Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Dec 1916, p. 9

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YEAR 83, NO. 280 KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY DECEMBER 1; 1916 WANTS CONCERTED 222 CLANS CPR OVERCHARGED,™™™"™ "sence moves {from the President. so that "from cea | Washington may be sent broadcast : 3 ! | {throughout the country the sugges-| THE CITY FOR RUILDING RE- Bonar Law Declines to Reveal | tion that the governors of all states LIANCE BUILDING SIDING, | the Policy of the Gov- and the mayors of all cities may is- ( sue proclamations and take sfmilar|ajd. Nickle and City Engineer Both | ernment. action and the movement made by pn 4 { the nation as a whole." Find Overcharges--Board of] London, Dec. 1,--Ronald McNeill He said it was planned to start the] Works Discusses Building of a asked the government in the House Against the High Cost of Living in th! state boyeott on butter and eggs| Wharf for the Wolfe Islanders. |of Commons "whether with the view | REAL United Stat . { next Wednesday. He received, hel The Board of Works discussed at to the discovery of intrigue in Am-| : 6S. {sald, a telegram from John McGlynn, [some length last evening the bill of erica or elsewhere having the in-| Made to Measure VALUES president of the New York State Ho-|\. c p.R. company for constructing tention of bringing about peace he- | == » |Lel Men's Association. promising co-|h, siding to the Reliance Moulding fore the declared objects of the allies |S S€rvice-- IN FIVE i hdl | operation in reply to a request for Company', ii ! ined," it 1d i | I pany's plant. To Ald. Nickle be- are attained," it would be possible to MP( )) E D A SERIES OF BOYCOTTS: hotels t eliminate eres from 1ongs the eredit of having this bill| make a declaration that no question | = I RT. their menus for two weeks. held up two years ago, on the ground | of even temporary cessation of mili- | == FABRICS-- IS ADVISED AGAINST THE HIGH- r that the charges were excessive. Ald. {tary operations could be entertain- = Death of Henry Bull. Nickle still holds the same opinion, [ed so long as German troops remain- TAILORED RYO Ts PRICED FOODS, i remlon; Noy i Xer Pas and was present last evening at thefed in occupation of amy territory of TO YOUR . : jaway of Henry » ODE request of the chairman of the Board | the ullies. It 3 Ee bod ig to Ruaieiie 3 he Sides Gud vent Ruows edt. of Wotks 3 Soe Jéruriod atorma A Bonar Jaw, sGtretary for the |== INDIVIDUAL relr we Release em. (UOniE ol B Hh us tion. e declared that the C. P. R.|colonies, replying for Premier As- selves From Oppression of Mon] Berthier, Quebes, he yr, 20 had charged the city with nearly $1,-| quith, who is confined to his home MEASUREMENTS : , . ao {vm / company, he said, had charged new {advisability of making an anpounce- ew York. Dee. 1. A call for | Upper Canada College, Toronto, and |ryj) prices for old rails used on the ment such as Mr. MeNeill suggested | concerted public uprising against the | later entered upon the study of law K. and P. railway as far back as|pecause it might be taken.as mean- | high cost of living was issued here by | With the late D. McMullen, barrister, | ggg. There were also overcharges |ing that "that is all. we are asking | Mayor Cornelius F. Burns, of Troy,|°f Perth, but later abandoned his|p, tiec ete. for." ) sung 4 ! °'l studies to join his father in the City Engineer McClelland went to ' who advocated proclamations by the |p olesale business at Belleville ity Engineer 'McC overnors of all the tate 1 . re Toronto last week, and had a confer- S44S SEE I g av " all 48 1808 os Bnd ence with Superintendent W. J. Uren |g . mayors of all the cities of the coun- regarding the disputed account. He|g BUCHAREST FORTRESS try to be published broadcast and had checked over the items and Te-|g STRONGLY EQUIPPED read in the 'schools and churches, ported that the overcharge amounted setting days for aries hove to $557.56. The company had al- rain 5 h yn oly os oI boyeokts ready given a credit of $258 to the agaist highepriced foods, city, so he figured that about $300 Mayor Burns, who is president of 3 : was still due the city. The engineer the New York State Conference of : % stated that Mr. Uren had told him Mayors, in addition to proclamations that the C.P.R. would rectify any by state and municipal executives, mistake the city could show, but this advoeated the co-operation of house- official pointed out to him that the wives' league, moving picture houses The Shoe You Prefer It will be an easy matter for you to find, what you want in our stock. Our sel- ections of high qual- ity shoes for women include all the best new styles, built in a variety of leathers on many lasts.. A shape fit every foot. TEETH TREAT "AS LONG AS 1 LIVE." In renewing her subscription to the Whig, Mrs. A. Sager, Melvin, Mich, writes as fol- lows: ? "I lived for forty-eight years five miles south of Napanee and read the Whig most all that time, so, you will see why I stick to it now. I will take it while I live, I expect." London, Dee. 1.