" PAGE EIGHTEEN GRAND TRUNK Zatvay socal Branch Time Table IN EFFECT OCT. STH, 1914. Irans will leave and arrive at \b Uespot' foot of Jobason aslreet N i9--Mall is0 Brockville Matl Intl. Ltd. ol i 1 13 14, sther trains Aallv except Sunday | y ton ® | from his Empire's war. we Londor trolt AKL ad » "al 1 riiang J mn, iN Hos a lie NE For Pullman aceon.medation, tick- and all other 'aforration, apply i. Han'ey, &zent, corper John snd Ontar on Streets, Kingston (at Agency for al. Ocean Steamship nes to J A Dep endable Day Train Between Kingston and Ottawa. 245 pom . Kingston .. . 0.50 pan « Dtlawna . on en . (Daily Ex. Sun.) pp 1.10 p.m. Ottnwa . 4.30 pan. c. Kingston ..... (Dail ) Library<-Ohservat r Cars He- tween larrow d Ottawa kots and Information apply to Ivey, Station Agent, or M. C. Dunn y Agent, or write to R. I. Fairbairn ral Passenger Ageént, 168 King St E oronto Ont. | TEED CANADIAN SERVICE Halifax-London » Passenger Service From London From Halifax Via Plymouth Vin Rima to to Halifax London, a. E] Dee, 2 . 18 AUSONIA ...... ». Dee. ALniN AND THIRD CLARE: For information apply lecal Ticket Robert ford Company Tag" General Agents, 00 Ming 5%. Limit Gen East, reat LIMITE MANAGERS ss AGENTS Allan Lines Lv. Liverpool Lv. St. John Dee | Seandinavian Dee, 15 Dee, 8 Dee. 23 Lv. London Lv. St. John Nov.il "Cortuthian® Tee.i3 Lv. Glasgow Lv. St. John Nev. 25 Scotian Dee, 12 Pretorian Grampian Lv. L& Ly, St. John Nov. 35 Des. » Dee2 Lk. Maniteba* 22 . 15 MW 1 . 20 *Cabin only. -------------------------------- For Ratan esesvations, Ete, ply Agents, ov Allan el King St. W. LE. Suekling--1 King StLE. General Agents, Toronto. PASSPORTS Application Forms Furnished [FARM COLONY PLANNED BUT MANY RETURNED SOLDITRS WILL PREFER THE CITIES. the White Lighy* in the | Reply of One Wounded Canadian | When Asked Whether He Would | Go on a Farm----Determined Er fort is Being Made 16 Attract Soldiers to Agricultural Pursuits as Soon as the War is Over. E for the white light'" That is the answer a Canadian soldier gave returning 'wounded They asked prefer em- on a farm. him whether he would | ployment in a towa or { The "white light of the town for { him! And that is the answer of uiost of his corrades who came back in- valided from the front. That is natural, it may be sald; for these men are more or less in- | capacitated for hard work. It is likely { enough, however, that even the abie- | bodied will make the same choice { When they first come back, in spite {of ali we hear about townsmen in the trenches having acquired a taste for the outdoor life, Nevertheless, a determined at- tempt is being made all over the British Empire--in Canada, Aus- | tralia, New Zealand, South Africa, | and even in the United Kingdom he:- | self---to make such arrangements that a large proportion of the sol- diers shall settle in the country and | not in the towns. The New York Times, referring to | this question, says: | Some months ago the Government appointed an Economic jand Development Commission to make plans for settling soldiers ou the land. True, the commission's {object is far wider thaw that. It | bas been driven home to the Cans- | ¢lan mind that far too little progress | has been made in settling the vaat | éxpanse of fertile land in the Wes: {mot to speak of the large area still { uncultivated in the East. It is real- ized that the growth of population and production has been far too slow; and the commission's main ob- Ject is to inerénse the attractions, chiefly by increasing the profits, of raral industry. If country life can made, as the futention is, both remunerative and more social- Dominton 1y agreeable, it will have a much bet- ter chance of competing with tae "white light" of the city streets, and soldiers as well as civilians will come under the spell in growing numbers. After other wars, such as the half-breed and Indian rising of 1885, and the South African cam- paign of 1900, Canadian . soldiers ware rewarded by gifts of public The idea was that they would seitle on it, but no means were taken to sec tha: they did so, and. as a matler of fact, they did rot, to ARDY greal exmieac. Most. of them rr appreciable speculators Sapte, The old mistake o: tarowing gifts of land ai soidiers. ! taen leaving corn YOURE BILIOUS! CLEAN LIVER AND . BOWELS TONIGHT | | Don't Stay Headachy, Sick, or Have | Bad Breath and Sour Stomach. | Wake Up Feeling Fine! Best Laxa- ! tive for Men, Women and i Children, 1 | From St. John, NB. To Seatinn Dee. Glasgow Corldthinn Dee. 13 London NSeandinavisn Dee.t3 L'pool Grampian Dee, 23 Liverpaol Pretovian Dee. 30 Glasgow Corsican Jun, § Liverpool Scotian Jan-10 Glasgow Scandlsavian Jan20<L'peel RLS Enjoy life! Remove the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your {head dizzy, your tongue coated, breath offensive, and stomach sour. { Don't stay bilious, sick, headachy, constipated and full of cold. Why {don't you get a box of Cascarets fram {the drug store and eat ome of two THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG , will not be repealed. Aad the sustake of inviting outsiders to come in and take public land, without re- gard to their capacily and resources for its proper development, will: not alinued . } a mite | i | ns cw With all this in mind, it is not sur- pring: 0 hear of projects for set- ung returned soldiers in little colonies of their own and possibly | under leaders of their own choosing. Each man would have his own farm, or market garden. At the heart of the colony would be a willage, with | co-operative stove, blacksmith's | shop, school, church, library, sports | ground. and such other institutions | and