Fr = e800 wo eI 5 IWMI ER SAE ERR " an wae THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1916. im Isitnothing? 1sW jt to be neg- tected until it leads to that terrible scourge consumption? Peps stand between winter Coughs and colds, snd serious consequences. Peps are tablets made up of Pine extracts and medicinal essences, which when put into the mouth tuzn into healing vapors. These ure breathed down direct to the tangs, throat and bronchial tubes ~not swallowed down to the stomach, which is not ailing. Try 3 Soc. box of Fepa lor your vold, your cough, bronchitis or ssthime. AN druggisis and viotes or Peps Co, Torouio, will supsy peps Who's Your Grocer? We're After Your Trade. Have you tried dealing here? Call and let us All your next order. If} you want gopd, fresh groceries, of | the best quality, appetizing cooked and smoked meats, from a clean, tidy | store. Thompson's Grocery | 204 Princess St. is Phone 887 | k The Shoe You Prefer It will be an easy matter for you to find what you want in our stock. Our sel- ections of high qual- ity shoes for women include all the best new styles, built in a variety of leathers on many lasts.. A shape to fit every foot. The Sawyer} Shoe Store | 'would JE IR EX i TTT {THE {By Frances Walter)' I REALIZE THAT MY SOUL 11> VERY SMALL ONE. ht, 1916, by the McC vSDERp Syndicate) If. it is Roxane Pembroke, haps 1 can help you?" words when Harry er aid in gaining my love she 'mean? What el mean than that she expect- sought What did could =he { ed through her hold upon Arthur to which § 4 separation Arthur free to marry to marry Harry about leave her and me Pendleton? "1f. it is Roxane Pembroke, haps 1 can help you?" How dared assume that could bring about a separation tween Arthur and me What assur- ance of Arthur's love did she have which would justify her in making such an assertion? The few days immediately follow- ing the evening at Mr, Henderson's were filled with uncertainty, doubt and fear. Yet [ realized that to a great extent 1 had brought this situ- A aA bring free per- she THE SENSIBLE CHRISTMAS GIFT for mother, wife or housekeeper In something tint will leshen her work sand make life ecusier for Ber. Something that will relieve per of the drudgery and wearl- néns of housework. The Christ may gift that will do all this is rMop (Made In Canada) Its long handle eliminates all bending and stoopin reach- tag--all climbing on irs and Indders getting down hands a heavy furniture.. 1t every grain of dust wherever it woes and holds it and can easily be washed and made as good as new with a few drops of O-Cedar Polish. From your dealer, 75¢ to $1.50. Channell Chemical Co., Ltd, Toronto, Can. JOHN M. PATRICK Sewing Machines, Um- brellas, Suit Cases, Trunks, repaired . and refitted, Saws filled, Knives and Scissors Razors Sharpened, boned. Al makes of fire. arms repaired promptly. Locks repaired; Keys fitted, All makes of Lawn Mowers apd repaired. 149 Sydenham Street Nn ny . a J AA i Lab us hl you make » hie of sore. i patinl wx de 5 she | | be- | ~| of the organs of digestion. tion upon myself. My k a few months to the time when | had declared my independence of | hur 1 remembered how 'I had ided to seek my own pleasure in] wy own way, leaving him to battle with the carés of business as bes he might. I did not know then wh pressure he was working un d It was not until later, when | { learned that in less than a year he had equipped bhimself to become; president of one of the greatest manufacturing concerns in the east, | that I began to feel the pangs of re-| norse. How selfish 1 had been in| demands that he leave his busi-| ness and go with me to places of | amusement, How much heavier, my | attitude must have made the great | great load he was carrying! Like many women whom I later seen and condemned, | | done my best to obstruct my hus-| band in his efforts to advance Dim- | gelf in business. I had permitted my desire to see a certain play, or the passing whim for an hours' amuse- | ment jeopardize Arthur's entire car-| eer. And all the while I had thought that it was he and not 1 who was selfish. And now that it was all over how keenly did I realize that Arthur throughout ir all had acted in a most noble manner. He had permitted me to assume that he was to blame and had borne ny accusations for the most part without recrimination. Yet all the while he must have been weighed down to an almost hope- less condition because of my failure to appreciate the position in Ww hich | he was placed ard to lend my aid and comfort in the time of his great dif- ficulties. As I looked have I I had back upon these things I understood why so many men find themselves at the crucial moments of their business life unable to rise to great emergencies, To be sure, the failure in many cases lies in the man himself. He is not made of the stuff which will endure; he does not possess those masterful qualities which come to the surface only when they are needed. But I know also that many men go down to defeat for the very reason which showed itself in Arthur's case. A nagging wife, or one who can not understand the requirements of her husband's position, or one who puts herself above everything else--such a wife is not a fitting person for a husband to seek when he needs to have his strength renewed for an- other day's battle, I have learned many things since that time, but 'I do hot think any fact which has entered into my life has made such an impression upon me as has the great druth that a man's home should be a place not only of rest and comfort, but also a place where the very atmosphere braces him for new effort, £'lling him with larger bopes, newer and wsaner views. of life and life's problems, and equipping him thus to continue his work with a fin- er spirit and more unfailing deter- mination to do great things and to | pel the disease. COUGHED TERRIBLY How =Phiv Canaan: Girt Wis ; Cured. > i We want you all to know that all letters like the following are truth- ful and genuine: '1 am a chocolate dipper. | work and keep house both. | contracted a bad bronchial trouble. I coughed and coughed so it almost smothered my breath. I became all run-down. I seemed to help me and'it was begin- | ning to interfere with my work. Fin-{ ally 1 remembered that Vinol had done wonders for my mother and de- cided to try it myself. 