~ PAGE EIGHTEEN r NEWEST NOTES OF SCIENCE ther waste is an important in- paper Japan is discovering that It pos- soszes many mineral springs rich in adium emanations. Shoes with aluminum soles have been invented for persons working In water or damp places, France makes elementary instruc. tion obligatory for al! children be: tween the agea of six and sixteen. More than 1,600,000 electric stor-| age batteries are used in automobiles in the United States, British scientists are studying a nineral found in Wales that emits a faint light in its patural state. A library table that unfolds and forms a full-sized double bed is a fur- niture novelty of recent invention. Brazil has the largest known de- posit of 70 per cent. iron ore, praeti- cally free from phospherus, n the world. An inventor has patented a small celluloid disk to be attached to a phonograph needle to intesify the sound. Fiber useful in textiles and cord- age has been extracted from the wat- er hyacinth of Indo-China by a Frenchman, To pump water out of places into which it leaks there has been in- vented an electric pump controlled by a float. v Extensive deposits of lignite have been discovered in Sielly and mining of fuel of excellent quality has been begun, A pew spring snay for harness and other purposes is made from a single piece of steel wire twiste and suit vy will erect huge 1 street nied igns to of vehicles approaching y from ago « A Philadelphia gardener is | the inventor of a machine to wrap rhubarb in heavy paper to save the cost pf shipping boxes Experts have estimated that. Spain | coniains 700,000,000 ton {f un- mined iron ore, capable of yielding about 50 per gent. of metal In a new form of electric fan ver- tleal blades draw in the air from be- neath and distribute it equally in all horizontal diregtions. Spain is studying its large deposits of peat with a view to utilizing the material for the production of hoth gas and eleetricity. For overpowering refractory pris- oners an inventior has patented a po- Hceman's club that emits a noxious gas when a button is pressed Sweden is having its alum shale deposits investigated 'by experts in the hope of obtaining illuminating oil, sulphur and other products. Around the handle of a pew um- brella is a soft rubber ring that holds the ends of the ribs firmly and nedt- iy when the umbrella is closed. Radium emanations, according to a Paris surgeon, are nseful after opera- tions to destroy diseased cells that the knife may have missed An Oregon power development plant has the world's largest chain drive, eight chains, each 21 inches wide, transmitting 5,000 Thorse- power, One set of copper mines in Cuba has been operated almost continu- ously on an extensive scale ever since the ore was discovered in 1620, A device to be attached to a plug of tobacco to hite off pieces and thereby save its user's teeth has been patented by an Oklahoma inventor. A waterproof electric motor has been invented by an Australian to drive brushes against the hulls of ves- sels to clean them without dry dock- ing. Patents have been granted a Saint ouis inventor of an electric alarm that sounds when rain begins to fall in windows left open for ventilation. Two bridges in a city in India are supported upon large metal tanks, which float the water and ac- commodate ives to Ita rise and fall Inside a new hand bag for women i¢ 2 mirror and a tidy, dry battery fed electric lamp, which is automatically switched on when the bag is opened, The Italian city of Milan has ' changed from gas street lighting to electricity, generating its current by| Alpine waterfalls, pearly 100 miles AWAY. A California inventor has patented AAA A NINN 4 . lchiefly because more agreeable to the - ER alte NY front wheel brake for automob!i« ! that can be used witout imterferin:! with the operation of a ear in any | way | An increase in parasitieal diseasc:| among poultry and game birds in England is attributed to the distri bution of dust through the alr byl automobiles : Investigators have found that elec- tricity applied to soil that has been dampened with salt water will de stroy insects without injury to grow-| ing crops. From a mixture of sugar eane re! fuse and bamboo fiber a Trinidad' planter has succeeded in making a paper equal in quality to the best wood-pulp produet. A reel to be attached to an auto- mobile wheel has been invented to enable a lineman to pick up or pay out wire much more rapidly than ean be done by hand. According to two French scientists a raw-food diet increases the white blood corpuscles, which play an im- porant part ia the fight against dis- ease germs. The inventor of a new auger bit has made it thick at the edges and thin at the centre and claims it will force the chips toward the centre and thus avoid clogging. To prevent the absorption of damp- ness from the ground by stone build- ings a new European practice is to cut slots in their walls and insert asphalt coated lead plates A Wisconsin boy is the inventor of portable equipment to enable a per- son to connect with any telephone or telegraph line and either talk over it or use telegraph instruments. Europe's largest dam, a reinforced concrete structure 330 feet high and 700 feet long, recently was completed in Spain'by American engineers for power and irrigation purposes, A Connecticut inventor's match box consists of two cylinders, one | within the other, and with slots cut [in their sides through which a matek | { drops when the slots coincide. | For surgeons and dentists an | Ohifoan has invented an electric lamp mounted on an