Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Nov 1916, p. 2

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/ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1916, IN THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S|A WAR HERD WAS FINED ARTHUR STRINGER WAS WOUND- ED IN BAYONET CHARGE. EE Te % PAGE TWO - i DR. GRIFFITH JONES PREACHED TO A LARGE CONGREGATION. HT Ee Queen's "Orchestra Entertained. the A. M. 5. on Saturday Evening-- Date of Medical Dance Is Changed --Annual meeting of Hockey Club Held. One of the largest congregations this session attended in Convocation Hall on Sunday morning to hear Dr. {| Griffith Jones, of Toronto, preach. smu Books for Overseas! spector of Persons, So He Had to \ Corte Yor Being tntontcated. fl RHYMES OF A ROLLING STONE, by Robt. W. Service, $1.00 The Ontario Temperance Act is no [lll MUTT & JEFF IN THE TRENCHES, by Bud Fisher - - 60c. THE SOLDIERS' OWN DIARY. - - - -. - - - 35¢ respector of persons On Monday In addition to Hu dsonSeal Made from Finest Selected Canadian Seal Dyed Muskrat morning Arthur Stringer, who did his 'bit'! at the front, was fined $10 and costs for being under the influ- The Soldiers' Own Diary, bound in Khaki cloth, made to fit the tunic pocket. THE POPULAR, BEAUTIFUL, LIGHT IN WEIGHT, GOOD WEAR- ING FUR Made to Special Measure, Any Style. The various Queen's units were in attendance also. In a ¢lear, pure Christian sermon ence of that old-time troubler, John Barleycorn, It was pretty tough fer a man who being a diary for 1917, it is filled with information most useful to the men at the front. be invaluable at the close of the war, These will | Dr. Griffith Jones presented the| has been fighting for King and | claims of Christianity on every one.lcountry, and who was wounded in a His text was taken from Matthew | terrific bayonet charge to fall into X:11, "And into whatsoever city or| the hands of the police for taking a Write for Catalogue. town ye shall enter inquire who is| few drinks, but the Temperance Act worthy; and there abide until you| is made for one and all, and it looks | go hence." This was part of the|as if the tipplers will have to be on John M K | message given by Jesus Christ on the | their guard at all times. C ay | departure of his disciples on their Stringers home is in Renfrew and . . | Journey throughout the country| he was invalided home from the front Limited. i | teaching His gospel. soihe time ago. He has quite a wound Kingston's Largest and Reliable Fur | It is to these twelve men that our in his side which he received while in House. | religion owes most of its popularity.| 4 bayonet attack. 1157 Track Nt | They were unobtrusive, retiring, yet The police had a call for Stringer -- | intensely zealous in their duties of| apout 2 o'clock on Sunday morning. spreading Christian géspel through-| 3. wee taken in charge by Con- {out the land. They were the men| .i.hles John Naylon, and Marshall who did the real spreading and| Armstrong ', brought Christianity before the peo- When arraigned the accused stated ple. that he had secured his liquor in The speaker compared the few re- Hull, and the magistrate imposed the ferred to in the text at whose homes| .. .\ fine the disciples were to stay during William MoGrath came up again their wanderings to the few who are| .... . week's remand. He was ar- ever ready to carry on the work of| ..,.4 fof drunkenness, and the mag- | the church at the present time. In, . .,i, sent him to jail as he did not every cofigregation there are some, ,..o that he was telling him the who can be relied on by the minister truth about where he secured his to aid him in his. work. Then there liquor William was one "of the All Seal or Banded with Contrasting Fur. Your Choice of Silk. Linings. Try on our Models, MR. BRITLING SEES IT THROUGH, by H. G. Wells - $1.50 Wells' latest and best. A war novel in the big, broad The most talked-of book of the year. a 2 Over 30,000 have already been sold. Not since the begin. sense. Not a mere account of fighting. ning of the war has a book appeared, with the sole exception, perhaps, of "The First Hundred Thou- sand," which has so instantly appealed to readers on this continent and in England. timeliness, whimsical humor and keen analysis of character. The College Book Store It bristles with WOUNDED ON DUTY Popular Member of 59th Bat- talion While in Brockville . Last Winter. | LIEUT. ALLEN SHORTT Chamberlain Metal Weather Strips) 5 AKAMA ha MM M. Atkinson, manager of the Bank of Toronto, Brockville, received a telegram on Saturday from the of- | ficer in charge of the record office | stating that Mrs. Atkinson's nephew, Just in Time for the ~fShut out wind, snow, and dust. -Save fuel. Stop windows rattling. =-Makes them run easy. Now is the time to equip Lieut, Allen