In the \ # | ro -Boys! | HOCKEY NOTES. m,. oe OUR MILO CIGARS eclipse all others of equal cost and even some that are sold for consider ably more than our price. Made of the best long filler tobacco by skill- ed cigar makers, it is a cigar that could easily be sold for a nickel more and still be considered good smoke value. A trial today will make it your choice tomorrow. The G. A. McGowan Cigar Manufacturing Co. Kingston. parture of trains, and the occasional appearance of a few over-rated prize fighters. And they wonder why Ham- ilton's enlistment showing isso good. World of Sport | , [THE COAST LEAGUE ) SIGNING PLAYERS | "Dubbie" Kerr is the First Star to Sign a Winter Con- tract. Star | SPORTING NOTES. Two of the biggest football games of the year are scheduled for Satur- + | day, November 25. On that date Yale and Harvard meet at the New Haven oval, while the Army and Navy teams lock arms at the Polo Grounds. It is estimated that about 102,000 people will want seats for these games. 3 Ed. Carpenter, the Fort William | fence man, will again line up with| he Seattle team this winter. Pete| A m-- {Muldoon, the Fort William Metro- Dubble Kerr, wing man politans' manager, says Carpenter of the Victoria hockey team when the will be the sensation of the Coast|Capital City had a team in the Coast [League this season. | League race, is the first player to ---} ign a Coast League contract for the the son of 1916-17, Ia a letter re- meeting of | to have been or this morning, Lester Patrick, Electrical-Mechanical- Constrilctional Ask your boy what he wants and he will say Meccano, Why! Because it cultivates his BS i educates him to build and do things himself. These are a few of the models he can make easily. players 'refused to slip Catcher Lew McCarty his.share in the world's series doukh yntil he had tossed into the jackpMt his revenue from barn storming games with the New York The schedule, Giants. N.H.A., which Was lin Toronto on Saturday, has been manager of the Spokane Club, states {transferred to Montreal. Phis is at|that Kerr accepted terms with him, hes request of the Quebec club, who{and has forwarded his signed con- [pei nted out that it meant a two-day|tract. Kerr will report in Spokane {trip for the representative of thejon November 20. that he will continue to lead the Los Ancient City club to come to To- Pacific coast hockey managers are | Angeles team. ronto, now busy lining up talent for the -- coming season. . Frank Patrick stat- Hockey will boom among the Ot- ed to-day that following the official [tawa civil servants during the com- opening of the local arena he will}ing season. Nearly all the depart- immediately look around for hisjments will be represented in the players. He expects to have all of|league championship race. the men of last season's team back ---- again, including both Si Griffis and} According to Brooklyn stories, "Cyclone" Taylor. Portland and Seat- | President Bbbetts instructed Man- tle. managers are also getting their [ager Robinson to can those who fell players lined up. down in the world's series. He start- ed at Cutshaw and wound up at Merkle. He should also have includ- ed Robinson. Frank Chance denies the rumor that he is to return to the National League as manager of the Chicago Cubs. Chance states that he is satis- fied with business at the coast and It now develops that Brooklyn ball At the N.H.A. meeting this Satur- day Manager Livingstoné, of the To- rontos, will offer Cyril Denneny to Ottawa in exchange for Nighbor, or will sell the player to the Ottawa club for §1.800, Denneny is hnxious in Ottawa, where he is now living. Toronto fans would nol re- great the going of Denneny if Nigh- bor is secured in exchange, as the latter is a great favorite in Toronto, even wien playing on opposing teams. ED. McDONALD KILLED. Famous All-round Ottawa Athlete Neng ' With English Battalion. "Dubbie" Kerr has accepted terms World was received in Ottawa of to play with the Spokane team of ihe death in action in France of the Pacific Coast League. He was|:jqqie" McDonald, one of the great- tire first player to sign a contract in| eg ajl-round athletes that Ottawa has the Coast League this season, produced in many years, McDopald i went to the front with the 77th Bat- talion last June and was drafted to one of the English battalions. He had 'been in France a few weeks only when he was killed. He was twenty- eight years of age and unmarried. McDonald played centre half for The "skull practice" is the latest novelty in American football, West- ern coaches try it out daily. It con- sists of signal rehearsals and me- mory tests along the same line. The Union Jacks, of Kitchener, will enter intermediate and junior teams in .the O.H.A. this winter. They have much promising material. Harold. Farlow, of the Woodstock 0.H.A. intermediate team of last year, was recently admitted to a hos- pital ig France. He was wounded in the drive on the Somme. McMiilan, a team mate in/the Industrial City