Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Nov 1916, p. 3

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Address to-Governor-General. -- to-day November Sale Specials for Wednesday CHILDREN'S COATS I8 of the nobbiest winter coats shown in town this season. All smart little styles for the miss whe demands the swagger of the "grown ups' coats-- new materials and attractive prices. Wednesday, less 259. 4 ~All marked in plain figures. CHILDREN'S VESTS 180 natural ribbed winter vests, worth from 25c, to 35¢; all sizes from 22 to 30. Wednesday ve vei X00 TABLE NAPKINS 50 doz. linen table napkins, 5-8 size at $3.75 a doz. Wednesday DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS 39 bleached linen cloths, size nesday . . .. .. AND THE GERMAN HOUSEWIVES | ARE MUCH INCENSED, Beer, Pigs and Marmalade at Bottom | An OXO Cube | | of Most of the Consumer's Trou- in a cup of hot {| bles--May Curtail Beer Supply. water makes a Berlin, Nov, 28.-- Beer, pigs and . | marmalade are'at the bottom of most Beliclons Nutheet of the troubles of the consumer, a fin at 1€ low | well as the various food distribution cost of 2% cents | commissions. Recently Privy Cous- while an OXO cillor Abel resigned from the com Cube in warm mission whose duty is the allotment | milk is splendid of the weekly meat rations, which at- 4 tracted so much public attention that for growing | | te : i children. an official explanation was consider A CUBE TO A CUP ed necessary, Tins 10c 20d Be the of by Building to Legislative an address Th Nov the Association Governor-General Toronto adian Press Devonshire the '28.--In, Car presented the Duke address was read He n io new e J. G. Elliott, of the Kingston Whig. Ady the Associ wi The the president, | companied by the isory Committee of ociat ad dress was thus Your Excellency, The Casi ship, begs to express : iah Dress Pominion-wide in its member- its hearty appreciation of the honor upon this Dominion by His Most Majesty the in gelecting yon as his representative and this We congratulate the people of Canada upon having so distinguished, so upright and that of English uj service Associdtion, conferred Gracious King advisor in land so honorable a representative of splendid class | peers whose lives have been given 80 freely to public According to the official version, flerr Abel resigned because the rest the commission voted down his proposition to increase the weekly. meat ration of 250 grammes. To-day | Dr. Kuznski, director of the statis- tical bureau at Se hoenberg, in a let- ter to the press, flatly contradicts the | | official version, contending that, knowing the result of the cattle and | pig census, it was impossible that the members of the commission should | haye voted against an increase, since! the number of pigs counted alone | would justify the committee in add- | jing 100 grammes weekly to the ration of each of the 70,000,000 Germans. | The number of pigs enumerated was! as aforetime ¢ md to British institutions. sires to -declare its un- The Canadian press, 01 wavering adherence to the British Crown It acknowledges with pride the splendid record Britain has made for the upholding of the weak and it rejoices that In the present A Sf. NPN NNN freedom and righteousness and the oppressed under all circumstances; struggle she has again demonstrated her belief in truth and honor, and in the maintenance of friendly and helpful relations among all nations. Canadian public and acteristics that so that that is true and noble in unselfishness are the char- per- brighest stands for all Purity and appreciates and desires to be as the journalism private life it calls for and petuated this Dominion gem in the British Crown During Your Excellency's regime we in «11d RAINIER Many Sick Spells Begin with Coughs and Colds about 18.000,000. According to And they will end right there if you | DHMEE gatistiont authorities, the re-{|] service in aiding vou in the upholding of take the [ove oy ony h as youll jus, Canadian) ideals of true government. . ven i ¢ ge crease of ra-| HR RIR le ran? Wennll ' " ) Hickey-Dover tions, but a sparing policy probably | pressmen welcome Your Excellency and your family C " d will prevail for a while in order soil. We trust that your stay will be eminently enjoy- ompoun insure a comparative abundance. able, that you will find the widest measure of hospitality and gen- Hickeys for the cough and Dover's | Less Beer, the Prospect erosity on the purt of the people, and that this country through its Cold Breakers for the Cold, 1 * contact will be by all those splendid attributes of heart and The worst cases quickly yield over night to this splendid combination. The supply of Bavarian beor for| y " ' : PDs : mind with which Your Excellency and family are so richly endowed. 