Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Dec 1916, p. 7

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O00 INCIDENTS OF THE DAY G R ANE - BANK oF TO BUSINESS HOUSES th 1 intage of its ample bhanl Your busine large fic GUrees, K46,000,000 TORONTH George B. McKay, Manager. AERA EAE FOR SALE Stephen St., Frame, Stable Colborne St., Brick Queen St., Brick, Modern lai Frontenac St., Brick, All Modern . $1600 $35 $3800 J.K. CARROLL AGENCY, 56 Brock Street. Nn A a Nl Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? Phone 1901 I. LESSES, 124-126 Clarence St. Free inspection of any battery at any time COD LIVER - OIL a lung and tissue builder has no equal. Early preparation for the long and trying winter = weather should be undertaken without delay. We would advise the use of a treat- ment of either Wampoles, Nyals or Beacon Cod Liver Oil Preparation ov Emulsion. Any of the above mens tioned will give the desired results, Prices range from 40 per bottle to $1.00, according to size. As | Hoag's Dog Store v Nyal Quality Store, | Kingston : i ------ NAN Watts-Florist Fresh Cut Flowers sid Plants Funeral Designs to order, uets. as We Are re Ready For Your CHRISTMAS TRADE Sweet Cider, New Raisins and Cur rantg, New Peel, Figs and Dates. We | also have some choice Maple Sugar. Bananas, Oranges and Malaga Grapes. Our motto: "We Aim to Please." at the Bon Marche Grocery Cor. King & Earl Sts. "i 1844 CAVERLY & BRADSHA PA i, IN RAS FOR CHRISTMAS BAKING Finest Sunkist Raisins, cleaned currants, peels,| dates, figs, almonds and| Ontario | ul ! | walnuts. Belleville cider. | J. M. GORDON Pave Food Grocer Cor Moatreal & Bay Sts, Pr A ~F. J. JOHNSON, Florist 115 BROOK STREET. FRESH CUT FLOWERS, PALMS AND FERNS i Phone . me on: |S ym wove... Anderson Bros. Princess and Division Streets. Phants 338.1800 ae 4 4 Sterling Mesh Purses Beautiful fine mesh, full size, 813.00 to $32.00. Plated Mesh Purses Hard to tell from Sterling, 2.75 to 86.00, Lavalieres In gold, from $3.30 to $12.00 and up to $123.00, In gold filled at $3.00 and $4.00. Thimbles ax In silver, 25¢, T3¢, $1.00, 2.50, 10¢, 30¢, G0¢, In gold, $4.00 to $6.00 cach. Silver Toilet Articles A most complete range in { Sterling plated silver, ebony and ivory, Sets from $5.00 to £90.00, Boudoir Clocks In silver, ivory, rose wood, mahogany and leather, from $2.00 to $10.00. Wrist Watches By. far. the most complete stock in Kingston, $2.95 to $275.00. R. J. RODGER, Jeweler. "Where the Clock is on the Walk." OE 'GROCERY BUSINESS |g CHANGES HANDS | E. H. BAKER Wishes t6 announce that he has veces ently purchased thé grocery business formerly run by M. Kennedy, and will continue to carry a frstariaie feeds, - Christmas ete. . hy plete. Dates, Prunes, Apricots, Your order solicited. . $2300 "TOCAL NOTES AND VUFRMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity -- What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. r Laxative-Celd Breakers s Drug Store G. Anglin, Queen's in camp at Witley, D. Ow Bat-| Eng- | = Cunningham, plano tuner. 21 {King reel. Leave orders at McAul-{ 'ey 's Bo yok Store. Lieut -Col. W. G. Anglin, the General Hospital, getling well as can be expected. 