last year, was killed in France some time ago. Ben Simpson declares that the 207th Ottawa football team was one the Ottawa College football team |of the best he had seen on the field when they won the championship of | for many years. He boosted Wiser the Intercollegiate Union in 1907. He'and Smith as two of the finest all was a great line plunger, and Father round men in the game, incidentally Stanton regarded him as the best all-| puffing Breen and Carling, and round man in the game at that time. | Queen's defeated this 207th outfity{ Later McDonald turned professional : > and was for sevpral years a fixture on the Capital Lacrosse Club. He played cover point for the Capitals in 1908 and afterward in the defence field, McDonald was also an oars- man, paddler and a sprinter. He was an Ottawa College graduate and was employed at the outbreak of the war in the Marine Department. » An: Ex-Champion Wounded. Major Frank lL. Stephen, of Hali- fax, who has been officially reported wopnded, was formerly Canadian sprinting champion at 100 and 200 vards. He went to the front with one of the Nova Scotia'battalions. In the vernacular of baseball, Gov- ernor Hughes had the bases full with none out. But he couldn't produce the necessary hit. Ottawa Citizen: Ottawa sports may have had a dull fall; but think of poor Hamilton. With the football séason at an end their excitement will be limited to the arrival and de- A A A AA i 5580000 [= Ek Will Have Many New Marks. When John B. Foster, editor of Spalding's Record Book, starts work on the 1917 volume he will, of *ne- cessity, be forced to record a flock of new market. New York Giants' winning streak of 26 sfraight victories. Athletics losing streak 20 straight defeats.' No hit games for Leonard, Fostér, Bush and Tom Hughes. Fifteen shut outs for Grover Cleve- land Alexander. Finish of Lajoie and Matheson as major leaguers. Fielder Jones out of first division for first time since he was a man- ager. Walter Johnson losing 20 ganes. Zach Wheat hitting safely in 28 consecutive games. A left handed thrower playing se- cond base and third base. St. Louis Browns winning 22 out of 24 games in St. Louis. 7 You can buy imitations of Meccano at other stores, but they are made by people who are fight- ing our country or are too proud to fight. Get the best--made in England, as a great many Meccano parts are patented and you only get imitations with other kinds. Anion, the best fitting in Sign ut TOOKE COLLARS TJOOKE BROS : LIMITED, MONTREAL of NEW METHOD Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Treadgold Sporting Goods 00. VERY FROM HAMILTON. Neatly Domes We make a Specialty of Ladies' Work M. F. PATTON, Prop. 119 SYDENHAM STREET Near Princess St. Phone 814 PROMPT Send your Orders for Regal to Monireal.. Prompt delivery will be made from Hamilton. NO DELAY. $1.70 a case (2 doz.) reputed pints. $2.50 a case (2 doz) reputed quarts, and express from Hamilton. 50c Additional for each case of pi nts, or 72¢ for each case of quarts to cover cost of case and bottles. » It will pay you to order two cases, as express To Swim English Channel. Charles Durborow, - the Phila- delphia man-fish, has personally confirmed the report that if Euro- pean affairs prevent his trying the Channel swim next summer he will undertake the 28-mile trip across tide, from Montauk Point, on Long Island, to the mainland. He is determined to beat all world's records for time and distance before he retires, and he will beyond question achieve his ambition if he succeeds in the 'propdsed feat. Kingston's ELECTRIC "Store Cheaper Electricity will be yours very soon. Rates will be lowered. Get your homes wired now and en. Joy all the comforts of light, heat and power in the home. "Estimates Cheerfully H W. Newman Electric Co. Phone 441 79 Princess St. Why the Red Sox Won. A baseball statistician on going through the dope has found that the J Red Sox gave but 45 runs all season that could be charged to errors, while the average of the seven other teams in the American League was around a hundred runs allowed on errors. Some defence, and coupled with good pitching, it is a wonde: the Red Sox did not win their pen- - Ceell Hart, of Quebec, is promoting a new hockey organization in that city, and hopes to get rating enough and roof gardens are installing plants. | Figure skaters from Scandinavian | countries are being featured. At Ice- nant by a wider margin. charges are only slightly higher than on one." "Billy" Queal Re-engaged. "Billy Queal, the veteran long-dis- tance runner, has been re-engaged GEO. SORGIUS, 35 Rivard Street, Montreal as coach of the Yale cross-country . team. land, the new rink, the charge for skaters is $2 per season, Three ses- sions are held daily, Hockey will be cunnineu to the St. Nicholas Rink as usual. to play off with the winners of the Ontario Hockey Association. The skating craze has taken a stronger grip than ever on New York this season. Hotels, theatres ~~ BRINGING UP FATHER AN