Shortt, was reported l wounded and remaining on duty on | Oct. 8th. ! That Eteut: Shortt is not §¢fiously | injured will be pleasing news to the | young soldier's many friends. He was are the others who have te be urged to take up any duties, who do not seem to realize their responsibilities It is the former who count in bet- tering conditions, It is 2 remarkable fact, declared Dr. Jones, that re- ligion should appeal so strongly to week-end excursionists to Cape Vin- cent a week ago. boat when it arrived back in Kings- ton pretty sober but a few hours later he was taken in charge well "pick- led." He came off "the He declares that he did not Cold Weather Clocks Although alarm clocks are getting harder to get and rais- ing quickly in price, we have a complete assortment of reliable [a member of the 59th Battalion and spent last winter in Brockville, his | marriage taking place in Kingston a price, | while he was a member of that unit. | When the battalion was about to sail J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. | overseas and Lieut. Shortt found | 41 Clarénce Street. | there was a surplus of officers he Typewriters and Insurance, get any liquor after he arrived in Kingston. He was arrested by Con- stable Daniel McCarey. ¥ When arraigned McGrath had nothing further to say in regard to the matter, whereupon the magis- trate said that he would further re- mand him for a month. McGrath looked somewhat surprised, but did not have anything to say. only a few. Nevertheless these are the ones who are carrying on the work of the church. Dr. Jones ap- | pealed strongly to the congregation to do their Share in the upbuilding of Christian principles and ideals amongst their fellowmen and receive their great reward in their eternal home. your windows and doors. Ring 819 and we will show you the gooils and give y alarms, at very moderate cost, ranging in price from $1.25 to $4.50. COATS FOR GIRLIES. All clocks sold are guaran teed. s | promptly resigned and joined the machine gun section as a private, so | anxious was he to reach the front. | In England he again qualified and | secured his commission in the 58th | Battalion, in which he left for the | front His mother and wife are at SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians Issuers of Marriage Liconses COATS FOR LADIES. The Quinine That Does Not Head Queen's orchestra seemed to be the main attraction at the Alma Ma- ter Society's meeting on Saturday present in England. His wound is in | evening, for there was a far larger the neck. {attendance than usual. The ladies, | however, were 'conspicuous by their absence. The orchestra gave several he Weekly Bulletin | selections, and each was executed], f o " Ime Saturday Hlustrated edition of | with a charm and brifancy that was Te ny 70° rome QUININE the British Whig is certainly a credit | remarkable for an amateur organiza- |, ,' * Snaiure on hey to the activity and enterprise of that | tion such as the college orchestra.|*°% . Newest styles and excellent = journal, which ranks The members have been extremely among the best papers of its class in interesting in the work, and this in a Ontario. | The illustrations are all | large measure accounts for the suc- well arranged and beautifully print- |¢ess. There is a possibility that the od on heavy tone paper and are eag-| college orchestra may be engaged for erly bought up by scores of citizens | 50me of the dances and social func- who send them to distant friends as| tions to be held this session. souvenirs. The paper, which is ably |, With regard to dances, the execu- conducted by an efficient staff, is a tive committee reported that the date great advertisement for the old Lime- | °f the first medical dance would have stone City. to be changed from Monday, Nov. oon -- im 27th, to Friday, Nev. 24th; owing to Te a regulation embodied in the A. M. Extending Overseas Trade, S. constitution, Kingston importers have received A request was also formally re- "Headquarters for Headwear." a communication from the British |. coq from th ' x e 72nd (Queen's) Bat ~r Standard Exporter of London, stat- tery for the use of Grant Hall for a ing that British firms are using every | gan .o to be given by the battery. It effort to extend their overseas trade| wag decided that as regulations have in all parts of the world. A serles| poen passed by the society with re- of standard catalogues are being 1s-| garg to social functions nothing can sued In English, French and Spanish he done in-this matter before Christ- for circulation free. This shows bow | mas but the society recommended Great Britain is going after the trade | that Jan. 65th would be a suitable that Germany formerly enjoyed. date for such an affair to be held. The secretary will write to the bat- Can't Find Dandruff