's Perfumes and Toilet Wat- Red Cross Drug Store int son of Mr. and Mrs. Ordnance street, died & sday night in the General | who is i Ernest Cunningham, Red wd Alta, will return to Kingston to take art tHery training to enter overseas se = e,. or Richardson, William Pillar Li A. E. Weller attended the Lib- { eral convention held in Belleville on Wednesday. { | Frederick Timms gave a clarionet | | sol lo at Princess Methodist | } concent on Tuesday evening, not Wil- liam Timms, | Page & Shaw's Christmas C andy} jwill be here next week. Order now and make sure of it. The Red Cross Drug Store, Constable Samuel owner for the wheel he located on | Wednesday It belonged to a sol- jatar at Tete de Pont barracks. Cadet Mathewson, Royal Military Le ollege, was removed in James Reid's motor ambulance to the Gen-| eral Hospital on Wednesday. Huyler's and Page & Shaw's Candy, at the Red Crass Drug Store, The funeral of the late Mrs. Marg- aret Donnelly, Union sireet, was held on Thursday, with Rev. T. W. Savary officiating at the service. Penztar Cough Syrup Cross Drug Store, (ieorge. Bushey, voulgest son of T. | Bushey, Division street, was removed to the General Hospital on Wednes- day in James Reid's motor amhbul- ance Three more liquor heard in the Police Court in the course of a few days, as information in the cases were sworn to on Thurs- {day morning | The dairymen in session at Ren- | frew oppose the entry of olgomargar- line into Canada. J. B. Ferguson, | Renfrew was again chosen as direc- tor for the distriet. The jury sittings of the County Court will be held next week before Judge Lavell, beginning on Tuesday. There are two criminal and three elvil cases on the docket. Colgate's Perfumes and Toilet Wat- ers at the Red Cross Drug Store. The funeral of the late Miss Marg- aret Ahderson, Bagot street, was held on Wednesday. Mass was solemnized | {at St. Mary's cathedral at 9.30, and the remains were placed in the vault at St. Mary's cemetery. Now is the time to have your pianos tuned. Our expert tuners are at your service... Phone 1644. ..C. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street, | Rev. Mr. Shuttlewaite officiated at a short service for the late Major R. K. Kilborn, Whose remains were! buried at Easton's Corners on Wed- nesday. The family and 8. 8. Cor-; hett accompanied the remains. Victor reeSrds make ideal Christ mas gifts. Get them at Lindsay's. Nursing Sister Gussie Wright was elected chairman of the Kingston Chapter of the Graduated Nurses' As- sociation of Ontario. Owing to a typographical omission her name did not appear in the Whig report on Wednesday. Street Arnjel found an the Red cases will be The Council of Agriculture, repre- isenting 60,000 farmers, has put out a platform declaring for free trade] iwith Great Britain within five years, {and ofher political, economic and social reforms. It is stated that Sir George Foster will go at oncé to England to pro- test at the way the Imperial govern- ment is treating Canadian "importa- | tions, The French gun-boat Surprise has | been sunk by German submarines at Funchal, Madeird. There is a surplus of chaplains with the overseas forces and no more will be sent. Lost, Strayed or Stolen A Iarge black Great Dame Dog. Ans. wers to name "Fraps" Heavy bras collnr on dog. For his return or i fu farmaijon gi to his recovery a ward will he paid. Communicate with Lieut. R. HE, Maxwell, RSA. or Sergt. Richardson, Officers' Mens, Tete du Pont Har | The Reward of Patience |" OPERA | J HOUSE | TO. O-NIG GHT Saturday Matinee and Vight. 