PAAE EIGHT --N - Christmas | We point with pride to our very choice and exclusive selection of Men's Furnish- ings for the holiday trade.. We've elegant neckwear, the best makes of gloves, per- fection in shirts, the best brands of under- wear, choice hosiery, night robes, py- jamas, umbrellas, house coats, dressing gowns, bath robes, etc, all fairly and rea- sonably priced. "If you're still undecided as to just what to buy "Him" for Christ- mas, we'll takepleasure in showing you a host of things "He" would be delighted to have. We've the sort of gifts men like! Prices Are Moderate and Pleasing ll Pl ll PN Pl NN Livingston's 75-79 Brock Street. A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk, SE SATURDAY SALE ! Blouses & Coats 210 High Class Blouses featuring the very newest styles in the popular materials, Georgette Crepes and Crepe de Chene, in white, pink, and fancy striped taf- fetas, in shades of brown, blue and green; full assortment of sizes. These are all new goods and sell regularly up to $5.00. Special Saturday for .. .. $2.98 Winter Coats 40 new and stylish Winter Coats, finished and tailored in the very best manner from the best materials, tweeds, bea- vercloth, curls and other popular fab- rics. _ Sold regular at $18.00, $19.50 amd $20.00. Special Saturday for $9.98 22 only Heavy Tweed Céats in a splendid tion of patterns, warm, comfort- able and properly made and finished. Sold at $10.00 and $12.00. Special or .. . x ala iete . =/of Highlanders are expected in the THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1916. - WALLACHIAN REGION. No sign of Let-up=On_ Both Sides of Alt River The Tuetons Have Taken More Ground. London, Nov, 3~--In the Wal- lachian region of Rumania the Aus- trians and Germans everywhere are Keeping up their pressure against he Rumanians, and there have been forthcoming no despatches, either official or unofficial, which would in- dicate that the perilous position of the Rumaniang has been ameliorated. Petrograd reports that in the Jiul valley the Rumanians are still in re- treat toward Craiova, but this re- | port probably antedates the | nouncement of "the Germans and | Austrians of the capture of this rail- | road junction by forces of the Cen- tral Powers, A retreat upon Craiova would surely throw the Rumanians into the hands of their antagonists. To the northeast, in the Alt valley, on both. sides of the river, and in the Rothenhurm pass sector, more | ground has been taken from the Ru- manians by the Teutonic allies, while |in the region around Campulung the Rumanians in a strong offensive have been held in their tracks by the stiff- i ness of the front of the invaders. | MILITARY CIRCLES | Major Craig, Army Service Corps, | who was in the city in Major' J. Ham- 1 {lton's office over a year ago, has re- | turned from the front to Brockville | on sick leave and is expected in the | city within the next few days. i The following appointments to | the 263rd Battalion have been an- nounced: Capt. H. D. Wightman, | 14th Regiment to be captain, and | Lieuts. F. H. Bissonnette, 95th, Re- | gina; M. C. Brokenshire, 96th, Lind- | say; Ww. J. H, Davy, 58th, Montreal, and R. H. Gilbert, 11th, Vancouver as lieut- enants, Major R. D. Sutherland is making jan effort to arrange the rooms now used by the battalion on Princess street for recruiting purposes, A piano will be installed and every convenience for the men will be ar- ranged. Orders prohibit the taking of a | military census in this district be- cause of the possibility of it con- | ficting with the plans of the Direc- tors of National Service. T. Pearson, secretary of the Mili- tary Y. WC, A, isi making a request for the names of mare ladies who will carry on a correspondence with friendless soldiers who are serving either in England or France or in training in Canada. He has already a long list. The éxaminations of the officers course at the Infantry School are now being held. A course for field officers will commence on Dec. 4th, and continue for three weeks. Lieut. Diamond is in the city from Ottawa to conduct examinations in machine gunnery for those who have been attendng the course here. Lieut." W. H. Slinn has returned from Brockville, where he went on engineering duty. Lia ¥ Major Wilson, A.D.D.S., was in Co- bourg on Wednesday. Orders contain a reference to the fact that strict investigation should be taken to prevént the enlistment of foreigners as Scandinavians. Staff-Sergt. Reid, signalling school, has returned from Ottawa. "Peter," a blue haired Airedale, has been offigially appointed as mas- cot of the 253rd Battalion, It is a regular visitor to the headquarters of the battalion on Princess street and séems to he very popular with the men in uniform. > The kilts for the 253rd Battalion city to-morrow from Ottawa, and