AILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY ld COUNTRYSIDE Fa at Brac Ton bl a ii For Delicate Children oA ow the salmon fishing. He landed a $ No: pan twenty-pound beauty last week in the no rea es ren No. big Rideau. Potatoes are a luxury No. in this section and eannot be obtain- No. 3 ed at any price. Miss Topping has Vinol is a wonderful health builder and resigned as assistant at (he Pcs! BREWER'S MILLS Office, Mrs. Leggett's brother, Mr strength creator for puny, ailing chil . 18--Mal] '0v. 21.--The Sisters of the House | Tracey will assist her in office in . 16--Fast Ex. Providence, Kingston, are making | future. It is with regret that the dren, because it contains in deliciously No, 32--Local . , §--Mall .. - annual visft/this week. Miss | news were received here of the death sh, who has been ill. is recover-|of Pte. Hugh Kerr from several palatable form the oldest and most fa- ing Miss Josephine Rocheforte has | wounds at the front. Deceased was ' < % returned from Rochester, N.Y. Miss a favorite with old and young. His | mous reconstructive tonics known to Nos. 1, & 7, 13, 'M4, 16, 18, 19 rus M. J. Berrigan, Kingston, is visiting | parents have, the heartfelt sympathy so . . daily, other trains dally except Sunday. Mrs. James Dockrill. Miss Olive |of all in this community, medicine. During the last Sixteen For Pullman accommodation, tick- Todd spent a few days with her sis- r-- - - ets and all other information, apply atarrh? ter, Mrs W. Anglin, Battersea. J. TOLEDO, years it has brought health and happi. to J. I. Hanley, Agent, ¢orper John- { Naylen, Kingston, at James Keys'; Nov, 21.--The members of the . ' ron and Ontaria Streets, Kingston Dj bie ien't jt=i James McKendy, at his father's; Mr, |Orange Order have sold their hall to ness to thousands of children. Cnt Agency for.ali Ocean Steamship l#agrecable isn t it--but quite unnecessary. and Mrs. D. J. Murphy spent Sunday {W. Hull and have bought the hall Ines. at Chaffey's Locks; Miss M. E. Miine|from the A.0.U.W. Lodge. The clove: Rexall Catamih Jelly has returned home after spending a |huller is in this vicinity and farmers | few days in Kingston are preparing their seed for another WER BF YP 'alto Brockville . 6.48 p.m. . . : i } ; : a season. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns- Ia soothing, cleansing and gives immediate relief, It is KEELERVILLE. To ave RON or or ie excellent for cold in the head, hay fever, and other Nov. 22.--Jack Frost has stopped | house occupied by Mrs, Sharkey. Mr. .catarrhal affections of the nasal passages. the cheese factory by bursting the {and Mrs R. Tallmann and ( need 10 give satisfaction or money back pipes. The patrons had a very suec- Pansy have returned from ely at Rexall Drug Stores. cessful season. Handsome checks | their factory to spend the 25c. xote Plenuitul, Threshing is all done, winter at their ham here. Mrs. nl o-- -- TT ---------------------------------- ie grain and po ato crops were an Letitia Holmes die at her home on Geo WwW M h Ki most a failure. Fox hunting is all Monday last after an illness of a few Full Formula on Every Bottle = Passenger Service . . a ood, ingston. the rage and quite a number have days. She leaves a son and a daugh- i From From been killed. Erwin Caird and James lio) "ppc ne Mr. James Holmes and | 1s always sold with a definite guarantee to return the purchaser's London ad Halifax Moore are hauling wood to Battery 'W Gray, both of Toledo The money if it fails to give satisfaction. Very few bottles are returned, | Nov. 28 .... ASCANIA . ... Dec. 21 sea. Jams Mclroy i J380 worth assembly given last - week by the -------------- Dee. HA BiN AND THIRD CLARS™ " of fat cattle recently. James Boal|e.qn emen. was a great success and We ir fd shipped a large consignment of pigs. a won a to over $100 MAHOOD DRUG CO. LIMITED, da or Tae mobo Riroloral Tickes Charles Clark and J. E. Anglin mo-| 41" paicon concert was given in the KINGSTON, ONT. Limited, General 50 King st tored to Kingston in fifty minutes Town Hall Tuesday might by Mr. Sh East, Toronte. Monday. It was a Ford car. Thomas | yoo Brockville, in aid of Red Also the best druggist in all Ontario towns. A A BA rt Clark and family, of Cedar Lake, Cross work took a spin in their fine new auto " ro car and. spent the day at Charles ELGIN. Clark's recently. Quite a number Nov. 20.