_ nm VEMBER 16, 1916. iss Lizzie Sheehan left pend a week with her Mrs, Nellie Meagher, Marys- ville. | Mrs. WW Kail, Elginbure, spent Tuesday with friends here FROM THE IN EFFECT JUNE 25TH. 1916, Trains will leave and arrive at Clty Depot, foot of Johnson street. HARLOWE Golag West. Nov, 9 --Our sportsmen find the deer not very scarce. Mrs. G. Brad- ! 3 shaw, who has been on the sick list, "a7 bh is convalescent. Duncan McGregor, we (No * Cea 10 pn Ottawa, and sister Maude, Myer's $0¢pm 3.40pm ' Cave, visited on Sunday last at his HBAS | caapm 1.37pm Miss O'Relly ton, is | etc. 'The cheese factory closed [taking in the ball a: Tichborne on sigh gi D. Rintoul's. Nr and Going Fast. o guest of Mrs on Saturday for this season. Charles | Tnesds i Mrs, C. ompson, and children, i Lv. City. Ar. Citn the. Juest of Mrs. Rane ay es | an saturda; for inis 2s, Uiharies Tuesday night, Northbrooke: Poon Sanday at W between winter boughs and coils, No. 18--Mail 1.40 a.m. 3i7am. Kingston, for. winte Sharbot Lake, Miss V. Bradshaw LELAND. Thompson's Mrs. C. Miller, having are tablets pr Paging Pine No. 33--Local to : PL Sh om here attended t t!spent Wednesday evening at T. W Nov. 14.--*Jack Frost" has stop-{SPent a few weeks. visiting friends| yi aces and mediciogl essences, | Brockville . ananoque last Friday Duffy's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gray made | ped the plow at last. J, Jarvis has re-| IR the States, has returned home. which when put into the mouth No: 1a Tid.. rs {@ business trip to Sharbot Lake on|turned to his home at Madoc. Rey. | The cheese factory has closed. M. turn into healing vapors. These | No. 38--Local to DESERT LAKE, | Friday. Mr. Carson, the mew pastor. of the Thompson, is home from Watertown, are breathed down direct to the | Brockville y 3 Nov. 14.----The hunters have re- Holiness Movement church, preached | NY: F. Thompson, and Miss E.| lungs, throat and bronchial tubes | aaa ota trim day Tat thie irned home Quarterly meeting | bis first sermon on Sunday morning, | Marsball, visited at "Sunny Meade"| --not swallowed down to the For Pullman accommodation, ticks 5 to be held in the Methodist church | Nov. Mr. Mr. Loucks had service in the|©h Sunday evening last. Rev. Mr. stomach, which is not ailing. ets and all other information "anply re on Sunday morning, Nov. 26th. | ftev. Mr. Parson preached a very im- | Free Methodist church on Sunday | Carmichael, Flinton, took charge of Try a Sic box of Peas for your cold. your | 0 3h Haney cA sent, Corpor Jahns Thursday night pri meetings | pressive sermon as a memorial to the Lafterncon. E. Hingey is moving in-| the Quarterly Service in. the: M. E.| [uth Moschiis or asthm aha" oun and Ontar Streets, Kingston re largely attended and much good | late Pte. Robert Miller, who died of] to J. L. Stewart's house for the win-] Church on Sunday. Mr. Reid, 1. P. heing done 'he Ladies' Willing |- ter. J. Young held a plowing bee] S:. called on the schools last week ; | Cnt Agency for 41i Ocean Steamship £ "wounds, "Somewhere in France'. Lines. s orkers are to meet at Mrs. J. N.| The duet, rendered by Misses fon Saturday, which was well attend-| Mrs. Hiller and daughter, Mrs. C. ed. Harvey Kellar is improving the | Miller, are moving in the house va- | | | Abram's on the 22nd W. Wilson is| Cramer and Campbell in the Metho- jon the sick list. Mrs: E. Snook is| dist Church in the evening, was|appearance of his house with a Go-{ cated by Mr. Simpson. Miss A, | improving slowly. J. N. Abrams is{ much appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. | thic window. Mr, and Mrs. W Harte} Preslar, Northbrooke, was the guest able 'fo be around again. Miss May | Curran and J. Simpson, Cataraqui,| has received the sad intelligence that|©f Miss Clara Black, on Thursday Wilson and Mis« E. Hunter were the | visited at H. C. Orser's on Sunday. their son, A. V, Harte, has been] last. The tax collector, G. Salmond, guests of Miss Alma Snook. Rev. C.