EE [many ofFrontenac's own fons would USE OF COURT HOUSE GIVE be among the returning convales- cents, and that nothing was too good -- (| for these men who had borne the BY COUNTY COUNCIL TO MILI- burden of war overseas. TARY HOSPITALS COMMISSION | Capt. Symons spoke of Kingston's SOL beautiful loeation dnd of the eatnest For Convalescent Soldiers--( ourt desite of Ae Hospitals Gomimission Good Foster Homes Will be Secured 4 | " . 4 er . and Council Sessions to Be Held Tor DAYa epee ttt House For as Many as Possible of Wards in City Buildings--Report of wa. an excellent place in which to! of Society--Parents to Have An- County Finance Comittee, | establish a hospital. ) other Trial With Their Children. The whole of the upper fit of the The resolLion of Dr. Bpankie Wasi With the new administration for Court House i be given over to] carried. ® Property slamniiiet | the work he Children's Aid So- the Military Beit Dairion] will arrange with the civic authori-| ©1€ ore Jae Suiiren's sig a for the use of convalescent soldiers] ties about giving the use of the City | ciety iu tl yy ann Hey returning from overseas. Applica-| Buildings for court and County Coun- | chinery ad sip a. A Re a N 3 ' hich has been put forth, and whic tion was made to the County Council] cil sittings. sion en y a on Friday afternoon by a deputation - | should be heartily, endorsed by every citizen, is that of baving as many as possible of the wards of the society, consisting of W, ¥, Nickle, M. P H Lieut.-Col, R. J. Gardiner, A.D.M.S,, t and Capt. W, L. Symons, chief archi- | mended that the grant to the or-| placed out in foster homes, The city tect of the Hospitals Commission.|phans' Home be increased by $75,/is thus relieved of unnecessary ex- The chief appez! of this deéputation|and that to the Infants' Home by I pense, and if the children are well waa not in vain, for Warden Halliday | $25; that the Salvation Army be | oked after and care is taken that voiced the feeling of the Council by| granted $25; the British Sailors' Re-| yoo oo into good homes, it will be -saying there was no reason why the|lief Fund, $100; "that the payments | good thing for them upper flat of the Court House should |to the Canadian Patriotic Fund be | It may not be enerall Enowh not be handed over to the Commis-| continued at $2,000 a month for De-|, th i fa & Vo OL sion. {cember and January; that $200 be Suti-there 279 farmer living} not "He who gives Guickly gives twice." | paid to the Children's Aid Society; | Very far from Kingston, who has sald Dr. Sparkie, who moved, second-| that all indigent Frontenac persons raised three girls, wards of the so- ed by Councillor McKwmight, that the| admitted to the House for the Aged | ciety, and all of them are now mar- matter be referred to thé Property|and children committed to industrial ried and doing well, This man has Committee with power to act, the|schools be maintained by the county | now made a request for another girl committee to report its decision at|as a whele from 1st January, 1917; | and the Society will give him the | the Baturday morning session. {that $100 be granted for the pur-| very best girl it has among its] Mr. Nickle stated that he had re-| chase of comforts for Canadian pris-| ware. And there is oné thing sure, | ceived a telegram from Ottawa, oners of war in Germany, to be paid and that is that the girl will have al which said that instead of 2,000 Ca jo American Consul Jornsen. Taese) splendid hole | nadian convalescents being sent from | accounts were also ordered paid: |" - ' rf = England, 10,000 were coming. Kings-| Good roads, $14,475.64; printing and | ; Some Jay these bright boys f4 ton was particularly adapted for hos-| education, $21,181.14; property, | girls the Society has under its shel- pitals because of Queen's Medical] $2,961.64; roads and bridges, $8,-|tering wing are to he "dressed up College being situated here, with its] 220.69; patriotic fund, $9,321.40. | in their very best, and they will be laboratories, ete, and because of it It was reported that the jail tile] "snapped' by a photographer, which being a centre for the medical pro-| making revenue for the year was $1,-| will be a great help tn the placing fession and nurses. The Hospital| 366.12, the expenditure $784.565,! of the children. Commission was anxious to have be-| leaving a profit of $581.57. Another new move that the Society | tween 1,000 and 1,500 soldiers here, The Council concluded the year's|intendg to make, and it is a good one but it was necessary to get the best| business at its Saturday morning 300) is that of giving over children, of accommodation at once. The two session, when the Property Commit- wl lo have been wards of the Society court rooms of the Court House|tee chairman reported that arrange i thair es "2 ' th : pal. | would accommodate 125 men, It was ojtaeir parepis for another {ria "| Off course all these cases will ments would be made to hand over be important, Mr, Nickle said, that im-| {he ver flat of the Court House | ope hid action he taken. 