YOUR COLD will be easily relieved by taking a spoonful of SCOTTS DIED ON WAY TO DING HUSBAND @g (Mrs. James Murphy Expired in Auto 20, EMULSION ® ===" | } after each meal. It fortifies the throat and chest white WAS GOING 10 TAMWORTH it enriches the blood to | help avoid grippe,bron- | HvsBAND DIED WITHIN FEW iti neu-| i ' HOURS OF HIS WIFE. mont. Sours we sb monia, Jcott's is well |,,...., puneral Will Tike Place Sat. worth insisting upon. | urday Morning to Roman Catholic Sat & ie, Tootio, Out, Joi Church at Tamworth -- Mrs. Ps si gin A re, Murphy Had Been Visiting Sons > and Daughters in Kingston. mas an S To die in an automobile while be- | ing rushed to the bedside of her dy-| As usual we are well stocked ing husband was the sad fate of Mrs. Murphy, of Tamworth. Shortly after up with good sensible holiday goods: noon Wednesday, Mrs. Murphy left Kingston for Tamworth, having re- ceived a message that her husband, | James Murphy, was very low. The | shoek of the message, coupled with the fact that Mrs. Murphy had been in poor health proved too much for Cameras, | her 'weak heart, and she passed 'away Toilet Sets, Manicure Sets, Hand Bags, Wallets, Fountain Pens, Peéfume, Chocolates, Fite, suddenly about twenty miles out of Kingston. Despite the fact that one Let us assist in selecting ac- ceptable gifts, of the passengers had hecome a corpse, the journey was continged for 16 long miles, until Tamworth THE POPULAR DRUG STORE Open Sundays was reached about 1.30 in the after- noon. The others in the auto were the driver and Dominique, Richard and Maggie Murphy, sons and daugh- ter of the deceased. The two sons are employed in fhe Locomotive Works, and their sister has been keeping house for them, the three residing at 459 Princess street. Their mother had been visiting them for about a week when she was called home by the illness of her husband. When fe three children arrived home with/ their dead mother they found their father very low, 'and he passed away Wednesday evening, af- ter having been ill only a day or two. Death was the result of a stroke of paralysis. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy were be- tween seventy and eighty years of age, and were highly respected resi- dents of Tamworth. They are survived by seven children, who have the sympathy of the community in their double bereavement. Side by side the bodies of husband and wife are lying in the darkened home, and on Saturday morning a double funeral will take place to the Roman Catholic church at Tam- worth, thence to the cemetery, where the departed couple will be placed together to sleep the last long sleep. SEE US WHEN YO KEELEY Jr, M. 0. D. 0 Oro ATR en 8 doors above the Opera House. ; GENERAL JOFFRE Mhy be deposed in changes to be made by French government. : Millions in Elevators, * Chicage, Dee. 7.--J. ¢. Gage, president of the Winnipeg Grain Ex- change, said to-day that the Can- adian Pacific Railway is preparing to expend between $10,000,000 and $15,000,000 in grain elevators and additional terminal facHities at Van- couver, B.C. Choose M.P.'s on Knowledge Basis. London, Dec. 7.---Guy Croft, M.P. who is associated with the Imperial Misdion, writes to the press, suggest- ing that in view of a general election Wind Breakers cad ~~ Cold Killers Swea unless he is personally acquainted | with the Dominions, Coats that keep| pute wool. Prices the 2h they were three | serts. THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1916. WHO IS BRISSILOFF? Cousin Declares That He Is Really Sir Hector Macdonald. "When » man is dead, then he's done for," runs the old ballad, but there are a few who do not come under this generalization. We have had the famous Dauphin of France, titular King Louis XVII, who is said to have escaped from the deadly emple, and to have lived in Am- erica or elsewhere as various people. And two novelists took the idea as bases for interesting novels. We re- call news items how Oscar Wilde did not die in Fiance, but was buried in effigy, and lived to find life anew, hidden away. The mystery of Mar. shal Ney is an old story. And there was Hector Macdonald, who has re- appeared in the person of more than one noted military leader; especially lately, he has been identified with General Brussiloff. There are, then, men who simply will not stay dead. The story of Brussiloff, while the reverse of prob- able, is still interesting enough to ne reproduced. A writer recently Bave out an interview with a resident of Gotham who said she was a cousin of the supposedly dead Macdonald, In this the identity with Brussiloff was put forth. We learn: The legend of Sir Hector Macdon- ald is one of the strangest