Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Dec 1916, p. 12

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1916. I Send Your Relatives and Friends at the Front, or [In the World of Sport| om foie imi" Milo IN O.B.A. SENIOR RACE i it ediate and Junior Seri EE oD | rarity Put Up In Boxes 10, 25, 50. : For Sale at All Tobacconists and Druggists. oa pm CHRISTMAS FURNITURE 1 AGE TWELVE HTTP AO 111 | wocker wares = Milton will be out of hockey this Season, every player in the town hav- ing enlisted. mences January 1st. January or Early in February-- The most important change advo- Tex Rickard Arranging For Carpen- [cated by the Ontario Basketball As- tier to Visit America. dociation for the coming season ¥ the Tex Rickard, the world's greatest |3Polition of the Senior series, and the promoter of boxing bouts, ie about inclusion of competitions for soldier to daze the public with znother of teams instead. . This wads unanimous Mhis smashing "beats" in fisticuff ex-|1¥ a5reed to, and in future the senior cellence, series. will he ¢omposed 'entirely of If Rickard's plans for annexing a khaki teams. V license for Madison square garden|. There ate three teams at London, go through, and if Rickard can in- and the -153rd Battalion -at. St. duce the French military authorities | Thomas, has a fourth, so that that to give their consent, Jess Willard district will be wel looked after. and Georges Carpentier will box a There will be intermediate and ten-round, no-decision bout in New | junior competitions. In the junior York some time late in January or | group, Woodstock, St. Thomas, Strat- early February. ford and London will compete, In Willard already has given his word |the intermediate series St. Thomas, to go through with the bout, telling [Western University, Ontario Agri- Rickard at the same time that all cultural College, Guelph and London he required was six weeks' notice |Y. M. C. A. will furnish the battles. Ki to begin training. Rickard declares' The play will open about January | The junior series of the O.H.A. will Willard appears to be in good con- 1. The winners of the districts will /include more clubs this season than dition and would have little trouble play off with the winners of other for years, The enlistment of so getting ready. districts for the bunting. many intermediate and senior players At the present time Carpentier, The officers elected were: Presi- [is ascribed as the reason for the the European heavyweight champion |dent, J. bi Baker, QAL, Guelph; | popularity of the junior section. is in Paris on a furlough. He is a |vice-president, 8. H. rmstrong, --- member of the French aerial zervice, | director of playgrounds,.of this eity; St. Michael's College, being in having joined that branch of the secretary-treasurer, M. .F. Smith, |aMiliation with University of Toronto, army when the war broke out. He Hamilton. is bound by the rule of the athletic 'has been sounded on the probability | | directorate prohibiting outside com- of a New York match and has given | May Be Changed. petition during the war. The Sain his consent. If things can be ar- | Montreal, De¢.7.--Excitement was | have notified the O.H.A. that they ranged satisfactorily he seon will| caused at the City HaHl by the air- | Will retain their membership, but will sail for New York. | culation of a rumor that the Pro- {have no team in the big leagues, Riri el a match yd his Hoite | vincial Government intended to wipe Cka probably wou e only out the City Council and Board of slightly disheartened if he failed to | control and substitute a commission Eo rea ett Moubledly Se | torm_of uhicipgl government. Zhe rumor sf r Lomer Gouin, Pre- would leave nothing upturned to get | mier of the province, had told a fhe proper St ot an dhciosue Tol member of a civie delegation to Que- ng of 2 re ga v t! nt municipal sys- course, would add more fame to his! hee, Shot Ue Yiasant 1 be ay crown, but Willard-Carpentier | «jth. \ bout, with the glamor of a war hero The administration of Montreal pitted against the hulking world's "has been under fire for a long time. champion, would draw a massive Several commissigns have investigat- HOR tie has done little boxing = sHegutions ig Aldormas a r 4 ontrollers and have reporte un- since he won from Gunboat Smith, | favorably against e I Another the American heavyweight, in what investigation into the dealings of was to have been a twenty-round|the City Fathers with the tramways bout. in London. The bout ended | company in connection with a new when Smith struck Carpentier after franchise, is pending. the latter had fallen or had been knocked to his knees and the ref- eree declared a foul. That was in July, 1914, and shortly afterward war was declared and Carpentier joined the colors. The idol of -- Manager George Kennedy, of the Canadiens, has signed a wing player by the name of Jimmy Roy, of Chi- coutimi. The Canadiens will be cap- tained by "Newsy" Lalonde this winter. Winnipeg will likely have three hockey leagues this winter. Two of them are called the Winnipeg Military League and the Winnipeg Patriotic League. The name of the third has not yet been decided. A gift for all the family for all the year around Coddy Winters, who has played on the defence for Cleveland for the last three years, has declined an offer to coach and play for the Duluth elub this season. ALL THE LATEST DESIGNS IN MUSIC CABINETS Assortment to choose from, $6.50 to $25.00. Large ; DAVENPORTS, CHESTERFIELDS, EXTENSION COUCHES, ETS, Phone 577 R. J. REID, Leading Undertaker :: EDDY'S MATCHES Although somewhat increased in price, owing to the con- tinued high cost of potash, glue, and other raw material, are of the usual high standard of quality, which has made them famous for two-thirds of a century, ALWAYS ASK FOR EDDY'S MATCHES No matter how much money you're going to spend for Christ- mas some should go for music to make your Christmas brighter. A Columbia Grafonola is the gift that will be the great- est source of pleasure both on Christmas morn and all through the year. "i Competition for the Jennings Cup will be the only