--The fort- ress of Bucharest with ils belt of forts was completed only a few weeks ago, and is equip- ped with every device of mod- ern armament and is well sup- LT The Sawyer hoe Store BE SPP P SPP Ere ry Shedd b errr errr PPE r errr brett PEEP b Fre rirr 4 L & ; Salli plied for a long defence. It is } 3 ora cha prepared to give the hest test ' and labor organizations in the at- Sopaly RIE have Haigel Joe of the war us to the power of tack on the high cost of living. would come to Kingston to go over modern engineering works to 'The greatest power in this coun- the accounts withstand modern siege guns, # try is the people, and it is up to Tokle dr i ' them to exercise that power in he- ere a Sie dre AR +9000000000000000 PRINCESS STREET leasing themselves from the greed | RODGERS--0'SHEA a Ee Seton with the C.P.R eee tidings * and oppression of the momnopolists ISLAND WEDDING h b ba Md be secured I and manipulators," he said. 'The Where y fa ates you ' i CHANCELLOR simplest, most effective and direct A for the use of the siding. He inform- ' ES See Our Classy Neckwear, 50c, 75c¢, $1.00 Way 'of accomplishing a" breaking| Took Place an Tuesday Morn= ed the board thatithe siding in ques- ~2 down of extortionate prices Is ing--A Very Prominent BY Was ah exceptionally lan |HOLLWEG woul WELC = through abstaining for a period from Young Couple. and the C.l R. was making free use a ho OME al EET TT En the uges of those articles of food on -- oe of bt Sop 8 an ueled the engineer which the prices are exorbitant. ; . ' 16 hoard instructed ae Lh a Bo oy E ar len, Walle 15003, Nov. 39-a to prepare a statement showing just | His Attitude Reflects Dictates of Hu- wide movement to this end." Tuesday Ee Nov 28thy=at the what he thought the city should pay manity, Not Weakness or Fear, He also suggested the co-operation | Chureh of the Sacred Heart of Mary for the siding, and to arrange for Asserts the Kaiser's Spokes of the press and notice of the move-| when Miss Mary Isabelle O'Shea. |SuPerintendent Uren to meet the ine . and en Miss Mary Isabelle O'Shea,|, 0." "+ t arrangement | BY William Bayard Hale. ment by business houses of all kinds| gaughter of Mr. "and Mrs Peter rd and come to an arrang . B i 'by permitting n re Ca Ald. Nickle said he would supply the erlin, Nov. 30.--(by wireless via by permitting all workers to cease O'Shea, was married to George R. x ) ; Sayville I had the hi activities from 11.556 a. m. to n0ON| Rodgers, son of Mrs. James Rodgers, | engineer with prices for rails,' ties, xv. ).--1I had the honor of being on the first Monday of the cam-| Marysville. Rev. Father Fleming of- | ¢t¢., that he had paid for street rail- gotived yesterday by the imperial paign." ficiated in the presence of a large as-| Way materials of exactly the same(Shancellor, The gigantic form of For work on natiunal lines he SNg-| semblage of guests and spectators. | kind used inthe best steam railways. | Herr von Bethmana-Hollweg moved gested petitioning congressmen t0| Tha bride, who is one of Wolfe Is- |These prices were lower than the |@bout the room and his alert and TT NV eDEDGT A |land's fairest daughters, entered the |C.P.R. had charged the city. swiftly-glancing eye was symbolic P " i instruct f the constant watehfulness and un- . DY. church on the arm of her father, by The board will also instruct the|© t whom she was given away in marri-| city solicitor to secure a rebate agree- Whuciuble vitality of the German . age. She was a picture of youthful | ment from the railway company. Most Difficult to Cure loveliness in her gown of white --r-- We approached the subject of oii ele dutchess satin with an overskirt of | _ Wolfe Island Wharf. . | evech-making events, On the mer- BUT B B B. DOES IT. | bite silk lace spangled with silver | "Ths Hoard isto meet its Wolle ls | 70% 15 ta be introduced in the Refch- A.A. * | and edged at the bottom with pear! |jand council'on Saturday morning re- stag an act incorporating into the -- beading. The bodice was fastened on | garding a 100-foot wharf which the| direct service of the empire all the Dyspepsia is one of the most diffi | 10 "side with pearl ornaments .and latter wants the city to build at the | Strength of its manhood between;the cult diseases of the stomach there|;ne peck and sleeves were embroid- foot of Clarence street. The engin-|28¢8 of 17 and 60. is to cure. pe ered with pearls. Her bridal veil of | par estimated the'cost at $7,500, and "Never, I suppose, said the chan- You eat too much: drink. 