I ---- OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. 'Connor's Ladies' Exclusive SPECIAL SATURDAY SALE EE ---- A great chance to buy useful gifts at a fraction of their original val- ues. Come and be convinced. ; $15.00, 40 ONLY, COATS | 25¢ Neckwear Exclusive models, no two alike; fine import tweeds, broadcloths, 7 doa. New Collars for la- dies, plain or fancy. $1.98 SILK WAISTS Extra quality, white Jap silk, with large collars and fischure fronts, all sizes, 34 to 44. Sold regular $2.50. etc., made in the very. newest styles, all sizes, 34 to 44. Sold regular at $21.50 to $25.00. OTHER LINES At $6.95, $7.45, $9.98 & $12.95 worth regular $10.00 to $18.00. ern re 23c, 8 doz. Boudoir Caps, 6 doz. Tea Aprons Suitable for Christmas gifts, and worth regular 83¢ and 40c each. Be early for these. 69¢c. VOILE WAISTS. Several odd lines in fancy stripes and plains; sold regular at 98¢ to $1.25 each. All sizes. - ~-------- 3 39¢ O'all Aprons { § Anothef big lot 10 doz. Men's Ties New silks, late styles. up in fancy holiday boxes. of large sizes with belt, pocket and tap- ed edges; a linfit of two to each customer. r HANDKERCHIEFS by the hundreds, priced FROM 5¢ EACH UP. mer mn. FUR FABRIC SAMPLES Stoles, muffs, throws and setts, for ladies, girls and children. Latest designs, well made and warm, to be sold Saturday at less than prices of material. GOOD BYE MILLINERY Every hat and shape must go by Saturday night, as we require the space. If you want a new hat, correct style? at less money than you ever bought one ore, come here Saturday. ~~ We advertise what we have, and DO JUST AS WE SEE THE WINDOW. Sree? We haiti STN 1. J. O'CONNOR [ ==) Phone 800 igher Up Street, But Always Lower in Price. I " A ~ Will You Have An Edison Phonograph This Christmas 77 Place your order early in order to insure delivery. The sweetest music, and that which cannot be distin- guished from the human voice is obtained from Edison's fa- mous diamons point phono- graph. : ik Rugs, Curtains, Secretaries, Easy Chairs, Chesterfields, Book Sectional . : Everything to make | the home attractive and comfort- able. i TF. HARRISON C0. ~ Phone 90 : ADVERTISE. ~ A ro URIC ACID IN MEAT CLOGS THE KIDNEYS Take a Glass of Salts if Your Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers, If you must have your meat every day, eat it, but flush your kidneys with salts occasionally, says a noted authority who tells wus that meat forms urig acid which almost paral- yzes the kidneys in their efforts to expel it from the blood. They become sluggish and weaken, then you suffer with a dull misery in the kidney reg- ion, sharp pains in the bck or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is. bad you have rheumatic twinges. . The sine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get sore and irritated, obliging you to seek relief two or three times during the night, To neutralize these irritating acids, to cleanse the kidneys and flush off the body's urinous waste, get four ounces of Jad Salts /from- any pharmacy here: take a4 tablespoonful in a glass of water before hreakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com- bined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize the acids in the urine, so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weak- ness. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot injure, and makes a delightful effer- vescent lithia-water drink. "INDIAN DAYS" PRODUCED IN THE CITY HALL ON THURS- PAY EVENING. By a Clever Company of Local Talent ~J. E. Harte Was Director--The Players All Did Well, With the production of "Indian | Days" at the City Hall on Thursday evening, Kingstonians were given something entirely new in the way of entertainment features. It was not only new, but a credit to ama- teur art of play-producing, and those who were responsible deserve com- mendation. One hesitates to choose Stars from the many pretty and good- acting ladies, but Miss L. Buell did her part exceptionally well, Her singing was good and her acting would be a credit even to the legiti- mate stage. The play is a collection of episodes of Indian life that are well brought out by the Indian maids and braves, which parts were taken by local talent. J. E. Harte, who was a very pleas- ing "Pocahontas, an Irish Indian Queen' was a leader not only in the working out of the play but in the work of organizing