--A Special canvass for = X = A Jou: here Stiences fhe Jazass 8) the Red Cross Society was made of Lo jatiersea on uesday night. Miss § ' B . yr neh = a | the township last week, Mr. and Mrs. h h ¥ D B 4 \ Winnifred Thompson, teac her, was D. M. Hilborn, Plum Hollow, were et er our essert e Lb _ 3 the guest of Miss Allie Jamieson on guests of relatives. W. Pearson was ) Sunday at Battersea. Miss Mildred the Fuest of relatives at Merrickville Ice Cream or Blanc Mange--Pie or Pudding-- AVE ARRIVED - >auline glt of Sydenh as Ya tanr 3 | Cake or Custard--it will be all the better for me Pau ine Ang 3 Shed last week. Mr. Watson has arrived being made with i \8h School spent the week-end at, rn onoocr ror the Merchants' Bank. -- pani . ia Taat is becaus: they are Weak. | Jowe Sumuel Jamieson ing Piwaod He is assisted by Mr. Lamonde and . | Raisins, Currants, Peels, 3 ne" puersea, are at J. EB. An-| yoo a pahey. Mrs. W. A. Coon . Let Dr. Cassell"s Tablets give glin's. Mr. and Mrs. William Dixon | US¢ M. ¥ahey. Mrs. W. Sas tt ' Dates, Figs, i at William Sleeth's on Sunday. Wil- wee Mr. and Mrs. 8S. H. Robisin = . : . them Strength and Activity. liam Yateman is drawing home con- Weel: : oes 'a few days with New Walnuts and Almonds, ---- siderable shorts and bran. John friends. Mrs. Prisilla Smith is con- Choice Mince Meat _ | Morhan and William Yateman traded tined to the house by illness. In- at THE PREMIUM STORE A hitlofstrength je worth a lot horses. William Knapp and Earl spector MeGuire W. . ade hi - iy spector McGuire, Westport, made his » rhb of Rugs in curing Kidney trouble, Lake, of Battersea, shot two fine official visits in this vicinity ne! Roska'al' Coan bait acentury. BENSON S az heiged ihe rood : JLR B GAGE Vital strength, generated an th Soot in the Jroouds here: hey must week. Mrs. E. V, Halliday still con- smoothness and richness of sauces and eravies--and 1 bring ia ' ts . KX. D. : i» ave strayed 1ere from the Nor i a '{ ri 1 , ¢ out the flavor of everything in which itis used. . er-sty ) < tinues ill with little change for the oo Yr 1 ' i " M eal WEIN Phe pay ina force fountry away from the hunters. The lye ior vice Jean Taber, Brockville. A TeCipeg wi en ens vient amr SENSONS--then your { amid ontr St. of the body = the hving farmers who haven't their turnips spent Sunday with Miss Mary Halll lust right. Every grocer in Canada has BENSON'S Corn { / : . You'll find a lot of unusuzl ways of using it in our Ry that keeps the kidnevs healthy and cabbage housed for the winter day. A number of letters are being Re find "Desserts and Candies Wore ror 2 and active. are lamenting. Ross ( lark and received by boys of the 156th who copy to Montreal Office. Joseph Anglin spent the week-en recently landed in England and are THE CANADA STARCH CO. LIMITED \ Open Day igh That explains why Dr. Cassell"s Tublets are so good for to-gether. Miss Jennie Clark and | ~C% Whitley Camp. All report a MONTREAL CARDINAL, BRANTFORD, i Night. " your trouble. They nourish the nerve-centres, and thus keep Miss Gladys Robb are visiting at rough voyage. The young people a Can Brand and J 8K Repair Work of All Kinds the kidneys supplied with all ti motive;power, all the Lynhurst, purpose packing a quantity of Christ- "Silver Gloss" Laundry 213 Ma LEY tepair A 3 he k 5 ppli th all the 1 8 , E Cars Stored Until May 1st: ] : . ei 8c i si Starch, strength they need. There is nothing random in thafSnethod mas cheer this Week for the boys in are Small Cars, $10.00. ; ; ; England. Mr. and Mrs, Windsor, the 'at yr seientific sg rove it by . 