25 Cents for Each. Prussia and the rest of Germany % Along with thousands of affectionate Canadians we offer our most again is threatened with curtailment. Fifty thousand German hotel pro-| ardent felicitations and that the Duchess of Devon- shire, and your daughters will find with us such joyful experiences THE POPULAR DRUG STORE Open Sundays prietors petitioned the Government that we will ever remain a part of 'your live AAA AAA Patra, to refrain from cutting down the | supplies of malt and other ceraals to with Your Excellency in all the delights that follow a splendid career spent in devoted service to our Royal Sovereign and the Britigh realm hd ~~ _-- d | | hd ES J | | = wy ND tire Bavarian breweries, becanse thelr CANNOT SEE may he regarded tr ust we may be of helpful British (which are also , an exceptional value today vee on $298 The to to Canadian .. ' 9 2x2! blest special at $3.50 each. Wed- CL ce ee... $269 y- i" pray yourself, and a sharer especially wxistenea and that of hundreds of thousands of their employees™® de- . pedded on the uninterrupted flow of Munich and other beers. The Gov-| ernment will read this latter state ment with great interest, as the new! eivil bill provides a remedy for just] such people as are here threatened wtih the loss of their Jobs. Housewives are greatly incensed at the dearth of marmalade in store in the public markets, and there are| dark rumors about much of it having been cornered by uns« rupulous'specu- latérs. The Berliner Tageblatt, hav- ing investigated these rumors, - finds they are unfounded. It was a lack of sugar that prevented manufacturing large quantities of marmalade in the summer and early autumn, but as the sugar supply from the new beet crop is gradually increasing, manu- | facturers will be able to turn large quantities of raw fruit stored 'or this | purpose Into marmalade. = A A AA AAA A SAN NAN PA iii | SOMETHING EXTRA FOR THURSDAY! WATCH THIS | TRIPLET DIVORCE CASE WHOLE FAMILY LOSE SPACE TOMORROW. me -- LIVES IN A FIRE] WIFE OF PASTOR DRANK HIGH- Dwelling Caught Fire While | BALL IN AN HOTEL Seven Occupants Asleep | " ' : " Mage Tripiots Sd She Went Toure) --Were Trapped. | The Woman's Store of Kingston To 5ign a Lease of Some Thousand Island Property. J) cv i, West Cape May, NJ. Nov. 28. --| | The smell of smoke and the crackle | New York, Nov. 28.--The New Of flames aroused neighbors of Lewis | York witnesses in the suit for divorce | Wilson, a farmer, shortly after day- brought by the Rev. J Edwin Trip-| ght yesterday morning and they lett, pastor of the First®Presbyterjan | Tn from their homes to find the two | church of Woodbury, N.J., and in the |and a half storey frame farmhouse { countersuit brought by Mrs, Dorothy | 9 Wilson blazing from cellar to A. Triplett, now of the 'Bronx, were| roof. They knew that Wilson, his examined before C. V. D. Joline,| Wife, her mother and two sons and acting as Advisory Master in Chan-| WO daughters of Mr, and Mrs. Wil- | cery. The episode on which Mr. | #00 had been in -the house and reali- | Triplett based his suit for divorce | zed, when they could not find one of | occurred at a hotel in New Haven |them, that all seven were still inside | { May 15th last. | the blazing house, | French Prepare to Treat Infected | Mrs. Triplett said that Jack Wil-| There is no fire department in this | br Py ale hit Rg he ts oui : > . . ) ealer at 501 Fifth Avenue, and who p ' A PIRI Tg negotiated with Mrs. Triplett's | check it with the little water they | or Tr rE ero forth mother, Mrs, Doris M. Nelson 'of this | were able to draw from the well and ['With a spread of tuberculosis ¢itye-dor the sale of-some Thousand , Broil Sames fom gamed throughout the mation after the war Islands property she owned, Mduied BL ori WhusSios sor aujend Jo enter JIhrouShONL at ation Mier the yar, her to go to the hotel with him. He | the place, though they knew that the | i Aine oleae To oni gir drag) took her there, she said, to have a Wilson family was dead or dying in- FINEeh on Years, aud lease signed. | side. So the neighbors were forced who has been designing several hos- PPT 3 Buckley OF Aa1 West) - san Or ples uw Ye amy pitals now used by the French mili- street, Who wis room clerk at| house burned to the ground. xk | Dita, now need by 0 the New Haven hotel, told of the/ When only a part of the brick | { Mr. Butler who came here for a arrival of Mrs. Triplett and a man. | chimney and a heap of embers re- | io months' vacation, is going to] 1 Sald he saw them in the dining | mained to mark where the house had ORDER YOUR XMAS PRINTING EARLY See Our Beautiful Line of Xmas Booklets & Cards | Order |FEAR PHTHISIS AFTER WAR KEELEY Jr, M. 0. D. 0 OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, 22¢ Princess Street. 