PAGE TEN GOODS! for Christmas were a little late arriv- ing this fall, but are all here now. We would advise early buying, as stocks in some lines are limited. New Sultana Raisins New Seeded Raisins New Seedless Raisins New Table Raisins New Currants ; New Lemon Peel New Orange Peel New Citron Peel New Dates New Prunes New Calarab Figs New Spanish Figs New Cooking Figs New. Shelled Almonds New Shelled Walnuts New Crystallized Cherries New Glace Cherries Maraschino Cherries 'Creme de Menthe Cherries Overseas Boxes We are still packing boxes for the boys at the front, and are always glad to offer assistance and sugges- tions. We have the latest boxes for filling in two sizes--10c and 15¢c. The following are always appreci- ated: Milk Chocolate Sweet Chocolate Nut Chocolate Oxo Cubes Sterno Stoves Chocolatta Coffee, Milk and Sugar Cocoa, Milk and Sugar Washington Coffee Cigarettes Tobacco Sharp's Kreemy Toffee Everton Toffee Turkish Delight Marshmall ow Figs in packages Bact n pockages Biscuits Toilet Soa; Colgate's Tooth Paste Colgate's Talcum Powder MacLaren's Cream Cheese Sardines Potted Meats Gum Candles New Table Raisins . We would like to call special atten- tion to Chocolatta ady to use Chocolate con- tains Chocolate, Milk and S pared instantly by adding ter only. Nutritious, Delicious, Digestible--25c and 50c tins. ar pre. ng wa- -- remember to order a supply of Sun- kist Oranges from your dealer. Sunkist are the uniformly good Oranges. Sunkist Oranges CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS' EXCHANGE he LA 42 ACUTE COLDS AND THROAT TROUBLE. Soon Cured by VENO'S LIGHTNING COUGH CURE Veno's is no ordinary cough mix- ture, but an absolute specific for every kind of cough, cold, or throat trouble. [It is just wonderful how it cures those acute colds and throat troubles that are so prevalent at this season. A few doses of Veno's and you are well again because Veno's is a real lung and chest healer, and en- ables you to throw off the trouble at once. There is no dope in it, so you can take it freely, and give it to chil. dfen, too. Prices 30 cents and 60 cents, from druggists and stores throughout Canada. qa Health Triumphs over disease every time you use Lifebuoy Sosp. For its . LIFEBUOY HEALTH SDAP Mild and pure enough for Baby's skin--therefore emi- nently suitable for yours. 11 TAKE STOCK OF MY TANGLED AFFAIRS. yyright, 1916, by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate) I do not know how long I sat there conservatory after Harry Pendleton and Miss Phillips had de- parted. . At first 1 conld not realize what it was Mr. Pendleton was say ing. He in love with me? Impossi ble! It wag incomprehensible, in- conceivable! Why, I had brought everything I could contigo} to bear to make him fall in love With Evelyn Phillips. Instead, T had just heard that he loved me, despite my hus band, despite Evelyn, despite every- thing Is it any wonder that I was shock- ed into a condition of numbness which rendered me for the moment powerless to move? To wake sud- denly and find that everything about you has precisely the opposite aspect from what you dreamed it had; to start toward the north and suddenly find that you were headed toward the south; to jump into what you thought was a warm bath and dis- cover it was icy cold--these are some of the things which would have been easy to comprehend as compared with the inexplicable tangle in which I found myself. As I looked back upon my brief ac- quaintance with Mr. Pendleton, 1 could not recall a single instance when he had given me a look or had uttered a word which I might have construed as indicating more than the affection of a new-found friend. Yet I had it from his own lips that he was in love with me; that he had held his emotions in check only un- til he could decide whether he should confide in me. All the time that I was using a woman's wiles to cast him under the spell of Evelyn's beau- ty, he was coming under my own in- fluence. And the very woman whom 1 had selected for him was the one to whom he confided his love for me! The strangeness of the situation gripped me no less than its serious- ness-- seriousness for him and for me, Could it be possible that a love- tangle involving Evelyn and Arthur on the one hand and Harry Pendle- ton and me on the other was in the process of being woven? It was a question which 1 had to face, and one to which there seemed to be but one answer, and that was an affirma- tive one. I had it from Mr. Phillips' own lips that Evelyn was in love with Arthur, 1 had it from no less an authority than Mr. Pendleton that Mr. Pendle- (Cop n the siLvio Producer