FROM THE COUNTRYSIDE TART baa et | *| + NOTICE TO COR. RESPONDENTS News latters intended for pub- lication. need not be sealed, Simply fold in the flap and a one-cent stamp will carry them. Some of our correspondents are placing two cents on the en- velopes and sealing them. This means that we have to pay two cents MORE to get the letter out of the post office, Our friends will please bear in mind that a one-cent stamp will carry an unsealed letter, con- talning news, to any newspaper. LE SAE EE EYELET RLY IY | | | | | | | i CLARENDON STATION D. Callahan, Hailesbury shipped a quantity of iron ore from mine on the Cook farm to Albert Mitzlaff, Johnston, P. A Mr. Calla- han, is anticipating the sale of the in the near futur Duncan Ferguson, spent a few days at Crotch Lake, this week. James Bovd, agent, spent Sunday at his home at Wilbur John Glenn, is unloading a car flour and feed today Novy "ame of BARRIEFIELD Nov, 24 A Smith, city, chased the home of the Medley. The many fr H. Knapp, Sr. are, sorry she is so ill. Master Claire Finnigan, who sprained his ankle while skat ing, is' improving njecely. Mr. Ram- say, of Pembroke, who visited with hig aunt, Mrs, P, Dowler, has return- ed home, Mrs. G Humphry, of Vtiea] N.Y., accompanied by her sis- ter Miss Salsbury, spent ihe week- end with their sister Mrs. Nat, Stan- ton, Sr. Mrs, Dwynell, of Syracuse, N'Y., accompanied by her sister-in- law, Mrs. G. Medley, Sr. and little daughter Alice, who spent the sum- mer here with her mother, Mrs, Med- ley, have returned home "hear LAKE OPINICON. Nov. 24.--The recent thaw has made it possible for the farmers to again do some ploughing. The young people enjoyed skating for a few days on the lake. The cheese factory has closed after a very successful season. KE. Teeple and C. Tolson have left for the lead mines, where they secured positions. F. Atcheson, cattle buyer, was through this vicinity on Wednes- day. The trustees of the Methodist church will hold a business meeting next Saturday night. F. Smith and C. Ennis made a trip to Kingston re- cently, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ham- illon, Montreal, at .A..N. Sharp's; Mrs, William Kerrnish and daughter Selina, Miss M. Henderson, Chaffey's Locks, at Mrs. Darling's; Mr. and Mrs. I. Best and children are spend- ing a few days at Clear Lake. E Lindsay renewed acquaintances here last week MOUNT CHESNEY Nov. 25 Owing to the extreme | frost plowing has .to be postponed. | Blacklock and Patterson, local cattle buyers, have returned from a trip from the northern parr of the coun- with several loads of cattle. W. I.earo, had a bee drawing hay from H. Walker's on Tuesday last. The! boys in the neighborhood take kind- ly tq two per cent. Several patriotic young men who find it impossible | to go overseas, have offered their | services to work in the locomotive | works in the manufacture of shells M. McGarvey, has gone to Graven- hurst for his health. W. McGarvey, disposed of a valuable horse for a | lancy price last week. Mr, and Mrs. | F* Reid, spent Saturday last in the city Miss M. Hickey, has returned home from Chatham. Mrs. G. P. Patterson, has returned home from Toronto after spending the week-end the guest of her brother, F. Carey. G. Fowler, W. McGarvey Jr Spent Sunday in the city, The hunters | who have returned from the north, report game plentiful. J. Keys, Joyceville, spent Sunday at James Fowler's, Mr. and Mrs. A. Buck, Kingston, visited H Sears and family on Sunday before moving to their new home in Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. J. George, visited in Glenburnie last week. J. O. Reilly, Wolfe Is- land, at W Patterson's. Mrs. F. Black, Catariqui, was a recent visi- tor. A. Fowler, city, spent Sunday at iome. Mr. and Mrs. A. Buck, at James McGarvey's. Mr. and Mrs. Babeock, Wilton, at James Webb's, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Moore at H. Blacklock's. James Draper, Glen burnie, at M. Fowler's. Mr. and Mrs. F. Barrett, Barrietield, at F. Keen- ans', 5 -- MOUNTAIN GROVE Nov, 24.---A. Crozier, Switzerville, and William Miller, Newburgh. are renewing acquaintance here. Death has again entered this neighborhood | claimisg an old and much respected ! resident T, H. Abbott, at the age of | seventy-seventy years. Mr. Abbott suffered a . stroke on Wednesday | morning and never regained con sciousness till he passed away on Fri- day moraing. Besides his widow. there are one son Argiel on the home farm and two daughters, Mrs. C. A. Coulter, Mountain Grove, and Mrs. eR ce, Western diario. 