2 -- Vaudeville Acts -- 2 ber Five Reel Peninre Fhotopias Virginia Pearson, in t "DARE- RE-DEVIL Lha Prices: Mat. 4g Fveniag, 1001 ree Any Seat served fe extra. Friday Dec. 8th ¥ CONDENSED ADVERTISING QUEEN' y: DRAMATIC! Pirst lngertion, 1c a CLUB escutive insertion reafter, bhaif-| cent 8 werd. wm charge for Presents Friday RATES, ord. Each con-| Wi one insertion, 5c ree lusertions, | 30c: nix $11 one month, §2. "MILES TONES" mem COOK OR KITCHEN WOMAN, APPLY | Avonmore, 207 Wililam sireet. \ play Prices S SAL ESLADIES FOR HOLIDAY Those with Stperie pro. College Book Stere, VANT; MUST BRE GOOD wages $20 per mouth: ng nor ironing. Apply in| to Mrs. A. P. Kuight,!| in Three Acts. Se, lo wo The, S108, £1.00, ON SALE. Alt ta A NAAM ENN st cr cd | Sid Theatre! Daily Costinunous Ee SER AL ne pi the evening Alice At 2 pom. and 7 rer street. re, FRIDAY and SATURDAY THURSDAY, VAUDEVILLE «wis sheen, Five Reel Feature Film rel g The celebrated English Actor Kalght | Sir Herbert Beerbohm 1 in SOLD FOLKS AT HO " WANTED for high i stocks, "Dollars and Sense" 2 part Keywtone | Comedy, and other good photopiays. Prives: Matinee, any seat Se; eve. 10c. Renerved Seats Je extra. ADVTS, three i Cos? mes de; 3, HITHER ON PRINCESS, BARRIE, | THE or EFFECTIVE Colba Main streets, or in a ttle, Onoe, reel store. Finder Kind- ob week, $1.04 Whig Office { L \ GOOD CITY DELIVERY HORSE: perfectly sound. Apply 288 Prin. ess sireel, eof Princess sur ly leave ag A PART OF AN EXTENSION LADDER, | about : feet long, painted dark e color. & spposed to have been 'n Hallowe'en night Reward | return d at fenham street, i BAY HORSE, BUGGY AND HARNESS, Horse is eity broken and § years old. Apply 481 Albert street, DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 Div. isjon street, § rooms and W.C. in each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- fon street, SEP. FOR FURNITURE, Brock rooms. MeCann, §2 STORAGE arat streel, LGARDEN LAND FOR SALE, 15 ACRES, two miles from Kingston: tile drained. Apply to R. A. Marrison, Cataraqul, Ont. ST. CHAM. Cunningham IN CLARENCE Apply to A. B, Clarence] street, OFFIC k hes {EUROPEAN FISH AND CHIP CAFE le; sacrifice to a quick buyer: sons for selling. 223 Prin. © cess street. Phone S44 A NUMBER 442 FURNISHED ROOMS, AL SO for light housekeeping, street, between - Barrie Division. ROOMS | Prin- { and | GOOD AS NEW, "Naticnal Cash register: may be seen anytime by appointment Adit, RC.H.A. Depot. | GENUINE VICTROLA AND TW selections, Your own choice, $2 4 3 ® cash and $1.00 per w Lindsay, Ltd, 121 Princess street ea------------ | A SMALL QUANTITY OF GOOD » in stove lengths and Joli. Ve ered by the load. C, Knapp, Boat Builder, GCatarsaul Bridge. Phone 767. cess | EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, nv ORNER > * Rideau and Barrack street Im- mediate possess University Ave . Apply Telephone URNITURE, CLEAN: your own lock and City Storage, 209] Phone 578.. tes. 989. | STORAGE FOR FU ¢, alry rooms: y. Frost's Queen street. THURSDAY, Daniel Louise Huff, in FRIDAY and SATIRDAY | Frohman Presents 1" WANTED GENERAL A SIX ROOMED HOUSE BY SPT, IST. Apply Box 248 Whig Office. eee ere ee A | FENIAN RAID MEDAL, WiLL vay, * our dollars. a 384 Oak- Vaudeville wood Ave. oro, t eceae------------------------------------------ LO. MOTOR TO RENT oR Bl Yo} MARSDEN & NASON y 1 or 2 hor power. Amply tog Montreal St. NOV ith 'oo M SEC OXI HAND UPRIGHT PEANOS, and BUDD Comedy. sh or in part payment of new sand Vietrolas, C. W. Lind- | OSA str 't | "AUCTION SALE Sith, #1 11 am, ck mare, 3 years sound d kind. + MURRAY, Auctioneer. Administrators "Notice to Creditors 'In the Estate of Malcolm