60. tulle fell in graceful folds over her: by-law would have to ba submitted | €®lior, "has there been a mobilizat- much; make the stomach work over-| 987k hair, and was held in place by |i, the ratepayers in January, The| ion of national emergy on a scale so time. You make it form more|® Wreath of orange blossoms. She |,.,004 council would pay rental for|8reat. The German people are ab- ton. it ilar. oe to do carried a bouquet of white roses and \the wharf. The board mémbers are|S0lutely determined, you see; to The natural result is that it is going Sulnations and a beautiful white ined to withhold action watil it is sary this war through and in this to rebel against the amount of. work |" The bridesmaid, Miss Minnie L. Seen if ibe Digger jeheltie of builiing No PE 10 Waele put on it. It is only a matter of Hogan, cousin of the bride, looked |& city wharf between Brock to ar- And ot thle oor: Fito. time before dyspepsia follows. charming in a beautiful gown of pale en Sirenis wi be opted. wi WH Lina ghiingioy of, 0g 820 matter is in he hands o . . That - forty-year-old remedy, Bur- Due, dichome satin Sitimed with Nickle; M.P., and a special committee Testi, should not be interpreted as dock Blood Bitters, will cure the dys- bon. Her picture hat was of pale of the city council, which is to wait|iR any sense of a repudiation of my pepsia, and will cure it to stay Sire blue pannel velvet with large ostrich upon the Department of Marine. How- wos of Yas Bluth of November, or as we can prove by the thousands ol plumes. She carried a bouquet of | ever the Board of Works-Will discuss | ©f the sentiments I have been dis- testimonials we receive from time to white roses and. pink carnations and [the matter with the island representa- | cussing in the name of the German time, a white prayer book. tives and try and arrange better | 8overnment and people during more Thomas Lyons was best man, and | wharf accommodation. for Reeve |than a year. Mr. Neil A. Cameron, Kiltarlity, a i "Agai d agai declared y y oo Mrs. Shields played the wedding |Spankié's municipality. gain an n we dec our NS ten am writing you a nk ; A. C. Knapp complained that he | Willingness to enter into negotiations éé medicine Burdock Blood Bitters has Following the ceremony the bridal| had been taxed $5 for the oiling of | of peace. Our expressions have $e aVOor -- done for me. 1 was troubled very| Party motored to the home of the| Ontario street, when no oiling had [never been responded to in some hw bride's parents, where a wedding | been done. The board ordered that | Quarters they have even been repres- ' much with dyuyepaia tor the pds t twe dinner and reception were held, and | this amount. be struck off the assess-| ented as dictated by weakness and orte ns é Ho A £4 9 of medicines, but they did mot help| the newly wedded couple received ment rolls. fear. Surely the events of the past ® 1 y congratulations from a large number The chairman and the engineer | year sufficiently demonstrate that we ne nt. ait o trina Jdvised me of guests who gathered to wish them | were given power to act in regard to | did not a year ago speak out of weak- y att: long lite and prosperity, the application of 'Mrs. Hendry, | ness or fear, just as events of the bottles and was totally cured. I will : : : ' re " The numerous and costly presents] pine street, for permission to build a | twelve months to come will demon- ' gladly recommend it to all sufferers. received testified.to the popularity of } gtap 3 foot and a half over the street | strate that if we still adhere to our It S something for our boys to march B.B.B. is manufactured only by|the young couple. The groom's gift |... willingness to consider a cessation of The T. Milburn Co., Limited, To-|to tiie bridesmaid was a gold ring! 'pornesion was given the 253rd | the struggle, we are obeying the sim- on. It reminds them of home in a routo, Ont. with pearl settings, to the best man | puia)ion to erect a recruiting banner | ple 'dictates of humanity, not of ap- "PARADIS GARAGE a Ye mp Jat with pearls, left at 1.30 atross Princess street, méar Mont- | prehensions, plea t an d las ting way. Tens of p.m. for Kingston, where they took | "yu .yi0njance at the meeting were Finds Germans Resolute. the train for' Toronto, Detroit and | ,)40 'boters (chairman) Couper, O'-| "This is said absolutel , th san ar 1 yi 1 : 3 . y without , ! Wy Rg nt iL Chicag The bride 3 travellifg sos. Connor, White and Wormwith. concern over the ultimate issue of ou ds € €njo ng tume was of blue v the struggle, however it may be pro- trimmings. Her hat was of pink longed, or may have spread, but un- immed ¢ It was announced that the disease - wey a Bowers a Seorsette with] discovered amongst western live|der a solemn consciousness of the mink. She wore théigroom's gift, a] stock was not of the foot-and-mouth | sanctity of the flag of life, lit from set of mink furs. ' Upon theiy return ety. on high, but not likely to be extin- : they will reside near Marysville, | 'At Winnipeg a big merger of wes- | guished by human' misunderstand- ; ) where the groom had a beautiful | tern farmers .for mutual protection |ings which common counsel might . J home. is under arrangement. ; : g 4 in camp or in the trench --on the hike or on watch. When lights are out and even smoking ' nd t is prohibited, then WRIGLEY'S gives sure solace Prescribed. po --refreshing, sustaining, beneficial. sult from injury 0 the nerves ins aes ve y k Send a few packages or a box gh Pe FE! you tote fav hi some?" at" Torok To rk : be the better for it. Sold Wi, WRIGLEY, JR. CO., Lud.

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