8. A t, atten his broth- er Thomas' funeral on Faded Florence Ab! Roblindale, was at home for father's funeral. Miss Mabel | { | 3 home from Nap- ames, John Div) Brave: Barr, and | Ores ugh Thompson, are home from the! west, © A. W. ThomMon, returned today from a fishing trip. The hun.' ters have all returned and report their number of deer besides other Sau. D. Youmans, visited Verona, A. C. Price, Wesley, is spending & few days with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. BE. Price. Mrs. Kiah Beverly and Miss Alice Stinchcomb, is recovering slowly, John Hawley, Bh FERS SIDR E EDS SPE hd | cattle through here this week. | William Miss | 88 was removed to Kingston Mond morning operation for Monday morning Mi have returned eir children in the w son, is undergoing 108pital, Kingston had esday, hospital vhere he unde an a bee. getting LAKE, * farmers of visited by Jack Frost sudden stop to .their but all were glad to see the he histling plow-boy might he heard again James E. Mulville and H. Alore have arrived back from Burridge after a successful month's threshing Owing to the small amount of milk, the cheese-maker, Mr. Wright makes cheese only three times a week J. Cawley and staff, Westport, have completed the mason work on W Knapp's up-to-date residence, School is progressing fav- orably under management of Miss H. Cassidy, Kingston, P. Rice and E. Donnelly, Mt. Vie w, have a contract in draining J. Donaghue's tarm, Visitors: J. McCarthy, M. Kal langher, M. Tobin ar Patrick To- bin's; Miss A. Cassidy D Mul ville's; M ind Mrs. F. Laidlaw at DD. Cameron Miss Tobin, Centreville ing Lorretta Donaghue recently; Earl Sweetman visited at Burridge on Sunday; Miss K. Scanlan at Elgin; Misses K, Don aghue and M. MecGuiggan at A. N Koen's, Sydenham; Mrs. H. Camps bell, Glenvale, at J. Saunders'. this v cinity which were put a plowing rain so the Miss vi WAGARVILLE The tea and dance at Bryon McCQumber's, was well attend ed A number of farmers have gone to Kagle Lake, after the finny tribe, Earle M. Stormes, has been excavat- ing a cellar for his residence on Mill street, which he intends to move into next coming spring E. Peters, who has been visiting relatives in Parry Sound district, has returned home, C. F. Goodberry, has commenced to erect his new house, George Patter- son, who has been out west, is ex- pected home this week Miss Viola Wagar, has been renewing acquan- tences in this vicinity. Recent visi- tors William Goodfellow, of Par- ham, at W. MecCumber's; Arthur Kirk at S. Jackson's; Mrs. Allen Wagar at Victor Kirkham's; Mrs. George Goodberry and family at C.F. Goodberry's; William Loucks and Theresa Wagar, spent Sunday eve- ning at C. F. Goodberry"s Walter Spider, spent Sunday under the par- ental roof, Nov, 25 Lc LOWER LAVANT Nov; 24%.==Mr, and Mrs. H. Paul, spent the week-end at Middleville. John Bartram, Mississippi, is work- ing for his brother James Bartram. The wood bee at Mrs. Percy's, on Tuesday was well attended. G. and M. Paul, of Donaldson, visited James Bartram, one day this week. Miss M. La Sage, Kingston, who has been visiting friends here for some time returned home on Thursday . C Hollinger, took a drove of some 250 Mrs Paul, of Manor, Sask., who has been visiting friends around here has returned home Excellent Camp at Witley. Trenton, Nov. 27.--Lieut.-Col. Adams, commanding a battalion now in Kngland, writes to friends = from Witley Camp that that camp is said to be the best in England. ' It is only recently the Canadians came here, he says. It Imperial troops The soil is sandy and the ground is rolling, so that no matter how hard is may rain there is never any mud - Had Terrible Pains in Kidneys and Back. Dear Mr. it" nt Fditor--I want to write you uric." 1 was very sick, could up; I was in bed most of the terrible pains in my kidneys 80 bad to especially Fh 0 { the bladder, ii bas : form, Xf by was formerly used for a CHAMPION HEN DEAD. Within Four Fggs ot World's Laying Record. un four eggs of the world's aving-record for all breeds of Barred Roek ben bred and raised by the Poultry Staff of the Oan- tario Department ,of Agriculture, bas given up the ghost Tbe ben, which laying eggs at a pheno- ate for a vear past, had the record for Barred Rocks en days more to complete vear had laid "10 eggs. An~- to officials of the Depart- men! of Agriculture this is the larg- est number laid by hen in one Canada, and as far as they able to ascertain is the largest number ever laid by a repre- sentative of the Barred, Rock breed world The world's record breed 314, and since the O. A. (". champion before her deatl was laying an egg a day as regu- larly as clockwork, that record would ve been broken, too, had she lived veur Vibile the logs of the hen is regrer- ted because the Jost opportunity to establish' a pew record by an On- tario bird, it is not otherwise serious O. A. '. poultry stuff have 1mber of progeny left by