3 Lar, 3 | of treatment ; it is wholly scientit est 1t, pro : former manager of the Merchant's|_ _ horse Cars, $12.00 taking Dye"Cassef's Tablets. They inust help you as they Bank for some years, were given Representation mr mmm # re . - mn. 8 ; : rats " 3 3 sentations are being made at St. Catherines City Council will reases ays have helped others, Read what a <cientist says of the m I-- S. soclal evening and presented with a Ottawa favorable to the accession to arrange for a series of lectures and | Gscline; Ofis AX) ay In CHAS. FORSHAW, FI 1 Ng. be a well known : § | purse of gold on the eve of their de-|the Cabinet of Sir Charles Hibbert | demonstrations for housewives who | We Store Furniture English scientist, writes © My ko ole v Cassels Tablets leads parture for Egansville by the congre| Tupper as Minister of Militia in suc- | are unable to bake bread. | we-to.the chivian that thé ines. ¢ vin a vemarkgbly potent wiedic ne. YONGE MILLS. gation of the Anglican church. Both |cession to Lieut-General Sir Sam The Lyndhurst Fair Grounds wi] George Downey, Prop. (quite safe for young and old) iv case ner Froshation, debiilly, Nov. 20.--Mrs. N. Gardiner, of of them proved ardent workers in the | Hughes. be sold by auction. 186 Queen Street. . _---- / anaemia, malnwly ition, and many fori. of stomach and kidney troxble, Brockville, spent a few days last pa ri Q . y i A-- -- week with her sister, Mrs. N. L. MOREWOOD. IEE = Gardiner Mr. Haller, of Lyn, spent 7 ' i "fi Nov, 20.--Henry Dillahough and 3 the week-end guest of H. T. Gibson.) : Mrs. J. White "did daughter, Miss Lag Hove mde in heoille Pn - Jessie White, of Gravenhurst, were chase 10 Ars, dtofiati, SEF . Feeley has rented Henry Dilla- Buests of Mr. and Mrs, James Purvis wy ; last week. Miss May Pergeau, Lyn, bough's farm and is moving from ° ° ® nd AO . ly ;| Russell. Mrs. Roy Fetterly gave a y d Heat Thursday pops of Miss Sate Red Cross tea at hor home on Friday rl S Mclean. "ou urvis spent a couple evening. The rirét of the § from ; I : w of days in Ottawa last week. Mrs. ' Hudson spent Sunday with her sister, this part 'to give his life for his . country was William Fetter] son * Mrs. J. A. Dickey. Miss Mary Coch- - 5 ° ° futri , of Levi Fetterley, wi 0 Dr. Cassell's Tablets are Nutritive, Re torative, Alterative and Anti rane is visiting friends in Syden.| of 1-8v1 oe * Moi Sul Trou spasmodic and of proved therapeutic value m derangements of the nerve ham. 8 N f I 2. 418 h rt e 4 nN or functional systems of old or young 'I hey ave he recognised remedy for her, News from the boys of the A " 154th arrived Monday. hey went Nervousness Sleeplessness Indigestion MORTON iodo inside of five ig --- i now Nervous Breakdown Ansmia Paipitation Morton, Nov. 21.--At the com- at Bramshott camp, Rev+D. D. Neurasthenia Malnutritions Kidney Trouble jmencement exercises in Athens High Elliott went to Renfrew on Tuesday Has Held Do ( 08 f R bbe F t Specially valuable to nursing mothers and weapon of Miodle ou. . fesom on Now we sen Siagex to spend a few days with his brother, E : wn t 0 u Pr 00 wear Hold by Priggists und Storekeepers through un! Canada r- One Tube 50 cents, ils was awarded eg 2 | who is ill. Mr. W. Gardiner and . While P ose HX tubes for the privet Bye. War tax (wo cents Per tube extra certificate and matriculation fo. daughter Jean, and eroiuer and rices 0 er ecessities FREE On yeceipt of 5 cents to cover mailing aud packing, a generous gether with three medals. One was and M dM G free le will by tate Address: Harold F. Ritchie & Co., ; : r. an rs, George MeGregor, SAMPLE. Led. 10. McCaul Street, Turonto, S - donated to the pupil obtaining the Cornwall, were recent visitors with Sole. Proprietors : Dr. Cassels Co. | 1d., Manchester, Fngland. " Jat leaving examimation. The others {riendy hore. Me and Ms, Jasdes 14: : hen, some twenty years ago, Great Britain _began to rere eee ---------------- Whle tor Wes Rheh MANAIDE inl heir home on Friday evening, the oc- establish great rubber plantations in her tropical Dominions, the gr od, OVE 113 18 a daughter of Win | gaugnter Bessie: Rev br. and Aer RL raids indus] singh Saughed in som. Were flare . aa aj HEADS 2, Niorion. ana fs at o eS Mrs. Cluylin, SY Seth, = DE raze = Student of Ottawa Normal College,| were present. Rev. D.D, Elliott Ma. elsewhere simply waiting to be tapped? Were not the marvellous consequently she was unable to at- thon Barrington, and Mr, and Mrs. . . ff. . tend the exereises. Ira Barrington, spent Tuesday with chemists of Germany working diligently to devise a process for friends at Russell. Mr. and Mrs. making synthetic rubber at a fraction of the cost of the natural NEWBORO George Reveler, Winchester, were EY set es : Nov. 22.