3b thoroughly investigated, and fathers to the Hospitals Commission. The : } ! ) Col. Gardiner pointed committee had a conference with the | °F mothers wil} have to show that thev are capable of looking after the Finance committee of the City Coun- cil and the tatter will provide accom- | children, and that they also have a | modation in the city buildings for | suitable home If they can make | the court and county council ses-| good, the will only be too sions glad for them to have their children A grant of $100 was made to the | back again, but conditions must he Jelgian Relief fund. 0. .K. Contradrs for jail supplies were It is believed that as a result of thus awarded: Groceries J. Hender-| the passing of the Ontario Temper- son & Co.; meat, H. Waddington, ance Act, there will not be one half A hearty vote of thanks and abi (pe trouble with parents and their preclation was tendered to James | pos. Strong drink has heen Halliday, the retiring warden, for the admirable manner in which he Bova had performed his duties during the of the maorty of the cases, and now | year. Mr. Halliday, Portsmouth's | iat the bars have been closed, it reeve, has been one of the best war- will certainly curtail the trouble, as dens Frontenac has ever had. He|the same amount of liquor is not made a fitting reply to the vote of | being consumed by the average man to-day as in the days of the open bar, appreciation, The new management of the Chil- dren's Aid Society has taken a good hold of the business, and with the new inspector, Alexander Jack, who will be on the job shortly, the work should receive the very best of atten-| tion, | CARING FOR CHILDREN NEW MACHINERY AT WORK FOR CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY. Finance Committee's Report. The Finance Committee recom- out that ts, CROSS, FEVERISH CHILD IS BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED Look, Mother! See if Tongue Is Coat- ed, Breath Hot or Stomach Sour, "California Syrup of Figs," Can't Harm Tender Stomach, Liver, Bowels. Society QUEEN STREET CHURCH LADIES Realized Over $100 at Their Tea and Sale. Over $100 was raised at a tea and sale condueted by the members of Queen street church Ladies' Aid on Friday afternoon. The event was held at the home of Mrs. W. H. Wormwith, Queen street, Mrs, Wormwith and Mrs. W. H, Warren received at the door, and Mrs. W, Crothers togk the money. The tea table was in charge of Mrs, J. D, Ellis, Mrs, J. W. Elliott, Mrs. R. J. McClelland, Mrs. G. A. Bateman, Mrs. W. Coburn, Mrs. R. BE. Sparks and Mrs, T. Milo. Mrs. McKercher and Mrs. VanWinkle were in charge of the candy table, Mrs. C, deCarteret, Mrs. Lyons, Mrs. Robertson and Mrs. J. Quail were in charge of the home- made table, and Mrs. J. G. Elliott, IMrs. H. A. Lavell, Mrs. R. Meek and Mrs. R, Crawford were in charge of the fancy work table. CITY SHOULD NOT DELAY In Building Wolfe Island Ferry Wharf, Says Dr. Spankie. If Wolfe Island was given the privilege of constructing the new wharf at the foot of Clarence street, Dr. Spankie says it could probably be done at a cost of $5,000, whereas it would cost the city $7,500 by tender. The island farmers during the winter would draw stone and timber across the ice. The reeve has a chance of getting some old timber from Garden Island at a very cheap rate, and there is a great deal of nrokefi stone on Wolfe Island. Dr. Spankie thinks the whart could be built as part of the larger wharf scheme of the City . Council. He argues that there he no No Sunday Bulletins Hereafter. delay in. the work. In common with other newspapers | throughout the Dominion, the Whig Tea and Sale. i will not in future put out Sunday war The Church Woman's Aid of St. bulletins. This is due not only to| George's Cathedral will hold their the fact that newspapers to survive|annual tea and sale in St. George's must to-day practise the most rigid | Hall, Thursday, Dec. Tth. economy, but also because there is - usually scarcely enough important news to warrant the expenditure or the time involved. Sunday is a rest day, and so, little news filters through that™it is scarcely worth while sending over the wires. Papers, therefore, all over the province are eliminating the Sunday bulletin, Every mother realizes, after giving her children "California Syrup of Figs," that this is their ideal laxa- tive, because they love its pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses the tender little stomach, liver and bow- els without griping. When cross, irritable, feverish, or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at the tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit laxative," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passes out of the bowels and you have a well, playful child again. When the little system is full of cold, throat sore, has stom- ach-ache, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic--remember, a good "inside cleansing? should always be the first treatment en. Millions of mothers keep "Cali- fornia Syrup of Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful today saves a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for a 6G0-cent. bottle of "California Syrup of Figs" which has directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups printed on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here, so don't be fooled. Get the genuine, made by "California Fig Syrup Company." Sergt.-Major O'Hara, who was committed for trial on the charge of indecent assault, will be tried before Judge Lavell Monday morning. Pure Jams and Jellies at Picker- ing's. The American Consul is at work upon his from this district. over two million dollars. Win Surrer Wink Cor, in Rani Now? Sailings Overseas. Sailings overseas via New York are ax follows: Dec. 6th, 8th, 11th, 13th, 16th, 18th, 20th, 22nd, 27th and 20th, Pancake Flour at Pickering's. Will You Have An Edison Phonograph This Christmas 77 Place your order early in: order to insure delivery. The sweetest music, and that which cannot be distin- 8 'om the human voice from Edison's fa- point phono- the cause EE ar PPP PY annual report of exports | The total will be WOMEN'S AILMENTS Come From The Heart and Nerves Young girls budding into woman- hood, who suffer with pains and { headaches, and whose face is pale] |-and blood watery, will find Milburn"s| Heart and Nerve Pills build them | up. ! Women, between the ages of 40 and 50, who dre nervous, subject to hot flushes, feeling of pins and need-| les, smothering feeling, shortness of | breath, palpitation of the heart, etc., are tided over this trying time of their life by the use of this remedy. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills} have a wonderful effect on a woman's system, making pains and aches van- ish, bringing color to the pale cheek and sparkle to the eye. The old, worn out, tired out, lan- guid feelings give place to strength and vitality, and life again seems like living. Mrs. Alfred Winter, Castor, Alta., writes: "I would like every womar who is suffering from nerves or oa trouble to know how much Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills have lielped me. For two years I kept a hired girl, and was doctoring all the time. After having taken four boxes of your pills I am able to do all my own work. [I would especially recommend them to women between 40 and 50 as at that time they are more liable to be far from well. One of my neigh- bors knows how they helped me. and she ig now using them." Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are G0c., or three hoxes for $1.25! at all dealers, or mailed dfrect on receipt of price by The TP, Milburn Company, Limited, Toronto, Ont. ma nm, HIGH COST OF LIVING. Remarks Heard By a Reporter on the Market Square, "How much for your eggs?" asked] a citizen of a farmer on the market | on Saturday . | "Well," he replied, "some have) been asking sixty cents, but 1 don't just know how much they 'will hej worth." The citizen asking ile price most had his breath taken away. "Too high for me," he remarked as he passed along, grumbling about they high eost of living. "I don't mind paying a good price for eggs if they were only good," said another citizen, "That fellow must have lois money," said another egg-seeker who happened 10 hear the remark. al- ¢ of CREPE PRR ETRE bb DIGNIFIED CHRISTMAS IS DEMANDED. The twenty-fourth of December is a trifle late to begin planning for a sane Christmas and yet, every year, there are multitudes of people who begin to think seriously of that thing for the first time when the tinkle of the reindeers' bells is expected hourly, This year of all others should see a Christmas dignified but. cheerful, restrained but happy, a Christmas that speaks of chastening and of willingness to enter into the new conditions which are made necessary be cause of the féarful price the world isfpaying in order that it may "enter into the fullness of life, Christmas Day, 