the hampior For years the Poultry Department at the O. A. (". has been making a specialty of Barred Rocks as a utility breed good both for egg laying and for table. This work has given splendid results, and this O. A. C. has a larger num- 'ver of hens giving a year- + of 200 ezgs or over and them the daughters of the were the highest produc- She Came véa ens as heen menal broker and the text with cording one yeu have been in the for any is out the of among champion ers record for and for the the average only 80 I'hres the Canada Province as a backvard hen C8ES uu year. I'he Department is encouraging raising of TDuarred Rocks farmers and poultry raisers fall eight thousand settings of eggs of this breed were distributed to children through the rural school fairs years was 282 egg ago whole contributes the Aviation School for Canada. Canada is to go in for the manu facture of aeroplanes The Govern- ment has for some time had unde: consideration the establishment in Canada of an aviation school with a view 10 the development of what has become s0 important a branch of warfare on both land and sea. Tke matter hus been further con- sidered during the past week, and a decision has been reached to estab- lish a school and also to huve built and equipped in Capada a factory which will turn out complete aero- plapes, that is to say, complete witn the motors, which heretofore have not been built in this country. The aviation school will be under the direction of the Imperial author ities, who have agreed to provide a staff of experts for the purpose. The factory will be established under the direction of the Imperial Muni- tions Board, the imperial Govern- ment having assured orders which will take care of the output of the factory while the war lasts. No in- formation is available at present as to the probable location of either the school or the factory. Letters Not Forwarded. A London writer says that letters still come by the bushel from Canacla and elgewhere to the Canadian Red Cross and similar institutions, the writers asking if they may corre- spond with some lonely soldier. Such letters are not now allowed tn be forwurded to any soldiers. Fut ther, the Red Cross and like institu tions are forbidden to put soldiers into communication with unknown correspondents, One letter received in Lady Drummond's office recently from Canada stipulated that it should be sent to some soldier "who must be good looking." It has been incorrectly stated that Canadian soldiers are not allowed to draw pay in English hospitals. The regulations are precisely the same on this point as in Canada, soldiers being allowed to draw up to two pounds monthly, in addition to send- ing money to friénds. Canadian Takes Important Post. In the shape of a number of ap- pointments and recommendations for commissions further recognition has been awarded during the past few days to the University of Toronto training company for officers. Fore- most among the appointments of re. cent date is that of Private H. J. Johnson, who dropped a post with the Carnegie Institute in Washing- ton, D.C., where he was engaged in making a magnetic map of the earth, to train at the University. He has been appointed assistant to the Su- perintendent of Compasses and Com- pass Adjustment for the Admiralty with the rank of .Lieutemant. Since his graduation in mathematics and physics from the University of To- ronto in 1910 Pte. Johnson has spent some time in Uruguay and Paraguay with a scientific expedition. Canadian Gets Big Job. Edward Murray Wrong, a graduate of the University of Toronto in 1811, has been appointed Vice-Principal of the Schoo! of Technology, Manches- ter, England. This is one of the greatest of English technical col- leges. After leaving the university Mr. Wrong was a student at Offord University, and at the time of his ap- pointment was Fellow of Magdalene College, He is a 'son of Professor Wrong, head of the department of history at the University of Toronto. Torontae's Auto Toll. The death of Mrs. Sirah Horne by 4 motor aceident recently makes the filled in Toronto this S Rifeteen. As a result of this fatality police officials of : aire stronger than ever in favor ¢ the nuniber of deaths F Sigh. it must be remember ! the number of a re. sulting in death is many times leurred in Detroit, Mich., on Nov. 3 ------ bm. 4 L : Many Westport friends will be 'Isorry to hear of the death which oe- DAY NOVEMBER 28, 1916. A Genuine Rupture Sent t eramimese : PAGE ELEVEN Cure On Trial To Prove It Don't Wear a Truss Any Longer Even Soldiers from the Trenches of Europe Write to Tell How the Wonderful Brooks Appliance Cured Their Ruptures, r Your ap which was mental in t it enred me rupture now be chener' J ven n have » anyone 1 and vo Yours truly ons f2.. Cor Wouldn't Take $100 for | Appliance [ Cranworth Brooks--I1 am p nd Yer yon know what ye «= done for me, I think 1 am . as 1 have not since last fall. mp and lift all | like ke $100 for it if 1 « I do not wear it write vo Appliancs all right first sign now run, ld not t ther seen this let- e benefit of athers urs sincerely KENNEDY REMEMBER I send my Appliance on trial to | what | say is eo. Yon are to | Judge. Fill ont free coupon below mail today HEAD STUFFED FROM CATARRH OR A COLD Saye Cream Applied in Nostrils Opens Air Passages Right Up. Ade Fete dude ob > Instant relief---no waiting. Your clogged nostrils open right up; the air passages of your head clear and you can breathe freely No more hawking, snuffling. blowing, head- ache, dryness, No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh disappears. Get a smali bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It penetrates through every air pas- sage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and re- lief comes instantly. it's just fine Don't stay stuffed- up with a cold or nasty catarrh. rer AA or EY "McLaughlin" Garage Farmers and Automobile Own. ers, attention please! e han die the best grades of lubricating olis "Veedol" and "Polarine," aise Model T Ford oll. All kinds of Automobile necensorien kept In stock. Repairing prompily ate tended to. Storage by the day, week or month. Robt. J. Fursey, Phones No. 1009-931, 85-37 Montreal St, near Princess A Ae eo en Cape Vincent, N.Y., is to have an athletic association with its aim the physical and moral development of the men, boys and children of the village, through properly supervised athletic games. The creamy lather of Bal leaves the skin 7 Bv's Dun, and slightly and deliciously fr. 'The ahove is | Rupture Thoroughly Healed | bY rv 3 Sound and Well. Sent on Trial to Prove It. rom & mother a Brooks Ap. so he could 'go 2, Orchard Road, Richmond » thank » what appliance has done for my SOI After wear. ing It from Dec- ember to the fol- lowing September, he ani ed and is JJ now serving his wntry in France at his own trade, y shoeing smith Yo can make vhat use vou Hke of thes my is thanks am : SE gm 2d Sv K. Whittle), who Brooks, inventor of t he \ppliance, -------- who is at Marshall, Michigan. Cured Me Completely er NB ured, write him day Child Cured in 3 Months ont, Feb. 19 1914 Richardson st Marshall, Mich Dear Mr. Brooks--Just a line to let know Appliance has com- ly cured our Hitle boy and we are well pleased with jt We had It on him for about three months and since we have had it off the rupture has not showed ag Yours Aruly, MRS, G SUDDARY trantford 11 C.F Brooks, th Ce April 2s . u 14 13 [ M it r » op 8 truly eld we el n REN ring t yours, A. SISSON FREE INFORMATION COUPON MR. C. E. BROOKS, 952 State St., Marshall, Michigan, U.S.A, Please send me by mail, in plain wrapper, your illustrated book and full information about your Appliance for the cure of rupture. Address City or Town Iy LEMAY BUY MATCHES as you would any other household commodity -- with an eye to full value! When you buy EDDY'S MATCHES, you receive a generously filled box of SURE, SAFE lights. Oysters 60c and 70c a quart. Ask for Eddy's 'Silent Parlor" Matches. PARADIS GARAGE FOOT OF BROCK STRERT Phones: Office 322, House $11, wn MONUMENTS w= Our stock of granite monuments comprises one of the finest and largest between Toronto and Montreal. Intending purchasers are cordially invited fo call and inspect it, Our plant is equipped with pneumatic air tools and com- plete polishing machinery which enables us to get out first class work in minimum time. We manufacture Vermont Mar- ble monuments in all sizes and priges and in the design you prefer. Corner posts and markers always in stock. At your request a reprpsentative will call at your resi- dence with designs and full information or if you reside in the city a car will call for you and bring you to oar showroom and return, Purchasers are requested to leave their orders at an early date on account of the approaching cold season. The McCALLUM GRANITE CO., Ltd. 397 Princess St. Phone 1931__ Efficient Service guaranteed. Give us a call, E. PARADIS, Prop. Phone 109 Barrack St. Good Value Is what you want. You can get it in groceries and msats if you buy from C.. B. Pickeri Phone 530. HOTOS | for Xmas Cp s Own Soap By » 4 » Bigat JW a -- Use Baby's Own Soap with Warm water and rin<e wel and the most sensitive skin will never show. irritat or become chapped. Imitators refuse to use the expensive natural flower extrait pure vegetable oils which are the basis of the Own Soap, THE family soap of Canada, Sold almost everywhere. ALBERT SOAPS, LIMITED, MONTREAL, Mies. and success of Liby's