adjustable bracket | whieh concentrates its rays through a System of lenses contained in tube. | To protect the bases of telegraph | poles against decay a new French | practice is to surround them with earthenware pipes and fill the pipes with melted resin, which solidifies and becomes waterproof Aljost a whole gymnasiuni is eon- tained in a new ¢hair in which a seat- ed person, by pulling straps over his shoulders, manipulates lever and weights and exercise 'most of his muscles. An Arizona scientist will try to fix the time of the cliff dwellers' era by comparing the age rings in the tree trunks still standing in their homes with the rings in the oldést trees now living. Coal deposits that have been dis- covered in Iceland are being develop- ed satisfactorily and sci@utists are in- vestigating deposits found on the Bear islands, "between Spitzbergen and Norway. According to a Paris mathema- tiglan the adoption of Greenwich time as the standard for France has inereased the lighting expenses of every French household about one per cent. Sanitary advantages are claimed for a Detroit inventor's shaving mug in which the pressure of a plunger torees a portion of liquid soap out of a dust proof chamber into a main up. The British board of trade has | Elven its approval to a new single | davit, which launches a boat from a | vessel with a sling and releases it | automatically as soon a It touches the water, A new aeroplane motor is provid- ed with a starting crank that can be operated from an aviators seat and | with a muffler to deaden the sound with a loss of only four or five per cent of power. The inventor of a steel railroad tie that also serves us a cattle guard claims it can be laid in half the time {required for a wooden tie and will prevent - wrecks caused by rails spreading. Introduced into Bohemia twelve years ago, the American mushrat | has spread over a wide area and now is regarded as a serious pest, the gov- {ernment advocating the destruction 'of the animals wherever found. A new European record for the most heavily loaded train recently was established by a Russian ratl- road on which aa American loco- motive hauled a train 2,800 feet long {with a load of 4,421 tons. |. To increase the traction of am automobile wheel and prevent skidad- {ing a Washington inventor has pat- ented a bread fabric belt to be pass- led over a tire and a 2mall pulley to | be' mounted under a running Poa bumper to stop railroad cars has {been invented that consists of a series lof curved elevations in the track {which gradually reduce the speed of a car, the last one being high enough {to halt the car. The Turkish Government has thken up a project for the irrigation. of nearly half a million acres of the Adana plain, the Cilicia of antiquity, lat a cost of §17,600,000 and eight or ten years of work. "The United States bureail of fish- 'eries is planning. to transport 8,000, {900 humpback salmon eggs from Al- jaska to rivers. in Main and a carload {of lobsters from the latter state to {Washington codst waters, Tests by a Swiss city of the relative efficiency lamps for street lighting were decided 'in: favor of the latter, 15% terryboat that transports aut A e § [O- , river In Washington them Shoe Dealers are Entitled to Higher Prices for Some Brands of Rubbers On a great many of our lines of Rubber Footwear there have, of necessity, been small advances in prices, for these reasons: -- Since the war the price of crude rubber has fluctuated, registering as much as 40% advance and then sagging back almost to 1914 figures. But ocean and freight rates xR it have doubled--marine insurance is away up--and then there is the War Tax. Moreover, cottons used in rubber footwear are up 257 to 1007, chemicals 25% to 3007, dyes a good deal more than that, and labor is scarce and higher paid. | these items must be included in our costs. Jacques Cartier x THE MAPLE LEAF RUBBER ites Our policy has been, and will continue to be:-- To maintain fully the quality of each and every brand of our rubber footwear, regardless of expense. To maintain, as long as we can, stability of prices to dealers, advancing just as little as possible considering the higher manufacturing cost. If your shoe dealer asks you a little more for our rubbers, he is 'quite entitled to it. To his increased cost he must also et added profit to make up for his increased expense oing busi MERCHANTS RUBBERS The public will find any increases we make brands of Rubber Footwear insignificant compared with the saving that the consistent use of Rubber Footwear accomplishes. The additional cost of our brands of Rubbers is, however, fully justified, because they are backed by the same reliable quality that has won popularity for these well-known marks "MERCHANTS" "DOMINION" "JACQUES CARTIER" "MAPLE LEAF" Canadian Consolidated Rubber Co. Limited Largest Manufacturers of Rubber Goods in the British Empire EXECUTIVE OFFICES - MONTREAL, P.Q. SIX LARGE, UP-TO-DATE MANUFACTURING PLANTS IN CANADA 28 "SERVICE" BRANCHES AND WAREHOUSES THROUGHOUT CANADA "GRANBY" "DAISY" ADependable Day Train Between Kingston and Ottawa. 'Chicago, MIL. |i: Biase. Dec. 2 1 to | i: 1916. (Daly Ex. Sun) Round trip Lo Deh, be fssued | 4" Sebaily Ex. Suny Sed, 4th, ~Ohmervation-Parior Library Be- Seek PAC! MISSANABIE Sat., Dec. 9 916, Fare $20.20. For tickets and information apply ' te o bX E. Frey, Station Agent, or M. C. ar maz accommodation, the- [L, E: ior, Suation Aeut of Sirbatrn Ss 1 other ix ' General Passenger Agent, 85 King St {to J. P. Hanley, Agent, corner J E. Toronto Ont.