| Miss Leishman, Kingston, is the | wounded at the front. Mrs. W. Camp- | has been making his rounds here. | Fairbairn is at A. B. Pages: Ira Or-| guest of Miss Mary Hamilton. Mis-| bell is visiting friends at Sydenham. N. Mills, made a business trip to Ar- { ser and Miss Johnson are at F. Or-|ges Jennie and Annie Cooper, en-| Miss Fannie Peters, Kingston, spent | den. to-day. Mrs. G. Bradshaw, ser's, tertained their friends to a party|some time at W. Kennedy's. Carl|#pent Tuesday at S. Parks. Mr. and Saturday afternoon and evening. | Shales had the misfortune to pune- F. Wood, and jit le Hildah are vis- Miss Eva Curl, Kingston, spent the |ture two tires om his new car.' Mr. | (UAE Trends Napanee week-end at her home here. Miss|and Mrs. D. Ferguson spent Sunday It's needed, but does not affect | Young's. Miss Martha Kellar Weese's new'sunshine light. Photos | taken rain or shine and Saturday nights. Remember, it is at WEESE"S PHOTOS, FRAMES, PICTURES A ------------------------------. MEN! WHY SUFFER 2 For tickets and information apply to DISPASES of MNT teats bids ARCA, oe ody Yo fT M nish: nothing else. For the past 28 4, 3° : ade FU By n the best part | Lieneral Passenger Agen:, 68 King 5: E.. Toronto Ont Timothy and James Babeock and John Murphy, made a fiying trip to Westport on Saturday. Some of the voung peopi> intend suffering with a lame back for |in this section. Cadue. Mr. Abele some time, is convalescent. A. Gir- treeal, has ren m rer fonard, Smith's Falls, was in this lo- pending a week t lity recently securing comtracts for r.1 Gray, ! i I NOTICE TO COR. : 13p.m. RESPONDENTS Isit nothing ?' 1sW it to be neg. | No. lected until it leads to that terrible | News letters intended for. pub- the Scourge consumption? Peps stand | lication need not sealed. Simply fold in the flap and a ané-cent stamp will carry them. Some of our correspondents are placing two cents on the en- velopes and sealing them. This means that we have to pay two cents MORE to get the letter out of the post office. Our friends will please bear in mind that a stamp will carry an unbealed letter, con- taining news, to any newspaper. EAP < am 3 am 8 pan, 13 pm. 1 GLENVALE 1340n . Sunday morning oue-cent TEI P LFF E ET PIP 2 oe i ! : ; PEER EES End \ W I ADependable ~ Day Train the | ' | 4 | Frontenac CANONTO, Nov. 14. ----After an about a month the death occ on Wednesday morning at , of Mrs. James Moore, wife Moore, who resided near 1 The news of her death was ved with sincere regret by a cirele of relatives and friends. survived by her husband, four and four. daughters ---- 1 I . lines of | BELL ROCK Noy. 11.--Thomas Laveck-has the frame work of his new barn up. Mr. Moir finished his drive-house with a coat of paint. A. Smith bas im- proved his residence by the addition of a cement walk 'dnd steps. M. Percy's house is fine in a new white coat. Inspector Truscott, visited the public school on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Miller, left for their home on Saturday after spending the summer here Recent visitors: i Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Tuggey, King-, 2d Fopari £:ain to he a fairly goed ston, at Mrs. Brook's. Mrs, C. Rom- | 'TOP. Some of the farmer's here bough, Toronto, at J. York'st pare drawing their milk to Burridge Crimmons and Arthur Pomeroy, Des | Cheese factory. Mr. and Mrs. T ert Lake, at J. Pomeroy: R. Pomeroy Barrett spent Sunday at T. Coulter's, Sharbot Lake, at I). Pomeroy's Cole La¥e. Mrs. F. Judge, Anna ry i; : O'Connor and Charles Murphy, are Thomas Younge's. Jamés Bah- cock, is at Nicholas Murphy's. Thomas and Neville Hickey, Bob's Lake, vikited at T. Barrett's, Mr. and Mrs. T. Young and Miss Lena, rred | Between Kingston and Ottawa. her son's FERMOY. Nov. 12.