edo on the grounds It , ment and is chureh A pretty Wednesday church, Mo | w has been in { lias » very to th took place on] in St. Francis Xavier tenfrew, when Miss Mary lan and Harold Prince, Ottawa, united in marriage Tt Blake Donald Graphite _ Ce. Calabogie, has recently made another {purchase of horses, to he used in hauling the graphite from the mines wedding near Brock. to tifeir stone crushers, Roderick Fraser, of the:firm of | Fraser & Smart, Renfrew, was noti- {fied on Monday last that his brother, | [ Lieut. Archer B. Fraser, of the 72nd | | Seaforth Highlanders, had been kill-| ed in action | Some time ago, at Bon Echo Inn | Horace Ward, son of Mrs, G. C. T |'Ward, saved a 'young woman from | j drowning, For this bravery Horace | { will be presented -with a medal from | the Canadian Humane Society, It is with regret we announce that | prance at St Prescot* | # Proprietor Did Not Know Bow ders Had Bottles, Belleville, Nov. 11.---~James Bush- proprietor of St. George's t ant, was charged with having iquor on his premises on Octobor i Inspector Arnott visited the restaur- ant, where fourteen people are io }- and found sealed bottles whiskey in boarders' rooms. i! n the evidencewthat the pre sence of liquor was not known to the proprietor and his employes until the search was. made, and that ibe defendant had alwdys been a tem- crance man, The magistrate dis- yee the charge, stating that there wad no intention shown to violate ihe temperance uct. Crown Attorney Carnew. represented the departmert, and W. D, M. Shorey appeared for the defendant. ell, Res- wis shown Napance Horticultural Society Napanee, Nov. 11.--The annual meeting of fhe Napanee Horticultural Society was held on Monday. The following officers were elected: President--E. J. Pollard. { 1st Vice-pres --Mrs, J. W, | son. | 2nd Travers Sec-treas.--W, S. Herrington The Board of Directors was elected . During the year the Society, be- sides giving its members liberal quantities of bulbs and plants, ex- pended over one hundred dollars on trees and shrubs for the Harvey War- ner Park, and other public places. Annual Meeting Horticultural Society Smith's Falls, Nov. 11.--Althoagh there were several other impor-ant meetings on Monday there was a fair attendance At the annual meeti the Smith's Falls Horticultural ciety when reports were received and officers elected. H. 8. Hunter, sec- retary-treasurér reported the re- ceipts to have been $452.60 and the tobin- Vice-Pres Mrs. R. G. H: re- tigz «f So0- | expenditures $423.99; balance 328. Gladys Emmiline, 61. The officers elected were: President-- W. T. Ferguson. First Viee Pres.--H, B. V Second Vice Pres.--A. B. Sco | Sec-Treas.--H., 8S, Hunter, | Board of Diréctors--Mrs, id. Dock- | rill, Mrs. F. T, Frost, J. T. Paarson, ol. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1916. son. {camping up the Bonnechere River for WHAT CURES -- [- ECZEMA ? We want all who have suffered for] many years the tortures of eczema,' |i} and who have sought medical aid in vain, to read this. i We, as cld established druggists/ of this community, wish to recom-| mend to you a wash that has brought! welcome relief! to so many of cur customers and may mean the end of Your agony. This mild, simple wash, | D. D. D. Prescription, made in the | { D. D. D. Laboratories, Toronto, is a/ scientific compound of Oil of Winter-| seer George Toper, while patrolling | green, Thymol, Glycerine, and other| his beat a few miles from Ganano-| soothing healing ingredients, que, took up two sets of hoop nets! The effect of D. D. I. is to soothe] this week. | instantiy, as soon as applied; then | ii | 11] » After a most thorough eye examination to determine the right correction, we then grind the lenses to your individual needs in our own plant on the premises, giving you a service that cannot be bettered. Satisfaction in all cases. 1). STEWART, OPT. D. is jis Gananoque | | Stn. Poxt Office, Optician & Optometrist From OurOwn Corres Nov, 11.---Fish and Game Over- The farmers of the surrounding! it penetrates the pores, destroys and district made another large offering! throws off the disease germs and! of live hogs at the market yesterday, | leaves the skin clean and healiy. Come to us and we will tell you! all of which were taken by local buy- more about this remarkable renedy. | erz, the prevailing price being 11%¢ y 1h [ per 1h ; . | Your money baek unless the first 'r big assembly was held in bottle relieves you D. D. D. Soap Anothe Turner Hall last evening. The ke: : i . 3 ir sk ralthy' Band orchestra furnished a! pepe your Skin healthy, "Ask about the Standard Citizens ramme of selections. D . D. D. Skin Remedy r the auspices of the Mission-| ---------------------- 'The Mahood Drug Co. Limited, Ring- ston. 