Sutherland, Deceased. pursuant to PAY eWilliam, COMEDY SINGING } HAM THE SHETIFFS DUTY A Drama of the West. Prices; Matinee 1; Eve, } ASSAULT- AT-ARMS Under Aumpires of Chat. Athlete | City Hall, Saturday, | December 9th SPM. SIX BOXING BOUTS TWO WRESTLING MATCH ES Ss GENERAL ADWISSION, 2 RESERVED SEATS, Hoe, Mar. | Saturday, Dec old, | ket square, LL hroken slugie: Wi Notice is hereby given Revised Statutes of Ontario, that | having any ms or de-| 1 the estat Malcolm te of the City of King-| : of Frontenac, de- | about the 14th] 916, are required to} dd by post prepald to Tho- Rowland, 18% Onario street! Ontario, 'Administrator of | 1t Oo the late Malcolm deceased, the all persons mands agalr Sutherland, ston, In the ceased, of FOUR CARLOADS: Absolutely Pure Egg-o Baking Powder JR in in Kingston in one year. "We Lead; Others Kn TNSHRSALE BY G. A. BATEMAN, 67 Clarence St., Kingston day mas W. Kingston, the st Satherlan gll par =, duly the security seriptions, with { thelr claims or demay fied, and the nature of (if any) held by them. | And further take notice that after the sald 20th day of December, 1916} the sald 'Administrator may proceed to) {bute the assets of the said estate] the persons entitled thereto, o the claims, or + #hall then have eceived notlee, and shall not be liabl for the sald assets, or any part thereof] so distributed, to any person or per-y sone of whose claims or demands he! shall not have received notlee at the time of the distr! bution thereof A.B, CUNNINGHAM ninistr mbher, Solicitor for the said Dated this 4th day of B $10,000.00-210 acres, township of I'itisburg, 10 miles from Kingston Good stone house and frame barns £6,300.00-1585 acres, township of King- ston. 2 sets buildings, 5 wells, three springs, 14 miles from Kingston, $1,100.00-=10 acres, » miles fromm King- ston, - good spring, frame cottage and barns. £4,000.00-02 acres, £2,000,00---1650 acres, girhart, Ont, $10,000.00 120 acres, township of Lrn- esttown, good land, well watered, brick house, 3 pars and shed, £3.500.00Township of Kingston, 100 acres, 8 miles from Kingston, Fair buildings, Farm, stock and implements, township of Ernekstiown, 136 acres. £4,300.00-160 acres, township Ernest town, 35 acres under cullivation, 10 miles from Kingston. $10,00000---135 acres, good buildings miles from Kingston, 125 acres, 100 under enltiva- tion, well watered, good fram» house and 2 large barns. Ten miles from Kingston. Huntsville small house, En- Welch's Tas Nasionnt 3 Drink" a vn ast tut] Fountains. Buy it by the cage for the heme, amr 4 ou. Let every citizen a recite the profound iinportaice of this duty. ONE VERSEAS. Also ie ue the name of i is at stake today. u know it, send us his reasons for not going. The MAN whe should GO O ' safety of Can- Secretar The Business Man's Recruiting Committee: Sir,--1 beg to give you a name, hereunder, of a man who, to the best of my knowledge, i His name is ....... His private a is His Sn al eligible toenlist. #70 aa ie we kA ehh > ea, FETE Tr a We BE TRS diane wae aaa sal sy vay er a ign this coupon Hat, 28 you wi:) LwmsT CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS; | marks, designs. | erly t | real | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTAMARKS | coxNTRALTO i POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, [ERNE | CORN FLOWER CHEESE solid brick bullding; installed; cement whey tank: ice house: drilled well, ete; Kood 'con- dition and In good locality. Jos, MeKendry, Prop, (Henburnie