coy Ps Ra THE DAILY B ¥, NOVEMBER 11, 1916. | | 5 RO Va. 3 Aq ES | ie OR OR RRR OR OR TR Bk COATS Get your winter cont made IN THE FAMILY | to measure with choice of | i styles jor less money than ready- le. Also shits, skirts; i | and nade for very i prices; No Sign Of Drepsy Asd Kidney Trouble | Since Taking "FRUIT-A-TIVES" New York Skirt and SET Suit Co. 203 Wellington Street, x ton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Tis- dale. Mr. ind Mrs. Turner and Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard, city, spent Sun- day there. * Mr. Price of Mountain rove visited with his daughter, Mrs. | A. Leader | SEAL P PPPOE PIP be NOTICE TO COR- RESPONDENTS News letters intended for pub- lication need not he sealed. Simply fold in the flap and a one-cent stamp. will carry them. Some of our correspondents are placing 'two cents on the en velopes and sealing them. , This means that we have to pay two cents MORE to get the letter out of the post office. Our friends will please bear in mind that. a one-cent stamp will carry an unsealed letter, con- taining news, to any newspaper. + tee DONALDSON. Nov. 8. Peter MeDougall of Po} land, and James MecVean of Elphin have returned home after a fe w days deer hunting in this vicinity, Misses Ethel Campbell and Lottie Morrox spent Sunday last at Mrs. T. Camp- bell"s. Miss Mary Peter's of Canouto has come to work for Mr: R. W. Sproule. Miss Elsie Sprouiz spent Sunday at R. J. Sproule's. Mrs. R. Thomson has gome to Flower tn see her daughter, Mrs. James Love, who is ill . A NEW SERIES The new Chevrolet is ready. It pose sessesall of the remarkable points of form. er models and contains many new ones. LAR ARV AIRY IR VIS VIR V2) TREO P EEE PEPE Dee nt Have You Tried * GYPSUM WALL AINA LAR VIR UR 2 In the matter of detail much has been done. New and improved upholstering is provided. This is true of the cushions and backs. The front spring construction is new. The gear shifting is easy and free. No effort is required. A steel channel section frame, reinforced at every necessary point, insures great strength. The clearance of the cars ample. A patented electric lighted bil feed is Price of the new NOther new feature. A speedometer Chevrolet with ait and ammeter, both standard equipment, latest improvements, gre mounted on the dash. Non-skid rear touring car or yoad- ta ster types, $6so.0, UICS ATE furnished. . 0. b, Oshawa. hh with ay. All theseare unusual features and never weather Top $750.00 before offered at the Chevrolet price. CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY « of Canada, Limited OSHAWA ~ ONTARIO For Sale Locally By W. W. GIBSON, KINGSTON, ONT. "MADE IN CANADA" . PLASTER It Saves Time HATTIE WARREN - Port Robiuson, Ont, July 8th, 1915. : OATES } i ™ a, ad BY : sr} Nov. 8.--Owi to the continued "We have used * Fruit-a-tives" in { ine weather farmers are nearing completion of their ploughing. ~ F. $ | McDonald's new barn is being rap- ------ idly erected. The young people of . Sige j Pho : aid sha | CHAFFEY'S LOCKS. the surrounding locality assembled at Kidney 4disease. : Fhe Doctor Sand she | Nov. 8--The threshing machine | the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. John- was threatened witli Dropsy. Herlimbs {is busy in this locality. There was|ston, on Hallowe'en. Dancing and and body wero all swollen and we began | 4' poor yield of grain. Vegetables games were indulged in till the wee tothink she could not live. Finally, we | are scarce as well Inspector Me- | sma' hours of the morning. Every- decided to try "Fruita tives". Ske | Guire, of WesthoR, Visited S. 8. No.] one greatly appreciated the hospi- 12 show imidrom tari " 4 recently. i, owswell has pur-| tality shown by the host and hostes3. Segan re hog aq uiim " oy nh { chased a fine Jersey COW, E. Patter-| L. J. Burns, is spending some time at frien her a fev tablets: a astiort time, | son, M. McCoville, J. V. Fahey and Salmon Lake, hunting deer, etc. Miss the swelling had all gone down and her | 1, H. Fleming motored from Kings-| Francis Regan, Chaffey's Lock, has flesh began to look more natural. Now | ton on Sunday. Mrs. M. Sprague has | returned home after visiting friends she is the healthiest one in the family | returned to her home at Belleville