and most romantic in modern history. Charged with immoral conduct in Ceylon in 1903, Sir Hector, then a brigadier- general of the British army, a Knight Commander of the Bath, snd a mem- ber of the Distinguished Service Or- der, was reported to have committed Suicide in a Paris hotel after visiting London and failing to bave the charges dismissed. Officially, General Sir Hector Mac- donald is dead and buried in a little cemetery outside of Edinburgh. His wife remarried many years ago. Tradition has it, however, that the suicide in tha Paris hotel was not Sir Hector, but a traveler in an adjoin- Ing room. Seeing at once the oppor- tunity, Sir Hector, according to the story, changed clothes with the corpse, and, in his new idedtity, de- parted unsu--ected. Like the man in Arnold Bennett's story, Sir Hector went forth into the world with his life to use as he liked. The legend, which was previously hazy and unconfirmed, takes on new life in the words of this Mrs. Taylor, Macdonald's cousin. The reporter asked a number of questions, trying to shake ber belief in the identity of the hero of the eastern front but without any success. The account states: "l am absolutely certain," she said, "that General Brussiloff is real- ly Sir Hector. While I am only a distant relative, cousins of Sir Hee- tor live in London and Canada and Australia, and I kno\/ that they have been in communication with him. "Sir Hector was a shall man, stockily built. Gen. Brussilof is of the same figure. In his character of Russian general, Sir Hector has grown a moustache, but it does mot make his features unrecognizable, "Many people who did not know of Sir Hector have commented on the Queer and extraordinary ciremm- stances connected with the rise of the Russian commander. It is odd, to say the least, they point out, that a4 man in supreme command of one of the greatest offensives of the war thould be of a previous history total- ly unknown. 'Brussilof' is not a real Russian name, anyway, And the photographs of the general show | be does not look like a Russian." ------------ Canning Without Sugar. Housewives who intended to re- duce the amount of canning done this i Season by reason of the high cost of | Sugar may abandon that project and | put up as much as they wish, is the statement issued by the canning ape- | cialists at the Department of Agri- | cuiture. This can be made: possible by the | use of boiling water when Syrup is beyond one's means. Any | fruit, they say, may be successfully | sterilized and retained in the pack by | simply adding boiling water instead | of the hot syrup. Most fruits can- ned alone in water do not retain their | flavor, texture, and color as do those sugar | canned in sugar, and must be sweet- ened when for sauces or des- In order to can without sugar the product must be canned on the same day that it is picked. It should be prepared for canning in the ordinary way, Then the containers should be placed in a' sterilizing vat such as a wash boiler with a false bottom, and completely covered with boiling wa- ter. The sterilization process may rms to 30 Jinuted, e- | col the process, » er | sterilization the packs should be | moved, Hh glass jars galed nd wrapped in paper to prevent bleach- ing and stored in a dry, cool place. -- | Hartford Times. | equality. | British Board of Trade Issues I SERVE FATHER'S SENTENCE | to Go to Gaol in Parents Waco, Texas; Dec. 6.--A son's de- votion was witnessed in the District Court here when Roscoe Watson told Judge R. E Munroe that he would like to assume the penalty as- sessed against his father, T. R. Wat- son, who had been found guilty of killing John S. Patterson, state com-| missioner of banking and insurance, | and seftenced to ninety-nine years in state prison. Watson, it was, charged, shot Patterson at Teague on Aug. 28th after the latter had! closed the Farmers' and Merchants'! State Bank, of which Watson was | the head: Som Offered LORD NORTHCLIFFE Who has been consistently boosting Lloyd George as 'the strong man" to handie British affairs. ; » + Bi i i is a Bd La WAR BULLETINS, It is officially announced no British "tanks" were lost in the Dobrudja. A French gunboat and two other vessels were sunk when a German submarine raided Funchal, Madeira. It is believed the Rumanians will succeed in saving their harvests and granaries. The army is still intact, The Germans were success- ful in gaining a footing in a few French trenches on the Verdun front, + PREP PPPPEPP PHP Pera d HOPE OF DICTATING | TERMS IS VANISHING German Socialist Paper Pro- poses Means for Securing an Early Peace. Berne, Dec. 7.