industries as would naturally develop. Under one plan, any man lacking the knowledge to start Carming ot ote could get it by work- lag for his better qualiied comrades, or by living and working a while a: a ceniral imstruction farm. In de- fauli of such an institution, there would at any rale be an agricultural adviser appointed by the Government to assist the new settiers in their op- erations, Under aa alternative plana the farming of the whole colony would be cirried on at first by an agricul- tural representative of the Govera- ment. The iatending colonists would work umder his iostruetion, receiving full value in wages: At the ead of a year every man who had proved his fitness would receive his share of the colony land, 160 acres, and a loan of, say, $1,500, for ma- chinery and other equipment, at low interest. After a further period the soldier-gettlier would get a clear title to his land, as a bhomesteader does now. Where the Federal Government still owns the public land--that is, in the three prairie Provinces, Al- berta and Saskatchewan and Mani- toba--it will naturally organise these colonies itself. Elsewhere, the Provincial Governments may be ex- pected to do it, For the finaveial advantage of Canadian farming several' main schemes are being considered. Plans have been formed for supplying the farmer--not the soldier-settler alone ~-with cheap _gapital; for a wide and deep propagztion among farmers of the results of agricultural investiga- tion and experiment; for the develop- ment of co-operation. and other means of reducing the enormous dis crepancy between producer's price and consumer's price; for reducing not only the cost of distribution, but the cost of production. Queen's Hospital Moves, According to a letter received from Lieut.-Colonel Frederick Ethering- ton, Queen's Hospital is to be moved from Treport to Etaples just us soon as the weather is unfavorable for work in tenis. Sincé going to France the hospita! has treated more than 4,000 natients, A PRINCELY GIFT. Old. Smith's Falls' Boy Makes Dona- | tion to Hospital, Smith's Falls, Dec. 8.---Mrs. W, H. Kerfoot, treasurer of the Women's! Auxiliary Beard of the public hos-) pital, this week received a cheque for the handsome sum of $2.581.25 from ! George H. Frost, Plainfield, N. J., for the endowment fund of the hospital. Somestime ago Mr. Frost, who Is the brother of William and the late Sena- tor Frost, suggested to the board of directors that if they would raise $5.- 000 for the endowment fund he would add another §$',000. The la- dies of the Auxiliary Board at once undertook to raise the desired sum and succeeded. This chéque from Mr. Frost is the balance of his very | generous donation. He had previous- Iy given $15,000. The endowment fund now amounts to $25.000, A few weeks ago Mr. Frost sent a cheque for $50~ for the British Sailors" Relief Fund, which helped swell Smith's Falls subscription for this worthy fund. These very practical tokens of Mr. Frost's interest in his old home town honor of whether they have the Mr. Frost knowing the giver or not is very wealthy. & Cy NEWS FROM NEWBORO. The Dedth Recorded of Several Old Persons. Newhore, Dee. 7---Mrs, McClement, a former resident here, died near Harlem at the residence of her daughter, 'Mrs, Pope, where she re- moved after the death of her husband, T. McClement. She hid been ill for gome time. The remains 'were brought here for interment on Wed- nesday. Ms Topping is assisting in the post office. Frank Lyons returned home from Kingston last week. Capt. | tonight and enjoy the nicest, gentlest j oper and bowel cleansing you ever experienced. You will wake up feel- ing Nt and fine. Cascarets never gripe or sicken, like salts, pills and calomel: They ast so gently hardly realize you have taken a cath- artic. Mothers give cross, that you! Edward Fleming has moved in Wil- liam Sturgeon's residence. Dr. Pres- 'ton, reeve, has been at the county ! council, Brockville, for a week. Ben- | jamin Tracey, aged eighty-five years, 'died at the home of his daughter, «Mrs. H. Leggett, post mistress here, {lax Sunday night, The remains were taken to is late home in St. Mary's on Tuesday for interment. Visiting at Victoria B. C. i 'Deserounto, Dec. 8.---The Victoria | ex) of Deseronto, and Mrs. b are at present visiting In- Spector and Mrs, Maylor at Nanaimo, - Mrs. Taylor is the daughter of Mr. been prominent in are greatly appreciated by the citizens | MONTREAL CANADA + A, A tr % "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE He Oe ATR insyrenee Bude. Manne SINK nts stands all tests of laboratory delicious, it is healthful. Walter Baker & Co.Limited Baker's Cocoa and home. It is pure, it is MUL TL ESTABLISHED 1780 DORCHESTER. MASS. EDDY'S MATCHES Although somewhat increased in price, owing to the con. tinued high cost of potash, glue, and other raw material, are of the usual high standard of quality, which has made them famous for two-thirds of a century, ALWAYS ASK FOR EDDY'S MATCHES --try -- P. WALSH Phone 100 Barrack St. J ---------- Farms for Sale farm properties and have at present a large number of farms for sale. We are thoroughly posted on farm values in Kingston district. If you wish to buy or sell ij would be to your advantage to consult us. I. J. LOCKHART Real Estate and Insurance. Bank of Montreal Phone 1035 or 1020 Dominion Fish Co. Bulk Oysters In Great Britain thousands of plants employ millions of 'women and men, making muni- tions. ; The munitions worker, in value to the Empire is second only to the soldier in the trenches. 'What a privilege it is to help in making them. ' Every Shell is a Life Saver ER -- SNR