FACTORY, | TRRER ROOMS TO RENT, SUITABLE butter plant light _houseke ng, north end. | Hateman, stoms Broker, | y p loan; 67 Clarence street, | CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RA « ges, and all kinds of new and se - ond hand furniture. We are alse open to buy everything In the subove lines. J. Thompson, 338 Princess street. Phone 1600, eee i me a 47 GORE STREET, NEW RRICK RE Sy. | dence, 9 rooms, hot water heating, hardwooad floors, fire-place, veran- dah: Immediate possession. J. 8. It. MeCann, 82 Brock street. Phone or 821, { | LARGE STOCK OF DRESSERS, ches, stoves, men's 'clothing, tary boots, isp new upholstered chalrs; large assortment of sealer We buy all kinds of og ahd sec ond hand Jurnhare A" Bvapiro " Pr treet. Phone 12a) BOARD AND ROOMS ry convenience; central loca. bei Apply 242 Brock street, PATENTS CRRISTWAS TOYS, ROCKING HORSES, wagons, tables, chairs, cradles, Afr. planes, and all kinds of child. ren's toys kept in stock and made to order Order early for Prompt delivery Manufactured by shop, #6 Queen KR Princess street. Phope SONS, Patents, trade stab, 1877. Ferm. ce Examimer. Master Law Book "Patent Pro- ection' free. 99 St. James St, Mont- Rranches: Ottawa, Washington. BARCOCK & Patent Patent LEGAL. B. CUNNINGHAM, and solicitor, ence street, Ringat BUSINESS CHANCES. ESTORS WARNING DON'T I} one cent until you read Successful | Finance and learn how fortunes i are made and lost by Investors | Free trial subscription. Sue ful Finance, 608 8. Dearborn | Chicago. BARRIST office, 19 Car: [env ton | | Ae DENTAL DDS, | Phone | LDS, street BUSINESS NOTICES | ATES SHARPENED; ALSO RICY- DR. 'J LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets, Phone 626, DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DE tists, 159 Wellington street, G, Dewar, D.DS, LDS assistant! | Phone, 345. clex stored and cleaned. Gea. Mul- lar, 373 King St. [Phone 1032, | AWNINGS, VERANDAH CURTAIN te canvas, skiffs for outboar folding bomt seats, fshing rank W. Cooke, Clarence street. PERSONAL FURNITURE FINISHING FURNITURE FINISH: Pr, DRISCOLL, 23 John er. all or drop a eard. street. fishes removed permanently, ary i Lg) a Elmer J. Lal = Throat and in AS ah oF | Bagot street. i | rowths and skin bism- FINANCIAL MUSIC. MRONTENAC LOAN AND VEST. -.ment Soclety; Incorporat 1883; "president, _ Colonel i th, CMG: vice-president, W. F. Nie- kie, KC oney issued on city and farm properties, muni 1 and country debentures: mortgages pur« ser investment nds for e deposits received and in- terest allowed. RR: Cartwright, manager $7 "larende St. Klangston. AND MEZZO SOPRANO | soloist open for engagements (late of Montreal). denrn to sing a few gongs correctly; single lessons giv on Mrs Hubert Hor 110 toria street, RCHITECT A VERPOOL, LONDON AND GLO Fire Insurance Company. Avallable assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the pelicyholdary have for security 'he unlimiied inbiuty of city property, insured lowest possible rates, Before. Lonew old or Eiving new busine Ke rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 325, ARCHI- WM, NEWLANDS & SON. ARCH tects, elec. Offices, Phone. 808, MER- | Bank Bullding, corner | Wellington streets. chants Broek and Experienced Machine Operators APPLY, J. FARRAR, SUP'T. Canadian Locomotive Co., Ltd., Kingston, Ont. Charcoal ~ 2 Bags for a quarter, Both Kindling and Fuel in FREES .

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