8 doers above the Operas House. room and there were two highball| stood, the heat made it still impos- spend the time investigating condit-| .10 cos on the table. ii min- | sible to search for bodies, and it was | ions in leading institutions for treat- utes later, he said, the woman left late in the morning when the bodies ment of tuberculosis with a view Of}, ,") qe) | of Wilson, his wife Margaret, and | giving iafopuation to the French The principal witness of the day | her mother, Mrs, Katherine Gibson, | i = rot helt was Jack Wilson Shaw, a process | were found. Even then there was no | prisoners now Jn Germany have tu- server, of 1,376 Inwood avenue, the| trace of the bodies of the children, | F hres la * . , | Bronx. He admitted that he was| Gertrude, 11 ypars old; Thomas, 9: bere Node, "? eld Jasteleay. the man with Mrs, Triplett who sign-| Lyman, 6; his is due to jack of proper NOUS: oy (he hotel register "J. L. Curtis of | & half;and it is supposed that they | that the Germans are deliberately | i 3 ® " whether he had aecompanied Mrs. ------ -- | putting prisoners infected with the to New Haven he refused 3,219,000 WOMEN AT WORK Sh 1 { 1 Just the remembrance for our soldier GOOD INTENTIONS ARE OF- TEN SPOILED BY PUTTING OFF UNTIL TOMORROW, Golden Rule Service Publishing Engraving Duplex and Weekly Envelopes Embossing Binding Loose Leaf Nystoms, boys away from home and friends. | week | Now ! al THE BRITISH WHIG JOB DEPT. PHONE 202 Better to have your order in a { carly than a day late. | and' Beatrice, a year and ing, to poor feeding, and to the fact, poop +" When Shaw was asked | were consumed. I Triplett { Q - a | { a a 2 | Swe" on Bren hu | | "The ® uostion ot what is to be might tend to Ineriminats him. Un. done ite these men when they re- der cross-examination he admitted | | turn to France Is in thie hands of the that he had told Mrs, Triplett that | | his name was Jack Wilson. | Minister of the Interior and the Min- Pressed for a reason for giving | IN THE BRITISH ISLES OUTSIDE THEIR OWN HOMES The sick men will not ~ Wind Breakers and Cold Killers Sweater Coats that keep out the north winds and insure perfect comfort. All pure wool. Prices the same as they were three years ago. English make, durable and satisfying. . | ister of war, { be allowed to leave the army, and | therefore they will be under the jur- isdiction of the War Department, and can be prevented from wandering at large and endangering the health of the whole community. The hospit- als of the Interior has charge of hos- | pitals for the civilian cases." | | maaan 'Had Awful Attacks of Heart Trouble | FOR 3 OR 6 YEARS Diseases and disorders of the heart land nervous system have become frightfully prevalent of late years. | Ome can scarcely pick up a paper but he will tind recorded instances of sudden deaths through heart fail- ture, or of prominent men and wo- {men unable to prosecute their ord- inary business or profession on ac- count of a breaking down of the | nervous system, We do not desire to umnecessarily alarm anyone, but to sound a word of warning. When the heart begins to beat ir- regularly, palpitates and throbs, has shooting pains through it, it is time to stop and think. To all sufferers from heart and nerve troubles Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills can give prompt and permanent relief. Mrs. Frank Arseneau, Neweastle, N.B., writes: "I had ful attacks of heart trouble fo e past five or six years, and as I had tried many kinds of medicine without getting any better, I decided to give Mil hurn's Heart and Nerve Pills a. trial, and to my surprise I found ease from the second dose. I continued tak them until 1 had now | feel as wel las can be. Wilson as his name, Shaw took re-| fuge in the fact that the .answer| might incriminate him, as he was] under a criminal charge in Connecti- | cut, i Mary Triplett, the twenty-year-old | sister of the pastor, testified her sis- | ter-in-law was both cruel and un-| kind. She said she had heard Mrs. ! -| Triplett call her brother a liar and {a coward. | GRAVES CASE TO KAISER Imperial Permission Necessary for Kmbassy Attache to Testify, Washington, Nov. 28.--Formal re-| quest that Prince Hatafeldt, Coun-| | pear as a witness against Karl Arm- gaard Graves, self-styled inlernation- | al spy, has been made by the State | Department in a note to Count von ; the German Ambassador, | was arrested here recently on ajcharge of attempting to extort $3,000 from Countess von Bernsto:if. now out on bail awaiting a! The request has been forwarded to | the German Foreign Offies in Berlin. Ultimately it will come before Em- peror Willlam, who must give. his personal approval before the Prince can appear. TRYING TO END STRIKE Hon, Robert Attempting to OT Ne Ottawa, Nov. 28.