here. J. L. Koen, spent the week-end spending the summer here. |, Westport. "F. Walsh, visited at A. -- LAY EET our house {ur over three years and have i always found them a good medicine. Qur little girl, Hallie, was troubled with | AL RY AR VR RAR VR AN AN AN ANN AN IA AR A A and has no Sigas'of the old ailment, | 2fter ! ! ! Ve (RE Fed uch for " Fr : George Fleming, Kingston, is visit- | v Koen's recently. Miss Katie Don- We SASL EY tog wach fof puta | Ing relatives for a few days., Mrs. L. aghue, and Mis§ Marcella McGuiggan, j tives" and would never be. without | Kerr received a message that her son Westport, are at A. N. Koen's, Wil- them", i George, who is serving at the front, liam Leeman visited at Mrs. F. WILLIAM WARREN, [Is wounded Keeley's, Railton, on Sunday last. He. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 23. WL termi F. and W. Walsh, called on Mr. and n 2.50, . I. AINTOWN. Mrs. J. Burns, recently. Misses Sybil At all dealers or sent postpaid on Nov. 7.--Mrs. Thomas Hodge and Y > : Ph CF i I Willi Grah: 3 2 t Garner and H. M. Burns, were at E. receiplof price by Fruit a-tives Limited, | Mrs. illiam iraham Sr, spen Johnston's on Wednesday, E. P. Ottawa. Tuesday last visitin Mr. nd Mrs. Walsh at William Harte's, V John- . ; > Wd alsh at { 8, . (B rt Graham, Purvis street. Robert | ston at J. A. Koen's, on Sunda y last, : ----------. A a, i and Willis Michael, : . a i It's needed, but does not affect Wood's Phosphoding, | Lense on. A /y Bl ee ae Miss A Garner, Spaftordton, is visi- Weese's new sunshine light. Photos The Great Bwgl {through here on Monday last. Mrs, | {0&8 Mrs, E. Johnston for a few days. taken rain or shine and Saturday Totes tod lorlecttns oie hel Eli Hayes and daughter Madeline, ee te nights, wi farvous item, Makes no Bisog Lillie's, are spending a few days in ---y Remember, it Is at Mental Perey Caintown. Mr. Golf, Sand Bay, call- he ling ipa ed on Thomas Mills oa Nonday last, WEES » " Amory A number from around here attend- I he E S droegint ov mally 18 aia, phe. 5h LL ied the party held at the home of Mr. MES RR ice. New mphletod Sree THE and Mrs. N. Marshall; Lake street, r-- PHOTOS, FRA! PICTURES Bivicind co" a. or { on® Friday evening, Nov. 3rd, given LAVANT STATION Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nov. 6.--Mrs. J. P. Wilson, and } » = im honor of | White. Dr. Campbell, Lansdowne, | daughter, Mrs, S. B. Jacob, visited made a trip to Caintown in his motor | friends at Folger on Sunday. A ' |car on Tuesday last. Mr, and Mrs. | number from here attended the re- A ON VR TR LN WY TARTAR IRV R TIR V2 Momsen sm, | Farms $0 crac : so and so easily digested that they can | and Mrs, John Kincaid spent one da Miss Bertha I ke, Plevn Oct be caten at times when heavier, or a e | Mrs, . > | Miss Bertha Lemke, Plevna on Oect. WATCH {last week at Temperance Lake. Miss | 35th. Rev. R. J. Wilson, Lachute coarser foods, perhaps, would cause | Gladys Morrow, who has been spend- Que., arrived on Monday to have a discomfort. We make a specialty of selling farm properties and have at present | ing a few days around here, return- few days hunt. The Lavant Hunt a diffe | ed to her home at Mallorytown on Club were successful in getting two ! Seid fresh everywhere in t a large number of farms for sale. | W. Morrow, who have speht the past | ception last Friday evening given by three weeks at Alexandria Bay, re | Mr. and Mrs. V. Prasky, Folger, for {turned home on Tuesday last. Mr. | their son John who was married to | Saturday last, ELGIN, Nov. 7.~~Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Earl have returned from & three months' fleer on Monday. "A. C. Ressor, Lo- cust Hill, and A. G. Boswell, Hamil- ton, are in the club. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Paul and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Paul, Lower Lavant, visited relatives sized packages, Ask your grocer. We are thoroughly posted on farm values In Kingston district. If you wish to buy or sell it would be to your advantage to consult us. trip in western Canada... Mr. Gifford, here on Sunday. Miss Elsie Lee and 4 Nun Halow, ras 8 SYeat ot H S.) sister Mrs. R. J. Wilson, Lachuts, 8 - , ¢ Davison's, \e funeral of the late] aye snen téw d in Kingston, -- Si Dhl Rha | Smee Jones was conducted ut the Sue Fis te kw dns ty . ; electrio head lights, Methodist ehurch by the pastor, Rev. : a a Silly A Teper tioning Sia: { Mr. Stillwell. Deceased had been a Shdiatar, nar. Inaph ate: He | patient sufferer for the past three HERE 1S THE PROPOSITION EVER MADE months. FP, Halladay & : . ; 3 . y has left for hi Ging Pedal. | Welts jada annual deer hunting. Mrs, E. V. Hal- I. J. LOCKHART Real Estate and Insurance. Bank of Montreal Bldg. Phone 1085 or 1020 Kingston laday is reported to be improving. 