--School is progressing nicely under the management of Miss Healy, Wolfe Island. A few of the young people attended church at Burridge Sunday. The village has a few more inhabitants. Robert Barr and George Warren have mov- ed to the village. Word has been re- ceived from the boys of the 146th Battalion, and they are soon going to France. Earl Barr has returned home from Burridge, Mrs. George Warren and Maggie Judge are on the sick list. Warren & Co. are put- ting in a successful season hunting and trapping. Benjamin Botting has returned home after visiting his brother, who is leaving shortly for Pennyslvania. Robert Lewis has re- turned from Northern Ontario, where he has purchased a farm and intends to move shortly. Drillers have been successful in driling wells for C. Derbyshire and -George Butterill. C. Derbyshire is putting in a cistern. If you are 8 sufferer from an; Visitors: Mrs. K., Keene at Miss|MN ECT. LADIES, consult DE. WARS Ce armors: Ay Lewis Ad | froven invaluable, tt BOPERION te th ordinary treat ment you read hear ind, the Treatment that ton at William Quinn's; William | other methods have Brash at Mrs. Kish's; Mrs. G. War- about, a Jou. Jr Eventually take whea ai Ailed, ren at A. Lewis'; Mr, and Mrs. G. These Facts that Dr. Ward | BE of in bos a You. In BLOOD POISON, Barr, Jr., and daughter Ada at y Robert Barr's; Mr. and Mrs. L. --0 ESS VITALITY, ete. , his t . hoodia AML Be til Glenn and daughter Muriel, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gunter and the Misses Lind- cases under . The . ore are QUICK -SURE--and - PERMANENT, © Com say at Robert Barr's; Russell Brash Come 'S wonderfull ipped offices f Sif SDK WARD'S ronfitals aero Te | and ©P. Bolling at Willlam True- love's; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Robinson pped offices in America. Boe id tient Calling. will ery | FR 4 trot feats wii aitoad, a gerbe and Wesley Conway at Mrs, Kish's; John Quinn at Walter Woods'; Mr. and Steamboat and Mrs. . Derbyshire at George But- depots. xcursion fal NS A a tok Tarts. Patmchiore 'nd watmonitie Al terill's; George Warren at George Steele's; Leah- Butterill at George letters confidential and ander private cover, DR. WARD, BUFFALO'S LEADING SPECIALIST Brash's; Earl Barr and Eva Barr at George Brash's; 'Mrs. George Steel at Miss Maggie Judge's; Vera Brash ™ Ni re, Opp. McKinley Monument gies Sa UFPALOD, N.Y. at George Butterill's; Robert Lee at, C. Derbyshire's. Tuesday, Thursda, bon ea Viet. Th HARROWSMITH WEST. Nov. 13.-- Farmers of this vicinity are very busy ploughing. Mr, and Wire Railing 8, Fences, Gates, Flower Border and Wire Work of All Kinds to Order Mrs. Cowdy, made a trip to Enter- prise on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Husband were the. guests of Amos Townsend. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lakins and family made a trip to Petworth. Owing to the high price of cheese the farmers are still sending their milk to the factory. Samuel Spencer and son Ross, of Bannockburn, were the guest of Stanley Husband the first part of the week, Mr. a Mrs. Oliver Shan- graw of Yarker re guests at Wil- Ham Shangraw's. Mr. and Mrs. Matilan Lake and the school teacher]! of Brookside road were the guests of || ror James L Mildred Orser is confined to 'herfat L home through illness. John A. Car-| has zone to Albany, N.Y., where she ruthers, who has been carpentering| intends spending the winter in. the city, returned home on Sat- urday suffering with an attack of grippe. Chester Coulter, Gdenburnie, was recent visitor at B. Gordon's, Lv. Ar. Kingston -- Ottawa WESTBROOK Fat Nov. 14.