of Sha te | comedy, "The Windsor." At the Grand on Tuesday, Dec A. Wise, Constance Collier, Isabel Irving and thirty-five THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1916. | { n was in love with me. The onlv. ones, apparently, who had not com- { mitted themselves were Arthur and | I---and we had no right to love any- | one except each other. So far as my own emotions were concerned I could answer for myself, it is possible that I did not love Ar- thur with the passion which a wife should feel toward her husband, but one thing was certain--I did not love Harry Pendleton. Could 1 answer for Arthur also? Could he say that, while he questioned the depths of his affection for me, he had no love in his heart for Evelyn? Everything that I had observed of Arthur's relations with Evelyn indi- cated that he was infatuated with her. If this proved true, and if Mr. Phillips was right in his observa- tions, then there was but one coa- clusion to reach, so far as Arthur and Evelyn was concerned. They loved each other and that was all there was to it. | The next question which came to my mind was, granted that they loved each other, what will come af- terwards? Could they cast aside the conventions which surrounded them and respond to the call of the sex, or would they be held apart by that strange power which sometimes de- fi¢s this strongest of all attractions between human beings. I arose wearily and made by way toward the drawing room. As I passed a mirror I was startled at the pale face which stared back at me from its depths. Yet I did not stop. I felt that I must rejoin the others. Something was calling to me and I was compelled to obey. As I eatered the drawing room Harry was the first to notice me. In an instant he was beside me. "You are ill!" he cried, seizing my army to support me. 'Sit here while 1 get a glass of water." The others crowded about--Mrs. Tomlinson, Mr. Henderson, Arthur, Evelyn and the others--all eager to minister to my needs. But I waved them away. "It is nothing," I told.them', "Just a momentary 'weakness which came upon me while 1 was seated in the conservatory. It will soon pass away." I glanced up at Arthur as he stood beside. Evelyn. , Her beauty cut me like a knife. Bitter as it would be for me to have to acknowledge her as a rival I had the satisfaction of krowing that it required loveliness as great as hers to win my husband away from me! (To be continued), HEIN : y Wives of . 12th, with Thomas others in the all-star cast. " The Whig's Daily Menu | Menu for Friday Fish Hash. cod and one cup of mashed potatoes. Fry brown on both sides. Salmon and Rice Line a mould with cooked rice, fill the centre with creamed salmon, cover lightly with rice and steam half an hour. Serve with cream sauce. half an hour. Mix together two cups of boiled Toronto Mail Among the many gard to which - dissatisfaction has been steadily growing are the fol- failure to solve the blockade matters in ro i n 3 lowing: Passiveness of naval policy, |i - Such refreshing fragrance, suc softening and cleansing!-- Tt is the skillful use of pure vegetable fats and finest natural flower extracts, which make Baby's Own Soap so good for tender skins, and so difficult to imitate-- For sale by almost every Soap retailer in Canada. ALBERT SOAPS LIMITED, Manufacturers, MONTREAL. skin athieu's Syrup oF TAR & Cop Liver Oil Stops CoucH Sold in generous size bottles by all dealers. THE J. L. MATHIEU CO., Makers also of Mathicu's Nervine Powders the best remedy for Headaches, Neuralgia, and feverish colds, Props., SHERBROOKE, P.Q. ® N CIS IVSYSTEM TIONAL LIVESTOCK EXPOSITION Chicago, Ill. Dec. 2nd to Sth, 1916. Round trip tickets will be issued Hi AR good going on December Srd, 4th, and 5th, 1916, valid to return until December 13th, 1916, Fare $26.20. For Pullman accommodation, tic- kets and all other information, apply to J. P. Hanley, Agent, corner John-. son and Ontario streets, Kingston, Ont. Agency for all Ocean Steam- - ship Lines. ADependable Day Train Between Kingston and Ottawa. Lv. Kingston Ar, Ottawa (Dally F Ar. Kingston (Daily Ex. Sun.) Library<Observation-Parior Cars tween Harrowsmith and Ottawa For tickets and information apply to J: E. Ivey, Station Agent, or M. C. Dunn, City Agent, or write to R. L. Fairbairn, General Passenger Agent, 68 King St. E., Toronto Ont. ' [CANADIAN NORTHERN] -~ SIA CANADIAN SERVICE fax- n Passenger Service FARM HANDS SCARCE, And They Will Be Searcer in England When War is Over. The Journal of Agriculture (Eng.) in a discussion on the English agri-. cultural labor problem says it is esti- mated that 320,000 men have left the land