~--~The Depart- ment of Labor stated yesterday af- Joroon that a conference was now 1enjoy the nicest They are Occupied in Many Pursuits 766,000 Women Have Replaced | Male Labor--How They are Dis- | tributed. | London, Nov. 14.--(Correspon- | dence of the Associated Press.) --The ! saying that woman's place is in the| home has little application in war | time, There are now in the Brit-| ish Isles 3,219,000 women employed | outside their own homes. During the first two years of war the in- | crease of women workers, exclusive | of purely feminine occupations, was! 866,000. Of these 766,000 directly | replaced male labor. In other words, lion women left their homes to re- lease that number of men for mikli- "CASCARETS" FOR HEADACHE, COLDS, LIVER, BOWELS Enjoy Life! Don't Stay Bilious, Sick, Headachy and Cop- stipated, Get Rid of Bad Breath, Sour Stom- ach, Coated Tongue, In- Get a 10-cent box now. They're fine! Cascarets liven your liver, clean your thirty feet of bowels and sweeten your stomach. You eat one or two, like candy, before soing to bed. and in the morning your clear, tongue is clean, stomach sweet, breath right and cold gone. Get a box from your druggist and' . gentlest liver and ever { i =» = Mothers caret to cross, billions, sick, feverish children any time. They are harm- I sicken. give a whole Cas { Business Office 243 306-310 KING i nm A selor 6f the German Kmbassy, ap- more than three-quarters of a mil-| tary service. In most instances the women went into the munition plants, where a considerable number of them have given up. their lives in "doing their bit." There seems to be no limit fo the class of work women can do. At first it seemed strange to ee girl conduc- tors on the buses, girl window cleaners, van drivers, and messen- gers.' But as the war progressed the field broadened, and now even in building, mining, and quartying scores' of women are employed. In most of the factories and shops, the breweries and the railway yards, jumpers and regulation overalls are the epproved costume, The bus and tram conductors are jaunty in their neat blue tunics, and skirts reach just below the knees--Ilow enough to overlap closefitting black leaiher putiees. There is seldom a glimpse of stocking. The bus companies issued an order recently that no silk hosiery should be worn. The number of women employed in railway work has increased more than 200 per cent. There are women ticket collectors, cleaners, Glasgow drivers or motorwomer' "The number of women recruited to law industrial occupations between July 1914, and July, 1916, was 262,000. : this number 263,000 placed men. In pations the increase in women i and workshop laborers. In making it illegal to sell or give away and some other cities ®pirituous or malt liquors on that da Women are being tried out as tram day," the ktatement says. : ' lass, directly ze. lie first and second ¢ work- | tween midnight on Saturday and 1 'to aid in preserving the well-known o'clock porters, engine features of the American Sunday by and in cities of the LN: ST. ers in hotels and pl { ent i n hotels and places of entertain- ment is only 19,000, Wood's In agrisulture 66,000 more women are working steadily today than in| July, 1914, In 1914 there were! only 2,000 women employed in gov- , ernment arsenals and dockyards, | Heart, Now there are over 10,000, The| Pr865 . English breweries formerly employed | price. New 8,000 women. Now they have 18,-| 000, i } NO NEW YEAR'S EVE LICENSE State Commissioner Interprets San day Excise Law, Albany, Nov. 28 George E. Green, State Commissioner of Excise, has announced a ruling that no New Year's all-night licenses can be issued' legally to grant any privileges be- tween midnight Saturday and la.m., Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, in first and see- ond class cities, or from midnight, Saturday to midnight Monday, in eft. ies of the third class. "The intent of the law seems to be We have a very heavy stock of all kinds and can suit all = tween Saturd igh, Non: urday m Mon- y midnight." i i -- --r---- 5 A Toronto soldier named | Williams was murdered by a Previn soldier Trafalgar Square, Lon- near A general _ has been de- A gener nesiy has bee The Conimissioner then quotes the providing for special all-night cllenses, and adds: - "It will be noted that in cities of confers no rights oh WS

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