i tery to this effect. Every bit of dandruff disappears The following vacancies on the Athletic Committee were filled: Arts, after one or two applications of Dan- derine rubbed well into the scalp with H. H. Sheldon, A. L. Blacklock, H. the finger tips. Get a 25-cent bottle A. McLeod; medicine, Bert Hunt; of Danderine at a drug store and £ B Affect Because of its tonic and laxative effect, Laxative Bromo Quinine can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness nor ringing in the head. SUITS FOR LADIES. "Ranks with the Strongest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE He ORTREAL "et Pe. PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto . W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. Praise for the Whig. The Kingston Hosiery Limited, of Kingston, with a capital of $500,000 has been given a charter by the Fed- eral government. The Y.M.C.A. membership cam- paign closes to-night at 9 o'clock. Don't forget te send in your fees in order to have. it count for the team of your choice. popular priced. WOOL UNDER- WEAR For all the family. Priced at less than The Great i Millinery Sale - Continues ALL Furs! W.F. Gourdier Phone 700 Newman&Shaw | The Always Busy Store. I t Is Time To think of getting in coal for the win. / ter. You'll save money by buying now; coal is usually cheaper in the summer ~surely is at our place. It is cleaner, more satisfactory in every way, We are ready to rit your orders at ahy time. @ do it so quickly that you'd never know It had happened but for the great big money's worth in your cellar. No trouble, no phuayance. Come order what you wivh BOOTH & CO. Phone 1338 1 Foot of West St, FLOWER POTS AND. BUTTER JARS All Sizes. Ideal Silver Cream For Gold and Silver D. COUPER 341-3 Princess St. Phone 76. ~~ ladies, Miss Lottie - Whitton, Miss Bessie Abernethy. ae annual meeting of the hockey* save your hair. r a few applica-| SID was held and, in the absence of tions yeu can't find a particle of dan- Sey scrlcCusiy rend , ay aling hair, and the: unt of activities of the club during ca'P y , Gon the past season was made, and epecial . thanks were given to Prof. MB. Baker, who acted as honorary coach, for his interest in the club. Formal announcement of the intention of the club to enter a team in the On- tario Hockey Association was also given. At the present time the club has invitations to play in several of the American cities during the winter An invitation to play in the Dus- quesne Gardens, Pittsburg, Pa., will not 'be acted upon until the 0. H. A. determines the standing of the play- ers down there, whether they be | amateur or professional. $ The elections of officers resulted: . ; i Marine Circles {|| S- ANGLIN & co. Hon. president, Dr. A. P. Lothrop; president, J. Fahey; vice-president, wits J ot Hanley; seeretary-treasurer, ke t: hon. coach, Prof. M_ B. Woodworking Factory Baker; assistant coach, Bert Hunt; The steamer Gowan with the mber Yards, : schooner Holmes in tow cleared for Montreal, and will be taken to the Bay & Wellington Streets. Atlantic and used in trade to Cuba. | OMice Phone g6. Factory 1415, } wecclanber. Oeql and - BE Bhatt ne DEAN SUILDERY SUPPLINXS RA Wooden Shingles Defy Storms They can not be ripped and torn off by wind, © We have choice brands of Red and White Cedar Shingles from the best mills of British Columbia and New Brunswick. CLOSING OF MANS British mail closes iarly. Information at P. 0. from time to time. Ba ar Jas eam east a sas sa ae ass TLIO OE Grand Trunk, going regn- We grind our own | Applied to the Eyes determine the cause of your eye strain. ~ Accurately fitted glasses (ay WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A large shipment of the world famous . CONGOLEUM RUGS "es sus sus wens For Fall Planting. Choose now from our large Sollection of Hyacinths, Tulips, The C. 0, T. C. were instructed in the duties #f an outpost on Saturday afternoon by Capt. G. W. Mitchell. The prices are extremely low and all popular sizes. captain of first team, L. CO. Purvis. The Gowadi was under the command of Capt. Chauncey Daryeau as far as Montreal. Hesloren R. McFaul Queen's Hospital at Etaples. According to a letter received by Srorngs Sith, jeweller, from Lieut. Ef i M. T. Co's. Bulletin: The steamer Advance discharged her cargo of grain and cleared for Port Colborne; the tug Thomson cleared for Mont- real with two grain barges. The barge Cobourg is at Richard- son's elevator loading bagged oats for Montreal. x The steamer Lake Michigan is at] the ive Works, from Oswego, With & catgo of coal. ss 8 Tih mg Magnolia and barges are windbound on their way to Oswego. ¥ "September Morn" Drew Crowds. Large audiences grested the pro- a Princess Phono 348 verything for Sick and Sick Room."

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