1 noticed an improvement in three days and it has completely 'cured my trouble. Be-| fore I took it I used to be sick to my stomach. Vinol cured that, too." | Agnes Hemsworth, 21% Dundas St, Woodstock, Ont. The reason that cough syrups fail in such cases is because they are pal- liative only, while Vino! rémoves the cause beingsa constitutional remedy in which aré combined beef and cod liver peptones, fron and manganese peptonates 'and glycerophosphates. | It strengthens and revitalizes the en- tire system and assists nature to ex- Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston. Also at the best druggist in all On- tario towns. Saxof Salve CURES SKIN AFFECTIONS One Package proves it. Sold and guaranteed by above Vinol druggist. AA emg mm do them In a finer way than would have been possible had not a woman entered jnto his soul and wrought greatithifgs there, I knew our home had furnished no such influence to Arthur, I realized that 1 had not been such a wife, He had: suceeeded in spite of me, and not because, of my help. The knowledge that I had failed in my duty to him; that '¥ had permitted my own little- ness to stand in the way of his de- velopment and advancement, filled me with bit'erness. Under such cir- cumstances what right did I have to] go to Arthur and Jdemand that he give proof of his love for me? What right did I have to expect his loves at all? How could | reasonably ob- ject if, in his search for a fountain of strength, he had turned away from my own desert heart to one which could give him what he re- quired? If I had driven him to Evelyn Phillips, by what right could I seek to reclaim his love? "If it is Roxane Pembroke, haps I can help you?" Did Evelyn know that Arthur had lost his affection for me and had come completély whder the spell of here loveliness? If 'she were not sure of her ground would she enter into a 'contract with Harry Pendleton to deliver me, body and soul, into his hands? per- (To béContinued.) Two houses on the South side of Thomas St., Deseronto, formerly he property 'of J.T. Sansian, who re- cently moyed td? Kingston, were sold recently to Mr, ahd Mrs. Henry F. Mountney. " Subseriptions at Smith's Falls to the British Sailors' Relief Fund now amount to $2,203.65, mn Had Eating too much or using foods that do not agree are the usual causes of ipdigestion. The trouble usually begins not in the stomach, but in the lHver, since it devolves on this organ to fliter the excess waste matter from the system. Now, since Dr. Chase's Kidney- Liver Pills are the greatest of liver regulators, it naturally follows that they are unexcelled as a cure for chronie indigestion. With the liver, kidneys and bow- cls active the poisonous waste matter is quickly removed from the system, and there is nothing to interfere with the natural and healthful working In this way only 'can lasting cure be effected. Mrs, Rebecca Elliott, Magnetawan, Ont., writes: "I feel it my duty to write you in regard to Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. I had gastritis of the stomach for three years, and Chronic Indigestion Thought She. Would Die After Years of Suffebing Attributes Cure to Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, could get nothing to stop it until I tried Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. I would have an attack of this trou- ble with my stomach avery three or four weeks, and was 80 bad at tjmes that my friends thought I would surely die. Thanks to these pills, I have not had an at- tack for six months, and believe that the cure is thorough. MV hus- band has had very satisfactory ex- perience with Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. He was much mn down and very pale and weak. I persuaded him to use the Nerve Food and after hav- ing taken five hoxes he looks and feels real well." It is such experiences as these that have made a place for Dr. Chase's medicines in the great majority of homéE" They do not fail, even in the most-g licated cages. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one pill a dose, 25 cents! a box. 'Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, fc a box, 6 for $2.50. All dealers; 'or Edmanson, Batés & Co.. Limited, Totonto, The Whig's > Daily Menu | C = = ) Menu for Saturday Y BREAKFAST Baked Apples Codlisnh Cakes ried Potatoes Craham Gems, Coffee a LUNCHEON Tomato Whole Wheat: Graham Crackers, Cocon £4 DINNER wih Bake in a steady 'oven 45 minutes. _"Delicious'" Salad Remove seeds and. cores from three green peppers, slice as thin as possible. Also slice two Bermuda on- fons. Add one cucumber sliced and one cup of celery cut in dice. Serve ressing. with a salad a er BER ¢ g: NOW MADE IN ENGLAND Articles Formesly Made if Germany | "to he Shown at Fair. New York, Dec, 8,---The ' British consul-general received word yester- day from London that the Board of Trade was organizing a British In- { dustries Fair, to be held in the Vie- Albert Museum buildings from February 26th to March Sth, 1917, to show the development in the manufacture of certain lines of toria and | got discouraged because no remedy £00ds which were bought from Ger inany before the war. One of these trades that the con- sul-general expects will interest Am- erican exporters is toys, which were exported to America from Germany prior to August, 1914, Among other trade exhibits at the fair there wil! be earthenware and china, glass, fancy good, stationery and printing During the same period the Board of Trade will hold another industrial fair at Glasgow, Scotland, which will include textiles, boots and shoes, chemicals, clothing and foodstuffs. ITALY PREPARED Vigorous, Work-----Has $2,100 Munition Factories, Rome, Dec. 8.--As a proof that Italy is prepared to push her opera- tions vigorously the Premier an- nounced that there were now 2,100 factories working on war material, the workers being one-fifth women, whose participation both in indus. tries and agriculture was increas- ing daily. The Premier declared that victory would insure the equili- brium on the eastern Mediterranean, which he termed one of the chief foundations of Italian policy, He said that Valona would be strategic post on the Adriatic from which would radiate her future com- mercial expansion in the Balkans, For TO MEET SIR GEO. PERLEY Press Union Advocate Larger Cable Service, London, Dec. 8,--8ir George Per- ley, Canadian High Commissioner, has consented to receive on Friday a deputation of the Empire Press Union, which will present its views on the question of -a larger direct British cable service to Canada. Italy's | BEST BY EVERY TEST The Largest Sale in Canada BEST BY TEST A A ANN Lord Shaughnessy was approach«d on ithe eve of his sailing. pressmen, but expressed interest with the scheme for enlarging direct news service from the Mother Country to Canada. MAY TRY TO ESCAPE Great Activity on Interned Ships at Rio Janeiro, Rio Janeiro, Dec. 8.--Extraordin- H2 was | unable to receive the delegation of | the | ary activity has been noted for sov- eral weeks on board the ships interned here, according to the Journal. been receiving provisions and and others are clearing their decks. According to the Journal there is every indication that the ships wie preparing to set out secretly in order to avoid requistion. From rising, sun to setting sun, From northern snows to south, Thy loyal sons have gathered 0, A host of gallant youth, Canada, my Canada! On Flemish plains; on shores, On Egypt's burning sands, They've poured their blood water O, In far and foreign lands, Canada, my Canada! © let thy royal challenge ring, O let the world be shown, The ranks have proved their mettle Turkish like 0, Where'er brave men are known, Canada, my Canada! In honor's cause were forth, Nor honor will they yield; J On land and sea, 'fore field and foe, They bear a spotless shield, Canada, my Canada! O when at last the fight is won, Thy heroes gathered home, The red lips of thy lasses O Reward them as they come, Canada, my Canada! And for thy sons returning not, Whom Death shall keep away From all thy love and longing O, Then bend the knee and pray, Canada, my Canada! 1 Their laurels be a crown to thee In all thine after years; High honors for the Hving O, And for the dead, thy tears, Canada, my Canada! Dedicated to CHARLES WILLIN CASEMENT, (Calgary), Signalling Section, 187th Battalion, C.E.F., son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Casement of Madock, Ontario, ag an expression of the personal regand of the author, on the eve of Mr. Casement's depar- turé for the front from the Signal Training Depot at Ottawa. Alan Brackinreed, Medford, ros gon, U.S.A, Irish-Canadian, born in Jarvis, Ontario. "The White Flour Pinch" --have you felt it? With the advancing they sent i i German | Some of the vessels have | coal | Victor Records = Played Everywhere Made in Canada 4 for Christmas! No gift ¢an bring more lasting en- joyment than a nice selection of Victor Records --but be sure they are Victor. Look for '*His Master's Voice" trade mark and having found it, buy with perfect confidence. Your gift will be that chosen by the greatest musical artists of the world. - It's worth: while to know that the in- trinsic value of your gift is beyond question --a genuine diamond as it were. | Here are a few good ten-inch, double- ided Victor Records at 90 cents for . the.twa selections: Trinity Cheir'y Trinity Choir | Oh Comer Abk-Ye Faithfal Joy to the Woud Pretty Baby Give Me Alef Yau 169% Orpheus Quartet] 14109 (Dust) Green.Hamilton § Three Canadian Recordings Calm asthe Night Unnl Four selections by Badd of the First Regiment Grenadier Guards ,of Canada, Montreal ' Joseph Saucier] Joseph Saucier { 216003 Laurentian Mach ' Land of the Maple When Yeu Boy'€omes Back to You Here's 10 Tammy } 216006 } 216007 ONE" PRICE 'FROM COAST TO COAST PEO -AG.DEPT, The trade mark always guarantees the quality BE SURE TO LOOK FOR IT Write for free copy of our 450 page Musical En- cyclopedia listing over 6000 Victor Records. Berliner Gram-o-phone Co. : Lenoir Street, Montreal DRALERS IN EVERY TOWN AND CITY > Victor Records--Made in Canada #38360 ""His Master's Voice" Kingston Dealers 0. W. Lindsay, Limited. F. WwW. Coates. LF 1 © We , Have Manufactured a Choice Line of The Soldier Boy! PEELS Send York Fruit Store dg