1916, is a notably day in a penitential season ---- penitential even though many have not yet caught the spirit. PEELE L IIIS II SIIB EL SEES A BOY-ARTIST PREP PRI EPL PEPER rE Perr r Capt. Norwell's Thirteen Year Old Son Does Good Work, In Graham Norwell, the thirteen year old gon of Capt. J. C. Norwell, headquarters staff, Kingston has a young artist, who in a few years is certain to make a prominent mark in the artistic world. This boy has a passion for sketching and painting and his ideas on coloring and shad- owing are particularly good. The Whig has had an opportunity of looking at some of his work and it is almost unbelievable that it could | be dene by such a young boy. It is entirely lacking in that amateurish look that haunts so many pictures by amateurs, The finished appear- ance and the close attention to de- tail that = characterizes the best rstudies is shown in 'his pictures, Needless to say with a few more | years practice this boy attist will be a leader in the work. AN HONOR FULLY MERITED. Brother of Abraham Shaw Re-elected to Important Position, The Philadelphia Journal of Com- merce, in its last issue, has a fine photograph of Samuel Shaw, hrother of Ex-Mayor Abraham Shaw, of this city, and announces that he has been re-elected treasurer of the Bard of Home Missions and Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Fund. He has filled this important position for the' past twenty years, and his re- tention in the office is a merited recognition of his past and able ser- vice. He has always been zealous and untiring in his efforts for the further development and extension of the scope of usefulness of the Board of isslons. Died at Pembroke. Mrs. E.'W. Mullin received a tele- gram a Monday ne the death r cousin, rs, artin Legge, for the 3h s her of Deceased had past three weeks. She Iv re THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1916. A -- i One Dollar Cosy Slippers for women, in brown, grey, black, red and dark blue; soft, warm and com- "fortable--only $1.00. . Abernethy"s Campbells Furs Aside from their comfort and utility, furs are distinctly the fashion. Superior quality, style and finish are the strong points with us, and our rep- utation protects you. % LADIES' HUDSON SEAL COATS. MEN'S FUR COATS, MEN'S FUR LINED COATS, LADIES' NECK PIECES and MUFFS, in the Jasjonabis furs. FUR LINED GLOVES. Our usual unexcelled values still prevail, Campbell Bros, Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. [----------y To NYAL'S EMULSION OF Cod Liver Oil For Deep Seated Coughs and Colds 50c and $1.00. Prouse's Drug Store Phone 82 Opposite St. Andrew's Church [ Call and Ne t-- a Lt mn nt High Price of Muskrats, Speaking to the John McKay Lim- ited re the high price of muskrats'® our representative was informed that at the recent London fur sales muskrats advanced from . fifty to sixty per cent, Owing to a change in the Ontario game law, which now prohibits the taking of muskrats until March 1s¢ 1917, the extreme scarcity of dyes, and 'the labor situ- ation, manufacturers are fast reali- zing that the Hudson Seal or dyed muskrat for next season will be a rather expensive garment. Pratt's Poultry Regulator, guaran- teed egg producer, 26¢ and 5dc pkgs., af Pickering's. ; : A pair of men's boots, with thick wooden soles, labelled "1917 model," dnd placed in a Princess street shoe store, is attracting much attention. State of Ohlo, City of Moledo, cas County, ss. ; Frank J. Cheney makes oath thai he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co, doing business in the Thy of Toledo, County and State afore- Jd, and that sal firm will pay the at by sige of FALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY . Sworn to before me and subscribed 18 my resence thi ath day of Décem AL Notary Public. Shoe Store Xmas Chocolates see our big variety in fancy boxes and baskets. Sakell's Next to Grand Opera House, Telephone 640. THE CHRISTMAS ~ GIFT STORE Doll Carriages in Rattan or Wood Bodi ~~ Three-Piece Toy Setts and Baby Walkers. Children's Rockers and High Chairs Gifts that are pleasing to young and old. ~~ James Reid, The Busy Store with the Large Stock. Limited Dinner Sets! Dinner Sets! Dinner Sets! No better place in Canada to select a Set; big variety of patterns. Robertson's One set in particular, to Which we wish to draw your at- tention. Made by the world famous potters, Johnston Bros: The Royal Milton, a very pretty conventional border in sutumn tints, and gold traced. Call and see it. Best value anywhere. at Sargent's Cor. Princess & Montreal Drug Store Sts. Telephone 41 180 Wellington St. Over Royal Bank. _. Am Now Equipped to Take Your s Pl