3 | Mr. and Mrs. William Chipman, Ot- { tawa, who were guests in the village. BATH | received word that their son Clifford Nov. 9.--Géorge Parks has pur- | Who was on duty at the front had 'hased the house formerly owned hy - | been killed. They returned to the the late Michael Curren. Rev. W. arm é& on fA | Sty. The funeral of late William | "Hazzard, of the Bible Sociery. gave ; { Bulger, sr., was conducted to the an interesting address in the Town Catholic church on Saturday morn- Hall on Monday evening last. Mrs. . > athens | ing. Mrs. George Mustard, accom- McQuarrie was called to Stirling ow- Black, Green, Mixed. Packed in King- $08 prizes Or cash for what you do sell. Write toe i fed Mr. and M Chi ot-]; w lay to { banled Mr. and Mrs. ban. to ing to the serious illness of her fa- b Limited, Dept. W 32 TORONTO, ONT. 268 | tawa. Born, to Dr. and Mbs. Bracken ther, J. B. McCurdy, who passed ston y sa | new residence in course of erection. | bes toericy ray: Letters have GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, Limited. -- At All Grocers -- ; & daughter. Dr. J. H. Duan has his away on Wednesday. Letters have | The new addition to the cemetery has boys with the 146th Battalion In { been levelled and put in shape for | seeding. Sacramental services were conducted in the Methodist church | Sunday morning by the pastor, Rev. | Mr. Stillwell, § } | WASHBURN'S CORNERS. Nov, 8.--Mrs. B. H. Brown, of { Athens, was taken suddenly ill of ap- pendieitls while attending the Sun- day school convention in Smith's Falls, and was taken to the hospital | there. The Hallowe'en party held in England. - Theodore Parks and wife, Plainfield, are visiting at Robert Mott's BONGARD Nov. 6.--The Ladies Aid met at the church last Thursday. The Sun- day school has started practising a cantata. Mr. and Mrs, G. A. Van Viack, of Waupoos, were guests of the Misses David on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Van Viack, will move to Picton in the near future to reside. i the village hall at Athéns was large- Mrs. Thomas Bongard, and daughter {tend oY a arenes Buthiord hay spent the week-end at Cherry Valley. Ibert: Booth, of Montel Was a re. | The Misses MgGee, of the Pines, were cent visitor at his home at Charles a B T. McCormick 2 Sunday. : ton. Oglé Webster, Oak Leaf, has[3: Thurston, and daughter ' | leased' the Morrison' farm at Wash. | Wright, of Picton, visited in this vi- | urns Corners and will take pos. | Cinity Fesently. Mr. and a S session in the early spring. "The | WriEhi, of Cressy, were with their daughter Mrs, Sheppard on Sunday DOD ECONOMY Anglican social, held at the home of last. Miss Jarvis, of Black Creek, Every housewife knows the length of 1 Connie of Liedy and greutite sited Miss Baith McCormick on time it takes to prepare the most ordinary | Drader Tor Rae a ped secens. | iy soot msorge torms soup, the cost of fuel, ingredients, etc. But o. Nov. 'th, Mes. Yinesn: Yates | F. ©: Duis, Sud sisters were guotis with. P. C. David, and sisters were guests | aged eighty-one years. ew vegetables, one or two Oxo ariey Fiersa. Bassduo, | is Siting vn ly. { bes, a little flour and water, a most | relatives w : Rev. Mr. | pont i soup can be prepared in a few 5 gon ior Re oS Sunday. Nov. 8.4 The deci occurred sud- minutes at the cost only of a few cents. |Liv Els Shae seman of i Sk AE . § : jo. . | missions, Laurence Hopkins has dics The Ory Core nes. sauccs. vill |For Svar on Fo dot ie ¢, efficient way, and makes for y every time Hn SX 4d BRE SE __y oy hme 1 casey rng sr ceer MN What have YOU done 15 reiteve therm? 32.50 will feed a Belgian fam! thi ¥ : 's Canadian would scarcely amt - TS could re several times th hdr vent Baleare Several ti rh dr mmo Will you do it? Provincial