'ommitiee of the Young People's | of Grace church an interest-| ssion was held last evening, and drew out quite a large attend- ance The topic was "Evangelistic Work Among the Indians." Super- intendent J. A. Jackson, of Grace! Sunday school, gave a detailed re-| port of the recent Sunday school con-| Sewing Machines, Um- vention at Smith's Falls. brellas, Suit Cases, Trunks, -amer Britannic, on her way| repaired and re-fitted, Saws filled, Knives and Scissors Sharpened, Razors honed. Al makes of fire- arms repaired promptly. Locks repaired; Keys fitted, All makes of Lawn Mowers sharpened and repaired. 149 Sydenham Street a == Women's | Overgaiters! | | { { up from Montreal, was in port at| noon vesterday with passengers and! freight. She made her regyplar after-| noon run to Kingston, aud returned! about 7.15 eastbound. | William Bulloch, of the firm of! Kelly Bulloch, grocers, who has| been spending the past few months at [Fstevan, Sdsk.,, has returned home | The funeral of the late Charlotte] Sullivan, wife of Jeremiah Sulli-| was held yesterday morning | from the home of her =e Downe shara g | Mrs. (Sergt,) Michael Nalon, Pine| stréet, to St. John's church, where! mass was sung, and the remains in-| Open Day and Night. terred at the Roman Catholic bury-| Repair Work of all kinds and Was ing ground, ing. -- - Cars. Stored at Reasonable Rates. A Very Sudden Death. | Cars for Hire. Renfrew, Nov. 11 --The death oc-| Gasoline, Oils and Greases Always on curred on Nov. 2nd, in Renfrew, of . Hand. beloved wife of We Store Furniture | Bertie Eras Parry, in her thirty-gixth | George Downey, Prop. | year. ir. and Mrs. Parry have been | 136 Queen Street. Phone 864 We are showing all the new shades and patterns in Women's Gaiters. English made gaiters in white, fawn, grey, mouse color and brown, extra high cut at $2.50. " Women's Gaiters in grey, fawn, black, (white trimmed) at $1.50 and $2.00. Women's black gaiters, in different heights and quality, 50c to $1.25. & » \ T. van, ---------- J H.Sutherland&Bro. The Home of Good Shoes. the past few months, and the day | revious to her death she complained | to her husband that she felt rather}! ill, and Mr, Parry at once proceeded || = E S Ss 2s Eg = Es i n= FOR SALE Farm of 200 acres-- 180 acres of good plow land about 8 miles from Kingston, Mr. and Mrs, Charles E, V. Mansfield, { who for the past two years have been in charge of the Imperial Theatre and O'Brien Opera House, Renfrew, are severing their connection and for Ottawa. A quiet wedding was -solemnized at St, John's church, Prescott, on Nov | Mrs. Wm, Johnston, H. S. Hunter, A. to secure medical aid. But nil | Greenhill, Mrs. R. Hawkins, W, M.| Thursday Mrs, Parry's condition got| | Keith, J. R. Balfour. Iworse, and it was while Mr. Parry, leave Hon, Directors--Dr. McCallum, |was consulting a doctor that his wife y | Miss B. Johuston, Mrs. B. C. Mont- passed away, Mrs. Parry's geniall| | gomery, Miss McWhorter, Mrs. G. F. | manner won her many friends. | McKim, Mrs, G, H. Davidson, Mrs. J. | ! ( A FEW DROPS 45 acres, 5 miles from city, i 6th, when Rural Dean Patton united in marriage Ruby May, cliest daugh- | ter of Mr. and Mrs. Willlam J Hoy | to Lorne Framcis Knight, eldest eon of Mr. and Mss. Bert Knight, Cardin-| al. of O-Cedar Polish on a piece of dampened cheesecloth will work wonders with your furniture, floors and woodwork, Thousands of women are daly osiug : cqar (Made jn Canndn) The death occurred on Nov 6th of Robert Bartley, Fair | View, at the age of seventy-six vears, | Death resulted from a fall, He leaves | his wife, and daughter, Mrs. A, M.| Snyder, Odessa, and two sons, James T. Bartley, Edinboro, Pa., and A. D. Bartley, Erie, Pa. The lady curlers of Smith's Falls met on Tuesday evening and organ- ized for the season, appointing the following officers: President, Mrs, H. B. Wilson; Vice-Pres. Mrs, Girovard; Sec, Mrs. Easton; Executive: Mes. Warden, Mrs. Rowan-Legg, Mrs. Henniger, Mis, W, C. James, Mrs. S. E. Gilroy, Mrs, McDairmid, Miss Clara Gould and Miss Brodie. sad | Capt. It will pemove all dirt, bring ont the original hesuty of the grain nnd put on a high, hard lasting lustre----all at the same time. Try it nt our rink and he convinced. It ix guaranteed, From Your Dealer, 23¢ to $3.00 Channell Chemical Co, Limited Toronto Can. A me nn Desirable Residences For Sale inNapanee The undersigned have for sale several very desirable re- sidences in Napanee, mod ern conveniences, improved capacious grounds, Correspondence solicited or telephone No. 6, Nape anee. Herrington Warner & Grange, Vendor's Solicitors, Napanee. Ladies! Your Opportunity Has Come. You Can Purchase a High Class. Suit or ( At the price of a low grade one. Ladies" Suits, values up to $35.00, now going at the small sum of $13.00, Cam you beat this? Ladies' new coats at $6.50, $8.73, $30.08 and $15.00. Any of these coats are worth just double. Gama Children's Coats, made from the best quality white bear coats, In spite of the high price we are offering at $2.73 'Misses' coats, size up to age 14. From $1.00 up to $7.50 Extra values. So ; es" mow IS your time to purchase your set. The present prices are much of our stock will be sold as usual. The Jatest models, all sizes, : Ol ling Club has chosen these officers. T. Pearson, Mrs. Bilbrough, A, W.