hockey at University of Toronto this year. "Vic" Gilbert will be missed this season at the Toronto Arena. The Argonaut goaler of last winter could always be depended upon to give an exhibition worth the price 'of admis- sion, providing the other team gave him enough work to do. Gilbert is now with the 235th Battalion. Prices from $15 up--on special Christmas terms An effort is being made in Western Ontario to form an interscholastic Hockey League, after the plan of the | Interscholastic Football League that has been in operation for several years. Guelph, Galt, Kitchener and Woodstck Collegiate will likely enter. Woodstock College have also {been invited, but as they have al- ready entered. in the junior series of the O.H.A. it is likely they will re- main there, If you have a Grafonola or wish you had, and have some other machine. BOXING GOSSIP. A Montreal boy who was taken prisoner at St. Julien and sent to . France, he had been kept in good Columbia Records The Aberdeen team, of Ottawa, is planning an extensive tour this win- ter. They have practically closed for condition at the front, occasionally taking part in boxing contests, In announcing the probability of this match Rickard said he also was planning matches between . Freddie Welsh and Johnny Kilbane and a bout between Les Darcy and the best middleweight he could find, provid- ingDarcy really is dn his way to this country. He declared his policy, if he gains control of the garden, will be to put on only the highest class attractions, preferring champions as opponets for rising boxers, Sam- uel McCracken, who long has been associated with Rickard, will be matchmaker, will make your holidays better and brighter be- cause they are the finest in quality and tone. Treadgold Sporting Goods { Co. 88 Princess i 3 P ) Eddie Wallace must be coming along some if he can floor Johnny Dundee and get a clear verdict over him as he did last week in Brooklyn. A righthand swing in the fourth round did the tgick: kt is 'said to be the first time "Dundee 'was ever knocked off his feet, ! f b Z " i he enone gloves, He said| WN DRAWS KELEASE. After playing thirteen years in the / of by Charles H. Geeghman, president that the gloves Would be greatly ap- | major league, Mordecal Brown, the 2 > 9 Gi the German deténtion camp in Gles- : 1 V e er sen, G Duchy of H : it- | ®ames at New York, Pittsburg, Cleve- Sen, Gratid Duchy of Hesse, Hae writ land, St. Paul and Detroit. -- fated by hinjself fellow pris- | Onors, ell And AON DELS ous Thiee-Fingered Hurler, Was famous three-fingered pitcher of the Chicago National League club, has Brown is 38 years old. He came to Chicago from the St. Louis Nationals ten home, making an urgent appeal i box a Major 13 Years. a been given his unconditional release in 1904, In an interview to a Montreal paper upon his return from his vis% to Toronto, President Robinson, of Charles Mitchell, jr., son of the 0 the N.H.A, stated that there would be no difficulty in the two Toronto clubs reaching an agreement over the former British heavyweight, has been promoted to sergeant in the Sports- men's Battalion (25th Royal Fusil- fers). The young man has developed Helping to Save the Ducks. if you shoot a duck and find an aluminum band on one leg send band to the Biological Survey, Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C., giving place, date and circumstances under which the duck was shot. The Biological Survey is making a study of the longevity and migration of wild fowl, and returning tags will be of value in this work. Some of the tagged ducks were treated in Utah for a malady that was killing them off by the thousands. What's the Reason? Isn't it strange that one or two Montreal and Toronto papers devote barrels of space in summer to base- ball, hundreds of miles away, and are equally liberal during winter with informatjon concerning horse races SELECT YOUR CHRISTMAS down in Mexico and Cuba, yet prac- : tically ignore their own pational Victrola or E di son % sport--hockey? In such case there's PHONOGRAPH NOW FROM F. W. COATES For Kansas City. ¢ "45 It Can Be Delivered When You Telophone Keats trouble. The same opinion does not prevail in Teronto. rms into a erack shot. Abe Attell, the former feather- weight champion, intends to lace on the gloves again. He is anxious to box Franklin Burns, the erack Jersey City bantam, in New Orleans. Buckled up in a Second Ankle port Adjusted Withers Oe Adjunt Large Eyelets. Easy to Lace Kingston's Electric Store EesSmmmm------ Hapty Tracey, the Philadelphia featherweight, will Teturn to the ringrat Quebec op Dev. 22nd. His opponent will be Frankie Fleming, the chanipion of Canada. Headquarters for Pocket Flashlights Prices 75c¢ to $2.25. Harry Pollok; manager 'of Charlie Weinert, declares that the reason BiMly Miske "ran away" from New York was because he was afraid he'd be forced into a battle with the Newark heavyweight if he remained j there. H.W.New Phone 441. Baseball for France. A baseball league for southern France is being planned as socn as the war ends. "Vicomte de la Pan- ouse, president eof a Monte Carlo man Electric Co. "79 Princess St. Sam Wallach sends word that three clubs in Providence are bidding for a Marty COrossSam Robideau match, the one meeting his demands to get it. He also says that several clubs arg seeking the return Cross- Radoud bout, which Dan McKetrick, baseball manager, will mapage the Kansas City team in the American Association, the coming season, it is announced here by . Tebeau, owner of the club. * Gonzel managed Badoud's manager, is claiming Marty | the Rochester team, in the Interna- has run out of. tional League, for several seasons. By GEORGE. McMANUS ITO ALL RIGHT- I prm-- | DON'T NEED YOU © SEND THE Bilt TQ mY sporting. club, has written the New York Giants for . information, and Secretary John B. Foster has mailed rule books and other necessary infor- mation. It is said @ four or six-club league will be formed. Ganzel John Ganzel, widely known as a Jeweler Desire. "Get the Hitch" ua ERE ol (2X yi Ly - LER ory

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