--The milk supply at the factory is 'greatly reduced. Many farmers are keeping their milk home owing to the scarcity of butter. Geo, G4tes and Marshall Price returned home on Saturday from their hunting trip and" both were successful in shooting deer. Richard Keys finish- ed threshing in this vicinity on Sat- urday. G. Clark and W. L. Grass are at Plevna buying cattle for the To- ronto market. Melville Swatt has re- turned home after spending the sum- mer in the western harvest fields. Mrs. Eliza Sproule is visiting friends in Napanee Mrs, Sarah Maedonald and daughter, Ada, spent the week- are at James O'Connor, Cole Lake.|end with Mr. and Mrs, Amer. Mrs. Thomas Young called on Hinchin-|L.. Wartman, Collins' Bay, spent brook friends on Sunday last. Pat- Monday last with her mother, Mrs. P. rick Frawely, Watertown, N. Y., M. Grass. J. P. Roose spent Friday Spent a day last week with friends last with his brother, B Rose, Col- er rr Aa rei A pron Ex. Sun)' | Lv, ' Pe Ar. Ottawa Kingston Seanad . _ (Daily Ex. Sun.) CLE own. Library-Ohservation-Parior Cars vou. ft TSDOREL, tween Harrowsmith and Ottawa have left the feldspar mine. ander Hopins is doing ter work at hi tabie Some teams are drawing lumber to Gleadower, Carpenters ar putting up a new building at the feldspar mine Mr Austin siting his mines, Mr and Mi Allan Snider and Mrs Lasher Cronk, Verona, are visiting at at Sanford. Richard McCoon ang FALL RIVER. wife are at B, Hoppin's Nov. 11 Brouk bros, have finish- Re ed threshing in this vieinity and HOWE ISLAND grain is reported very fair. Recent 12. --Michael Cushing and] rains is helping the farmers with Miss 8. Cushing spent the week-end their ploughing Several .deer hun- the guest of Mrs. Joseph ° Cadue. | ters are in this locality, but are very Joseph F. M. Cadue, of Alexandria | unlueky jn their hunt, as they have Bay, has returned me after §pend-' secured fio deer as yet, Archibald AA rm AAAs on oe, Russians Alex- carpen- SANGSTER Nov. 13.--Farmers are threshing ane 37 Binife vo the stody of MEN'S Safitses Jpitile Arti CA DIAN NORTHERN ATR ORE CUNARD LI od Men to Vi s Man. . Health » . Scores have i recommended their | 'ends and relatives to him. | Fathers have sent their sons, | Ihe treatment they received and | which you will receive is such as The Doctor whewees and Loproved and recommended by treats euch it per the hest medical authorities the sosally and whe Bas would over! It is just the treat. restored thousands to for YOU --the BEST health. Consult him SAPEST, and SUREST Cure nown th medical science, NERVOUS, KIDNEY, ENT, PILES, FIs. ls. He restored thousands of Weak, Nov. CANADIAN SERVICE MONTREAL TO LONDON (Vin Falmouth) From London MN Nov. 4 .... AUSONIA .... Nov. 28 CABIN AND THIRD CLASS MONTREAL TO BRISTOL (Avonmouth Dock) CABIN PASSENGERS ONLY. For information apply (lof Agent or The Robert Refo Company Limited, General Agents, 50 King St Hast, Toronto. N ane IMITE| SEnry Partridge & Sons CRESCENT WIRE WORKS \ Phone 380 Have Rosy Cheeks | and Feel Fresh as | a Daisy--Try This! ling MISSANABIE Sat., Dec. 9 Lv. Liverpool Ly, Montreal Nov. 10 Grampian Nov. an Ly, Montreal later your order will be delivered to your.door. e either post office money order, express order, or cash in registered letter. To the People of Kingston and Ontario You can have Cosgraves (regular strength) PALE ALE, HALF AND HALF, XXX PORTER (stout) in your home by sending your order by mail to EXPORTERS LIMITED 503 McGill Building, Montreal. ns rt Fill out the order form below, or write a letter stating kind and quantity wanted. En- Three days No express charges on any orders to be deli vered in the city of Toronto. | Price List penn S888 (2 dozen pints) XXX Porter . . (2 dozen quarts) XXX Porter . . (4-gal.) Golden