| Laing, E. C. Gibson, Mr. Reynolds. Officers Chosen, Smith's Falls, Nov. 11.--The Cur- Hon. Pres.--Dr. Wickware. Chaplin--Rev. A. L. Fraser. Patrons--W. H. Frost, Capt. Fos- ter, Henry Laying, John Forter. President--M, G. Henniger. Vice President--Dr., C. W. Bride. Sec.--Geo. B. Frost. Treas, -- E. Rowan-Legg. SECRET PACT WITH GREECE | HAD BEEN ENTERED INTO BY GERMANY. N fe- The Orders of King Constantine's General. Staff Show Plan to En-} circle the Allied Troops at Salonika | Athens, Nov. 11.--For a long time | statements have been current regard- ing a secret treaty between the Cen- tral Empires and Greece, [ts terms] are declared to be dependent on the success of the German submarine c®mpaign in the Mediterranean Sea and the Aegean. In that case Greece was in'return for naval and military help afforded our enemies to receive Cyprus, a strip of Asia Minor oppos- ite Mitylene, the lip of Albania, and the Doiran-Gheveéli enclave in return for cession to Builgarfa of the Ka- valla region. Some further ground for belief in these rumors is afforded by a long article in the Eleftherois Typos, which has been well-informed regarding recent events. The state- ment is given on the authority of a high French officer apparently be- longing to the intelligence service. The document stipulates, he says, that in certain circumstances all the Greek naval and military forces are to co-operate with the Central Powers, > | Allies Hold Greek Orders, . The officer goes on to say that the 'allies have in their possession orders sént by the Greek General Staff in [November last ordering the Greek forces at Salonika to surround the allied army in that. town, When Salonika to place the 'outside the town under the range of Greek artillery. That order was also carried out. It Is also declared in the article that when the Kaiser vis- ited Nish he came south fo Sorovitch 'Blouses--New volle blouses, regular $1.25, " Por hie evening only our price will ats--New velvet shapes, 98¢, $1.50 beauties. Collars--Faney collars, all new lines at 25¢ a FOR VALUE COME TO | Heavy Battery here. | sweeten the stomach; banish consti-|@ 335 | 73 Per Cent. Canadian Born. Cobourg, Nov, 11.-----Of the men who' have signed up here for | overseas service with the Cobourg Heavy Baftery since the outbreak of the war, 200 were residents of Coa | bourg, and 73 per ¢ent. or 243, are| Canadian bern. ' This week three new | recruits were enrolled with the wrt | 2 d 300 overseas draft from the Cobourg Price $2,500. W. H. GODWIN & SON On Sunday Charles J. Deloughery | Value trata a Her. | Is what you want. You frew and instantly killed. can get it in groceries and 'meats if you buy from C. HK. Pickering 490-492 Princess St. » Phone 530. Ee To EE NST THE THNG FOR LITTLE ONES Baby's Own Tablets are the best | medicine a mother can give her little | ones. They regulate. the bowels: | | #ieintzman & En. Limited Sole representative for this district: C. W. Lindsay Limifed, Princess St. pation and indigestion; relieve colds f and simple fevers and make teething |i easy. Concerning them Mrs. Herbert | il Johnston, Maymont, Sask., writes: -- | "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for |i the past four years and find them | just the thing for babies and young children." They are sold by medi- (Hj cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents u (ji box from The Dr. Williams Medicine {| Co., Brockville, Ont. IH Chocolate bars for sending over-|| seas at the Red Cross drug store. : The country home of F. W. Wool- worth, head of the chain five and ten-cent stores which bears his name, | |i was burned at Glen Cove, N. Y., Fri day afternoon. The property loss! was estimated at $200,000. > | Expert developing and printing at! the Red Cross drug store. i Unifed States Secretary 'Lansing ff anpounced that the Austrian govern- ment has named Count de Tarnow- Tarnovski ambassador to the United States, and that he had been ac- cepted. : 'Phone 230--the Red Cross drug store--{or drugs, etc. You get quick and satisfactory delivery. Damage estimated at between $10,000 and $12,000 resulted when fire destroyed a large barn on the farm of Floyd L. Carlisle, located about three miles from Watertown, N.Y. The Acheson Graphite Company, Niagara Falls, N. Y_, cannot fill its orders to the Alliés through the cut- ting off of Niagara power on the On- le, To REGAN HEALTH