all the recruits will be immediately out- fitted in Highland uniform. There s a movement on foot to grant meritorious medals for clerks at military headquarters who have volunteered for overseas service, but whose detainment in Canada was by order of the department. There are many who would go now if allowed, = but military necessity here demands that they stay and allow less experi- enced men to cross into the firing zone, A medal has already been issued in three cases to men who an-| Burton, 47th, Harrowsmith; | attending the captains' qualifying |, TEUTONS STIL PRESSING INCDENTS OF THE DAY THE RUMANIAN ARMY IN THE{ LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS | GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity -- What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Huyler's Chocolates drug store. F. R. Curry, Brockville, is in Kings- {ton { Vietor records make ideal Christ- mas gifts. Get them at Lindsay's. { A district Seottish Rite meeting | was held here Thursday afternoon. | H. Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 {King street. Leave orders at McAul- |ey's Book Store. Capt. Beardsall has taken over the { command of the military hospitals | here, - Cigars and cigarettes in Christ- mas packages at the Red Cross drug store, The weather has taken on another aspect. Rain is coming down with a | mild temperature. | Cod Liver Oil Compound, Wam- pole"s, $1 a bottle, at Prouse's drug | store turned home after spending a week at Prouse's the guest of Mr, and Mrs. A. R. Laid-/ ley, 208 Frontenac street. | Cucumber and almond cream for { chapped hands al the Red Cross | drug store. ' John 8. Smith, in a Montreal hos- pital, is very low to-day. His bro- ther, Geo Smith, went down last night. Penslar Talcum--one of the best | made--25¢ and §0c, at the Red Cross drug store. Capt. William Smith, son of Mrs. T. G. Smith, Gore street, has been | invalided home. ceived a cable to this effect. Nyal's Face Cream at (Cross drug store, | A couple of Kingston motorists | were fined in Gananoque for speed- ling, and 'another Kingstonian was {taxed for a like offence in Hamilton. | Page & Shaw chocolates--Red | Cross drug store, Twenty-three convalescent soldiers | arrived qver the Grand Trunk Bn { Thursday afternoon and were taken | to the Mowat hospital here for treat- ment, Phone 230--the Red Cross drug store---for Penslar Cod Liver Oil Mi: Bowen, wife of Capt. Bowen, director of National Service, after re- ceiving treatment in a Kingston hos- pital for the past five weeks, has reached Broekville. Bowen have taken up residence at 111 Orchard street there, Dr. Hall's Cough Balsam cures coughs and colds. -26c a bottle, at Prouse's drug store. Late Miss' Susie Jeukin, The announcenrent 'of the leath of Miss Susie Jenkin has evoked gréat sorrow because she was a woman of splendid spirit, vivacions in manner, extremely witty Jad devoted to her scores of friendsiin this city. She had been brought up here, and was known to many of olden days. She was a daughter of the late Edward Jenkin, a blacksmith en Princess street, where the Y.M.C.A, building now stands, and had spent many days in the homes of her friends. The children always found her full of brightness and cheer, and they loved her for her happy ways. In Syden- ham street Methodist church she was always found active and earnest in Sunday school! and the other organi- zations, and her smile and kindly greeting will be greatly missed among the worshippers there. Sunday last she was removed to the General Hospital very ill. Pneu- monia rapidly developed,' and she passed away on Thursday morning at nine o'clock. Miss Susie Jenkin as a friend and comforter in times of sorrow and affliction, has passed to her reward, and has left behind many hearts heavy with grief. Deceased is survived by two bro- thers and one sister in Rochester, N.Y., and one sister, Mrs. Edwards, and two brothers in Kingston, Isaac, of 27 University avenue, from whose place the funeral will take place, and John, of Princess street. THREE CIVIL CASES - FOR SUPREME COURT Late Chancellor Boyd to Have Presided at Sittings Here Next Week. Three civil cases have been enter- ed for trial at the non-jury sittings of the supreme court, which' will be held in the coum house next week, com- mencing on Tuesday. The cases are as follows: James Richardson & Sons, Ltd, plaintiffs, versus the London Guar- jantee and Accident Company, defend- ants, and the Fritz Goetz and Pneu- the defendants as t y to secure the His mother has re- the Red | - laugh. Capt. and Mrs. | { At the Grand. | For to-night and the maining 'half of the week a high class bill has been secured. Dorothy | Bernard and Glenn White will be {seen in a feature picture "Sporting i Blood," the story of which deals with {a8 charming romiance in