--George Fleming and |g ests here last week. isste w. yore - article? Britain, they averred, was wasting time and money. Wife arrived from Kingston a few |ringion, Russell, is staying with her days a9, and ate making heir bine parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, Gardiner, here. Mrs. Benjamine Leggett, ha and nursing her sister, Miss Addie, : "_ Our REAL the mistortune to fall down stairs| who is very fll. Thomas Faulkenar because the 60,000 or 70,000 tons which seemed to be the limit of the forests sone time ago and fractured several|ang Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Reveler fell far short of the enormously increasing demand--and the synthetic Made to Measure VALUES ribs. She is confined to her bed.|were recent visitors to Cornwall romised by Germany failed to materialize. The 8,200 tons produced = = = = £5. Jobn Kilcoytre, Wilkeasbarrie, Pa., is Mrs. Merrill Mountain was a guest iti i i Service-- INFIVE = was a gu ritish plantations in 1910 was more than w S Six years ago the price of crude rubber jumped to $3.00 a pound. id d i yi 4 's IMPORTED at the Hotel Rideau and is enjoy ns at the hoine eater, yi. & ceased. By 1914 the plantations were producing n FABRICS -- AA nr pendi time with h th of the world's supply, and the price had been reduced to HAD INDIGESTION Mrs, i Sor og oS A It ye -- . 1910 figures. This year the plantations are contributing 150,000 tons--759%, T AILORED Could Keep vice was held in the Presbyterian of the total production--and Britain holds a monopoly which has been of TO YOUR ut INDIVIDUAL . church on Sunday morni for th . : at Nothing on Stomach [iat Berne Fetterisy. Toe os, o the vital importance in the War, MEASUREMENTS ~ crowded to capacity. A Red Cross . 4 Indigestion ie one %. the Worst tea in to be held at the home of Mrs. Controlling the seas as well as the supply, the British Government orms of stomach trouble. © stom-| J. B. Longrige on Friday. tuall tons i i ae omaty toute. Tbe stow 4 on Priday. ih het y cut off ,the Teutons, while providing an abundance for the raw, debilitated feeling fn it. To neutrals, who might easily have been for the monopoly has been truly a benevolent one, before the war, rising of the Hood WME Ie ou arson ng o Ww 8S 80 ub ant and in many cases very painful. MABERLY. > No nation, neutral or belligerent, benefits more generally from Britain's troubled eatontmary oe Jog 10 De Nov. 21.--The sympathy of this resight and generosity in this matter than Canada, Besides the general docx. Blog ndiges be so. easily | COmmunity is extended to James Me- : products, practically every Canadian uses rubber obtained. AR, may, well-known gord 2 Zien. in ihe. loss of this > t least six months of the year. Now that leather Bar's Nest roots. hesha: berks ag | S14. Nr. Musos were: saigd is ai, the Mivantage of wearing mbes oe eciars & pair mare than h rbot ru oes = { berries, "11 cure indigestion and allf oc) Mrs. Munroe's sister, s They cost so little compared to the shoes whose term Dinae - : Mes. James Erwin. A auiiher ot et they Rrastically double, that it certainly is economy to wear them -B., : : re PINS Sow] Bont g sign © weather. And there's another point, even more {ani > t: ach. i hanan is spending a few : : : Ld i 2 na b's The chests : The need for leather at the Front is so great, and the J Ered oh a a San un Whe ent Sun. seargity so Serious, that it is 3 patriotic duty to save it ax : | get in me. : | bas mor 5c all we can wearing ru s and overshoes. _ PRINCESS STREET. has hoon on the market Tor the peut| BE F: Musroe's "ham ! : \ forty years, and we claim, without See Our Classy Neckwear, §0c, 78¢, $1.00 BS Bie dent oe fora sua trou John Sebbin, a Dereham sort After a meal you feel that you ¢ , , i must. get rid of that nasty. bilioes. | Lanark to the Germans, they get -l the rubber they want at a lower price than mi ; ' ploneer, and late resident of I DY. the ib Tn Cl say reS w