in the United Kingdom since the beginning of the war, and to this figure will have to be added the number leaving between now and the end of the war; the number who will not go back to the land is estimated at twenty-five per cent the enlistments, or at least 80,000. From examination of the means to be adopted, to meet this serious ghorthge the committee which has in- quired into the matter are forced to the conclusion that unless the agri- cultural production and population | are to be further reduced, a consid- erable number of ex-service men who were not employed in farm work on the outbreak of the war will have to be brought into English agriculture. Neferring to the possibility of the ex-service man settling in the Domin- ions, or in foreign countries, the-com- mittee think a great deal might be done, not only to bring home to him the comparative advantages of life in a more settled country, but to im- prove the conditions that have hith- erto prevailed. As a means of improving condi- tions it is suggested that small allot- ments of land be made near towns so that artisans engaged in industrial employment in those towns may pro- vide at least a portion of their food supply in their spare time. It is fur. ther suggested, with a view of giving an added stimulus to general farm- ing, that duties be placed on agri- cultural produce imported, which will be sufficient 'to give the protec- tion that is necessary to the farmer,' It is evidently the intention "% those behind what is proposed to keep at home the prospective farm labcrers it was hoped might be at- tracted to this country. It also ap- pears probable, in addition to this, Canadian farmers may find, after the way, that the United Kingdom will no longer offer a free market for their produce. A Canadians Get V. C. The Victoria Cross has been awarded to Lieut, Thomas Orde Lawler Wilkinson, North Lancashire Rifles, killed July 25, aged twenty- two. He was the second son of C. BE. Wilkinson of Comox, B.C., and was a surveyor in Victoria when he en- listed originally, early in the war, in the Canadian Gordons. _ Lieut. Wilkinson was decorated "for most conspicuous bravery. Dur- an when a party of an- unit were retiring without machine gun, Lieut. Wilkinsen forward, and with two of his got the gun into action and enemy till were re- Later, when EE ge hi EEsfatie | Drink Hot Water! Have Rosy Cheeks and a Peachy Skin Says we will both look and feel clean, sweet and fresh and avoid Hiness. fi To see the tinge of healthy bloom in your face, to see your skin get clearer and clearer, to wake up with- out a headache, backache, coated tongue or a nasty breath, in fact, to feel your best, day in and day out, just try inside bathing every morn- ing for one week. Before breakfust each day drink a glass of real hot water with a tea- spoonful of limestone phosphate in it as a harmless means of washing from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bow- els the previous day's indigestible waste, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal before From Halifax Via Falmouth to London, 5 p.m. . ASCANIA ...... Dec. 35 4 From London Via Plymouth to Halifax Dec. 2... . 168 AUSONIA cao Jan, CABIN AND THIRD CLASS. For information apply leeal Ticket Agent or The Robert Reford Company Limited, General Agents, 50 King St. Kant, Toronto. ~----y MANAGERS *=s AGENTS J ------------------ | MISSANABIE Sat.; Dec. 9 Lv. Liverpool Lv. St. Joka Dec 1 Seandinavian Deec.16 Lv, London Lv. St. John Nov. 23 Corinthian Dee. 13 Lv. St. John tian, Dee. 9 Lv. Glasgow Nov, 35 Can. Pac. Lines Lv, Liverpool Lv. §t, John Nov.2S Missanable Deed Rites, Reservations, ey y Local Agents, or Allan Pines King St. W, LE. Suckling--1 King SLE. General Agents, Toronto. PASSPORTS ts ini " Request. wi i putting more food into the st h The action of hot water and lime- stone phosphate on an empty stom- ach is wonderfully invigorating. It cleans out all the sour fermentations, gases and acidity and gives one a splendid appetite for breakfast. A quarter pound of limestone phos- { phate will cost very little at the drug store, but is sufficient to demonstrate {that just as soap and hot water cleanses sweetens and freshens the skin, so hot wa- ter and limestone phosphate act on the blood and internal organs. Those who are subject to constipation, bil- fous attacks, acid stomach, rheumatic twinges, also those whose skin is sal- low and complexion pallid, are assur- ed that one week of inside-bathing will have thém both looking and feel- ing better in every way. AT THE UNIQUE GROCERY For Hire! Closed and Open Auto- Also Two Closed Cars For Sale or