connéction {with a race track. A two-reel Uni- | versal feature, a wide awake comedy, and jhe Pathe News will also be ishown. On the boards two refined | vaudeville acts will be seen. Mattie { Lockett will present a singing and character change novelty. Taylor and Taylor are billed to do their un- usual banjo specialty, which comes highly recommended. re . The "Lodger" Charms, The scenes of The Lodger the Haymarket Theatre, London, hit of the present season, the recently in- augurated American and Canadian tour of which will bring it to Kings- ton for one night only Monday even- ing, November 27th at the Grand Opera House are laid in Bloomsbury, | the quaint London section that also served for a background for "The Passing of the Third Floor Back," Bloomsbury originally was a resi- dental district, famous for its atmos- phere of seclusion and social quality. The Bloomsbury dwelling repres- ented in "The Lodger' scenes has been copied with much fidelity and the atmosphere, the settings, and the furnishings, is one of the charm of the play. = At Griffin's, The leading feature at Griffin's for the last three days will be "The Marriage Bond," with that sterling actor, Nat Goodwin in the principal role. It is one of the usual run of high class subjects and will no doubt prove to be a very entertaining por- tion of the programme. The vaude- ville, '""The Danes," a team of clever musicians and rapid sketch artists, will surely be a hit. In addition the house shows another of those popu- lar Athletic Weeklies, and last, but | not least, a Musty Suffer comedy which is always good for one big An excellent orchestra will render a number of popular musical selections every evening. A very choice and enjoyable bill, CUURTAILMENT OF MENUS. | Demanded of London Hotels by Walter Runnciman, (Special to the Whig.) London, Nov. 23.---Walter Runci- 1man, president of the Board of Trade, {addressing a meeting of leading Lon- { mediate curtailment of menus. He criticized the proposed Christmas Day {menus of leading London hotels as iscandalous. There must be, he said, (one or two fishless and meatless days per week, or the government would force them, Following the nieeting the Savoy Hotel announced the con- cellation of its special Christmas and New Year's dinners. FIRED ON THE TRAIN, and Also Derailed It. (Spécial to the Whig.) Paris, Nov, 23.--A train on which Prince Demidoff, fired on by bands of Greek reserv- ists. On the return journey the train was derailed by a criminal band but no one was {empt. JUMPED FROM WINDOWS, caping From a Fire, : Montreal, Nov. 23.---A number of the occupants of a building at 242- 250 St. James street were cut off by a fire which swept suddenly through the building yesterday pfternoon. | Seven or eight people jumped from {the second and fourth stor win- dows and were rushed to the hos- pital. ero A AAA A A ra $100 Reward, $100 The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded di that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is catarrh. Cathrrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts through the blood on the mu- cous sur of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the dis- ease, giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assist. ing nature in i ri. hat they offer One Hundred for any case that it fails to cure. Send for. list of testimonials. as: F. J. EY & CO, To- edo, Ohio. Sold by all Druggists, 75e. THEATRICAL NEWS || OF | don hotelkeepers, demanded an im-|} Carrying Russian Minister to Salonika Russian Minister 1 to Athens, was going to Salonika, was | I} hurt in eithel\ at- | Seven Montrealers Injured While Es- |} Of All Kinds FINE LINEN TOWELS AND FINE LINEN TOWELING BY THE YARD _ Just at a time when many women purpose buying fine towels for gift purposes, or are buying fine toweling for home needlework, we offer a num- ber of real good values. NG GIFT TOWELS Pure linen, fine huckaback, with scalloped damask ends. Special at 50c¢. And a larger size in same make, 63c. ' Guest towels. Hemstitched and scalloped ends, beautifully fine linen, 40c¢, 37%c¢, 50c, 35¢. Stamped Guest Towels. Hemstit- ched and all ready to work. Neat de-" signs. Two makes, 25¢ and 35¢. Fine Towels of many makes to select from, 50c to 75¢. Fine Pure Linen Huckaback Tow- elling, plain or fancy designs to make towels. ese come in five widths and from 25¢ to 90c a yard. » TABLE LINENS, 150 MATCHED SETS Table cover and napkins to match. Some very beautiful designs, suitable for Christmas gifts. Prices range from $5.00 to $20.00. or Conve ny, third : upon | plaintiffs by the ' _ Weary Gre aton oP the Sam Brown y Equipment ~~ quite an assortment of military goods and the following 'Belts; Slater Military Boots, English Leggings, Fox Putteds, uttees Officers vers Haversacks ks; Steamer Trun ks.