it, In both he was ably assisted by H. W. Shaw, who played 'Frozen Face." CC. Bunt, L. P. Spence, J. Saunders, A. Bantan, W. Monk, A. Thompson and Mrs, Mc- Connell all took speaking parts. The other maids and braves were: Misses R. Walker, E. M. Sutherland, E. McCullagh, G. Wemp, V. Saun- ders, M. Taylor, L. Butlin, W. Mit- chell, S. Mitchell, B. Fleming, L. Tisdale, C. Strang, E. Crawfosd, L. March and W. Hubbel, and Messrs. A. Bunt, J. Dewhurst, W. Bowker, C. Walker, C. Purdy, L. McKay, G. Fleming, R. Patch, A. Bantan, W. Monk and A. Thompson. Mrs. W. Monk and Mrs. S. Jordan were chaperones. The musical direc- tor was D. H. Hill; H. W. Shaw stage manager; Miss R. Walker, treasurer; Miss Saunders wardrobe mistress, and J. E. Harte managing director, During each act MHe. Hudon and partner gave dancing exhibitions, and HL W. Shaw some examples of Indian music. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING ON STORES ARE WELL STOCKED WITH YULETIDE GIFTS, Early Shopping More Satisfactory to the Public and Busy Clerks--Do Not Wait Till the Last Rush, The Chpistmas spirit has touched | | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1916. Slippers, Moccasins, Snow Shoes, Hockey Boots All Make Ideal Gifts Visit our traveling goods department. We carry the largest and _ most complete stock of Traveling bags, from $5.00 Fitted bags our specialty. to $30.00. Steamer trunks and suit cases. Start Your Xmas Shopping Now ! Abernethys Shoe Store Kingston. The stores present a gala - | appearance in their Yuletide dress, {and from now on for the thirteen days that remain for shopping, for the all-impertant day for the older folks as well as the "kiddies," the shops will filled to overflowing with fathers, mothers; sisters and brothers, looking for suitable gifts for Christmas. The question is what to buy. But with the fine assort- ment the Kingston stores have to of- fer, there should be very little trouble for citizens along this line. A Whig representative made a tour of the stores on Thursday af- ternoon, and had a most delightful time looking over the goods the mer- chants have on hand for the Christ- mas rush, 'But with Christmas shop- ping the old, old story about the early bird catching the worm applies. People who take heed to the slogan, "Shop Early," will have good reason to be thankful. The rush is now on, {and every citizen who can should get busy early, and they will not only | secure better satisfaction for them- selves, but at the same time, they {will be doing a good turn for the | army of clerks, who will be called {upon to do extra duty. Thursday the stores were well filled with shop- pers, showing that a goodly number wanted to do their buying early. Christmas shopping is always a task, and year after year, everyone promises that another season will see things improved in the way of early shopping. Mothers and wives recog- nize that for themselves and the clerks of the stores, the wear of the season might be so much lessened {if they would but shop earlier, and a vow is registered that "net year" things will be different. But the days go by, everyone pased with good intentions 'tis true, until just a day or two are left, and it may be Christ- mas eve iiself before the last shop- ping is finished. There are still. thirteen days left. Use them well; go shopping early. HAIR WAS SCORCHED IN A LIVELY BLAZE Fire Did Damage to Extent of $500 at Home of Mir. and Mrs. Robert Henry. Fire, which started from some un. Kk . did tent. of 'about $500, at in Eig he EELS this i Campbells Furs Aside. from their comfort and utility, furs are distinctly the faghion. Superior quality, style and finish are the strong points with us, and our rep- utation protects you. LADIES' HUDSON SEAL COATS. MEN'S FUR COATS, MEN'S FUR LINED COATS. LADIES' NECK PIECES und MUFFS. in the fashionable furs. FUR LINED GLOVES. Our usual unexcelled values | still prevail, " Campbell Bros, pS Nh ] i When Ordering Your + Xmas Chocolates Call and see our big variety in fancy boxes and. baskets, Sakell's Nest to Grand Opera House, Telephone 640, a IRIDI EN La ana ae ame HOPPING < Xmas F eeling Has taken possession of every corner of our store. Your gift problem easily solved. Gifts that make Christmas morning brighter; most suitable for young and old. -- AT James Reid's The Busy Store With the Large Stock \ Cor. Princess & Montreal Sts. Tel