Gate Beer . . . . Golden Gate Porter, Pale Ale and Half and Half may also be had in kegs. at 50 and EEEEES one 223 . AX x 8 press of Lake H REFUNDS FOR EMPTY BOTTLES AND KE The prices quoted in this advertise- ment include the cost of cases, bottles and kegs--but when our man collects these you will be paid in cash for them as follows: | case, 2 dozen $1.00; kegs, $1.50; ch for any charges prepaid for delivery east uron. llon kegs, $1.00; ---- CASES, KEGS. pint or quart bottles, 8-gallon with a deduction of 3c ttles short). All ex- FILL THIS FORM OUT AND MAIL : ; "Quick Service "Is Our Motto." Through PORTERS, LI 503 McGill LL Send me at once . | LRT wt RR ae Re g : e : EXPORTERS - LIN Po nich | ancloge 3:5 a ES A Add raed CURL fp ORDER begin sdn " or Building Iding, Montreal: oh Milton Shangraw. Miss Florence and Russell Conberry, were visitors at George Husband's. Mr. and Mrs. Vannest, of Verona, and Mrs. Harold Grant and family were at Everton Shangraw"s on Sunday last. Mrs. Stanley Emberly was the guest of her mother, Mrs: James Shangraw, on Brookside road on Monday last. Potatoes are a fajlure in this part of the country and farmers are buying potatoes. Miss Myrtle Fraaklin and John Shangraw. were callers at Stan- ier Husband's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin were the guests of Ezra Hus- band. T. A. Keys is shipping poul- try and is paying a very good price. Mr, and Mrs. John Cowdy attended j church Sunday last. Misses Myrtle Franklin and Vilma Husband and Oliver Husband were visitors at Everton Shangraw's. Threshing is done and farmers report a very light erop. j{ graw made a trip to Colebrook last if week. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Hus- band and family and Samuel Spencer and Ross were visitors at Everton Shangraw's. Owing to the * great demand for butter people are getting from 40c to 45¢ a pound. Lanark CALDWELL'S MILLS Nov. 14.--George Easton, is home Slem-~ i i i -- g 85 255 1 5 Mr. and Mrs, William Shan-|| ips! Says glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons. Eo a To see the tinge of healthy bloom in your face, to see your skin get out a headache, backache, coated tongue or a nasty breath, in fact, to feel your best day in and day out, just try inside'bathing every morning for one week.' Before breakfast each day drink a glass of real hot water with a tea- spoonful of limestone phosphate in it as a harmless means of washing from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bow- els the previous day's indigestible waste, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying putting more food into the stomach. The action of hot water and lime- stone phosphate on an empty stom- ach is wonderfully invigorating, It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases and acidity and gives ome a splendid apvetit. for breakfast A quarter pound of limestone phos- phate will cost very little at the drug | store, but is sufficient to demonstrate role pation; bilious attacks, acid st rheumatic twinges, al- 30 those whose skin is sallow and i , pallid. are assured one . in every way. clearer and clearer, to wake up with- ||} the entire alimentary canal before! that |i inside-bathing will have || Jthem both looking and feeling better || Tonian Stellan Nev, 17 Nov. 19 Lv. Glasgow Lv. Montreal Nov. 4 Pretori Nov, 23 Can. Pac. Lines Ly. Liverpool Lv. Montreal Nov. 4 Metagama Nov, 26 For Rates, Reservations, Ete, Apply Loeal Agents. or Allan Line--05 King St. W, LE. Suekling--1 King A General Agents, Toronto. Passports Application Forma Furnish. td to Passepgers op + Request. LADIES' WINTER COATS Get your winter coat made to measure with choice of styles for less money than ready-made. Also suits, skirts, and dresses for very low prices.