--The Berlin Vor- waerts, Socialist, has published an article in which it half admits that if the war continues very much long- er Germany will not be able to dic- tate terms of peace. It expresses the opinion that the most effectual means of securing an early peace is to make enemy nations realize by the manner in which the war is conducted, that! although they will never obtain the| peace they originally wanted, they can without being humiliated have the peace that the German people wish for. This peace, Vorwaerts de- Exquisite French ---- pi ILYTT oe Fic i ® ® What daintier or more acceptable a gift for mother, sister, aunt or girl friend, than a beautiful piece of lingerie? This shipment of Fren lingerie which has*just arrived, far ex- cels in daintiness and simplicity any underclothes we have ever shown. They are marvellously sheer, lovely things 'made of the fin- est imported white and flesh colored mulls -- prettily . embroidered and lace trimmed. NIGHTGOWNS, ENVELOPE CHEMISE, CIRCULAR PET- TICOATS, CORSET COVERS, DRAWERS, CAMISOLES, ETC., ETC., POPULARLY PRICED FROM $1.00 TO $4.50. -_ Watch for window display to- morrow. St JUST 14 SHOPPING DAYS -- THEN CHRISTMAS. J) Ne STEACY'S "THE CHRISTMAS STORE" Hair Coming Out? Dandruff causes a feverish irritd- tion of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, lposen and then the hair comes out fast. To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every particle of dandruff, get a 25-cent bottle of Danderine at any drug store,pour a little into your hand and rub it into the scalp. After a few applications the hair stops coming out and you can't find any dandruff. HALL ESTATE TO WATERTOWN RESIDENTS Miss Jessie "Clark Receives Trust Fund-of Ten Thou= sand Dollars. Syracuse, N, Y., Dec. 7.--Three Watertown women receive the bulk of the $160,000 estate left by the late| Edwin C. Hall, general manager of! the Haberle Brewing Company, who died here last week. To his wife, Mrs. Edwin C. Hall, formerly Miss Florence Clark, Water- clares, must restore the status quo, and it must be a peace concluded on | the basis of mutual recognition of | It must take nothing from | | any party without giving an equiva- | lent in return and it must be arrang- ed as a business matter is arranged | among equals. Vorwaerts adds: { This peace is our aim, and the more clearly and more unreservedly { the whole German nation accepts this aim as its own, the sooner it will | have attained it. The most serious: obstacles are on the side of our ad-| versaries, and the best way of re- | moving them is to make it perfectly | clear to enemy nations that they are | faced with the following alternative, | namely, to continue the war for years | to come, with an uncertain prospect, | or to accept at once a peace honor-; able and profitable to both parties. THREE COURSE MEAL 18 NOW THE LIMIT Further Food Regulations --More Coming. London, Dec. 7.--The Board of Trade, under the nce of the Redlm Act, has issued courses tween 6 p.m. and 9.30 p.m., or two courses at any other time, may be soreed in any hotel, restaurant or town, he left approximately $125,- 000. To Miss Jessie M. Clark, Water- town, his wife's sister, he left $10,- 000. To Miss Esther Hall, Watertown, his sister, he left his life insurance policies for $22,500. The bequest to Miss Clark is in the form of a trust fund and she is to have the life use of the fund. At her death the principal is to go to Mrs. Hall or if.she does not survive to her heirs." THe estaté consists of cash on deposit, stocks, bonds, mort- gages and real estate in this city. LANSDOWNE LOSES PASTOR. Rev. W. H. Towle Resigns--A Nurse Seriously IIL Lansdowne, Dec. 6.--Miss Floréfice | Burtch, who Has been nurse in at- tendancé on Mrs. A. W. Burtch, was taken to Brockville General Hospital on Monday suffering with appendici- tis. Her condition is reported very serious. Samuel Tedford and Harold Ted- ford have taken over the Blacksmith business of J. 0. E. Sheppard, and are located in part of the old school house. AT DAVIES Tasty and Cheap Groen Windsor Bacon 28c¢ Lb. fronpec Liver 5c¢Lb. 2 Lbs. For 33c. NOTE--The average cost to you per 1b, 164c; this is a reasonable price for a tasty meat service. Win. Davies' Co., Limited, Phone 507 . - ® Artistic Memorials In Granite and Marble. Made to your order. Splendid stock, equipment and orkmanship. CO., Ltd. Kingston. wi The McCALLUM GRANITE 397 Princess. Phone 1931. FOR THE USE ONLY P Our Milk is -y growth can be quickly paste is made with wa- little of the powder, then Syroad the hairy surface. In a 2 minutes i is rubbed off and the skin washed. This simple treat- Mills, | not only removes the hair, but eaten the skin free from -blemish. sure